Number of settlements nine: of Bystrits. Nine, of Zakrosnits, of Zalesye, of Pavlovo, of Priluki Malye. Crustaceans, Selets, Turnaya. Total number of the population makes 2107 people. From them in working-age there are 1265 people, did not reach working-age 450 and 392 persons are more senior than working-age.
The village of Zalesye is the center of Zalessky village council, is in 8 km from the city of Kobrin and in 54 km from the regional center of Brest. It is located on Kobrin Road - Ivanovo.
The first time is mentioned the village of Zalesye in the 16th century as the settlement in the Beresteysky voivodeship of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. 1563 - Zalesye, the village of the Seletsky voytovstvo, Kobrin economy numbering 25 yards. This year royal auditors reported part of lands of the village to use of church of Grushevskaya. 1597 - in the village works tavern.
After the 3rd section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1795) was a part Russian empires, the Kobrin povet, since 1801 in the Grodno province. 1867 - in Zalesye the national school is opened. 1886 - 28 yards, 272 inhabitants, are orthodox church, school, the center of the Zalessky volost.
After the 3rd section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1795) as a part of the Russian Empire, in the Kobrin povet, since 1801 in the Grodno province. In 1890 near Zalesyem Piotr Stern's estate is placed. 1897 - 38 yards, 311 inhabitants, church, a bakery shop, national school. In school in 1892 58 boys, and in 1905/06 - 73 boys, 12 girls studied.
In 1905 Mr. of Zalesye – the village, 320 inhabitants; manor, 15 inhabitants; estate: 11 inhabitants. Since 1921 Zalesye is a part of Poland, 33 yards, 237 inhabitants. In 1939 was a part of BSSR, Kobrin district, the Brest region. Since 12.10.1940 treated Zakrosnitsky village council. In 1940 - 78 yards, 382 inhabitants, the torfozavod works.
In June, 1941 Zalesye it is occupied by the German troops till July, 1944. At release of the village 6 guerrillas of group of A.V. Suvorov died. The victims are buried near Recreation center. In 1969 on a grave the monument which is also established in memory of 28 fellows villager who died during the Great Patriotic War is established. 1948 – is a part of collective farm of A.V. Suvorov. Since July 16, 1954 - the center of the Village Council in Kobrin district. 1959 - on census in Zalesye of 370 inhabitants. 1970 - 397 inhabitants. 1980 - in the center of the village is determined a monument to A.V. Suvorov. In 1999 in the village of Zalesye of Kobrin district there were 228 yards, 620 inhabitants.
In southeast part of Turnaya there is a field of gravel (developed). In the western part of Selets is available the field of construction sand. To the South from of Zalesye there are peat deposits. In northwest part of the Village Council (of Bystrits) the river Mukhavets which belongs to a river basin the Western Bug flows. In the southern part there passes the Dnieper and Bugsky channel. In the territory of the Village Council the network of meliorative channels is created. The most part of the territory of the Village Council is opened. The natural vegetation is presented by the woods, a melkolesye, meadows and bogs. There are massifs of the pine and mixed woods of artificial landing. Chief and most widespread representatives of tree species: the pine, a birch, a fir-tree, an alder, is more rare an oak, a hornbeam, a filbert, a willow, an ash-tree, an elm. In east part of the Village Council (of Pavlovo) was obnaruzheno11 lindens which age makes more than 100 years.
The meadow vegetation is presented by the following types: sukhodolny meadows of temporary excess moistening (in the floodplain of river Mukhavets) are characterized raznotravno – bobovo - cereal vegetation, normal sukhodolny meadows (the cereal vegetation prevails), boggy meadows (sedge) are more rare. The bogs which remained after melioration, to the West from of Zakrosnits and to the South from of Zalesye – low-lying. Usually on bogs it is possible to meet sedge, mosses, bushes.
The fauna represents set of various animal species, birds, the insects living in the territory of Kobrin district. Main representatives of fauna: a hare – a white hare, squirrels, a lark, a bullfinch, a woodpecker and others. In the woods it is possible to meet a fox, a badger. Typical inhabitants of reservoirs are beavers, natatorial – a duck, a dive, etc.
