Bo we love Polissya that y the mova

To 115-littya z day narodzhennya Volodimir Kita¾vsky

Ukra§nsky sings Volodimir Kita¾vsky having arisen 15 chervnya 1896 to fate on hutor_ to a pobliz of the village of Stovpi Kobrin a pov_ta, now the Zhabink_vsky region of Beresteysko ї oblast_ B_larus і, at rodin_ an unter-of_tser ros_ysko ї with an automated workplace і ї a _gnata of a _vanovich of Kita¾vsky і Anny Vasil_vni Keskevich's shlyakhtyanka. Hrestili Volodimira at tserkv_ susidnyogo the villages of Vezhka.

D_d of the poet _van be pricked having bought for Xing a _gnata a pobliza of the village Stovpi of 20 tithes zeml_ from a m_stsevy pom_shchik. There і having mastered by time z the homeland on hutor_. Poryad buv a substation on zal_znits_ Warsaw-Berest-Moscow. Zaymalisya a zemlerobstvo, trimat leanness, Mali to a malenk to a pas_k z bdzholam і two v_tryan_ mlin, pobuduval great d_m, lived zamozhno. Here at Kita¾vsky's _van arose two a blue - _gnat і with Petro.

MATI of the poet Anna Keskevich bull clerk's daughter _z Kamentsya-Litovsky Vasyl Keskevich. Des at XVI stor_chchi yoga the ancestor otrimav a shlyakhetstvo for v_yskov_ merits p_d hour of L_vonsko ї v_yn z _vany Groznim. At a dodatok to tsyy having gained the earth to Kamentsya-Litovsky's pobliz. Narodila Anna to a svo¾m cholov_kov_ tryokh sin_v: Volodimira, Pyotr і Fedora.

To Pochatkov to an osv_t Volodimir otrimav vdoma. Yy MATI the bull an osv_chena zhinkoyu, nav_t knew a frantsuzka mova. Pot_m of a v_ddala hlopchik on navchannya to Beresteysko ї cholov_cho ї g_mnaz і ї. There vin vchivsya at once z maybutn_m ukra§nsky poet Dmitr Levchuk (Falk_vsky). To Alya g_mnaz_yu Kita¾vsky not zak_nchiv. Nevdovz_ it was started tickling a sv_tov of a v_yn. To Vl_tk 1915 to fate having started nastup n_metsko ї an automated workplace і ї, Cossacks drove pol_shchuk_v vglib Dews і ї, spalyuyuch §kh weary.

_shl mi z_ smutky in a daleka of Ros_yu,
Was given, nav_k sv_y edge zalishiv …
And nash_ osel_ gor_la sv_chka …

(_z v_rsha "Batk_vshchina")

The homeland potrapit to ukra§nsky mista Kherson, Volodimir pratsyuvav hatn_m a vchitel there. Zv_dti called a yunak to d_yucho ї an automated workplace і ї. Volodimir Kita¾vsky sluzhiv at the 17th F_nlyandsky regiment і having served to an unter-of_tser. Buv dv_ch_ poraneniye.

Zgod sluzhiv at Chervon_y of an automated workplace і ї. Buv seryozno poraneniye at the right a hand, і p_slya l_kuvannya, behind a vlasny prokhannyam, buv v_dpravleniye on the robot to hersonsko ї l_karn і, there on p_vdn_ Ukra§ni shche lived yoga of MATI. On it is a pity, the father to a vzha died v_d to flu, on hands to a team. At Herson_ sings zustr_v і svo є tickle spravzhn є kokhannya – krasunyu Aksinya. Poyez_ya tsyy to a per_od not zbereglasya.

To Alya V_yna zak_nchilasya. Kolya Nad_yshov dozv_l on povernennya b_zhents_v on a batk_vshchina, takozh started MATI of the poet zbiratisya. Sold a ¾dina to a zberezhen a s_meyna ts_nn_st – Zoloty hrest a d_da of a _van, yakiya of that otrimav for horobr_st at v_yn_ z Turks at 1877-1878 rr. For oderzhan_ grosh_ bought a horse, v_z, zb_zhzhya – і po§khat to Stovp_v.

