Zasnavana ў cherven_ 1946 Ekspaz_tsyya razmyasts_lasya ў the house, yak_ ў the XVIII Art. of a nalezh ў to a vyal_kam to RusCom to palkavodets і to a dza yon zhy ў at 1797 і 1800 Mr. Paslya smerts_ Suvorava the house more than once Mian ў sva_kh gaspadaro ў. Pastupova budynak stare ў, adnak navat stagoddz_ not akazal_ on Iago of such razburalnag ¸zdzeyannya, yaky davyalosya a hole adchuts at reptiles fashystskay akupatsy_. G_erad utsyokam_ z Kobryna g_tlera¸ets peratvaryl_ house of palkavodets ў saldatsky stable. At l_pen_ 1944 of a vo_na of Chyrvonay of an automated workplace іі і partyzana that vyzvalyal_ the city, ubachyl_ apaganena fashystskay nechystsyu a framework a budynka: zakhaval_sya tolk_ perakoshanyya dra¸lyanyya scenes dy are mouldering gontava da. To Ne¸zabava of a partyzana argan_zaval_ subotn_k Iago Achysttsa's pas і dobra¸paradkavann_.
Adna¸lenne of the house і an exhibit zbor ў vyal_sya is parallel. Shmat tsyazhkastsy davyalosya peraadoleets to a dyrektar і to an adz_nam Tats to a supratso¸n_k of the museum A. M. Martynava. Adnak yes resident of Kan of 1947 ramontnyya works byl_ zakonchana, and ў funds nal_chvalasya 663rd exhibits. On May 1, 1948 museum prynya ў pershy navedvaln_ka ў. Ekspaz_tsyya the zaymala pyats the hall ў і swept razdzela Torahs: "Ours vyal_k_ya prodk і", "A. V. Suvora ў", "Aychynnaya of a vayn of 1812".
Garachy dyskus_ya heating the museum _mya A. V. Suvorava. On the right is on the left: byla dyrektar і stvaraln_k A. M. Martyn's museum ў, |
At 1954 at the rasparadzheena of the museum peradal_ the house, pabudavanna ў the 1920th reptiles і razmeshchana nearby hell of a suvora¸skag. At 1960 at gety a budynka razgarnulasya ekspaz_tsyya, yaky skladalasya z two razdzet ў: "The Aychynny vayna of 1812" і "Suvora¸sk_ya tradytsy_ ў ruskay automated workplace іі". Pastupova Yana pashyralasya. Yes to an ear of the 1970th of a reptile ў Kobrynsk_ of a vayenna-g_starychna museum _mya A. V. Suvorava of a loan ў to a ploshch of 385 sq.m. At ekspaz_ets і that razmyasts_lasya ў 16 halls, adlyustro¸valasya military g_storyya ras_yskay dzyarzhava, pachynayucha z the X Art. і zakanchvayucha to peryyada of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna. Hall Shests ў g_rysvyachal_sya zhyzzyu і dzeynasts_ A. V. Suvorava. Papulyarnasts the museum grew. At 1977 Mr. Iago Navedala ¸zho 130 thousand chalavek. On geta hour byl_ are collected bagatyya kalektsy_ halodnay і agnyastrelnay zbro і, num_zmatyk і, abmundz_ravannya і amun_tsy_ ruskay by an automated workplace іі і arm_y ty kra_n, yak_ya ў roznyya hours prots_pasta¸lyal_ a pile military mots ruskay to a dzyarzhava.
At 1978 the museum zakry¸sya on resta¸ratsyyu, і Iago Tsalkam perabudaval_. On it is a pity, the plan of a suvora¸skag of the house XVIII of the Art. not zakhava¸sya, to Tam nadats to an usyam a tagachasna budynka vyglyad pakul a nyama magchymasts_. Alya znoydzeny documents і vusny padaniye was successful a pas a chastkova adnav_ts a former plan_ro¸ka.
Stalemate hour razbork_ houses ў adny z rest ў vyya¸lena kanstruktsy_ f_gurnay ark_. V_dats, a geta ў sama vyal_k_ і prygozha rest, yak_ vykarysto¸val_ a yak to the hall for a pryyoma of gastsy. Resta¸ratara adnav_l_ an arch, і a tsyaper Yana to a padzyalyaa ekspaz_tsyyu pershay halls on a dzva chastk_. Yae pa¸torana decor ў v_tryna і stands.
At adny z rest ў zno ў, a yak at suvora¸sk_ya hours, z'yav і ў sya kam_n. At an ear of 1980 mastak_ M_nskaga a mastatska-vytvorchaga of a kamb_nat pachal_ afarmlyats the museum. Scenes pafarbaval_ ў tone of a saldatskag of a mundz_r of the 2nd palova of the XVIII Art., and pam_zh vertykalnym_ v_trynam_ pastav_l_ lyogk_ya kanstruktsy_ ў to a bayonet vyglyadza that to a padkresl_vaa to the dachyneena of an exhibit ў yes army tema.
