Murashkevich Volodimir Stepanovich (1926-1998). Having arisen on Volini, in Zalisochchi bilya with Oliki, pid a solom'yana strikhoyu selyansko ї to a hut. Fathers – Stepan Pilipovich і Onis_ya Mikit_vna, vikhovat Xing in patr_otichny dus_. P_zn_she sings pisav:
Bo _z ditinstvo in zapov_t_
Lish Ukra§noyu I live …
Being diooze, to soul love chitat. More than once znikav z to the house, shchob not vidibrali the book that was not zavazhat. The Mayucha draft to znan i talent, without having gained vidpovidno ї osviti – a pom_kha of steel of a v_yn that zaareshtuvannya.
At berezn_ 1944 to fate buv callings to a radyansky v_ysk. It is gallant a fate at fights for vizvolennya V_tebska. Mayuch a v_stka about a stvorena to Ukra§nsk Povstansk arm_yu, zum_v perebratisya tud.
1946 to fate of zaareshtovaniye (pod_ya "Wound" is described at v_rsh_), Alya Nezabarom of zv_lneniye at force unproven ї blame. To Znov buv zaareshtovaniye of 1949 to fate. Uv'yaznennya v_dbuvav at steps to Kazakhstan і zapolyarn_y Vorkut_. Zv_lneny 1956 to fate, osk_lk zaareshtovan_ the Moscow OSO got p_d the v_dpov_dny decree.
Rapt sk_nchitsya a mitarstvo,
Drugy of the CAR of priysh on a kingdom.
Y having told lag_dno, a yak of MATI:
- Ti nevinniya, blow to a hut.
To Vorkut і, p_slya zv_lnennya, poznayomivsya z a r_vna on dol_ I d_vchinoit Bobko V_royu z Beresteyshchini. Odruzhivsya і, on її prokhannyu, po§khat in Kobrin. Hoch v_dnosiv Beresteysky Edge to Ukra§ni, soul vazhko peren_s separation z I r_dnoit Volinnya.
Pratsyuvav budivelnikom at Kobrini. For the yogi "zoloti" hands not disposable nagorodzhuvavsya, yy dovirili keruvat an integrated team of PMK-70.
Vigoduvali dvo є d_ty – to a donk to Natall і Xing Wolodimir. To _, in sp_vprats_ z a team, stvorit "Prosv_ta", a yak of a d_yal odinadtsyat rok_v that Kongres Ukra§nskikh nats_onal_st_v z kolishn_kh voyak_v UPA. Vidchuvayuchi to a nestach znan for literaturno ї tvorchosti, soul it is rich zaymavsya samoosvitoyu. Nalezhav to litob’ ¾dnannya mistsevikh poyetiv, virsh_ drukuvalisya at rayonniy gazeti "Kamunistychnaya of prayets". Spivpratsyuvav z ukra§nsky zgurtuvannyam on Beresteyshchini, newspapers "Beresteyshchini Golos" of i" Beresteysky Edge".
Pokhovany at Kobrin_. Z saw off a poshana the sworn brother in ostannyu the road of the fighter of Volin_ Unitary Enterprise. For drugy day p_slya a funeral of a viyshl a nevelichka the brochure of the yogi v_rsh_v "Pray vsl_d to us, Ukra§no".
On mogiln_y plit_ words z yoga of a v_rsh "Vdal і" zalishitsya:
Oh, Neng,
I d_liv z you
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