That axis nezabary turned back
On t_ big fires to us r_dny hatok,
lishen nettle sv_y leaf of a rozvinul
І vaguely v_tat that our turn.

(_z v_rsha "Batk_vshchina")

Turned to a vzha in a _nsha to a kra§n – I Will flatter. V_d of the farm n_chy not zalishilosya. Volodimir Kita¾vsky vlashtovu¾tsya on the robot on zal_znitsyu. Bør at bank the credit і є I will be newer d_m. To Alya of the yogi of a shower zalisha¾tsya at Kherson і, live a kokhana there. І v_n to a vir_sh є ta¾mno peretnut a cordon і d_statisya to Kherson. Not viyshlo, bo prikordonnik zatrimat polsk_. Potalanilo, shcho shche did not judge. Turned to a hut і punished protyagy to fate shchodnya v_dm_chatisya on pol_tseysk_y d_lnits_.
Was led up zabut to a kokhan Aksinya, і thoughts sam_ polinut on pap_r.

I here, ti there.
I, mozha, Sealy's b_lsha to May
І zata§v in sob_ without edge,
My love,
In rozputs_ і I v_dchat.

(_z v_rsha "to Gukn shche time")

To Alya Zhittya yshlo svo¾yu I chergoit. V_dbiv to a m_stsev krasunyu to Ulyan (at d_votstv_ Mendelchuk), shcho the bull is married at sus_dnyy sel_ Gliboke – її cholov_k buv on zarob_tka in Amerits_. That і Volodimir Kita¾vsky buv visokiya і is more beautiful than fellings. Lived a spochatka at Stovpakh, of a tr_shka of pennies і having taken Alya Nakopichivshi the credit at bank, bought the land that d_m at great sel_ Tevl і, the bull is small a zal_znichna stants_ya. Volodimir prodovzhuvav pratsyuvat on zal_znits_.

І pisav v_rsh_ in the dovgy zimovy evenings, that chitav §kh to fellow countrymen. V_rsh_ Volodimir Kita¾vsky drukuvatsya at a lv_vsky prokomun_stichny chasopis of "V_kn" (1929-1930 rr.). Anton Tsvid so harakterizuvav yoga tvorch_st sings: "At poyez_yakh tsyy to a per_od ("M_sto", "Bezrob_tn і", "Tartak" that _nsh і) prostezhu¾tsya the cold at stavlenn_ to a m_st, the peasant, especially that is broader sp_vchuttya than the author to prignobleny Luda, shcho zalishivsya without zeml_ that settled і, prodavata vimusheniye svo ї roboch_ hands, the not share in shank I okovitoit zalivat.

At v_rsha "Narostannya", "Zhniva" v_dchutn_ revolyuts_yn_ motive, och_kuvannya the drill і to onovit a yak sv_t. Pisav Volodimir Kita¾vsky і l_richn_ v_rsh_ [prisvyachen_ druzhin_ that donts_ Galin_. - A bus], poyez і ї rel_g_yno ї subjects ("Today passionate Saturday") on ros_ysk_y m і".

Sings koristuvavsya the authority sered peasants of the village of Tevl і, to that a stench of an obrala of Volodimir Kita¾vsky v_yty gm_n. The axis a yak of the yogi tod_ (20 s_chnya 1933 rubles) harakterizuvat Vlad's polsk (Derzhavny arkh_v Beresteysko ї oblast_ F. 3. Op. 1. Spr. 79. ARC. 4):

