Kiselevetsky village council - the Village Council as a part of Kobrin district of the Brest region of Republic of Belarus. The area of the territory is equal to 139.3 The Kiselevetsky Village Council includes 9 settlements:. Bogs, of Borisovo, of Brilevo, Girsk, of Zakalnechye, Kalyukhi, agr-to Kiselevtsy, of Magdalene, of Rybn.
The territory of the Village Council is located in southeast part of Kobrin district of the Brest region.
The center of Kiselevetsky village council is the village of Kiselevtsa, the first mention of which was in 1730. The local church is remembered. In 1886 the village of Kiselevtsa (Zamostye) is a part of the Kobrin povet, the Grodno province, 11 yards, 143 inhabitants. There is a church, public house.
1890 - settlements are remembered nearby: Zamostye and Borisovo. In the territory of the village G. Vitkevich's estate. Nearby the farm in I. Nikityuk's possession. 1897 - the village of Zamostye (after Kiselevtsa) contained 41 yards, 236 inhabitants, there is a church, parish school, a bakery shop. In 1905 190 inhabitants, and in nearby the standing estate - 19 inhabitants lived in the village.
1911 - 205 inhabitants, in a manor - 65 inhabitants. 1921 - Kiselevtsa anthems, the Kobrin povet, the Polesia voivodeship were a part of Poland as a part of Blotskaya. 14 houses and 129 inhabitants. Since 1939 is a part of BSSR, and since January 15, 1940 in structure of Kobrin district of the Brest region. On October 12, 1940 - the center of village council of Kobrin district.
In 1940. The village of Kiselevtsa contained 62 yards, 305 inhabitants, the house reading room, shop, elementary school, post office, village council worked. 14 settlements, 737 yards, 3112 inhabitants, 4 windy mills were a part of Kiselevetsky village council. From June, 1941 to July, 1944 - it is occupied by fascist aggressors. In 1959 – in the village there were 385 inhabitants. And in 1970 435 people lived. 1999 - in the village of 215 yards, 574 inhabitants. Since 2004 JSC Kiselevtsy. Archeology monuments in the territory of the Kiselevetsky Village Council - 6 barrows in Yamishche's natural boundary.
The territory of the Village Council is in east part of the Brest Polesia. The Brest Polesia is the plano-concave plain put by water and glacial, alluvial and marsh deposits. The relief is presented by the zandrovy plain with a small inclination from the southwest on the northeast. Its surface is washed strongly away by waters of Ice Age. Height above sea level fluctuates around 147 – 150 m. Some sites are lowered and boggy.
In the climatic relation the territory of the Village Council belongs to the Pruzhansko-Brestky agroclimatic area. The climate is moderate continental, unstable, damp, is warmer, than in other areas of Belarus. Total solar radiation is equal 4014 mdzh/ Average annual temperature positive is also equal + 6,9 °C. Average temperature of January is equal to-4,7 °C, the average temperature of July is equal to 18,6 °C.
The amount of precipitation is equal to 530 mm. Considerable showers are connected usually with an exit of cyclones from the South and the southwest, and are followed in the summer by thunder-storms, in the winter a blizzard. 70% of total of rainfall fall on the autumn and spring period. Steady snow cover to constants is established not always. Average sizes of height of snow cover fluctuate from 13 to 38 cm.
The vegetative period the most long in the territory of Belarus also makes 208 days. Average annual speed of wind is 3,5 m/s. Strong winds, over 15 m/s, are observed rather seldom. The major factor influencing formation of climate of this territory is prevalence for a year of the Atlantic air masses. They bring moisture and lower sharp fluctuation of winter and summer temperatures. The Arctic and tropical air masses exert the smallest impact on formation of climate. Invasion of an anti-cyclone brings a clear weather increase in summer of temperature air, and in the winter its decrease. The average annual size of pressure makes 748,3 mm Hg.
The territory of the Kiselevetsky Village Council is covered with a network of meliorative channels. In the northeast direction from village council the Dnieper and Bugsky channel proceeds. In the western direction Having become located a sazhalka. Three views of soils are characteristic of the territory of the Village Council: cespitose and podsolic, peat and marsh, inundated and alluvial. The part of soils periodically becomes boggy. Maternal breed is presented by sand and sandy loams, sometimes a moraine. Power of an arable layer of these soils reaches 25 – 28 cm. It contains 1,06 – 1,7% of humus, 2,8 - 3,2 potassium, 1,25 - 2,5% of phosphorus. Soils so-so - and subacidic.
The Kiselevetsky village council is located in a zone of the mixed woods. I promote a various vegetable cover favorable soil climatic conditions. The main derevoobrazuyushchy breeds are: pines, wintergreen kruglisty, fir-tree, mountain ash bitter, buckthorn laxative, common hazel, oak winter, hornbeam ordinary, maple acutifoliate, elm, linden, ash-tree, birch fluffy, aspen, alder, crab, pear ordinary, euonymus warty, euonymus European, guelder-rose ordinary, buckthorn fragile, bird cherry ordinary, raspberry forest, medunitsa, rank spring, violet, sedge, cereals, kislitsa
Mushrooms: white, aspen mushroom, birch mushroom, Polish, russulas, milk mushrooms, olkhovka, chanterelles, slippery jacks, brilliant green, subbrilliant green, honey agarics and others. Herbs: meadow grass meadow, meadow grass ordinary, fescue meadow, fescue red, buttercup caustic, sorrel sour, sleepiness, chernogolovka, clover red, clover creeping, goose pad, plantain, herd grass meadow, wheat grass creeping, sedge yellow, sedge prosyany, sedge harmonous, horsetail field, horsetail meadow, bindweed, sow-thistle field, cornflower blue, yarrow, acorus, rogoz narrow-leaved, cane lake, water sorrel, sedum caustic.
