Unrecognized poet

Kohaitie, lyub_ta vi, dobr_ peasants,
Qie to mile Pol_ssya and the mova …

Zgadayte, a zgadayta passed, peasants,
Bulo that very long ago – trinadtsyat, May, l_t,
Yak of a r_dna osel_ svo ї left,
Sv_y a vlasny pozhitok, that y pulled down in sv_t.
_shl mi z_ smutky in a daleka of Ros_yu,
Was given, nav_k sv_y edge zalishiv...
And nash_ osel_ gor_la sv_chka...
Garmati of a rev_la – b_y is more terrible kip_v.
Thoughts in us ro§lis: that Lord's penalty,
To us it is heavy ї a dale і, to manut, not znest,
Sp_tka є us bol_st, a sp_tka є is hungry,
On fallow deer far will have vmert...
That axis nezabary turned back
On t_ big fires to us r_dny hatok,
lishen nettle sv_y leaf of a rozvinul
І vaguely v_tat that on turn.
That pratsya, hunting, love і starannya,
Yak of that peremozheets, vsm_khnulisya to us,
Mi Znov zbuduvatsya і ma¾m ubrannya,
To Hudobink ma¾m already after the yards.
Hoch skrutno to us life, mi we will bedaub everything,
Bo we love Pol_ssya that y the mova.
Mi і t_lo for edge sv_y we will put soul
Chi in prats_... nauts_... Chi, a mozha, in fight?
Zdaleka, zdaleka mi vs_ turned,
Hoch there des far mi vs_ grew roots,
That I nudgoit heart chogos ogornut,
Whispered to us quietly: vertays, do not fight...
Bach – wait to you z a smutok r_dnesenk_ for a fallow deer,
L_sa v_kov_chn і, zelen_ hectare ї...
Bach – here tvo ї the l_t dityach_ was found
І all tvo є shchastya, love vzagat і!.
Kohaitie, lyub_ta vi, dobr_ peasants,
Qie to mile that Pol_ssya y the mova.
Pratsyuyte, uch_tes... Grow wise,
Huy prom_n osv_t zasya є in the region!
28.10.1928 river Stovpi


After ordeals
After sad minutes,
Let pain of sufferings will die away
All doubts, complaints,
Trust, days of happiness will come!
Everything will forget your heart
And offenses everything will forgive.
You with innocence of the baby
To the house others you will open a door
In novel languor you will begin to tremble.
In the deserted deaf house
Again will revive; expensive,
And flowers, love and life!

Vladimir Kitayevsky is an unrecognized poet of Kobrin district, my neighbor whom I never met and I will not meet as he died long before my birth. Was born on June 3 (according to the Art. to style) 1896 on the farm near the village Pillars, the Kobrin povet (nowadays Zhabinkovsky district, the Brest region), in a family of the corporal of the Russian army Ignat Ivanovich Kitayevsky and Keskevich Anna Vasilyevna's shlyakhtyanka. Christened Vladimir in church of the neighboring village of Vezhka.

The grandfather of the father of the poet Ivan once bought for Ignat these 20 hectares of the land at the landowner, near the settlement Pillars. There also lodged with a family, on the farm. Nearby railroad of Warsaw-Brest-Moscow, substation. They were engaged in agriculture, held cattle, there was an apiary of bees. Had two windmills. Built the new big house. In a family there were two sons - Ignat and Pyotr.

Mother of the poet Anna Keskevich was the clerk's daughter from Kaments – Vasily Keskevich. Somewhere in the 16th century their ancestor received a shlyakhetstvo for military merits in Livonsky war (Ivan the Terrible was at war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for an exit to the Baltic Sea). In addition to estate the earth near Kaments was granted in lifelong inheritance also.

In a family of the poet there were three brothers Pyotr, Fedor and Vladimir. Initial education the poet received houses. His mother Anna was an educated woman. Then Vladimir was sent for study to the Brest-Lithuanian man's gymnasium. (By the way, together with it also Dmitry Falkovsky (Levchuk), the famous poet of Kobrin district and Ukraine studied).

Vladimir probably managed to finish study in a gymnasium prior to military fights of World War I in Beresteyshchina, 1915. Same year it was called up for field army, for entrenchments. And the family was forced to go to fleeing, to depth of Russia. Stopped in Kherson. Vladimir Kitayevsky had a rank of the officer of the 17th Finnish regiment. (In field army there were also its two brothers). It was twice wounded.

