Money in Belarus – cash, plastic cards, traveler's checks
National currency of Belarus
The Belarusian ruble – national currency of Belarus, is not freely convertible therefore it cannot be got before arrival in the country.
In Belarus 10 types of banknotes from 50 to 200 000 rubles are in circulation. Metal bank notes for calculations are not used, however the National bank of Republic of Belarus lets out the commemorative coins which are of interest to collectors.
Where in Belarus it is possible to receive cash?
In all cities of Belarus there are a lot of currency exchanges. They are most often located in:
- hotels
- airports
- railway stations
- bus stations
- on the central streets
It is also possible to exchange money in all offices of banks.
The most widespread currency which is accepted by banks and points of an exchange:
- US dollars
- euro
- Russian rubles
In Belarus, especially in Minsk, there are a lot of ATMs for cashing in of money. Near each office or in the bank, and also you will be able to find the ATM in hypermarkets and large outlets.
Plastic cards and traveler's checks
Plastic cash cards are widespread in Belarus, are used when calculating for goods and services in shops, hotels, restaurants, and also in ATMs and payment and help terminals. The most widespread international payment service providers in Belarus are Visa and MasterCard. In Belarus systems of calculations with use of electronic money also gained development. Sale of the American Express traveler's checks in Belarus since August 1, 2013 is stopped. Purchase of the American Express traveler's checks will be carried out till November 30, 2013 in offices of Belarusbank, Belagroprombank, Mtbank.
Counters and payment cards
As in Belarus there are no coins, instead of them counters and payment cards are widely used. In the subway special plastic cards and counters which can be bought at each station are used. Payphones accept smart cards which can be got in newsstands. Coffee machines accept banknotes.
The vending machines which even more often are found in Belarus accept counters which can be bought in newsstands.
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