On October 28, 1790 the town of Maksimeni in Moldova
To production of the povelenny diploma and the coat of arms on grant in count the Russian Empire advantage, with the name the count Suvorov-Rymniksky, on claiming from me about the coat of arms used by me and otlichnost of my ancestors and actually my merits I have me to report the following.
In 1622, during lifetime of the tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, Naum and Suvor and, on them chelobityyu left Sweden, are accepted in the Russian citizenship, called "honest the husband", were divided into different generations and, on Suvora, Suvorov began to be called [2]. Sim and others them pokoleniyev, for the Crimean and other campaigns, [Page 33] estates, to a gosudarstvovaniye of the emperor Peter I were appointed. Its majesty to my father, Vasilyyu Ivanovich, was a godfather. At this sovereign it began service as the striker [2a] and the translator and, on his death, imperatritseyu Ekaterinoyu the First was let out leyb-guards from the goal-scorer sergeant and the regiment where it continued service to the captain and then in different ranks is soon granted by the ensign in Preobrazhenskiy, and at the empress Elisaveta Petrovna the general-porutchikom and St. Anna's gentleman and St. was used by the foreman and the major general on Military board. Aleksandra, in war with the Prussian king — in army the main thing at Proviantsky department and the governor of the Prussian kingdom. Nowadays in hereditary childbirth nicely derzhavstvuyushcheyu wise and great imperatritseyu it was made leyb-guards in Preobrazhenskiy a regiment the prime minister-major, leyb-guards in Izmaylovskaya by the lieutenant colonel, the general-anshefom and senator also was used in different important preporuchennost which did not come to my notice.
I entered service 15 years [2b], in 1742, Semenovsky's leyb-guard to a regiment the musketeer, was made by the corporal and consisted in unter-officer ranks, with correction of different positions and difficult parcels [2v], and in 1754 was released from sergeants to field shelves by a porutchik, in 1756 was made by an ober-proviantmeyster, the general auditor lieutenant, and then is renamed in the prime minister-majors in whom a rank in 1758 was when forming the third battalions in Liflyandiya and Kurland and had it in the team seventeen which forwarded to Prussia, and was a commandant in Memel; it is the same year granted by the lieutenant colonel, was at Krossen's occupation, in Silesia, under team of the general Mikhail Nikitich Volkonsky's prince; sent a position of the general and divisional person on duty at the general count Vilim Vilimovich Shermor, was on the Frankfurt fight [2 g] and in different parties; in the 1761st [Page. 34] consisted in the easy case at the general Berg and was under the Brig, at battle breslavlsky with the general Knoblokh and different sharmitselyakh, on battle near Shtrigau, at Groce and Klein-Vandrisse where predvodit a wing and two thousand of Russian army. Four Silesian miles confronted army under the king Prussian whole put, and by the night brought down their outposts and gained [2d] the place the; the next day strong attack on the left Prussian wing, against Valdshtatt's monastery was these troops chineno; then was in different unimportant actions and sharmitselyakh.
Getting closer to Shveydnitsu and an entrenchment tamo the Prussian king, attacked in the village N Prussian outpost with small number of Cossacks and behind it, at height, strong Prussian picket which the place after triple attack seized and held it several hours, how long from the general Berg two regiments Cossack which the Prussian two regiments standing near a sole of height hussar, with a reinforcement of two regiments dragoon, brought down from the place in camp were sent; from here all Prussian the camp was opened, and the easy case the main apartment, by connection of outposts, to the right — to Russian, to the left — to the Austrian armies is approved here; there were then here incessant sharmitsel, and, over different remarkable, once under royal tents dragoon regiments were broken, at my stay — Finkenshteynov and Golstein, hussar — Losov and Malakhovsky, with their great loss. When the general Platen went through Poland to Kolberg, easy the case soon followed it; having reached it, often battled against it, from flanok, and, at Kostyanakh, attacked his camp, through the wood, behind, at night, caused notable the loss [i] forced to march, and I was ahead, at all incident as days two after that almost similar in day happened to this. Platen, following against Landsberg, I with myself weak, in a sta horses took, Turoverov the Cossack regiment; crossed through Nets and in the same night, six miles from Drizen, kept up to Landsberg, the opposite coast of Warta, immediately through a ditch collars broke in policemen, and the advanced Cossacks of a suprenirovana also captivated two Prussian teams with their officers; then with the help of inhabitants the big bridge is burned landsbergsky. The arrived opposite army on other coast stopped, but, behind not fast arrival of our easy case, was transported then on pontoons and holding the way to Kolberg; I was sent from the general Berg with the Cossack regiments and several hussar for a reinforcement; I met the opposite case near Frideberg. It, marching at height, responded against me all the artilleriyeyu under which I broke its flankovy squadrons, and