Accepted revolution of the 17th. Served in Red army. It was seriously wounded in the right hand and at the request of it appointed in hospital of Kherson where there was a family, more precisely already one mother (the father died of flu). There in Kherson the poet met also the first love – the beauty Aksinya. (The poetry of this period did not remain).

But war came to an end. When permission to return to refugees home came, mother of the poet started to hurry too. Sold only the kept value – the Gold cross of the grandfather of Ivan received in war with Turks. On this money bought a horse, the cart, grain – and moved to Pillars.

"Vyarnulisya on papyalishcha i bur'yan:
On t_ big fires to us r_dny hatok,
lishen the nettle sv_y developed a leaf
І vaguely v_tat that our turn …"
(from a verse. "Batkivshchina")

War incinerated all estate. Also the power exchanged. The territory was near Poland. Vladimir Kitayevsky gets a job on the railroad. Takes the credit in bank and builds the new house. But his soul in Kherson. There was darling. And he decides to cross secretly the border and to reach Kherson. It did not turn out. The Polish frontier guards detained. Did not judge. Returned home and ordered to go every day within a year "to a posterunok and melduvitisya".

It was necessary to forget Aksinya. And thoughts tears poured down on paper:

"I here, ti there...
Two t_n_ to a bach;
... Not crying, _zmuchen of a char_vn
I too to force b_lsha to May
I will conceal I in sob_ without edge I wash any"
(from a verse. "To Gukn shche time").

But life takes its course. Other beauty – Yulia Mendelchuk, from the neighboring village of Lyshchika attracted to Vladimir. The girl was zaruchyony, she was called in marriage to America. Two times Yulya Ostap's father carried it to the Gdansk port. And both times it came back. Another time already to Vladimir. This poet was devilishly beautiful.

Lived in Pillars in the beginning. And having saved up, money and having taken the credit in bank, bought the land and the house in the village of Tevli. Vladimir continued to work at the same railroad. Also wrote verses in the long winter evenings. Already also the daughter Galina was born. Here and the authorities noticed it. Offered, and people elected him by Voight. In the Tevelsky gmina. Everything was got on. But for statements regarding training of children at Ukrainian it was released. And again went to work for a piece of iron.

And here and the next occupation – September of the 39th. The new power suggests to head with / council. The people supported. There was a new inspiration, hopes... At Poles Vladimir Kitayevsky was published in Lviv, in the V_kna magazine. Now began to send verses to Minsk. Wrote also in Russian. Submitted the application to the Writers' Union of BSSR.

But at the beginning of the 40th "searches of enemies of the people" everywhere began. Wagon trains stretched with fellows villager to Siberia. Not to liking it was to Vladimir. Was silent. Asked resignation. Complied. Directed to monthly teacher's courses. Upon termination of study edified in the neighbour's village of Rymka. But it is short. Someone informed about "voyt". Also the continuous disappointment went. In addition caught a cold.

Died of pneumonia on the night of January 1, 1941. (It is buried on a cemetery of the village of Tevli. The grave remained. It is well-groomed. On Yuli's gravestone wrote – the poet Vladimir Kitayevsky, not by profession, and on calling. Yulia endured the husband for 52 years, without marrying. It is buried in the same place).

However we will return to the fortieth. Already on June 23, 1941 Germans were in Tevlyakh. Being afraid of riots and the fires, Yulia dug to the earth of the manuscript of the husband. And not for nothing was afraid. At retreat of Germans their house and everything that in it was burned down. And verses remained. Not everything, but remained.

For today almost all creative heritage in manuscripts of the poet Vladimir Kitayevsky is in the literary museum in Kiev. Also began to read out our fellow countryman from Tevley as the Ukrainian poet from Beresteyshchina. For today his son Vyacheslav, granddaughters Alina Midushevskaya and Svetlana Tarasevich are ready to correct injustice. But these newspaper pages are not able to contain all literary heritage of the talented gifted poet Vladimir Kitayevsky. We hope that we are waited by the best times.

N. G. Marchuk, on December 31, 2009

Chorn_ hands
Blagosloven_ chorn_ hands,
Dorogotsenn_ mozol_ –
Lipki v_d gryaz_ that mazyuk,
Brudn_ v_d I suppurate that zeml і!

