Hotel IOOO "Kobvar" is on Kobrin-Malorita Route M12 (on 7 km congress to the right on parking) in of Petki of Kobrin district of the Brest region (from Brest - 50 km, from Kobrin - 3 km), the territory is arranged well, there is a parking. The hotel is located in a green zone, nearby with the lake in of Katasha. Available one, two, triple rooms. A number of cafe, working round the clock. Big parking.
In hotel there are numbers: single, double, triple rooms.
In total 59 places.
In numbers: bathroom, toilet, refrigerator. The rooms of the hotel completely correspond to 1 - 3 categories according to requirements of GOST 28581.4-95 "Tourist and excursion service. Classification of hotels"
Service: cafe, administrator round the clock (+375 (1642) 9-11-10), free parking.
Address: Belarus, 225862 Brest region, Kobrin district, of Petki
Phones: +375 (1642) 9-11-10, +375 (1642) 2-84-54
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