Guerrilla connection of the Brest region

Broad political and mass work of underground workers, activization of military operations of groups and groups, mass leaving of the population to guerrillas accelerated process of association in groups. Besides numerous guerrilla groups during 1942 25 groups in which there were more than 3 thousand people worked in the area.

In force staff of the Brest region: A.N. Drozdov, S. I. Sikorsky, KT. Mazurov, A. Bandyk, V. Voyteshenok, F.D. Romm, F.P. Bershatsky. The group of Shchors which in the summer of 1942, totaled 543 persons became the largest fighting unit in the area. Except rifles and automatic machines it armed two guns and about 40 machine guns. And well armed also groups of Chapayev, of Voroshilov, of Stalin, of Telman were large.

Among small groups there was a process of organizational strengthening. During fights they were replenished with separate guerrilla groups or united with the same groups, improved organizational structure and fighting skill. All this considerably strengthened guerrilla formations, increased their fighting capacity and efficiency of actions. As a result in the spring and at the beginning of summer of 1942 patriots cleared considerable part of the territory of the area of small strong points of the enemy, crushed in Rada of regions of a position of invaders, successfully attacked the large garrisons which were based in the regional centers of Divin, Kosovo, Ratno.

As a result of successful fights in the summer of 1942 in the area three guerrilla zones which were close adjoining to each other were formed. One of them covered considerable part of the territory of Ruzhansky, Pruzhansky, Porozovsky, Kosowski, Berezovsky, Slonimsky and Bytensky districts; the second extended on Kobrin, Antopolsky, partially on Berezovsky, Bytensky, Telekhansky districts; the third zone developed in the territory of Divinsky, Maloritsky, Zhabinkovsky districts and Ratnovsky — the USSR Volynsk area.

In September, 1942 the staff of the Western front landed in the south of Kosowski of the area diversionary and prospecting group I. F. Topkipa (38 people). The group was supplied with radio station and blasting means. She headed diversionary intelligence activities of guerrilla groups "Soviet Belarus", of V. M. Molotov (former the 112th), E. G. Makarevich (after a name of Makarevich), of Dimitrov, the 113th, of Telman, and since March, 1943 - groups of Kirov and of Chkalov.

The staff of the Western front set the task for guerrilla groups: to break enemy transportations across the railroads. Concrete sites of the railroad and place of dislocations were assigned to groups that considerably increased efficiency of military operations of guerrillas on communications of the opponent. For further development of the national guerrilla movement and strengthening of the party management on November 4, 1942 the Central Committee of KP(b)B approved by it the representative of the Central Committee for the Brest region and since March, 1943 directed several organizing party groups here.

In April to Divinsky district there arrived the organizing party group headed by the secretary of the Brest regional committee KP(b)B and the authorized Central Committee of KP(b)B and BShPD across the Brest region S. I. Sikorsky. Here it was developed in underground regional committee of KP(b)B (secretary Sikorsky).

From this point the Central Committee and underground regional committee of KP(b)B began to create interdistrict, city, regional underground party committees and Komsomol. During the summer of 1943 — spring of 1944 are organized 2 interdistrict committees, a city town committee and 10 district committees of KP(b)B, a city town committee and 18 district committees of LKSMB; The Brest interdistrict "Committee of fight against the German invaders" on the decision of the Central Committee of KP(b) of Belarus in July, 1943 is transformed to the Brest regional anti-fascist committee which in turn united operating and created new regional anti-fascist committees. For the military management of the guerrilla movement the authorized Central Committee of KP(b)B and BShPD at the end of April formed a staff of guerrilla groups and started the organization of guerrilla connection of area.

Within April — June the regional committee and a staff established connection with separately operating guerrilla groups of Dimitrov, "the Soviet Belarus", of Kirov, of Chernak, of Chkalov, Makarevich, of Molotov, of Chapayev, of Voroshilov and the 113th, was strengthened by weak fighting units, defined organizational and regular structure of groups, their problems and areas of military operations. From large guerrilla groups the force staff allocated well harmonious divisions, having developed them in independent groups of Budenny, a name Kotovsk, of Suvorov, of Dmitry Pozharsky (after a name of Kolupayev), and also transformed P. M. Kovalsky and F. N. Poplavsky's separate groups respectively to groups of Kalinin and of Kirov. Later in connection the new groups including separate "Security officer", a name of Kotovsk (alternating cast), "Banner", "For the Homeland" and the 347th were created. From June, 1943 to April, 1944 in the area crews of Ponomarenko, "the Soviet Belarus", of Stalin, of Dzerzhinsky, of Sverdlov, of Chapayev, of Lenin were created.