15 l_stapad of 1980 and 250-goddzya z day naradzhennya A. V. Suvorava, the museum zno ў ў adkryga for a navedvaln_k ў. Syonnyashny Iago ekspaz_tsyya prysvechana of a vyklyuchn zhyzzyu і vayennay dzeynasts_ vyal_kaga of a ruskag of palkavodets. The museum of a pas-raneyshamu velm_ are popular: shtogod here prymayuts bolsh yak hundred thousand of a navedvaln_k ў.
At 1989 ў uzvedzena are new budynak the museum of a pas prayekets of an arkh_tektar ў a _nstytuta of "Brestgramadzyanprayekt" A. M. An_shchank_ і V.Yu.Tertelya. Work of a pas afarmlenn_ the hall ў was faded ў 1990 — 1995. Over stvarenny ekspaz_tsy_ a pratsava ў uves kalekta ў the museum, a¸tar a tematyka-ekspaz_tsyynaga of the plan — dyrektar N. M. Pl_sko's museum, Yu.L.Sukh's expert-afarm_tsel ў.
Nova Budynak of a vayenna-g_starychnag of the museum _mya A. V. Suvorava
Ekspaz_tsyya navaga pamyashkannya museum adkrylasya on May 8, 1995 yes 50-goddzya feather mog_ ў Vyal_kay Aychynnay to the vayena. Pakolk_ ekspaz_tsyya the memaryyalnaga of a suvora¸skag of the house was a prysvechana zhyzzyu і dzeynasts_ Suvorava, and are saved up materyyal dazvalya ў razglyadats bolsh to a stake shyrokaa tem, ў a basis new ekspaz_tsy_ a lyagla g_storyya the cities of Kobryna ў kanteksets vayennay g_story_ by Belarus_ of the IX—XX St.
New ekspaz_tsyya razmyasts_lasya ў 16 halls і to an adlyustro¸vaa asno¸nyya stages g_story_ Kobrynshchyna sa starazhytny hour ў yes suchasnasts_: peryyad uvakhodzhannya ў warehouse Uladz_m_ra-Valynskaga of a knyastvo, VKL, Rechy Paspal_tay, Ras_yskay _mper і, Polynchy і USSR. Asvyatlyayuzza vazhneyshyya padze_ g_story_ to edge: to a pershaa to a p_smovaa to the ¸pam_nayena of a pr city, to the atrymayena Magdeburgskaga of the right, Kobrynsk_ fight 15 l_penya 1812 (pas old styl і), the 1st і the 2nd susvetnyya wars, vayna ў Afgan_stan _nshyya to a padza і, yak_ya nepary¸na of a zvyazana z Kobrynshchynay.
At 1996 museum of an adznacha ў the pa¸vekava yub_ly. For getyya reptiles yon prynya ў bolsh for 4 m_lyyona of a navedvaln_k ў. Tak_m to chyna, on syonnyashn_ dzen Kobrynsk_ of a vayenna-g_starychna the museum _mya Suvorava May to a dzva ekspaz_tsy_. Adna z _kh a razmeshchana ў suvora¸sk_m the house (pomn_k g_story_ the XVIII Art.), and another — at new pamyashkann_.
Exhibits, yak_ya not zadzeyn_chana ў ekspaz_tsyyakh, vykarysto¸vayutsets for stvarennya hour exhibitions on roznyya tema: etnagraf_chnyya, mastatsk_ya, g_starychnyya. On vysta¸ka of pravodzyatsets muzeynyya zanyatk_. Yes the most important g_starychny dates of rykhtuyutsets muzeynyya merapryemstva.
3 1996 at muze_ a pastayanna to a dzeyn_chaa of vysta¸ka-sales karts_n kobrynsk_kh the expert ў. On yoy pradsta¸lena of work different stylya ў і a k_runka ў: zhyvap_s, graf_ka, sculpture, razba of a pas to a dreva і _nsh. Pravodz_l_sya persanalnyya vysta¸k_ expert ў. To 3 skin years usyo bolsh kabrynchan navedvayuts chytalny hall of a pra muze_. At a museum b_bl_yatetsa it is collected bolsh for 20 thousand tamo ў kn_g on roznyya tema: susvetny g_storyya і culture, g_storyya Belarus_. ў farm_ravats kn_zhna fund stvaraln_k і tickle the Pach dyrektar A. M. Martyn's museum ў yashche ў 1948. To times z ekspanatam_ zb_ralasya l_taratura of a pas g_stor і, documentary і memuarnyya vydann_. At aposhn_ hour of vyadzetsets a pas l_taratura zbor the ethnographer іі, a mastatstvazna¸stvo і a krayazna¸stvo, a vyal_kaa to the znacheena of nadayetsets nabyzzyu entsyklapedychny vydannya ў. Vuchn_ і students z Kobryna is kind vedayuts to a b_bl_yatek of the museum, at yaky Yana is frequent znakhodzyats a neabkhodny l_taratura for control, course, dyplomny works і is simple for pashyrennya svaygo to a krugaglyad.
Syonnya museum of a pas to the right of z'ya¸lyaetsets v_z_tnay kartkay cities of Kobryna.
N. M. Pl_sko.
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