Mova ў zyamlyu karenny urasta

Perad to you і, pavazhana chytach, fish-traps of a nevyadomag to me Anatole Kozel. I ¸zho do not pamyatat, yon da myanie's yak і a ladder і ў. V_dats, da¸no ¸zho a nyama on sveets of an a¸tar of a getag a fish-trap. And fish-traps ў p_smovy became our to a zhyva. Hachu, Iago's incorporated bank prachytal_ _nshyya, Tats zrazumeyuts, to a cham і syonnya ў us gavorats on getay to mova …

Well і she is kind! Shto here drennaga? Pra palyashutsky mova here not zabyvayuts. At 1992 to a godza ў Kobryne of a vyysh ў, a pra¸da, adz_n, numar newspapers "Poleshukov of the word" (zasnavaln_k V. Brych). And kolk_ dbayuts ab yoy і gavorats at em_gratsy_ ў ZShA і _nshy mesets. Vyadoma nyamnog_m.

About the people, about mova vedemo to a rozmov
Zemlyakam-polyshukam i to bratam-b_lorusa

On the farm і, Coca to a l_s
In a tykhy kutochk
Sto_ts May of a r_dn hut,
Skhavavshys in a sadochka.
I to Brestch_n_ rodyvsya,
Here also I live.
Sk_lko of time to exchange of a hrystyla,
I do not know Vzhe
Polyak_ "тутейшім" called і,
Europeans – fair-haired,
Pra Sovetakh of a zapysala
Mena B_lorus.
Forty pershiya coming,
Pryshlos zhyta z n_mets.
N_meets the thought May –
Having called the Ukrainian.
It is live at n_mtsyakh I in nevol_
P_d tsyazhky prymus,
Dozhdav vol_ – zrobyla zn
Mena B_lorus.
Us pruzhants_-b_lorusa
Zval_ "gedunama".
We to – polyshuka і,
And _kh – lytvynama.
3 davn_kh l_t we in tsarsky spysa
Bulls "malorusa",
And pra of Stal_n_ vs_ rapty
Stala of "b_lorusa".
In sv_ta us for our mova
Pryznayut "hakhlama".
Hto we spravd і?
Dobras to Luda, sama.
Differently power at us of a buval,
Pryde i to a panua.
Yak of a hot_l, so і called,
At the people did not torture,
Shcho to whom giving in.
3 B_lorussyu zhyta it is possible –
E shcho pyty-ista.
But in us it is dense rasplodylys
Gore - reformists. (...)
Sm_kh і gr_kh. That in us a problem
Yak to us nazyvata
Mova, on yak_y speak
Nashi father y mats,
Chi pol_ska, chi yatvyazka,
chi that ukrainska …
Zvuchyt there in kozhn_y huts
Aude Polchtchy to P_nsk.
Zvuchyt so, a yak of i in stolittyakh
Here the won sounded.
On Pruzhanshch_na of a lytvynsk
Gave a vote.
I do not want annoying quarrystones
I in rozmova z vama,
Yak of a nazvata the mova,
Think sama.
Kozhna mova in a r_dna the earth
Kor_nny vrosta.
That, hto to know that not to a hocha,
Heads not May.
To exchange not to prymusit Nykhto
Zabuta, prodata,
P_snya y mova, shcho in d_t_nstv_
Gave to exchange mats.
I shanovat the mova –
Shcho і govoryta,
That not to a krych, shcho naykrashcha
There on vs_m sv_ta,
Bo to everyone the mova
On a soap svoyoma.
Yak i mats, shcho us, gr_shny,
On sv_t narodyla.
To that, brata, _nshomovny
Bcix us to a povazhayta,
In our lips the mova
S_lay not to a vkladayta.
Also do not find fault zvuch_t freely
Odes gran_ts to M_nsk
B_lorusk mova, Ruska,
Polsk, Ukra_nsk,
And between them
Will give a vote
And mova of a polisk.

Anatole Kozel

Krayaznauchaya newspaper, 2003


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