Hands porepan_ that it is rough і,
Napukhli krov'yu rod of veins,
At bezkonechn_m d_ysny trud_
Real tvorts_v mr_yny d_l!

Zv_dki undertook divovizhn_
M_sta, sat down that factories?
Bliskuchikh st_zhka rail zal_zn і,
That paroplav y l_tak?

Zv_dki undertook a miracle prats і,
Nadban_ protyagy hundred l_t?
Bezl_ch cars that ruzhn_ speech і,
Shcho to us rad_t on vves sv_t?

Having thought up dab tv_rch_y,
To Alya Yaky tse buv bi sknut!
Yak bi for gen_yaln_kh tv_rts_v
Not bulo bi mozolisty hands!

Hands mozolist_ that grub_
Create on sv_t_ all good
Ledashchim that grab_zhny zhmenyam,
Shcho d_yut falsehood, s_yut angrily...

Hands mozolist_ that grub_
K_gtyam grab_zhny to maintain court!
To P_dinut the earth that vrochisto
Prapor to freedom will uplift!


Behind a plow I go, to a panska the field I shout,
Leg in a leg of horses I drive...
Here sto§t lanoviya, m fog of stepoviya,
That on exchange of a bevel of a poglyad є.

In golov_ in exchange a thought to the friend to the wife,
I hot_v bi ts_ spisata thoughts.
To write down on pap_r that zlozhit z them tv_r –
Lanovy to a mozha krichata quarrystone.

Little by little I stand, to a pap_rosk roblyu.
Vs_ kishen_ to the bottom I vivertat.
I find an ol_veets that a maly pap_reets
І on pluz_ to write I pochinat.

– To Tovarish, ti shcho, – obz_vavsya sus_d,
– Already, pevno, znaysh yakus subject?
Do not write – there will be MATI ob_d...
I write a rob_tnich the poem.

I in n_y will write about the pansky harmony is older,
About znushchannya over us at prats_.
About vazhk і ї podatka, shcho visnazhuyut us,
І about a share tsyu our sobacha...

The yak pochuv the lanovy servant of panskiya is older
That a yak shout: "Chekay-no, dog,
To you to v_znut tomorrow that in a tyurma will deliver,
Ti people to us buntu¾sh, to a laydak!"

I not rumors of the yogi, shcho um_v – having written
That skhovav to kishen_.
Kon_ pulled down at once, a zasvist_la the earth
I having grabbed chep_g in svo ї zhmen_.

Prick the sun zayshlo, povertav I dom_v.
Bulo it is dark, dogs told lies.
Pol_tsa ї priyshl, mo ї v_rsh_ znayshl
І to exchange tezh z themselves took away.

In mrats_ in a zadv_rka that shche in suterin_
kr_z v_konets to blishchit fire,
That zhurko instant є zv_dt_lya prom_nn є...
Hto there? Sirotina does not sleep,
That m_ysky laundress, b_dna vdovitsya
Odezhu Concha to v_dzhimat.
And it is lovely і couple of k_gtyama t_snyatsya
І breasts y it is mute chy to dishat.
І to a vzha all washed a skin on fingers,
Shche hvilya і to vistupit a shelter.
And a dream її to exhaust, exhaust v_d the wound:
But pine forest vdovitsya, oh pine forest sv_y dream...
Pine forest that to a zgad є to mile yunatstvo...
Svo є shche to the bezzhuyena zhittya.
Booze won it was hammered-nenache into wealth?
Zgadu є that heavy z_tkha.
And there on poverkhn_ at t_y suterin_
Splyat solodko-solodko vs_
On myagk_y that b_l_y perin_...
kr_z v_konets to blishchit fire.

Obshuky, obshuky …
jota silent
shukat prats_ ydemo –
doshkulny, holodny
us probir є long ago.

Ydemo homeland,
prats_ shuka¾mo
it is hungry a d_tvor shouts
obshuky, obshuky –
to mozha, zakhocha hto
to buy force to a roboch …
It is mute to us the robot, n_ warm to a dakh,
hunger to us shlunka vsushiv.
Ydemo bezdomn_
on kovzky cold,
caress not zhdemo
і rostimo in serts_
vpertiya, rozpuchliviya zriv …
1930 rubles.

shche I gr_znoit Nenache a st_na yesterday
povazhno having melted more darkly l_s
і zazdro hovav v_n revnivy strumochok
in mogutn_kh ob_yma svo§kh.