it was taken away in it is full from it notable number. Ostanovlyal I Platen in march eliko it is possible, how long [Page 35] Vasilya Mikhaylovich Dolgorukov's prince which then before it came to Kolberg came to line of the general; ours easy the case near Shtargard stopped; after some time it acted to Regenvald in which to the party there was an attack on the major Podcharli where I predvodit part of easy troops; this major with his detashement is taken in it is stout; but, as Mr. Kurbyer with strong army at our return campaign hurried to strike to our back where I was found, I was forced its front lines five squadrons with guns to bruskirovat with available for me in a look the hussar and Cossacks who really these squadrons of an oproverzhena were is less than hundred and left us many prisoners; the success from that was that Kurbyer retired. Under Naugart, predriving one column of the easy case, the village of N I — my team the Tver dragoon regiment weak dragoon attacked a regiment Golstein that after Pomensky, batalion grenadierial Arnim and two batalion of prince Ferdinand; The Tver regiment, about two hundred fifty people, got the idea of infantry on the uneven place and the dragoon brought down; the loss Prussian in the killed and prisoners was big, and the part of artillery is taken; under me the horse is shot and another is wounded. The notable part of Prussian army spoke on behalf of Kolberg, on military requirements, to side of Stettin; to our easy case on a campaign the general prince Mikhaylo Nikitich Volkonskoy united to kirasirsky regiments; our advance parties to Regenvald's party met Prussian vanguard; at my stay four squadrons horse the grenadier attacked infantry on broadswords; hussars battled against hussars; all this strong vanguard under the colonel Kurbyer was taken prisoner, and its artillery got in our hands; vposled I attacked with near easy group, in distance of small mile, on Prussian furazhir, under their case where takozh, over the killed, it is much taken prisoner; in night the Prussian case became for Golnov, ostavya in the city garrison. The general count Pyotr Ivanovich Panin came to us with some infantry; I one grenadierial batalion attacked collars, and, after strong resistance, we broke into a gate, drove Prussian group bayonets through all city for opposite collars and the bridge to their camp where it is beaten and was taken prisoner much; I was damaged kontuziyeyu — in a leg and in a breast — case-shots; one horse is wounded under me. In the field, under [3] capture of Kolberg, at actions of prince Virtembergsky, there were I at the easy case with the Tver dragoon regiment. At a returnable campaign from there of Prussian army to Stettin I, with the Tver dragoon regiment had, strong battle with one from it a detashement from infantry and a cavalry, near Stettin, at the village of Vizenstein in which to the party Prussian the case had a rest several days; the consequence of this was that in the same [Page 36] night all rechenny the case to Stettin hasty retired. In the fall, in wet time, about Regenvald, the general Berg with the case acted in a campaign; the regular cavalry it asked to go district, smooth, expensive; it took at itself(himself) a squadron three the hussar and two regiments of Cossacks and closed the case odal on the right; coming out of the wood, we on several steps suddenly saw all Prussian the case standing in its lines; we flanked it to the left; the come-back officer informed that ahead, in big verst, the unoccupied marsh crossing is small; we aspired on it; Prussian dragoons on broadswords, behind them — hussars pursued us pervy; having reached to a crossing, the friend and the enemy, having mixed up, in it honor pogruzl on onions; ours were necessary to leave dry before; behind them in a moment — several Prussian squadrons which were in a moment constructed; the general ordered to break them. The near squadron was weak yellow Svatsekov; I let it; he disproved all Prussian squadrons back, again in a bog; through it, meanwhile, they to a vleva from us to the land found a crossing; with the first their regiment was passed dragoon by Finkenshteynov, very complete; at neighbors here heights there was an opening on a squadron against which one Finkenshteynov became; time to spend was not possible; I ordered to strike headlong on a regiment to one our Serbian squadron; it the captain Zhandr rushed to an opening on sabers; Finkenshteynova fired a volley from carbines; any person of ours did not fall; but Finkenshteynova five squadrons in a moment were oproverzhena, rublena, potoptana and ran across a crossing back. Serbian the squadron was supported with one Hungarian which in business was not; Finkenshteynova were supported, except a cavalry, a batalionama ten infantry; all this infantry — a fine show — from opposite line, on a semi-shot, fired on us gun volleys; we almost lost nothing, from them, over the killed, notable number of captives received; at these actions there were their best guerrillas, and the Finkenshteynovy regiment the lieutenant colonel and gentleman Retsenstein, very brave and excellent the officer ordered; then they left us alone.
In 1762 I was sent to the highest yard with dispatches from the general count Pyotr Ivanovich Panin and its imperial majesty is made in colonels by the following autographic decree: "the lieutenant colonel Alexander Suvorov we favor in our colonels in Astrakhan infantry a regiment".
