For the harvest festival street made pedestrian. This is one of the favorite places of recreation for residents of the city of Kobryn
Monument in honor of the first large victory of the Russian army over Napoleon on July 27, 1812
The Kobrin military and historical museum of A.V. Suvorov is founded in 1946 and is one of the oldest museums of the Brest region.
Kobrin and area
About the ancient and legendary city of Kobrin is written much. We bring to your attention not only more or less known material, but also it is a lot of undocumented material, many archival materials, memoirs of old residents, critiques and the researches of the best local historians devoted to Kobrin district.
The city of Kobrin and its vicinities nicely became history of Belarus. You can find information, video sketches, movies on those people which glorified Kobrin district. Here unique material about outstanding people whose destiny closely intertwined with history and destinies of people of Kobrin district is built.
We bring to your attention the best literary and local history materials of our fellow countrymen, we show their mastery, poetic talent and many other things. The section constantly is replenished.
Visitors of the website can get acquainted with a unique and peculiar animal and flora of Kobrin district, its woods, reserved places, the unique nature, and also current state of wildlife areas.
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