And nin_ here goal … Odsunuvs l_s is more dark,
having lost one lishche pnyak.
visokh very long ago the strumochok is more cheerful,
sto§t there pokhmuriya tartak.

Vves l_s pere§v v_n, a yak concealing a pochvar,
the yak a reptile, v_n to a sokocha to vishchit,
There pratsya Viru є v_d wound
y to p_znyo ї noch_ boil.

Dogs viyut Guthrie, tsirkulyarka,
І hubbub in' ¾tsya §kh a sound.
Rob_tnika, vvag! Forget svo ї skarg,
Bo shche you will return to a hut without hands!

Zhizhach і ї saw to you not shkoduyut
і to vmit to ob_rnut p'yastuk,
і dal_ to _tinut nevmolimo forward
bliskuchy pressure of a file.

І to d_tka small to Astana on a zgadka
the mountain is big trachinnya,
bo ti not zbudu¾sh §m it is new ї hatka –
in chuzh_y life quarrystone s_m'ya.

Farewell nav_k, l_s v_kov_chn і!
Huy violently growth young growth!
Odes a wound to noch_ there vi є nevt_shno,
Sokoche і to the stoyena tartak.
1929 rubles.

Oh, having sold v_n on the road
Sv_y oplakaniye zag_n,
І having forced a zh_nka, d_t
Without zasob_v, without harch_v.

po§khav vin for the sea,
Shchob krovaviya p_t to spill,
For is more essential kusen than a hl_b,
y the head to zlozhit Mozhe.

And at the house a zh_nka, d_t,
Wait v_d for the yogi hoch a leaf,
Yak po§khav shche not chut,
Soul of the yogi of a v_t.

People і show overseas
On verb_ grushok it is mute,
Our Em_grant without robot,
Oh, be hurt yoga of a shower.

Zh_nka in the region, v_n overseas,
Shcho at stezhts_ that peas,
Chi is not more more beautiful bulo than the house,
B_dkatisya udvokh.

And overseas for you
Priv_d to go after sl_da,
So not shchastya, and I will arrange
Zdobuvay em_grant!
11:11. 1929 rubles.

_z tsegl, z zal_za y betonno ї krits_
the temple і, visok_ to stand kam'yanitsa і,
yak veletn_ into the earth grew.
To stand a stench it is proud of m_tsny ranks,
Pror_zan_ r_vno uryad vulitsyam,
And vulits_ in ploshch_ z_yshlis.

Zal_znits_ zb_glis _z ts_ly sv_t
і divlyatsya gloomy on m_sto are big,
to nenacha splendidly yak.
Here, to manut, not vs_m so is cheerfully,
і in m_st_ tezh zlidn_ so і, a yak after villages,
і grief to a davlyucha, vazhka.
Here people kruzhlyayut, yak of t і ї komakh,
scurry about golodn і, eat prats і,
to zar_bk on a hl_b of belongings.
And the friend і, obmazan_ y is filled in then і,
Vs_ Sealy zbavlyayut on a cherev of cityy
І send §m proklyattya і zoyk …

Bo in rozkosha of pishny ladies benketuyut,
rob_tnik in prats_ y without prats_ b_duyut,
that in serts_ §kh gn_v not a vgasa …
And m_sto hvilyu є, hvilyu є, yak sea,
hoch it is visible beauty there, that it is visible і to the mountain,
bo in m_st_ beauty is false!
1930 rubles.

Prom_nnya on a descent і, sr_bn і, rozhev і,
To Rosnut - not vgasayut – burn …
Shcho lebed_ b_l_ grayutsya in neb_ –
To in total vgor, waste fly!
Fly even to a z_rka, shcho it b_l і є there
At sleepy neb_ gene gene …
Hto of a zn, chi prom_nnya that z_rka z_gr і є,
Prigorne nadkhodyachy day?
Lish zakh_d v_dsunuvs it is far in bezmezhn_st,
Sontsya is wound – shaved vognyu –
Kupa¾tsya in neb_ so mr_yno і n_zhno,
Having sent the rozv_dka!
Shcho it trapitsya, a mozha, for a n_chka to a minul.
– The nevgamovna the earth does not sleep.
To us pestoshch_ to Sontsa svo ї rozgornut –
Z_gr_ti bayduzh_ sertsya!
Z_gr_lis! Shchob zn to us badyoro p_rnut
At hvil_ bezodn_ buttya,
Strazhdannya svo ї vs_ in zmagann_ zabut,
Shchob death give rise Zhittya!
1930 rubles, hut_r Stovpi

It, far, on is wound і,
it is visible in more clearly silent day, –
m a great chorny stub, –
shchos on kra¾vid_.