Kitajewski Wlodzimierz, syn Ignacego i Anny, urodzony dn. 16.VI.1896 of r. czlonek Sejmika, prawoslawny, kawaler, posiada 2 kl. Szkoly miejskiej rosyjskiej, z zawodu rolnik, posiada 4 dziesieciny ziemi we wsi Stolpy, pow. Kobrynskiego, do organizacji politycznej nie nalezy, byly czlonek, Sel-Robu, obecnie czlonek B.B. [Bezpart_yny to the block sp_vprats_ z uryady. - the Bus] Wymieniony, pod wzgledem moralnym cieszy sie opinja ujemna, gdyz jako kawaler od czasu wybrania go na stanowisko wojta uwiodl zone Myszkowca ze wsi Gleboka, gm. Tewle, z ktora w obecnej chwili zyje wspolnie. Obecnie na polu politycznem i spolecznem zadnej dzialalnosci nie przejawia. Rezerwista pospolitego ruszenia z bronia.

On the Ghanaian gmini odnosilchani i viyt (V. Kitayevsky, visoky, bilya stovpa). Tevli, 1937-1938 rr.

On posad_ a v_yt Volodimir Kita¾vsky dopomagav to fellow countrymen, zakhishchav §kh _nteres in the Polish _nstants_yakh, domagavsya v_dkrittya ukra§nsko ї train at sel_. Zv_sno, tse did not spodobatsya polsk_y Vlad і, a yak і pisannya v_rsh_v I ukra§nskoit mova, і at persh_y nagod_ put pozbavil v_yta-ukra§ntsya.

Pol_tsa ї priyshl, mo ї v_rsh_ znayshl
І to exchange tezh z themselves took away.

(_z a v_rsha "I behind a plow to Hodge...")

Having become sings a pratsyuvata znova on zal_znits_ drogovy (a kol_yovy maystr).

Voseni 1939 to fate to a vzha at radyansk_y vlad_ peasants of the village Tevl_ obrat Volodimir Kita¾vsky the head s_l-for the sake of, Alya probuv on t_y posad_ nedovgo, bo the yoga could not vlashtuvat of a pol_tik novy hazya§v, yak_ zaprovadit terror of a prota m_stsevy naselennya. Sk_nchivsha m_syachn_ vchitelsk_ a course, the yoga zv_lnyayut sings pratsyuvav the teacher at sel_ Fistula і, Alya through r_k: htos don_s, shcho for Polshch_ v_n obiravsya v_yty. Prodovzhuvav pisat v_rsh і, nadsilav §kh to M_nsk, to Alya there ukra§nsk_ poyez і ї n_ky not Boulia potr_bn і, to that was led up pisat Lish I ros_yskoit. Sings having given nav_t a zayava to Sp_lka pismennik_v to BRSR.

In k_nts_ to fate Volodimir Kita¾vsky zakhvor_v on zapalennya legen_v – having chilled the fortieth p_d hour bicycle a po§zdok to Kobrinya. For two tizhn і, at a novor_chna n_ch, the poet died.

Pokhovany v_n on kladovishch_ villages Tevl_. Grave zbereglasya і doglyanuta. On a nadgrobka on-ros_yski it is written: "Here the poet Vladimir Ignatovich Kitayevsky of 1896-1941 is based". So, v_n buv spravzhn_m poyetom-samouky _z to the people. Ulyan Ostap_vn Kiga¾vsk's team endured a cholov_k on the 52nd fates, so і not a viyshla to an udruga zam_zh. Won of a pokhovan poruch z_ svo§m suputnik zhittya.