In 1768 I am granted by the foreman at the Suzdal infantry regiment and, ordering crew, was sent with it and two squadrons the general Numers ordering the case from side of Smolensk to Lithuania, to Orsha, from where, as the case arrived, acted Dahl, to the Lithuanian Minsk where the case connected to me; from there with rechenny group of troops it was offered to me to follow hasty to Warsaw, razdelya sow [Page 37] group on different parts and two columns; during different volnovaniyev in Lithuania there was my march to Brest-Lithuanian where soyedinyas, I arrived to the Zmudz Minsk, near Warsaw five miles — here will notice that one column was in way to hundred twenty, another, with me, to hundred thirty local miles; but march was over exactly in two weeks, without the dead and patients, with help narrow-minded a supply — and then arrived to Prague, to Warsaw; from there I dispersed not notable party, under the Warsaw marshalok Kotlubovsky. The extraordinary ambassador, the prince Mikhayla Nikitich Volkonskoy, sent me to Lithuania, for suppression of mutinies; I took a half of a rechenny detashement and arrived to Brest-Lithuanian where I heard that rebels not in range and that near them our different chiefs handle sufficient detashament. In this point I left people a large number, itself took with myself, without delaying at all, the Suzdal sixty grenadiers, hundred musketeers, more than hundred shooters, at two guns, and thirty six Voronezh the dragoon; I met the count Kastelli at thirty carabineers and a little table number of Cossacks and took it with myself. Marshirovavsha night, against polden, we met rebels under Nut; their number towered near ten thousand that there was a lie; I believed them from two-to three thousand; their chiefs were marshalka and others — worthy Ksaviyer Pulavskoy who is killed here, the brother his Kazimir, pinsky — Oreshko, Malchevskoy, Zaremba, number nine. I them knew to be careless, in a thin position, i.e. constrained on a meadow, in the wood, under the village; how soon we franshirovat three close defile where suffered small a loss, attack began, but continued from four to five hours; the village behind them is lit by the grenade; to tell briefly, we beat them; they promptly ran, their loss was notable; among prisoners the regiment with his officers, but very weak was found Pinsky dragoon; then with group I arrived to Lublin where, on importance of a post, made mine kapital [4]. The colonel of N[5] near Klimontov, in the sendomirsky voivodeship was broken main, small group under my leadership and lost several honeycombs with five guns; we attacked Lantskorona, for Krakov, seized the city, except the lock, and broke the nasty general of N[6] which came to the rescue. In the town of Urzhendov, on Vistula, I suprenirovat at night army of marshalok of Pulavskoy and Savva; here, at great loss, we got in hands dragoons of this last, and he was so wounded that, on powerlessness, later died soon: they were banished from under [Page 38] of Krasnik. It was broken in the woods, to side of Vladimir, the colonel Novitsky and in the village of N is destroyed the same night at all. On many actions, so-called Main konfederatsiyeyu the city of Krakow was so constrained that ours tamo to troops the lack of a subsistention came; I gave to my groups a rendezvous on the river Sana'a, beat off before a barrier them on the river to Dongaiqie and, on some night and day fights, reached to Krakow from where rebels banished; in the same night, against dawn, attacked nearby Krakow their tynitsky [7] strengthenings where over much beaten, including bayonets, we took away much in captivity of their best infantry from the dismissed Saxons with the German officers and artilleriyeyu. The next day there was a nice incident under Lantskoronoyu where accurate multiple rebels in the end were broken; several French officers with infantry died, on their image I uchrezhdennoit; it is killed two a marshalka, pinsky — Oreshko and the prince Sapega; at many prisoners to me got in marshalka hands: Krakow — Mionchinsky and Warsaw — Lyasotskoy. Hardly this is over as I am informed on strong diversion of rebels to the party of Zamostya and Lublin; I was necessary to address hastily there. It was beaten before their rather gathered from disseminated part, at the river Sana'a; among prisoners there were some foreign officers; then rebels were strongly broken, disseminated under Zamostyem and from delozhirovana fortress. Srazhenyev of these there was much, but remarkable was nine whom plans I sent to the general Veymarn. The French foreman Mezyer [8], obretivshiysya at rebels the chargê d'affaires, but this is recalled to the yard soon, and to its place there arrived Viomenil, the general and the gentleman of an award St. Ludovika of the Big cross. All Lithuania was indignant; regular it from regiments of the German state and komputovy horong the army, with a sufficient artilleriyeyu and all to war ought snabdenny, gathered, as well as there is enough from active armed forces, under leadership of their great hetman, count Oginsky who at first and received some avantazh. I all army brought together up to seven hundred people and two guns; here were also legionny which before something of of Oginsky suffered; but I had the brave officers who got used often [9] to battle close. There were we through Brest-Lithuanian and a direct path, but hasty march, approached with armiyeyu Mr. Oginsky which spent the day under Stolovichami; furazhirovavshy uhlans are caught; having accepted them it is tender, I dawned from them necessary about their arrangement; the general Belyak osteregat it, but he did not trust; in the same night we went for attack, continued march without the slightest noise, aiming on its fires. Night was dark, and by the morning fog fell; I delivered infantry to [Page 39] in the first line, artillery in the middle; the second line was all from a cavalry; behind artillery there was infantry a reserve, behind the second there was the person a reserve, from infantry and a cavalry; Cossacks were disseminated with covered and behind; our attack on Lithuanians was from a back; we approached them something till the dawn, is so silent that detashirovanny since Patkul was chopped by several their sentries and, on this signal, were met from them from the town by strong firing, gun and from artillery. Before us there was a bog and through it — a dam on which the major Kiselyov with the Suzdal grenadiers went on bayonets, punched and made room for our cavalry which the leader lieutenant colonel Ryleyev meeting in the town chopped everything and trampled. Meanwhile the major Kiselyov