Kra¾vid of that obgorta є
dimy we blacken, a nacha n_ch.
There yakas it is big p_ch,
Mov petelnitsya fell є.

Hour in silent pov_tr_
rozda¾tsya v_dt_lya
gom_n veletnya-chmelya
on us_ v_tra chotir.

The gay, more than once to exchange attracted
those gud_nnya in dalech_n,
vzdvigavsya in the sky dy
on vazhky zagusly krila.

І till the evening v_d a wound
dumav, hazes I more than once,
the yak cattle grazed a dv_rska
on wide pansky fallow deer.

І to whom tse there potreba
to in total waste, gnata vgor,
stovp polum'ya rozkladat –
to vgor, vgor even to the sky!

І to whom that chorniya dy
on vazhky navisly krila?
… The gay, more than once to exchange attracted
In a polum'yana dalech_n
1929 rubles.

Kind heart, Yulya!

The right torments me conscience that I as if rushed into your soul and became on that place from where roads disperse in different directions. From where ours life and destiny originate. But I trust your heart. It will not afflict me. I trust and I hope. Also I do not want to think that we will forget each other.

On September 27, 1928 (from the letter)

Ah why everything is so shaky, not eternally
I thought, and remembered you.
Good-bye, whispered a heart
Good-bye, the soul told.
Not to me to kiss yours a pm.
Hour of separation, apparently, came.
You will depart? You will depart as a birdie
For you I will rush off as a gray eagle
I from this uncomplaining caress
The I will lower wings, a share.
As if the knight you in the strange fairy tale:
– I will not let, I will not let, I will not let!!!

Friend my darling, angel light,
Radiant semikryl.
I you, my friend kind
The southern sun fell in love.
My tune desired flows
Also stirs my blood.
Look your darling, look your languid
Inspired all in love.
I wish caress to one
From you, my dream.
For you I compose verses
I love. The love is pure!

Ah why, why I do not know
My look grew dim with grief.
And of whom I so ardently dream
And with what it was become a time?
And when everything so it happened,
You will not answer me a question?
Our life – it shrouded in mystery
Also cleaned bouquets of roses...


Dear Yulya!

I counted as the duty to drop you a line by the Holiday of our meeting year to that which warms our hearts and on this time... Would wish that we did not leave any more and were not lost on a course of life, and lit up themselves mutual love and friendship.
1930 (from the letter)

For memory of Anniversary, to the friend Yul
There pass years in an imprisonment
But in heart a response expensive
Everything looks for vainly in affection
Hope, pleasure and rest.
But here Anniversary came
Our acquaintance, my friend.
The melancholy is intolerable, sorrow
Covers me suddenly.
Involuntarily trembled hand
I take the feather forgotten.
And again as former time,
I pay a tribute of poetry.
Forgive me, my angel lovely,
What I madly so love.
Forgive my pigeon gray-winged
I only one you live.
April, 1932.

What will be with us I do not know,
Whether you will understand, love, me,
What my verse sadly sounds,
What my soul hurts.
And why we with mistrust
Vstremlyaem to the earth suddenly eyes?
But it is difficult for heart to play the hypocrite,
It is right in love always.
What will be with us? You will stop loving,
Again you will give heart to another,
Involuntarily you will forget me?
Do not trust. About only black day.
And heart the past will wake
Minutes of a grief of rainy days
But only I will not be any more –
I will be a dream in your soul!
April, 1930.

Acrostic (daughters)
Pigeon you sit over the book,
And to read you the skilled worker.
You love knowledge with a young force
You Izlovchatsya to study.
Do not lose, the child, hopes
There is in science a kind way.

Acrostic (from an album)
I am full of a thought, heart will be clogged,
Eyes here sink in tears,
Dear my friend, grudges for me something
Nerves suffer, do not sleep.
Sparks that the fire, heart is squeezed,
Perhaps to a tl to burn it?!
If you love, with belief listening,
It is necessary to protect a heart.
Clear thoughts, pleasure and happiness
Heart is weaved a wreath
The storm passes, a gloom and a bad weather
Only sacred love!