On specific structure the fauna of the Village Council belongs to the Euroasian type. It is presented by forest, marsh and meadow, field and various water inhabitants. In the woods mammals predators meet: wolf, raccoon dog, fox, black polecat, caress, forest marten. From rodents the squirrel, a hare hare, the forest vole, the red vole, an ordinary forest mouse, the European yellow-beaked mouse, the gray vole, a field mouse, a hamster, a water rat, a house mouse, a gray and black rat live. Among insectivorous it is possible to meet a mole, a hedgehog.
From birds: oriole, warbler grasshopper, warbler-zheltobrovka, white wagtail. On meadows and bogs the lapwing, a kryakovy duck, the meadow fad, a white stork, a gray heron, marsh lun, meadow lun, a gray crane live. The starling, a house sparrow, a titmouse, city and rural swallows, bullfinches, a coastal swallow, a gray crow, daws live in settlements. From reptiles, a viper, a sand lizard, a lizard viviparous, a veretenitsa, a snake a medyanka, a marsh turtle. Among amphibians grass, ostromordy, lake, green, wood frogs, an ordinary toad, a triton ordinary and edge are observed.
Among arthropods it is necessary to mark out a crawfish and various insects. Live in reservoirs: pike, small fry, crucian, tenches, ruffs, dwarfish somik, vyyun, perch, bream.
Population of the Village Council makes 2773 people. Population density is equal 20,7 inhabitants on 1 Here about 13 nationalities among which prevailing group are Belarusians (2502 people), Ukrainians (156 people), Russians (119 people) live. The minority is made by Roma (15 people), Tatars (8 people), Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Moldavians, Latvians, Chuvashs, Germans, Poles, Kazakhs.
Among a manpower the group of working-age – 1479 people (53,3%) prevails. The group is more senior than working-age makes 722 people (26,1%), is younger than able-bodied – 572 persons (20,6%). In sexual structure numerical prevalence of women (1441 persons) over men is observed (1132 persons). But the number of men exceeds the number of women more young than working-age and at working-age.
On average annually about 40 people are born, and the coefficient of birth rate makes 12,8%. Mortality makes 54 dead a year, and the mortality rate is equal to 18,3%. Among the dead, men annually prevail. As for infantile mortality, over the last 10 years such cases were not recorded. Nearly an every year the negative natural increase is observed, only in 2006 it was positive 12. The maximum negative gain was observed in 2005 and 2010-39, and minimum in 2012-3.
In all years the number of divorces exceeded the number of marriages. On average annually 3 marriages and 5 stains are registered. On average annually to the territory of the Village Council there arrive 135 people, and 55 people leave. Therefore, the high migratory gain which averages 78,6 is annually observed.
In the territory of Kiselevetsky village council the following industrial predpriyatiya:oao "Kiselevtsa" settles down; Agrobili peasant Farm (village of Brilevo); CJSC Galoimperial (village of Kiselevtsa); Panasyukovskoye peasant Farm (village of the Bog); Podlesnoye-PLUS peasant Farm (village Kalyukhi); JSC Forest-Rich (village of the Bog); Sarobysritskoye peasant Farm (Magdalene's village); Harovshchina peasant Farm (village of Kiselevtsa); ChPSUP of "ZNERGONAI" (village of Borisovo); JSC Ekotermitstroy (village of Kiselevtsa); LLC ALVADSTROY (Magdalene's village).
In the village of the Bog there is a forest area which is engaged in preparation of raw materials for the woodworking industry. Agriculture specializes in dairy and commodity farmer animal husbandry with cultivation of cattle. The plant growing specializes in cultivation of forages, mainly beets.
Besides in the territory of the Village Council there is a private farm "Neris-agro" which goes in for animal husbandry, plant growing and agrotourism in the village of Girsk.
Through the territory of Kiselevetsky village council there passes Highway M1 (Brest-Moscow) which is part of European Route E 30. Transport communication of settlements of village council among themselves and settlements of other Village Councils, and also with the city of Kobrin carry out suburban shuttle buses of "Vehicle fleet No. 16 of Mr. Kobrin" of JSC Brestoblavtotrans.
Water supply of settlements is carried out by KUMPP ZHKH "Kobrinskoye of housing and communal services" (. Bogs) and KUPP "Kobrinrayvodokanal". In the Village Council there are 6 enterprises of food trade, 1 catering establishment to of Borisovo, 3 healthcare institutions (of Kiselevtsa, of Magdalene. Bogs), 4 institutions of education: GUO "Borisovsky Elementary School", GUO "Kiselevetsky Kindergarten — High School", GUO "Bolotsky Basic School", GUO "Kiselevetsky Children's Music School".
Agrotourism is presented by the estate of the private farmer Novick V. V. "Neris-agro" where there is a housing for carrying out holiday in rural areas.
On May 7, 2005 in Kiselyovtsakh the monument to "The died fellow countrymen" was open. This monument – a plan of the authorities, in Kiselyovtsakh to immortalize memory of the died fellow countrymen during the Great Patriotic War. That people of different generations could incline the heads before courage and firmness of our fathers and grandfathers. The monument was under construction on funds which were allocated by JSC Kiselyovtsy and Kiselevetsky village council. Builders of society, school students, teachers took part in construction.
Pupils of school bear a guard of honor at a monument, expressing memory and respect to the fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War.
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