Articles about Kobrin: Tragedy of the villages of Kobrin district

Tragedy of the village of Borisovka 

In the night of September 23, 1942 Germans burned 4 villages: of Borki and Zabolotye in Maloritsky district, of Kortelisa in the territory of Ukraine and to Borisovk in Kobrin district. As a result of this punitive operation 4060 civilians were destroyed. In the diary of fascists found after war it was written: "... destroyed these villages because they were infected by bandits", i.e. guerrillas. Before war in Borisovka there were 230 yards, more than 900 people lived.

That night only one 13-year-old fellow from of Borisovk by miracle managed to escape. Now Mikhail Andreevich Pavlyuchik is the living witness of that tragedy. The day before Germans in the village of Divin from houses of peasants canisters took out self-race, and then arranged the present popoishche. Drunk, fierce, they moved ahead to Osse and at 4 o'clock in the morning surrounded with a ring of Borisovk. To the local head fascists ordered to bring all inhabitants into the center of the village on meeting. Those who came were brought on a cemetery and ordered to sit down on graves. Brought on a cemetery and residents of nearby villages. At this time in Borisovke drunk Germans searched houses and expelled the hidden children.

Near a cemetery there was a wooden shed, there and fascists of people from a churchyard tired out at dawn. Young men were taken away to a bog and forced to dig a big hole. When the common grave for doomed, waiting for the fate in a shed, was ready, Germans shot those who dug it. From a shed to a hole submachine gunners were built opposite the friend of a rug, and along this "corridor" in lots brought civilians to execution. Mischa Pavlyuchik left the last. With it there were several women, two bore on hands of babies. The German approached one of them and gave hands for the baby. The woman thought that her kid is not wanted to be killed, and gave him. Drunk Fritz, having taken the child for both legs, hit him in the earth. Then other woman pressed the kid more strong to a breast and began to shout. Germans rushed to it to pull out the child, turmoil began. At this time someone quietly whispered to Mischa: "Though you run". And the clever fellow rushed to bushes. It was rescued that nobody in turmoil noticed it. All night long Mischa in thickets lay and left, only togd when in the village guerrillas appeared.

After war Mikhail went to relatives to Russia, and about what occurred in Borisovke that terrible night, precisely nobody knew long time. Once for the Victory Day, having arrived to of Kortelisa where his family died, Mikhail Andreevich told school students about the tragedy of of Borisovk. And only then fellows villager learned the truth about that night. In 1978 more than 200 died inhabitants of of Borisovk were reburied in the Mass grave, and on it the monument "The grieving mother" was put. 58 years come locals here to observe a minute of silence for memory of the died fellow countrymen.

Margarita Savchuk

Savchuk, M. The tragedy of the village Borisovka / Margarita Savchuk//Kobrin-inform – 2003. – June 19. – Page 2.
How Borisovka together with inhabitants was destroyed.