Acrostic (from an album)
I give you on a recall
Image this lifeless.
Patience face, desire face
Print modest mine.
Gift to you this let will be
Bright dawn in heaven.
Let hope in you will wake
Lulled in dreams.

Acrostic (from an album)
Young dreams in me wakened
Flow a rezvyashchy wave.
There are in them a joy and vigorous forces.
Oh, as I play with you.
Only not long, happiness is not eternal,
Time is changeable so...

Gift of heart light and live
Love expensive to a love
I can only present
To you, my love.
Summer pass; but love
In my soul is stronger
Flying up up to clouds,
It is pure as clear day.
Fly, dream, in your halls
Stop. To you fall.
Give happiness of the general in love
I everything will light my fires.
Let's way make to a coffin
Hand in hand, dear friend,
To learn all pleasure, happiness, God
Deep life spirit!

Acrostic (from an album)
As lily, as poppy field
Both it is lovely, and is gentle, and is fine,
You are my light, you are my dear friend,
The angel is heavenly, the zorenka is clear.
If suddenly you are sad,
Belief it is weak and you lose hope,
You drop forces to life itself,
When tears of grief flow,
Also remember, remember in an hour fatal
Depart you with hope live
In camp of work

Acrostic (daughters)
Years will pass, you will grow up,
And at this time, maybe,
Loving a nadgrobnik you will read
Also you will tell: "The father is buried here".
But I live and you are with me
Still we will live for a long time.
I will go the track forward!
And I was tired, it is time to rest.
Rushes of courageous good deeds,
Ah washing the daughter, I give in destiny

In total vanity, people so think
Giving rise to that utopias to a row
But only sky of pravosudiya
Seius can resolve a doctrine.
To us life was and is a riddle –
Whether it is already vanity?
But why you furtively
The lovely dream caresses?
Why dream time
We force in life are given
Minutes of grief and confusions
To the valley of pleasure conduct.
Long ago, and our ancestors knew,
That everything is not eternal – a body, ashes...
But they gave life to us
Instinct, desires, pleasure, fear.
But in heart the highest is force,
It is is eternal and sacred,
It to life inspired us,
Before it vanity is insignificant.
It to us izlechat wounds,
She to us does not order to cry.

Pershy snig
Pershy sn_g nin_ having fallen, legenkiya, is more fluffy,
on gorbk, on beams, on the Maidan.
Lebediny of that kol_r, m'yakiya kol_r sr_blyastiya
so to a bliskocha і sya є z_rka.

І vsm_kha¾tsya sun v_d wound,
to the v_lena z v_lny on the sky babbling.
Nache t_ d_yamant, a nacha kriltsya at a seagull,
to bliskotit, bliskotit all earth.

Sk_lki of thoughts, sk_lk mr_y in tsy chudovy sn_ga!
Oh, tell, tell, heart, exchanges і,
shcho spok_yno to a pliva on bliskuchy fallow deer
so not sp_shno at a distance, dalech_n!
1929 rubles.

The wood at winter
As it is lovely in the severe winter
Pine dark violent wood,
Covered with a snow veil,
Looking in depth of sacred heaven.
Against strange, snow-white
So lovely pines are green,
And serene deep sleep
About days of spring they stand,
In such calm, as in the God's temple
Motionlessly a tree stand,
Above only breeze carelessly
Will slip unexpectedly after branches.
And cherubs fly
Snowflake time from branches
And sparks of a millyona spill
As light from God's altars.
Thanks, pine forest, you srebristy
To your curative beauty...
Your beauty chilling
I strengthened forces of life.

For a sickle, for a sickle, for a sickle!
Vzhe of a posp_l long ago tsarina
That y zhovt і є, yak vosok there …
That is time to reap to v'yazat at a sheaf.

Vzhe is time, it is time for a vzha, it is time for a vzha
Mow to us that a sickle to grind,
Viyti vs_m, a yak one, to one Meath,
Pratsyuvati, shchob flew _z a forehead …

Marvel – an axis grain, an axis grain,
Yak water _z kolossya to Techa.
To dry the sun the yoga і furnaces …
Oh, zhents і, soromno, soromno!

Chy you wait vi shche і for chy?
Ozov_tsya, zhents і, kosar і,
Shcho you ydt on a zhniv, zlidar і,
On all sv_t-part,-part!