The population of village council as of 01.01.2013 totals 2078 inhabitants, including men - 1016, women - 1062. Population density 33,5 people on 1 The population at working-age - 1247 people, is younger than working-age – 444 people, is more senior than working-age – 387 people. During 2012 18 people were born that makes 8,7 ‰, 18 people died during 2012. Thus, the natural increase is equal to 0.
In the territory of the Village Council 2 agricultural enterprises are located: public agricultural institution Kobrin sortoispytatelny station, foreign limited liability company "Bissolo Gabriele Farm".
In the territory of the Village Council the large enterprise of the food industry - JSC Kobrin Meat-processing Plant which began the activity on February 18, 1998 is located. It is one of the most modern enterprises of such profile in Republic of Belarus. Its strengths are the latest technology and the equipment which conforms to standards of the EU. The equipment for myasozhirovy and meat-processing shops is put by the well-known West German company Gewika Industrieanlagen GmbH, construction materials and the engineering equipment are put by the Finnish EKE company (Finland).
The technology and the equipment meet the international standards, allow to process domestic raw materials, to use the materials applied in Republic of Belarus and provide complex processing of meat. The meat-processing plant makes as slaughter of cattle, primary processing of cattle, and processing of meat. Uniqueness of production of Kobrin meat-processing plant is promoted by strict rules of hygiene, high quality and attractive packing, and also own raw zone and control at all stages of production. Kobrin meat-processing plant within the last 5 years tverdokopcheny and dry-cured products remain the business card of joint stock company ".
For years of the existence the combine mastered production more than 300 types of sausages and smoked products. Efforts of collective are directed to increase in outputs, expansion of a sales market, at providing the buyer with natural and qualitative production. Are a part of meat-processing plant: myasozhirovy shop power on production of meat of 10 t in change (50 heads of KRS or 150 pigs); meat-processing shop power on production of sausages and products from meat of 5 t in change; refrigerator capacity of chambers of freezing of 20,4 t, chambers of cooling of 20,4 t, left-luggage offices of 446 t.
The equipment of myasozhirovy shop allows to process cattle, horses and pigs. Carries out processing of by-products: an offal, intestinal raw materials, fat, semi-finished products for animals occur on separate sites. All works are mechanized.
Refrigeration units allow to cool, freeze and keep meat and meat products. The meat-processing shop is equipped with the high-performance equipment and allows to turn out a wide range of products. All components of technological lines have processors which allow to exercise the automated control of all technological operations. At combine there are equipped with the modern equipment of installation for water purification, a boiler room, a compressor site. Cooperation with foreign partners mutually advantageous also allows not only to expand a sales market, but also to raise a know-how.
The most considerable foreign partners: "Schaller", "Intermik", "Multivac", "Matimex". The main part of export of production of meat-processing plant is delivered to the Russian Federation. Meat, an offal, fats melted food, meat semi-finished products, products from pork and beef, rawhide are exported. The public agricultural institution the Kobrin sortoispytatelny station is separated in 1990 from collective farm of Suvorov and created in the territory of the former collective farm of Kalinin.
Total area of lands: 1630 hectares; from them the farmland of 1474 hectares; from them an arable land – 1068 hectares, haymakings and pastures of 339 hectares. On other lands bush thickets, boggy lands, etc. are located. Research activity is a main goal of work of station. It is directed to receiving reliable results about the plant varieties tested and recommended for inclusion in the State register allowed to use in the territory of Republic of Belarus.
The staff of station is faced by a number of serious problems among which:
- reproduction in the fixed territory highly productive, qualitative, steady against diseases and to wreckers, the organization of the uniform plant varieties answering to high ecological, social and economic needs of the state;
- production of seeds of high reproductions of new plant varieties for the purpose of providing the agricultural enterprises of Republic of Belarus with them.
For their performance at station five departments are created: patent examination and identification (check of grades on novelty); an entofitouchastok (for carrying out researches on resistance to diseases and wreckers); competitive test of grain and forage crops (for identification of the best grades of field cultures and recommended in production); vegetable (competitive test of vegetable cultures of an open ground and not warmed greenhouses); fruit and berry (for carrying out researches of fruit and berry cultures).
