Vayna of a radava

Usyo was it is so quiet, a nadzeyna. Vyal_ky amicable syam'ya, pile of a zyamelk … Hots і not the nadta is a lot of, Alya Pry ¸mely і pratsav_ty hands to hunger і to cold not vedal_.

I vos summer of 1941 hectares. Kal_ a spachatka lyudz_ pryglyadval_sya yes new "ulada", Yano's yak to a budza of distances, a ne¸zabava mnog_ya zrazumel_ - l_tasts_ merkavat і, hell of a vorag ў a nyama chago chakats. A yak tolk_ payav_l_sya zvestk_ ab partyzana, _kh dzeyannyakh, Alyaksandr Luk'yanyuk paysho ў at atrad _mya Kato¸skaga, baytsam_ a yakoga stal_ nekatoryya zhykhara bl_zheyshy vyosak. And praz neyk_ hour there pryysho ў і starsha brother Pavel.

Zdradn_k_ znakhodzyatsets of a za¸syoda. The I Tats htosts_ informed pal_tsayam ts_ to fascists that sons of a _van Luk 'a yanyuka ў partyzana, navedvayuts batsko ў. I ў adz_n z l_stapada¸sk_kh zen of 1941 ў nevyal_chky vyoska Magdal_n pryekhal_ karn_k_. Pakul yany dayshl_ yes Luk'yanyuko's houses ў, gaspadar, malodshyya wheelbarrow і son paspel_ skhavatsets і ¸tsyacha. Zlosts akupant spagnal_ after the own fashion: pabudova spal_l і, and gaspadynyu zabral_ ў Kobryn, dza paslya rasstralyal_.
To Utsalely members syam' і the n_choga was not found, a yak of a taksam of padatsets ў atrad.

- Batska, a syastr і a trynazzats_gadova the brother Fyodar at bayavy dzeyannyakh to an udzel did not prymat і, - dzyal і ў sya ¸spam_nam_ a sustrecha pra Alyaksandr _vanav_ch. - And I ў at razvedets. Hadz_l_ a pas vyoska, at channels, asno¸ny for Dnieper-Bugsk_m, vyglyadal_ to the razmyashcheena of a zakhopn_k ў, sustrakal_sya z suvyazny і, hell yak_kh a taksama atryml_val_ _nfarmatsyyu, udzeln_chal_ ў ambushes, stav_l_ m_na...

Paslya vyzvalennya Kobrynshchyna Pavel to an adraz paysho ў at dzeyuchy arm_yu, a dza і to a zag_n ў. Apyaksandra nak_raval_ for work ў a myastsovy turma. There yes zakanchennya sledstvo znakhodz_l_sya bylyya pal_ets і, members of gangs z to a l_k fashystsk_kh prykhvasnya ў, yak_ya haval_sya ў Kobrynshchyna's natter.

Maladykh of the boy ў such work not a nadta of a zadavalnyal. The I pyatsyora z _kh, at ty to a l_k і Aliaksangdr Luk 'yanyuk, nap_sal_ zayava ў vayenkamat z a request on - k_ravats on the front. Us_m adkazal_ it is short: "Patrebna here".

... Yes syalyanskay prayets vyarnu¸sya ў the 1948th. At a kalgasa, yak_ to a ne¸zabava ў stvorana, not tsura¸sya n_yakay works: ў to gruzchyka, brygadz_ra, warehouse zagadchyka.

Jac Zhywe yon syonnya, vayna radava Alyaksandr Luk'yanyuk?

- Narmalna, - usm_khnu¸sya on a get to the pytayena Alyaksandr _vanav_ch. - At the house of a tsyopl, pens_ya, dzyakuy to Prez_dent, kind. Dy yashche zhonchyna... 3 dapamogay son і ¸nuka ў zhy¸nasts trymay. Vos tolk_ zdaro¸ya a nyama - at the dapa¸neena yes of legs padpork_ patrebna...

To Alya yosts at suchasny zhyzz_ recha, yak_ya the veteran, a yak і _nshyya lyudz_ tago a pas - kalennya, not a mozha prynyats n_ to reasons, n_ to serets. Geta are foggy the wood usyago tago that there was a stvorana ў reptiles maladosts_ і was called kalekty¸nay gaspadarkay... And nevyadomasts to a spirit n_ky not to a pryba¸lyaa.

Pyatro¸skaya, M. Vayna of a radava / Maryya Pyatro¸skaya//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2004. – 13 sakav_k. Pra of the veteran Vyal_kay of Aychynnay Alyaksandr of a _vanav_ch Luk'yanyuk z Magdal_na, partyzana joy _mya Kato¸skaga. 

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