Shcho you ydt to clean a tsarina
T_snim stro¾m in a rank, a yak of messes!
Shcho to prats_ beep to a vzha zaguv
І call all s_m'yu all s_m'yu.

In total s_m'yu … Oh, the won is big –
At once vs_ hutko k_nchy zhniva,
Let's mow everything і z_zhny to a sheaf –
Vzhe of a posp_l long ago tsarina …

For a sickle, for a sickle, for a sickle!
Peremoga to krashchy to a zhda.
Axis beep bezupinno buzzing,
Bo to a vzha reap, clean a sheaf!
1929 rubles.

Under that sad star
May of a cradle
Harmonous, long train
Cranes flew.
And with painful melancholy
All had something in common.
With our lovely party
Gray said goodbye.
Already we leave
Field, wood high,
And with melancholy we depart
For the seas are far.
Farewell, plowman and worker,
We know your share.
Is not enough in urine life
You cry in plenty.
Depart, depart
Cranes for the sea.
Do not mourn. Promise
To return to us soon.
Again with a spring will come back
Will be more cheerful.
Ah, it is rather to wait...
Heart freezes.
September 11, 1929

Today Easter-eve,
And tomorrow light Easter Day,
The stone from the Coffin will be left,
In a fit of temper the shadow will disappear grief.
Again in us the belief wakened,
And we hope are stout:
– Oh, that for a miracle? What happened?
– Christ has risen! – everything is said by us.
But this pleasure for a moment
To us will dawn on our souls,
Again terrestrial inclination
To us heart tormently vspepelit.
Again both tears, and nervousness
Will fall on heart that dew...
Sting in vain Sunday,
Hope, faith in Christ?.
But it will be to us a riddle...
To a coffin there will only be we
To change melancholy a smile sweet,
Grief – all flame of love.
We will trust, doubt,
But everything "in gresekh" to create good,
In this day Easter umylyatsya,
To love the whole world, having forgotten about the evil.
Today – grief still mute,
And tomorrow – a joyful ringing,
Dissecting spring air,
Will fly; as the Highest Lyubov...


1930. Farm Pillars

To Christ Voskresa! Triumphally
Sugary words sound.
Who understood them – to that is pleasant
And torments the soul does not know.
To Christ Voskresa! These sounds
As dreams paradise are pure
They burn flour hearts
And our hidden dreams.
To Christ Voskresa! Snovidenye
Again before us rise
And choruses angelic singing
On air to blue float.
To Christ Voskresa! Wakened
In a fit of temper not slave soul,
That so low prayed,
Looking for rescue for itself.
To Christ Voskresa! We are ready
To go to Golgotha all again
To erect the Cross Great New
The slave spirit on it to crucify.
To Christ Voskresa! These sounds
Call us to the new country,
Where work – calloused hands
To eternal live in the union.
We will overthrow away enslavement
And to us Christ will come again
Christ of freedom – not humility
And with spirit firm – as the rock!

To Gukn shche time
I here, ti there …
Dv_ t_n_ to a bach …
M_y r_dny edge і chuzhina …
Chogos on serts_ so to a bolyacha …
The str_la stuck …
N_ to a gn_v, an_ sl_z, n_ skarg
Not occasional office to us …
ї ways p_znat Svo long ago
I here, ti there.
I, mozha, Sealy's b_lsha to May
І I will conceal in sob_ without edge my love,
In rozluts_ і I odchat,
Tob_ to exchange to a vzha not to p_znat a n_kola, n_.
Men_ not zmozhesh to a skazata vzha,
Shcho marish in sn і …
For shchastya, mozha, so potr_bno
Other people …
Not crying, _zmuchen, char_vn,
Not psuy eyes …
Not occasional office to a gn_v, an_ skarg,
Huy to vmnut stings і …
Chi tob_ life spravd_ is easier
On chuzhin і?
8 bereznya 1930 rubles.


Yesterday is already lived
And today – clear day.
What was – is already forgotten
There is a wish to live again, it-it!
In the past there is no return any more –
It is enough to grieve.
Let loss will be forgotten.