Yak share tvorchy to a dorobk of the poet? Through a p_vroka p_slya smert_ the poet n_mts_ attacked the Radyansky Union і to a vzha 23 chervnya Boulia in Tevlyakh. Yul_ya Ostap_vna of a poklal of the manuscript v_rsh_v at v_dro і dug a svy cholov_k to the earth. Qie Vryatuwalo to a chastin tvor_v, bo p_d hour of a v_yna zgor_v d_m і everything, shcho there bulo. Des at 60-t_ Cyn's fates of the poet V'yacheslav Kita¾vsky pov_z batk_vsk_ manuscripts to M_nsk, Alya §kh there not priynyal – not b_loruskiya sings. Tod_ a donka Galina Kita¾vska at 80-t_ fates of a v_dvezl ukra§nomovn_ manuscripts to Ki¾va. Stench infections there zber_gayutsya at Central majestic to an arkh_v_-muse ї l_teratur y Ukra§ni's (fund 117) mistetstva. Ros_yskomovn_ poyez і ї zber_gayutsya donin_ at V'yacheslav Kita¾vsky.

On an ear of the XX Art. not bulo to Pol_ss_ greedy ukra§nsky cultural an oseredka. Shlyakhta the bull p_d vplivy polsko ї to culture, a nechislenna _ntel_gents_ya і svyashchennosluzhitel_ – ros_ysko ї. T_lki p_nsk_ Sk_rmunti's pom_shchik і Kurzhenetsk_ at a protivaga rusif_kats і ї pol_shchuk_v stvorit "Rusinsky lementar" on osnov_ national a gov_rok. To Chy of an ukra§nsk poyez_ya v_drodilosya to Pol_ss_ p_d poor selyansky str_kha? The miracle was become Chy: poyava ts_lo ї to a galaxy selyansky poyet_v-samouk_v: Volodimir Kita¾vsky, Stepan Semenyuk, Mikola Kolosun? A stench not Mali is decent ї osv_t і did not live at stolitsyakh, a yak Taras Shevchenko. Zv_sno, ts_ peasants, a zokrema Volodimir Kita¾vsky, loved a r_dna mova, narodn_ a zvicha ї і to Mila Pol_sk the earth.

Kohaitie, you love vi, dobr_ peasants,
Qie to mile that Pol_ssya y the mova.
Pratsyuyte, you study...
Grow wise,
Huy prom_n osv_t zasya є in the region!...

(_z v_rsha "Batk_vshchina")

To Alya Vir_shalnu a role at p_dnyatt_ nats_onalno ї sv_domost_ pol_shchuk_v "S_l-Rob" that zrobit d_yaln_st to Pol_ss_ at 20-t_ fates of the XX Art. ukra§nsko ї prokomun_stichno ї school desks і ї a cultural tovaristvo of "Prosv_t". Ukra§nsk_ (_nod_ not zovs_m shchir і) і sots_aln_ died away "S_l-Rob" of a znayshla v_dguk at the pol_sky peasant, woke the yogi to a prispan to a nats_onaln sv_dom_st і to a poyetichn to a shower. V_domy dosl_dnik of ours to edge Volodimir Leonyuk to food: "For dark, zbayduzh_ly to vlasny problems of Pol_ssya of nats_onalniya і movniya vib_r V. Kita¾vsky є a svo¾r_dny feat".

Proponu¾mo chitachev_ dob_rka ukra§nsky poyez_y Volodimir Kita¾vsky, yak_ shche to a n_da not drukuvalisya (z_ zberezhennyam movny osoblivost). Budemo spod_vatisya, shcho nevdovz_ to z'yavitsya on sv_t tickling the zb_rka of the talanovity pol_sky poet is poetical.

Oleksander of Il§n, Hina Marchuk. 

Ukra§nsky chasopis P_dlyashshya "Over Bug і Narva", 3/2011

Volodimir Kita¾vsky: Virshi


Us d_lyat on litter two sv_t
Us d_lyat ts_ st_n tovst_
Ts_ spovit windows at grottoes і,
Ts_ doors zal_zn_ y locks.
Us d_lyat two sv_t, two sv_t
Hto vidumav to you prison
Gn_yut there _zgnanniki-d_t
Gn_yut і strazhdayut darma!
Us d_lyat two sv_t, two sv_t
Aden z them is called prison
Gn_yut there _zgnanniki-d_t
Gn_yut і strazhdayut darma!