went directly to the apartment of Mr. Oginsky; it was supported by part of infantry; other, under the major Fergin with the Narva grenadiers, captains Shlissel [and] Hannibal, upravyas with zasevsheyu in the town opposite infantry, connected to it; all infantry and reserves were built and went to attack lines of Mr. Oginsky in the field with which our cavalry already went into action; the Lithuanian army defended bravely: legionny, grenadiers of very distinguished and when reached bayonets, from companies of mushketersky g Maslov with a legionna of the first struck. The victory already was in our hands as the general Belyak standing in half-miles from the place of fight, however, poopozdavsh, with two strong regiments of the best uhlans, the and Karitsky, cut off and surrounded our three squadrons; those not once through them were cut through, than and battle is over. We got all artillery, wagon trains, office and kleynoda of the great hetman in hands, all dragoon horses with an attire; komputovy with uhlans notable part escaped; our captivity surpassed our number; from dragoon and infantry regiments almost all, except the killed a staff and subaltern officers [10], were in ours to captivity; from our officers seniors almost everything were pereranena; from the lower ranks it was killed a little, but pereraneno about an osmy share. Battle continued from three to four hours, and all Lithuania calmed down; all this Lithuanian army consisted no more then in meeting, as to three thousand people, except the uhlan and several irregular. After this incident Krakow followed. I addressed in Lithuania; the French officers entered the lock at night through a well in a wall where sewage at myatezhnichy troops expired, I sow a surpriza captivated local garrison and entered from Tynts's party more than one thousand people especially the best, from the dismissed Saxons and the dismissed Austrians, at the German officers, infantry there; from our army standing in the city there were different vain attempts; in several days I arrived with group as, from the party, the Polish royal generals there — the count Branitskoy and Grabovskoy; most that nearly an hour [Page 40] rebels, at dawn, from the lock made a general sortie for mastering the city; the cavalry hit them directly on guardrooms, but was shot and cut off; the infantry went great density, but is turned by case-shots back soon; ours, on a disposition to me and a malochisliya on the place, did not pursue it. Immediately we are oblegl the lock — royal troops the apartment was based beyond Vistula — founded communications by bridges and shanets, on both sides of Vistula held posts in decent places infantry on which from opponents of a chinena there were different sorties, especially at midnight and half-days, always with their loss; our all infantry there were about seven hundred people, we almost in the city from different detashement myatezhnichy are blocked, and though I in different places in management had more than five thousand people, but they could not be emptied, except the sendomirsky voivodeship. The major Nagel bought and took the hidden marches with his group military ammunition, from Shlezsky Kozel. The major Michelson more, on his art, we send all was against rebels in the field, and received it from progress to himself great glory. Rebels in the lock had a lot of provisions; they had not enough other edibles that for the sake of was used to themselves in write the horses. Appeared Lithuanian, long ago across Poland wandering, Kossakovsky's marshalka the party was broken by me at Smerzontsa, between Krakow and Tynts, and sunk in Vistula; from all countries the lock was constrained; but one general we was not successful storm though already one collars were gained in what myatezhnichy our loss surpassed and why then they had a lack of gunpowder and flints soon. Our artillery was not notable, but art of. The dachshund in different places spoiled communications, often in the lock lit, and a gap in a wall was ready for six rows; two mines on both sides of Vistula, one royal officer of N, another — the engineer captain Potapova, came galleries to the end of points, and already any person from the lock could not creep as there was to me the lock at night a foreman Galibert and, on many negotiations, capitulated. It is possible to salute French that they in the lock of royal tombs, are lower that from precious kleynod was not damaged at all, but sacredly to the Polish officials returned; the garrison was declared by the prisoner — but a titla of "prisoner of war" not akordovano how many about that the French chiefs asked me — left in eight hundred cheloveka healthy, other — patients or died; its infantry remained even more ours what for the sake of put the gun to the person on duty at me to the major prince Sontsov; in the lock at it a staff and subaltern officers of different sciences there were about fifty people; French were: foremen and Saint Ludovic gentlemen — Shuazi and Galibert, captains: Viomenil, the nephew general which the first entered the lock, Salinyak and others two, gentlemen of a military award; from them there were in visits of Indiyakh and actions [Page 41] in Corsica still some French Aubert and corporals. I presented to all these misters their swords as the foreman Shuazi handed the to me, and, after a traktament, in the same night, at possible benefits and an uchtivstvo rechenny misters with other and garrison are sent, at an escort, to Lublin, from there the lower ranks — to Russia, the officers who arrived with the general Viomenil — to Lviv; that before arrived with the foreman Mezyer — to the Lithuanian fortress of Byalu, Polish — to Smolensk. Further I about my political operations to Tyntsu, Lantskorona and other places do not describe, how about costing pak of new space. G. Viomenil said goodbye to me the courteous grateful letter and left for France from cheloveka three the remained officers and N dismissed from me, the notable father who was entrusted to me of. Shuazi from the lock, for treatment of its mortal wounds from which received freedom. Beginning from Radziviltsov, the most part myatezhnichy partiyev to me — armed — were given and are dismissed; then also all Polish indignations came to an end.
I am granted in 1770 by the major general and in 1774 years the general-porutchikom, in 1772 the general Elmpt and I, on the changed board in Sweden, are turned with regiments from Poland to Finland. On arrival mine to St. Petersburg I was defined temporarily to a local division, examined the boundary, Russian with Shvetsiyey, with the note of political circumstances, and had other commitments.
