Foreign private unitary manufacturing enterprise "Industrial Alliance"
In December, 2001 the foreign enterprise "Industrial Alliance" as a result of reorganization of Trading Station Concern closed joint stock company by acquisition by the foreign investor – the Britstar Limited company (Great Britain) of a controlling stake is created.
The enterprise is a producer of high-quality joiner's products from a tree and shod highly artistic products and designs from metal. The mass production of the window blocks conforming to the European standard is organized. In production the German window line of Mikhail Vaynig firm is used.
The producer of door blocks filyonchaty of solid pine (deafs and under a glazing), eurowindows and balcony doors from a pine three-layer glued bar, shod products and designs from metal (own catalog of products) Accustoms production of double-glazed windows (at a certification stage). Production of a woodworking is certified according to STB 1138-98 (doors) and STB 939-93 (window). The trade missions in Brest, Minsk, Grodno work.
The made production, services:
- doors filyonchaty of solid pine
- windows of euro and balcony doors from a tree
- shod products and designs from metal
- pogonazhny products (plinth, platband, shtapik, handrail, board subwindow)
Phones: 375 (1642) 2-75-85
Address: Republic of Belarus, 225860, Brest region, Mr. Kobrin, Severnaya St., 144a
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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