Memorable places in the area: Habovich

Sacred Church of the Intercession

Sacred Church of the Intercession is located among rural building. It is constructed at the beginning of 20 century of a tree. Traditional type of an Orthodox church with tryokhmastny volume irostrayastvennoy the composition including a tent belltower over an antechurch, cross-shaped and the plan the main volume and. a pentahedral apse with lateral vestries. Church 2 identical light drums finished by tents with bulbous central boards crown. In finishing carved eaves, a figured covering by boards, angular shovels are used. Church - a monument of traditional wooden cult architecture.

It is entered in the list of historical and cultural values of RB (1899)


Photo: Quail Century.

Contact information

Address: 225875, Kobrin district, p / about Habovichi
Phone: +375 (1642) 9-63-29

Arrangement on the card



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