Nash_ thoughts nestriman_
Zbirayutsya to a vkhmaruodn –
Tufts, storms, zliva
Thoughts ts_ on the earth will fall.
Shchoraz that a gust_sha є Chmara, –
Guffaw – at gloss – rattle,
Shchos awaking with a suvor, a badyor,
To vdarit I in protrukhly sv_t...
Hung a gr_zna a primara
Pob_da odv_chny stikh_y, –
Syaynulo-blisnulo! Chmara
Rozkrit breasts svo ї –
Tufts, storms, zliva
Wide rozkri¾tsya a way, –
Sp_lny, nestrimny zriv
To Onovitsya a v_lna the earth...

Svetlana Kitayevskaya
Granddaughter of the poet

Without stoma ti robish,
And shcho in zhitt_ bachish –
So' ¾shsya, a yak of a rib about l_d.
Day, n_ch, b_gl fates,
Prick postar_v ti?
Oh, to hour so b_gch not sl_d...
V_ski tvo ї sn_gy
B_lim pokritsya,
Fly nash_ fates, fly...
І star_st quietly to you was,
Och_ v_rit in those do not want...
I marvel on zn_mok:
Visoky і duzhiya,
Mena on hands ti trimav,
And pob_ch z ditinstvo
Tsv_li the Cossack ruzh_ –
Sus_d us on a photo zn_mav.
m of Berest, 25.08.1997 rubles.

In kraini ditinstvo
There were girlfriends rozmov there
About secret zhitt¾vy krug_v
Tvo і, the granny, dissuade
Odes of zly people і vorog_v
There began to smell Mar і vs_kh nad_y,
There it is lean in tears to exchange kissing,
There an angel m_y – v_n charod_y,
L_ta є, zhda to exchange, bag є.
There _nshiya sn_g, there a _nshy v_ter, –
V_n I smother secretly an obn_m є,
And zn not boringly to a life vzha...
Hto force r_dny m_sts not a zna є?
m of Berest, 25.08.1996 rubles.

My earth
Yesterday Spring – Char_vnitsya
The earth awoke v_d a dream
To Svey zhiveyu Krinitsa
Charms; – that і znikla Winter. –
Spring і fall, l_to і z_ma...
My earth, zhittya May in tob_!
Kutochka to heart of l_pshy is mute, –
І b_l і rad_st – I store everything in sob_...
Warm words
I remember Detinstvo, Tevl_...
І z maminy warm hands
Por_vny warmly sve_ Zeml_.
There is bags, over іі, a pershy love –
Here hmar, sun, v_ra, our truth!
Here heart fights; Zamira є zn; –
Water of life napovnya є bowls!
m of Berest of 2000 rubles.

Pisnya oseni
The sky to frown often, Read є
І pov_trya stiska¾tsya cold.
Zhovte leaf to a waltz є, cast,
To Shurkhotit p_d legs gold.
Zasikhayuts zdivovan_ kv_t, –
Garden of zazhureniye odyag monastery є...
Oh, not hutko to a vzha will return l_to –
Fall dovgy p_snyu spiva є.
Everything, shcho pestit the sun, lel_yalo,
To Ts_peniye, pozbavlena of caress;
I sumnoit fall sveyu by force
Rozmiva є is green іі paints.
V_ter noch_ і dn_ to a rakh є, –
For everything at prirod_ sv_y hour:
To Pol_ss_ of zn oseno bag є...
Not ostann_y – not pershy time.
m of Berest of 14.09.98 rubles.

Where my lilies?
Without me faded lilies, without me...
Gentle declining petals down.
Without blaming anybody for inevitability.
Beauty subdued an instant, and eternity
Measures infinity again...
Why in pleasure there is a transience?
In an empty vase there are no flowers any more,
Radiating joyful light, –
To me to forget how many to me years...

How to present to you it is warm …
(to birthday)
You since the childhood with us always nearby –
Council, business, thought, look; –
For everything always in everything in the answer –
You are the best father all over the world.
You are a keen chess player –
The fighter on life, the optimist; –
Example for us: children and grandsons,
Also you do not sit having put hands...
How to present to you it is warm?
That became light-and it is easy
To the soul exhausted in works –
The pleasure that in eyes shone...
Accept as a gift these lines; –
We love you! – "Your children".

To the son
So far you stand roads at the crossroads –
Let life be filled with aspirations.
In soul let God will always be yours –
And dreams let yours are executed!
On the light road surely again
Go to the asterisk which is brightly shining –
Happiness, Nadezhda, Vera, Lyubov
For you on Earth protecting!

Byarozava venik, No. 2 (52), sakavik 2010.


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