As circumstances with Shvetsiyey were changed, I was sent to the first army where from the general field marshal count Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsov it was placed in the case standing in Walachia. The general count Ivan Petrovich Saltykov ordering it charged me group of troops on Arzhishe's river, against line Turtukaya where having arrived, I found near twenty perepravny inert boats, from army chose and accustomed to them appropriate oarsmen, and made half hidden march, for approach to Danube; at dawn we were surrounded with the Turkish cavalry, in the end broke it and banished for Danube; with prisoners there was their ordering pasha. We were opened by that [11] and in the next night five hundred people of infantry Astrakhan, hundred the carabineer were transported for Danube [12] safely, at the colonel the prince Meshchersk, Astrakhan regiments — horses by swimming — and hundred Cossacks. Turks on the opposite coast, over five thousand, considered us unimportant party, but strongly from their guns on us shot, as well as to Arzhish's mouth from where there were boats; we won under them the known victory. The second my action under Turtukayem, during incident at Silistriya, part from relyatsiyev is known to taka [Page 42]; I will explain only that on weakness from an illness I unaided could not go; that after mastering by us the Turkish retranshement at night barbarians superiority almost ten times in it strongly surrounded us; there was also vysherechenny a prince Meshcherskoy whom as [also] I cannot be extolled by Mr. Shemyakin who came to me with horse group and an easy gun enough, and they always in my memory will be. Carabineers of Meshchersky were armed with guns with bayonets, on a lack of infantry; night and to poludnyam we battled incessantly, and the military ammunition notably decreased; it was struck with Feyzull's bullet, the ordering pasha, the Egyptian Ali-Bey [13] traitor, and is chopped off by Senyutkiny Cossacks. Against polden the captain Brattsov made a sortie with a shestisherenozhna columned in collars on the Janissar, struck with the cold gun also itself is fatally wounded; then all army acted from a retranshement, and the clear victory was won; all Turkish artillery of the lower and top camp from them flotiliyeyu got in our hands. The first time under Turtukayem killed at me a leg, from a rupture of a gun; about different before to me unimportant contusions I do not mention; after that I was defined by the chief of the girsovsky case [14]. Seius Zadunaysky the post should be observed; I repaired fortress, added to it earth structures and made different feldshanets; before approach Turkish I transferred my reserve because of Danube — two regiments of infantry to the island, in Girsov's proximity, in closing behind the small river of N[15] on which there were pontoons. Turks appeared early in the afternoon, about eleven thousand; I ordered to do different feigned types of our weakness; but, for my part, especially from fortress, began to shoot early, instead of a case-shot kernels. They flanked our shanets; the sharmitsirovaniye proceeded to polden and had no end; I ordered all the to clear the field. It was pleasant to see: barbarians, at five pashas bunchuzhny, were constructed to three lines; in the first two — infantry, in the middle of a cavalry; on flanks — guns, in their places, in an European way, in the third — that a reserve — there was a different army and some wagon trains; with happy symmetry they approached our Moscow retranshement where we were silent, occupied height, began with bombs and kernels meekly and, however, very [Page 43] is brave, under leadership of their bayraktar, rushed from the different countries on a retranshement; our fire was opened close; the retranshement was very strong. From closing the prince Machabelov with the Sevsky regiment and the baron Rosen with three squadrons the hussar ascended to our heights, with their big defeat, and the prince Gagarin, another to a regiment, with karey came on their left the flank, from a retranshement; they extremely suffered. Not for long here business continued, and hardly from one till two-o'clock; they hit in flight, underwent great a loss, left all their artillery on the place; the victory was perfect; we drove them thirty versts; other it is known on a report. The last fight in the Turkish war was won by me at Kozludzhi, before conclusion of peace. Reserve the case of my team connected with Izmail. The Turkish army, about fifty thousand, was under Rezzak-efendiya's team and the main thing yanycharsky Aga, was on a campaign through the wood and is met by our cavalry which dokhvatit their quartermasters, with general, and forced to concede to force; from my vanguard three batalion the grenadier and huntsmen with their guns, under team of. Treydena, Ferzena, the River, stopped in the wood opposite vanguard, eight thousand Albanians, and began battle; soon teams of the general Ozerov karey two-regimental, Suzdal and Sevsky, under Machabelov were strengthened, but almost already preduspet to break Albanians, observing very the fire. This defeat continued near two hours near polden; our people went in all night long and did not manage to accept I write, as well as front horses were not given to drink. The wood was cleaned; we entered march forward; on our path several honeycombs of carts with the Turkish best shantsovy tool are thrown; there were unimportant skirmishes in the wood; the cavalry closed malosily our infantry; it was about four thousand; the senior is the general Levis whom I am very lent by acts; I leave the other note. There were we the wood nine versts, and after an exit from this the rain which our army encouraged fell strong, opposite a phlegm did harm. At a debushirovaniye we are met by strong shots of three batteries at heights, from artillery of the baron Tott [16], and brown, having taken the distance, gained them and all took; though different attempts from barbarous army at us were, but without success; and there is more prepobezhdena speed of our march and God [17] gun shots, as well as gun firing, with fire observance; here Korea the prince Ratiyev, the lieutenant colonel was wounded inside: yalyn-kylydzh [18], on their custom, in it vnedrivatsya. Our march, the most part a blackthorn, pak nine versts was the field, and [Page 44] at its outcome there came to us artillery the captain Bazin and with it near ten big orudiyev which opened firing in a hollow, in the Turkish