On the instructions of the Central Committee of KP(b)B and BShPD here in the fall and winter of 1943 — 1944 transferred the base from east areas of Belarus and joined structure of connection of crew "For the Homeland", of Flegontov, the 99th of Gulyaeva Minskoy, the 150th of Yazykovich Polesia, the 8th and 345th separate group Mogilev areas.

For fight against chasteners in February, 1944 according to the order of BShPD in the southern districts of the area the temporary group of guerrilla crews and groups of the southern zone was created. It was headed by Pyotr Mamertovich Kovalsky authorized a staff of guerrilla connection of the Brest region. Crews of Stalin, "For the Homeland" of Flegontov, the 150th of Yazykovich and separate groups of Shchors, a name Kotovsk, and also the crew of Molotov of connection of the Pinsky region placed under expeditious authority were a part of this group.

Guerrilla connection of the Brest region for the entire period of fighting activity, from April, 1943 to July, 1944, united the II crews and 13 separate, groups with a total number more than 13 thousand guerrillas. To the commander of connection S. I. Sikorsky the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is given.

Besides, in the territory of the Brest region the separate diversionary and prospecting groups which were a part of connection worked: V. V. Aliseychika, "Guard" and "Walkers". Total number made them about one thousand people. The commander of connection is Sikorsky Sergey Ivanovich (April, 1943 — July, 1944), the chief of a staff — Pronyagin Pavel Vasilyevich (April, 1943 — July, 1944).


Was born 11.09.1907 in Babruysk in the worker's family. Was a worker, the chairman of collective farm, the director of MTS. After the termination of the Higher communistic agricultural school of Belarus (1937) worked as the instructor of the Central Committee of KP(b)B, and in 1939 it is appointed the secretary on shots of the Brest regional committee of KP(b)B.

Personal qualities of S. I. Sikorsky in days of the Great Patriotic War were most fully disclosed. From the first days he had to perform tasks of the Central Committee of KP(b)B on expansion of the guerrilla movement in the territory of the Vitebsk region. Since November, 1942 it was appointed the authorized Central Committee of KP(b)B across the Brest region. Since April, 1943 — at the same time the secretary of the Brest underground regional committee of party, the commander of the Brest guerrilla connection [11, with, 560].

Here is how S. I. Sikorsky describes these events: "For further expansion of the guerrilla movement in the Brest region Tsk'KP of Belarus (would) create the Brest underground regional committee of KP(b)B in structure: S. I. Sikorsky and I.I. Bobrov (secretaries of regional committee), V. F. Kaliberov, S.F. Poterukh, A. I. Fedosyuk.

The underground regional committee came by planes from Moscow on an airfield of the Minsk guerrilla connection. Here the group in 50 people with which through the Polesia and Baranovichsky regions made transition to the Brest region was allocated to it. By the end of April, 1943 we arrived to the place with all freight received from the Central Committee of KP(b)B and the Belarusian staff of the guerrilla movement. The way was difficult and dangerous. Repeatedly came across ambushes, conducted battles with fascists.

All area was covered by enemy garrisons. Especially strengthened garrisons were located on railway and highway lines, from them larger — in Ivatsevichakh, the Birch, Kobrin, Brest, Bronnoy Gore, Dams, Zhabinke, Antopole. There earth-and-timber emplacements, blindages were built, entrenchments are dug out, wire entanglements are established. In some places approaches to garrisons and the railroads were mined. Among other districts of the area on special situation there was Bialowieza Forest. In the spring of 1942 Hitlerites threw big forces there...

