Public institution "Kobrin zone center of hygiene and epidemiology". The sanitary and epidemiologic service of Kobrin district exercises the state sanitary inspection behind observance by the checked subjects sanitarno – the epidemiological legislation in the territory of the city of Kobrin and Kobrin of the area; rendering personnel, organizationally – methodical, technical assistance on implementation of the state sanitary inspection and carrying out sanitarno – chemical, microbiological researches, measurements of physical factors of the environment in territories of the fixed areas: Maloritsky, Drogichinsky, Pruzhansky. (The decree of the President of Republic of Belarus of 16.10.2009 No. 510 "About improvement of control (supervising) activity" in edition of the Decree of the President of Republic of Belarus 26.07.2012 No. 332)
The state sanitary inspection includes carrying out: state sanitary and hygienic examination; state registration; social and hygienic monitoring; sanitary and anti-epidemic actions; checks of the organizations, their separate divisions having registration number of the payer, representative offices of the foreign organizations, individual entrepreneurs, and also the natural persons who are carrying out private notarial, craft activity, activity in the sphere of agroecotourism concerning observance of the legislation by them in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population.
The bodies and institutions which are carrying out the state sanitary inspection according to acts are the Ministry of Health of Republic of Belarus, public institution "Republican center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health", the regional centers of hygiene, epidemiology and public health, Minsk city, the city, regional, zone and regional centers of hygiene and epidemiology in the cities.
Public institution "Center of hygiene and epidemiology". Administration of the President of Republic of Belarus exercises the state sanitary inspection behind observance of the legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population the checked subjects subordinated or entering a control system of affairs of the President of Republic of Belarus (the LAW of REPUBLIC OF BELARUS of January 7, 2012 No. 340-Z "" Is adopted about sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population by the House of Representatives on December 14, 2011. It is approved by Council of the Republic on December 20, 2011).
GU "Kobrin of ZTsG and E" has special permission (license) No. 02040/0423283 for the right of implementation of medical activity for up to April 30, 2014. The license is registered in the register of licenses of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Belarus for No. M-2237
Kinds of activity of Public Institution "Kobrin zone center of hygiene and epidemiology":
85140 – other activities for health protection;
74300 – technical tests and researches;
73200 – scientific researches and development in the field of public and the humanities;
74700 - cleaning and cleaning production and premises, equipment and vehicles;
74870 – providing other services to consumers;
80424 – other education for adults and the other education which is not included in other groups;
medical activity;
determination of content of radionukleid in construction materials, caesium – 137 in foodstuff, drinking water, agricultural and medicinal raw materials, wood, dose power scale – radiations.
The list of the works and services making a kind of activity: a hygienic and epidemiological assessment of conditions of accommodation, work and life of the population, production and realization of food raw materials and foodstuff, goods, possibilities of implementation of works and services of the licensed kinds of activity, development and justification of hygienic standards; carrying out sanitarno – hygienic, toxicological, microbiological and molekulyarno – biological researches; sanitarno – hygienic and epidemiological examination of preproject, project, standard and operational documentation; disinsection; disinfection; deratization. Establishment carries out the activity in the order provided by the legislation of Republic of Belarus.
Address: 225860, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Mr. Kobrin, Svoboda Square, 8;
Tel/fax: +375(1642) 2-19-71, 2-38-63
mail E-:
Schedule of work: daily from 08:00 till 13:00, from 14:00 till 17:00 (except days off and holidays)
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