camp. Already Turks ran everywhere; but still business was not over — behind their camp I saw height which should be gained; I went through it with the lieutenant colonel Lyubimov and his squadrons, brown it bypassed and that something tarried; on occupation of that height strong firing from big guns came by me from the Turkish side suddenly on us, and on continuation I noticed that it is a little of them, ordered to the major Parfentyev to take from myself pospeshny and rather three Suzdal companies, to beat off them that he with extreme speed of march also made; all our army was located at these heights, against the coming night, and there came to us the foreman Zaborovsky with its karey complete Chernihiv to a regiment; thus the perfect victory at Kozludzhi is ended, the last last Turkish war [19]. There were I on a horse often on fire and chest [20] fight; my illness of that time was increased so much that I left to be treated for Danube why I for a report, am lower for my report, in weakness of my health, I do not answer, but is happy in my soul about well-known consequences from this incident. Owing to nominal highest command where is registered to go to me to Moscow, for the aid to the general prince Mikhayle Nikitich Volkonsky, I left immediately from Moldova and arrived to Moscow where saw that I have nothing to do, and went further inside, to the general count Pyotr Ivanovich Panin [21] who at appointment of a paka to me declared the highest command assistance with it in zameshatelstvo and gave me open a leaf about obedience me in provinces to military and civil chiefs. However, I hurried to the advanced teams and could not have a big escort — and not otherwise it was necessary — but whether it is known with what danger of brutal and disgraceful death? Mad crowds were unsteady everywhere; on the road a set of a tiranska from them destroyed, it is also not a shame to me to tell that I assumed sometimes a rascally name; itself did not repair anywhere, ruled to repair below, the slightest execution, unless civil, and that to one beznravny instigators, but pacified a chelovekolyubivna tenderness, the promise of the highest imperial mercy. On arrival mine in Dmitriyevskom I dawned that known the robber — in proximity of one beyond Volga settlement; despite its [Page 45] unimportant force, I wished, being reedited, with my small [22] people on it immediately to strike; but horses everything were chosen that for the sake of I was started up by swimming, on the vessel, in Tsaritsyn where I met with Michelson. From Tsaritsyno took itself different army an escort on horses and addressed in extensiveness of the Ural steppe for the robber remote from me versts [23] in four. Has to add that I, on a shortcoming, almost with myself had no provisions, but used the place of that horned cattle, a zasusheniye on meat fire with salt; in the steppe I united since Ilovaysky and Borodin; stuck to traces and in several days caught up with the robber going to Uralsk. It is therefore evidential that not so it was easy also speed of march — the first art. This was among Big Uzenya. I immediately divided parties that [24] to catch it, but was informed that his Ural residents [25], usmotrya our rapprochements, from fear connected it and rushed with it, on my forehead, headlong to Uralsk where I in the same days arrived. What for the sake of they it was not connected before, mail not given me, I was him the enemy, and all reasonable light will tell that in Uralsk Ural residents had more friends, as well as on outposts of it. Ours front lines here something got off on the Kyrgyz traces, and that not to continue by empty ceremonies business, I immediately accepted it in my hands, went with it through the Ural steppe back, at incessant from kirgizts which at me killed one neighbor and aide-de-camp wounded in all that time of a bespokoystviya, and gave it to the general count Pyotr Ivanovich Panin, in Simbirsk. In the next time and others without bloodshed are reduced by my political orders and military maneuvers of violence of bashkirts, imperial mercy [26]. I was determined by the highest imperial pleasure in 1776 to regiments of the Moscow division, to the Crimea where about Karasu-Bazara the audience I disseminated parties opposite to the Shagin-weight-khan one movements and on the arrival of it from Tamani declared it in this advantage and, by the proceeding illness, drove off to Poltava for treatment. Next year and in 1778 I ordered the case Kuban where on the Kuban River I founded liniyeyu fortresses and feldshanets, from the Black Sea to Stavropol, and that reduced an unrest of the zakubansky and Nogai people: one that year there was no the escape, Nogai for Kuban. That year I am turned into the Crimea and ordered cases Crimean, [Page. 46] Kuban, on Dnieper and other troops, brought Christians from the Crimea to Russia without the rest, forced out the Turkish flotilla from Akhtiarsky [27] harbor, the great admiral Gassan-pashu and Ali-beya anatolsky with all ottoman fleet and vessels, transport with army, which all on the account was more than hundred seventy, from the Crimean coast turned back to Constantinople, a vspreshchenye of fresh water and firewood, and acted from the Crimea with troops in 1779. Then I addressed in different places and the commissions, ordering Kazan diviziyeyu; to the conclusion of the convention with Turks I ordered the Kuban case, in 1783 swore in the Nogai hordes vsepoddannichesky its imperial majesty and as they, uchinya mutiny, notable part left for Kuban, I there on them had a campaign, with regular and strong irregular army; they were us beyond Kuban and on the Laba River at dawn at Kermenchike so of a suprenirovana that lost a set of the people and all the murz, and that number at times their and other generations it is equal to this were broken; one days terminated all business.
In the 1784th year I am defined to the Vladimir division, and in the 1785th year poveleno to me to be at the Sanktpeterburgsky division. 1786 of September 22 days, in a proizvozhdeniye on a seniority, most gracious I am granted the general-anshefom and sent to Ekaterinoslavsky army; during its tallest imperial majesty in 1787 of travel to midday the edge was in Kiev, at its presence, and as their imperial majesties desired to follow to the Taurian area, I created camp between Kherson and Kremenchuk, in a sta twenty versts from it, at Blankitny; upon return of their majesties and after departure from midday edge I was in Kremenchuk.
