The guerrilla press in Kobrin district

On the Brest region in the years of fascist occupation Zarya and Za Rodinu newspapers - bodies of the Brest regional committee of KPB(b) and anti-fascist committee, "the Guerrilla of Polesia" were issued, "Chyrvonaya is sharp-sighted", "The Polesia truth" and "Flame" - Ivanovskoye, Drogichinsky and Beryozovsky underground district committees of party.

Most of all materials about Kobrin district of this period were located in the Zarya newspaper which began to appear in April, 1943 in the territory of Beryozovsky district. So, in one of the first issues of the newspaper it was reported that on March 12 six guerrillas from Ivan P. (Postovalov's) group organized an ambush on abrupt turn of the road, destroyed three cars. At the same time the Hitlerite general and about 20 soldiers died. In May of the same year the note about diversion at railway station of Kobrin was published. From "Dawn" for August 15 we learn that the group of guerrillas of group of Shchors by means of one of inhabitants Kobrin blew up oil depot. As a result of the fire many oil products burned down. It is the fact Pavel Pronyagin (the former commander of group of Shchors), the chief of a staff of the Brest guerrilla connection in the Book "At the Border" confirms.

In Kobrin district edition of "Dawn" (as well as other guerrilla newspapers) scooped a lot of information on fighting affairs of guerrillas from reports in the center and reports before a staff of the Brest connection. There are some examples. On August 21, 1943 guerrilla group to them. Kotovsk by means of the secret-service network burned printing house in Kobrin where the German and nationalist literature was published. On October 16 the same year the bakery was in this way blown up. On October 24 guerrillas of this group blew up the building of the Kobrin police station. As well as in the previous case, on a bakery, the German troops suffered considerable losses.

The Hitlerite management published the confidential order according to which troops of CC and police had to take all harvest of 1943 under special protection. One of the German orders of that time said: "Bread, large horned and small cattle, poultry - all this has to be withdrawn from the population for army...".

According to the indication of underground regional committee of Zarya party let out leaflets with the heading "Bread Gram to Fascists" which contained an appeal to the population to boycott deliveries to invaders of the food, especially bread. In Kobrin and Antopolsky districts these plans of aggressors were ruined completely, in next invaders also received much less than planned.

The regional committee of party let out leaflets with a big circulation of 25 names. Among inhabitants of the Brest region over 200000 copies of brochures and leaflets, including with reports of Sovinformburo about events on fronts, the facts of brutal destruction of civilians were widespread.

In guerrilla groups wall newspapers in which fighting life of groups was reflected were regularly issued. In platoons and companies - fighting leaves. The newspaper of guerrilla group of Suvorov was excellent that was noted in the book "Youth on Fire Reached Manhood" by the former secretary of underground regional committee of Komsomol Fyodor Romm.

To severe 1943rd "News" wrote about underground editions: "These newspapers - a great historical monument, documents of unusual value. There will pass years, our country will etch all spots and herpeses left dirty paws of fascists, will return to the people tranquility and the world, - and then we with special attention will turn over these sets, to read and get a grasp of avaricious lines of guerrilla stories and we will tell our children: these are pages of great fight for the Homeland, for happiness of the person".

Gourde, V. Partizanskaya the press to Kobrin district / Vladimir of Gourde//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2003. – May 8. – Page 3. 

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