Rubanyuk _van Andreev_ch    

RUBANYuK _van Andreev_ch (. century of Pryshakhoda Kobrynskaga of the district Brestskay of voblas. 1896 - 1959), general-palko¸n_k (1955). At an automated workplace іі z 1915, at Chyrv. Automated workplace іі z 1918. Udzeln_k gramadz. vayna of 1918-1920. 3 1921 kam-r - on, a stick. At Faded. Aych. to a vayn on Pa¸d., Zaka¸kazsk_m, Pa¸n. - Ka¸kazsk_m, the 3rd і the 4th Ukr. dandies: kam-r stick, dyv., cases. Udzeln_k bayo ў in a of Rasto ў, vyzvalennya Ukra_na, Chekhaslavak іі, A¸stry_. Paslya of a vayna on adkazny posads va the MOUSTACHE of the USSR.

RUBANYUK Ivan Andreevich (. of Prishekhoda of Kobrin district of the Brest Region 1896 - 1959), general-polkovnnk (1955). In army with 1915, in the Territory. Armies since 1918. Participant grazhd. wars 1918 - 1920. About 1921 lumps-r - on, the shelf. In Conducted. Otech. war to Yuzh., Transcaucasian, Yuzh. - Kavk., the 3rd and the 4th Ukr. fronts: lump-r of a regiment, miracles., cases. Participant of fights for Rostov, osvobozhdennya Ukranna, Czechoslovakia, Austria. After war on the answer - stvenny positions in VS USSR.

Rubanyuk _van Andreev_ch//Vayennaya entsyklapedyya Belarus_ = the Military encyclopedia of Belarus / redkat. A. U. Yazykov_ch (Gaul. red.), expert V.A. Lyakhar. – M_nsk: Belarusky entsyklapedyya _mya P. Bro¸k і, 2010. – Page 835.

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