From opening of the war, real with Ottoman Portoyu, I am defined to Kinburn and this major post, to preservation of the All-Russian borders, I stored from the Black Sea and, on the estuary, from Ochakovo weariless vigil from September, 1787 to 1789 and as that 1787 of September of the 13th day from fleet Ochakov all kanonerny vessels, priblizhas to a kinburnsky waterway, opened a cruel cannonade and a bombardirada, it in fortress caused, in a structure and people, damage, I from Kinburn immediately corresponded to the same with such success that caused to their people and a frigate damage and linear blew up their ship with all crew, and the 14th, versts in osm from Kinburn, Turks to seven hundred people on small vessels to the coast swam up, but were met by my team and beaten off; they attempted also upon the 15th, but are banished from sent from a squadron on Deep — two frigates and four galleys — to Kinburn. A galley "Desna" under the command of the warrant officer Lombard, the Page is good [. 47] armed, was started up on the vessels bombarding Kinburn which separated from the fleet and forced them to a retirada to the fleet; but are pursued by it, and entered with them, and, on the various movements, and with the left flank of fleet battle, having opened gun fire hidden by it before the grenadier, [and], continuing more than two hours, caused considerable a loss to the enemy where also Ochakov batteries to work were forced. Came back under fortress kinburnsky so safely that, except the warrant officer Lombard, nobody is wounded and it is not killed, and he is wounded by a bullet in an ear. The 30th of that September the enemy pulled together the vessels to Kinburn, made strong firing and threw bombs till the dead of night, and the first of October, at dawn, resumed the firing with bigger cruelty and so caused in fortress, in an earth shaft and camp to tents and army of damage, and at nine o'clock in 12 versts from Kinburn on the estuary five vessels with the armed people seemed which how many tried to come to the coast, are beaten off with a loss. In the same morning the enemy, among five thousand of perfect army, predpriyal on Kinburn to make defeat, transporting from the ships on the cape of a kinburnsky braid with big haste, and they worked in the earth, approaching fortress. I, in a small number imev troops [i] uchredya in a fighting order, met them and attacked; the enemy was persistently and bravely protected in the strengthenings. The major general Rek beat out them from ten lodgments, but was thus wounded in a leg, and the major Bulgakov is killed, Muntsel and Mamkin — are wounded. The fleet is enemy, having roused [28] to the coast, did great harm the bombs, kernels and case-shots, and army our not mogsh to overcome the multiplied forces enemy, were forced to recede; I, being in forward ranks, stopped receding, ispravya the front, resumed battle and expelled the enemy from many lodgments. Meanwhile the galley "Desna" on the left wing of enemy fleet brought down several vessels from the place, the serf artillery — sank two kanonersky vessels, field artillery — exterminated two shebeka. The enemy fresh troops forced ours army to retreat, those most that extraordinary firing from enemy fleet not small did harm; I am wounded easily by a case-shot in left a side; infantry regiments retired decently [29] in fortress, and to the place of battle of profit again infantry — batalion and three companies, with crew of an easy cavalry; I started fight for the third time. The infantry supported by easily horse and Cossack regiments stepped bravely on the enemy; the enemy not vozmog already to keep in 15 entrenchments; are beaten out from all strengthenings, underwent extreme defeat, and the remains are dumped in water, for made them platforms where they lived in misery till the morning. I at the end of this [Page 48] defeat am still wounded in the left hand by a bullet through. Sim the perfect victory is won, both the Kinburnsky braid and waters surrounding it are covered with their bodies. Loss enemy — in all army landed on the coast, except small number escaped in water, for platforms; from our party — the killed: the major, podporutchik [and] the lower ranks — 136; wounded: I and Rek, majors — three, subaltern officers — 14, lower ranks — 283. In this real war I the first had a case with the Turkish army battle and though my wounds weakened my forces, but my diligence supported me, and I, without receding from my position, little by little recovering, all winter tried about extraction of languages from Ochakovo. In 1788 arranged on the shooter of the Kinburnsky braid of the battery, from it during battle on the estuary of numerous Turkish fleet, under team the captain-pasha, with our limansky sailing and rowing flotillas, June 7 and 17 chisl and the subsequent then, caused strong defeat to enemy fleet and, after destruction of all Turkish on the estuary and near Ochakov of fleet, I was in the line of Ochakov blockade, on the left flank. The enemy seemed on July 27 in 50 horse, opening a way to the infantry, making the way hollows to my left flank, and the containing picket from our bugsky Cossacks attacked; I supported it with two bataliona infantry the grenadier. Battle happened very bloody; the Turk about three thousand were increased. The Neudobnost of the places filled with ditches promoted the enemy to keep; but at a bayonet assault the enemy is absolutely overturned and banished in a retranshement. At destruction of excellent number of the enemy, desperately battling, our loss consisted — the killed: subaltern officers — 4, the grenadier — 138, Cossacks — 12; herewith I am wounded in a neck not hard; the major, three captains, two podporutchik, the 200th grenadier and 4 Cossacks are wounded. And as the 29 and 31 chisl that July Turkish the fleet seemed at the sea from Berezani, I am sent to Kinburn where had supervision in not admission to the estuary of enemy fleet. After capture of Ochakovo, in 1789, I for bringing to its imperial majesty for the highest grant to me awards St. the apostle Andrey of vsepoddanneyshy gratitude arrived to St. Petersburg [30] and was on the 25th of April of that year, and this number there, half-learning the highest command to go its imperial majesty to Moldova for acceptance in my administration of the advanced case against the enemy, and that number from St. Petersburg went, and, having arrived, accepted the consisting army the case between Seret's rivers and the Prut. On July 16 that year I with my case passed Seret's river of [i] 17 of number united to the allied case [Page 49] of Roman and imperial troops under the command of the general from a cavalry prince Saksen-Koburgsky, continuing a campaign to Fokshanam against gathered there Turkish of 30 thousand of the consisting case; among it the fifth part was infantry under team of a seraskir trekhbunchuzhny, Moustapha pasha. That July of the 20th at survey of the river of Putna the cavalry which was found the Turkish troops, battling against our easy army, dvoyekratno the enemy was broken and banished. Dvukhbunchuzhny Othman pasha with three thousand of a perfect cavalry tried to amplify against our troops; but with the help Roman and imperial the hussar and tsesarsky arnnut the enemy it is overturned and banished, with his great loss. And, having guided pontoons [i] of 21 numbers pereshed the river to Putn, on this campaign to Fokshanam of the Turkish troops of crowd in different places had battle with our easy troops, but everywhere were beaten off with a loss. Approaching Fokshanam, on many battles, the general-porutchik Derfelden with infantry of the connected troops attacked enemy entrenchments and seized it. The part of the Turkish infantry was locked in the strong fokshansky monastery of Saint Samuil, in their earth strengthenings which immediately oblegl on the left side Russian army, and with right, under leadership of prince Saksen-Koburgsky — allied army. Turks cruelly defended with gun fire; but, I soyedinennoit artilleriyeyu having beaten off gate and a gate, ours with allied troops, voshed in walls, struck the enemy with bayonets, and after battle continuation, in 9 hours, the help bozhiyeyu reached by us a perfect victory. After Fokshanami's mastering the rest of the broken Turks looked for rescue in St. Ioann's monastery, in one and a half to verst lying; but the team sent from prince Saksen-Koburgsky with artilleriyeyu, on desperate defense, were forced ostavshy from destruction aha and 52 persons to give up prisoners of war. Enemy a loss — to 1500 people; prisoner it is taken 100, guns 10, banners — 16; with tents with different military supplies winners got all their camp in production. Absent-minded Turks ran on roads brailovsky and to Bukarest. With our lungs army, catching up, they were affected and on both roads received in production several honeycombs of vehicles with a military ammunitsiyeyu and other baggage. With our party, Russian it is killed privates — 15, wounded all ranks — 79; from Roman and imperial troops the loss is very small.