6/X 1929 rubles of Stolpi

On a zgadka

Yak t_n, yak haze, yak dream
Maynuv that hour
І ostr_y b_l, palkiya vogon
On v_k having found t
In souls rospyat_y
I chuv - not chuv whispered ti:
Ah awaking with a vzha...
Hod_m to the house...
Axis awaking with a doshchik of zn of a _dta
Mn_ to a bayduzha...
Bo I z you
Chi zrozum_la ti to exchange
Weigh a smutok і
Zhurbu without edge
Bo I kokhav be pricked to you
Kokhav siln_y
Jac Ws_ch I kokhat
And why to exchange of a zhurb
Grisey і §st
Yak of a rzh zal_zo
І to the smuyena to a s_renka zhittya
Yak dream to a _da
Daremno to the gena!
And why? Uzna¾sh ti
Reason all
Yak of a pokokhal
Yak awaking with a vzha, ah awaking with a vzha
I chuv not chuv...
Jac Ti showed!

1929 rubles.


I am a b_dna the d_vcha-orphan
I serve v_d a bit at the sir
I serve - I do not live.... bo shche I
Nits kind in sv_t_ did not know
Pratsy shchoden on pan_v
On kukhn_ my all of the robot
І it is sacred is mute - shcho in kotl_
I Mordovatsya at pech_ in dukhot_.
I feel _z k_mnat more than once
Zguki to plinut a forgop'yan...
І to klinut to exchange, і attract
Be boozed vdalechin mn_ to a neznan...
І to klinut, a yak in sn_... in yakiys edge
More cheerfully, svob_dniya, ignorances
It is mute ser_t there... n_ pan_v...
N_ to a falsehood... n_ sl_z n_ pechal_...
Oh, the sky, zmiluys, order
І give mn_ zeml_ z three drag
Porvati of a zhit¾va stockings
Kripatsko ї g_rko ї dol_...
I am torn to a str_mch to people
Bazhayuch spravzhnyy shchastya
Bo a call to exchange і calls
At sv_t pochuttya mo є to the yaena!
I am a b_dna the d_vcha-orphan
Nenache of hats of a zaprodan
I serve I do not live - bo shche I
Nits kind in sv_t_ did not know.
Goty potrava of hats...
Awaking - it is sacred... vs_ at robot_...
I feel to dzvenit fortop'yan...
I Mordovatsya at the furnace in dukhot_.

21/IV 1930 rubles.

V_dlet busen_v

Zhita to a vzha ground, a sheaf drove
T_lki zhovt і є eddish...
Came to an end in Vzhe l_to і os_n sumlivo
Quietly came to fields.
І zhayvoron in neb_ not chirp long ago
Sacredly passed _ll_...
Hoch sonechko to the yaena at neb_ to a bliskucha
T_lki not to dry rill_...
The axis is grazed in neb_ the yak swelled pavutinnya
It is lovely to kosichit loznyak.
Tye eddish, travits bur'yan і botvinnya
Shovk of a vb_rayucha way...
Ah it is lovelier m_y the brother poglyan on Levada...
Zbilisya in herd busn_
І zhurno carry out yakus to the people there
Buti §m zn in chuzhin_...
The axis of infections to z_rnutsya і in the sky to polinut
Krila rozpravlyat svo ї...
Without klekota on the sly stench pomandruyut
In dal_ch for the sea in _ry
І sumno in ostann_y here time on a kr ї
In neb_ stench zakruzhlyayut.
Not vs_ bach, not vs_ bach to turn z chuzhin.
Krila on mor_ zradyat...
For this purpose so dovgo carry out to the people
Sto§t §m zhittya v_dlt...
Oh give the nature, hoch a tikha weather
The tuft nikhay §kh will pass...
Buwaitie it is healthy і, chornokrit buzk і,
Dashing not to a zgaduyta us...
The legate of an orlyata to those ї kra§n
Odpochinok to a zhda you.


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