Specialization: a sortoispytaniye, and also cultivation of grain and leguminous crops – 600 hectares, commercial crops (colza and sugar beet – 100 hectares). Also berry cultures are grown up, the garden of 10 hectares which is planned to be increased is put.
On a sortoispytaniye there are grain, lyon, a sugar beet, fodder beet, tomatoes and other vegetable cultures of our climate; long-term and annual herbs, colza, berry and garden cultures. Results of all tests are fixed and get poisoned to Minsk where the decision on division into districts of these or those cultures in our strip is made. For the purpose of strengthening of the financial position the station is engaged also in off-budget activity, namely: production of grain, sugar beet, meat and milk. On balance of station three farms: dairy and commodity on production of milk, sagination and cultivation of heifers.
The solid group of professionals consisting of 123 employees works at station. From them 36 experts and 87 workers – drivers, cattle breeders, agriculturists, service technicians and machine operators. On the near-term outlook it is planned to increase production of grain, sugar beet, forage crops, and also to increase the standard of farming. All system of a sortoispytaniye will be directed to the accelerated assessment of the arriving new grades, their reproduction and introduction in production that will give the chance without additional expenses to increase economic efficiency of agricultural production, on obtaining the income necessary for assistance to performance of methodical and production requirements on the state sortoispytaniye.
The foreign limited liability company "Bissolo Gabriele Farm" was created on November 1, 2009 as a result of transformation of APO Bystritsa. The number of the working 70 people. The total area of lands - 2806, from them the farmland - 2566 hectares; from them an arable land – 1679 hectares, meadows - 887 hectares. On other lands bush thickets, boggy lands, etc. are located. Specialization: cultivation of grain, forage crops, vegetable growing and dairy and meat animal husbandry.
Under grain crops (winter wheat, barley, corn on grain) 1100 hectares are busy; colza – 120 hectares; forage crops - 470 hectares; potatoes - 80 hectares; vegetables (onions, beet the dining room, cabbage, carrots) – 115 hectares.
Main type of transport is automobile. The highways connecting the main settlements of the Village Council of of Bystrits, of Zalesye, of Zakrosnits, Turnaya have an asphalt concrete and gravel covering. Across the territory of the Village Council there passes the highway Brest – Gomel, a site of the Polesia railway line, the Dnieper and Bugsky channel.
In the territory of the Village Council educational institutions are located: Zalessky SSh and Zalessky kindergarten. Objects of culture are presented by Zalessky Recreation center, Zakrosnitsky Recreation center and Zalessky rural library. To services of the population of the Zalessky Village Council Recreation center to of Zalesye and rural club in of Zakrosnits, Zalessky high school, kindergarten, shops. In 1992 the new health post is put in operation. In an office building there is a Zalessky executive committee of People's Deputies.
The first school in Zalesye on documentary sources arose in the eighties the 19th century. The present schoolhouse exists since 1950 and is the oldest in the area. The first release took place in 1952. Medical institutions: Zalessky medical out-patient clinic and Turnyansky health post. Besides in the territory of the Village Council two post offices in of Zalesye and of Zakrosnits, 5 grocery stores of private and state ownership work.
In the territory of the Zalessky Village Council 5 monuments history devoted to events of the Great Patriotic War are located. In of Zalesye – a mass grave of guerrillas, a memorial board to the died fellows villager. The author of a sculpture is unknown, but the former guerrilla of group of Suvorov – Dorofeykin took part in creation of composition of a monument. The monument was established after war, in 1967. Before a sculpture – a gravestone with six marble slabs and names of the died guerrillas of group of Suvorov. The sculpture costs on a big pedestal. On it the memorial board with names of 27 fellows villager is attached. In Turnaya - a memorial board on the house in which the secret apartment of Kobrin underground committee worked. In 3,3 km from Selets is located to the northeast a barrow - ancient burial of the person - the most ancient sight of our district, examined by experts, is protected by the state. In 1980 - in the center of the village of Zalesye A.V's monument is established. To Suvorov. The tombstone which is in 4 km on the northeast from of Zalesye in of Pavlovo is a monument on the place of burial of the local landowner land owner Vodila Nichiporovich. This fact was established during research by experts - scientific historians. Treats 18 century, it is protected by the state. The monument to the first teacher Kowalewski Lev Pavlovich is established in 1905 - unique.
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