The situation in the area by the time of arrival of the Brest underground regional committee demanded the obligatory general management of the guerrilla movement. At underground regional committee of KP(b)B we created a staff on the management of guerrilla groups of area. Deputy heads were: on the general questions — the secretary of regional committee Ivan Ivanovich Bobrov, on operational work — the lieutenant colonel of state security Alexander Nikolaevich Drozdov, on party and mass work — his battallion commissioner Sergey Egorovich - a ditch, on Komsomol — Fedor Dmitriyevich Romma. Pavel Vasilyevich Pronyagin, as his deputy for investigation — Ivan Pavlovich Marinyaka was approved as the chief of a staff. Other companions — Stepan Filippovich Poterukha, Zakhar Filimonovich Poplavsky and Aleksandra Ivanovna Fedosyuk — headed interdistrict courses: Poterukh — Kosowski, Ruzhansky, Pruzhansky, Shereshevsky, Porozovsky; Poplavsky — Brest, Domachevsky, Maloritsky, Zhabinkovsky; Fedosyuk — Antopolsky, Kobrin and Divinsky districts.

... By June, 1943. The Brest underground regional committee of KP(b)B and a staff managed to contact all groups which were in area, and also to organize in many places and the cities, including in Brest, the underground Komsomol and anti-fascist organizations. By the time of connection with parts of Red Army (July, 1944) in the Brest region there were under the gun about 13 thousand guerrillas entering into 11 crews and 13 separate groups" [62, page 278 — 279].

The government highly appreciated S. I. Sikorsky's activities for the organization and the management of a party underground and the guerrilla movement in the territory of the Brest region. To it the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union (1944) was given.

In post-war years Sergey Ivanovich — at the Soviet and party work. Ended VPSh at the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) (1949). Worked as the secretary of Baranovichsky regional committee of party, the deputy minister of agriculture, the first secretary of the Mogilev regional committee of a bedding set, the Minister of Internal Affairs of BSSR. VS BSSR in 1951 — 1955 was elected by the member of the Central Committee of a bedding set since 1952, the deputy of VS USSR since 1954.

It is awarded by the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, Suvorov of the II degree, Patriotic war of the I degree, three awards of the Labour Red Banner, medals. Streets in Babruysk and Brest, Zditovsky high school in Berezovsky the area, driving school of DOSSAF in Babruysk are called by his name.
Died 28.04.1960.


The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the peasant's family was born in January, 1916 in the village of Antonovka Kamsko−ustyinskogo of the area Tatar. Pronyagin got a good education at the Kazan university (1939), and upon termination of began to work as the teacher of Kama and Ustyinsky SSh. It was soon called in ranks of Red Army. Began the military career the cadet on courses of second lieutenants of a stock (November, 1940), and the little is later on courses of lieutenants of a stock (1941).

Pronyagin is a participant of front events from June 22 to July 5, 1941 [19, t. 1, with 433; 4, t. 1450, op. 8. EX 202, l. 121 — 122]. It after an environment and a popyktok to go beyond a front line started guerrilla actions. Since September, 1941 the separate group of the former military personnel under his supervision acts. P. V. Pronyagin became the organizer and the commander of one of the first and most active formations in the territory of Kosowski of the region of the Brest region — group of Shchors (from 25.08.1942) [19, t. 2, page 334; 4, f, 1450, op. 8. EX202, l. 124].

Successful actions of guerrilla group of Shchors allowed to organize connection on its base. In the period of a punitive action from April 3 to April 17, 1944 under sewn up the guerrilla there were over 10 thousand Soviet citizens. He is the organizer of perimeter defense where in opposition to the German formations 1100 soldiers and officers were destroyed and wounded. Thanks to Pronyagin's efforts were taken under protection and local Jews [4, t are rescued. 1450, op. 8. EX 202, l. 126].

For the shown heroism and courage it is awarded the order the Red Banner (15.08.1944), and also a medal to "The guerrilla of Patriotic war". The name of P. V. Pronyagin appears among the best commanders of guerrilla formations of Belarus [19, t. 2, page 447; 4, t. 1450, op, 8. EX 202, l. 121-122].
Died 1.12.1997.

Brest region. Guerrilla connection of the Brest region//the High guerrilla command of Belarus. 1941-1944: reference book / E.G. Ioffe [etc.]. - Mn.: Belarus, 2009. – Page 99-105. The guerrilla movement in Kobrin district. 

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