The same to year, September 6 and 7 chisl, according to the message to me from the general from a cavalry prince Saksen-Koburgsky ordering allied Roman and imperial troops, about approach of the Supreme vizier with the main Turkish forces in hundred thousand consisting and which camped at Martineshti in distance from it no more than 4 hours, expecting from it attack, asked me to hurry to connect to it; I, thinking roofing felt important circumstances, immediately from Putseni acted in a campaign, having taken with itself the case made from two-hussar, [Page 50] 4 of grenadierial, 4 mushketersky batalion and one easy batalion created from the musketeer, ustroy on 6 kareev to two lines under the administration: the first — the major general Poznyakov, and the second — the foreman Vestfalen, 12 karabinerny squadrons — at the foreman Burnashov, two Cossack regiments and arnaut, with their chiefs, and though spillage of the river of Seret in Delano's crossing great difficulty, but, overcoming all obstacles, pereshed Seret, Berlad on the bridge followed through Putna, and Roman and imperial army, pereshed the river, at It is fluid, addressed, against Nikoresht, pontoon bridges, and with it near Fokshan, at the river Milkov, I united 10 that September in the morning. Having examined position of the enemy, rasporyadit a campaign two columns; right I, pribavya to it Roman and imperial troops conducted two divisions and Barkov the hussar, under team of the lieutenant colonel baron Greven and the major Matyashkovsky, and left conducted prints-Saksen-Koburgskoy. And that 10th, at a sun zakhozhdeniye, acted, passing Milkov into the ford and continuing march in perfect silence, having come to Rymna, forded it, infantry to the right, and a cavalry to the left. Soversha transition, at dawn constructed army in a fighting order and moved in attack; in seven versts, at the village of Tyrgokukuli, the Turkish army at favorable heights, in twelve thousand, under team dvukhbunchuzhny the pasha Hagi-Soytari was encamped. Soon began sharmitsel and firing gun on both sides; the first line began to step on the enemy battery; but a fashion show long detained, taking place in an order, and meanwhile the enemy with a half of his army, with bigger part of wagon trains, left to the town of Rymnika — struck with other half of a cavalry and infantry very strongly on a caret of the right flank. Brave repulse and God fires of an egersky caret, operation of guns and bayonets in half an hour disproved Turks with a great loss; the carabineer two squadrons and a division Roman and imperial the hussar, vrubyas in the enemy, took away a banner, and lungs army — seized enemy camp, and all-carabineers, the Don Cossacks and arnauta — exterminated a great number of Turks; the others ran on the bukarestsky road, to the town of Rymnika. Prince Saksen-Koburgskoy, having further a way, passed through Rymna after me, and, hardly it managed to be constructed, the enemy, in twenty thousand consisting, attacked strongly both wings, but we strike was with sensitive death; at the same time from Martineshti, from the main enemy camp at Rymne's river, to six thousand Turks quickly naskakat on a caret of the Smolensk regiment. I ordered to a caret Rostov to accept the shelf of the same second line to the right, sblizhas a virgule that to put the enemy between God fires; here battle continued the whole hour, with continuous fire, and in troops of prince Saksen-Koburgsky — more than two. The enemy desperately battled, but at last conceded to courage, ostavya field I pokrytoit a circle dead bodies; The Turkish cavalry worked with [Page 51] with extreme courage, and especially Janissars and Arabs desperately attacked. Turks receded to the wood Kryngu-meylor where it was found pedestrian to 5 thousand the Janissar, having a retranshement there though not ended; I gained the place of battle, built lines, collected brown and had a little a rest.
After this prince Saksen-Koburgskoy of a paka was strongly attacked forty by thousand horse Turks who surrounded closely his left wing; its cavalry got the idea of Turks several times, and before my front began sharmitsel; I went with army, reflecting the enemy cannonade which opened the batteries; under shots their allied army, entering on a flat eminence, sought to seize; the enemy, seeing our effort, two times attempted to take away the artillery. After three versts to march the retranshement under the wood Kryngu-meylor opened; I ordered to carabineers and, on their flanks, to hussars to become among kareev to the first line and to give these an interval; lungs army occupied wings, and to the same line of a cavalry joined to the left — other divisions prince Saksen-Koburgsky's hussar; behind it Levenerova to a regiment the easy cavalry made a reserve; it everything is made in action on full march. I asked prince Saksen-Koburgsky that he ordered to go strongly forward to the Koreas; the cannonade kareev ours in the wood and a retranshement brought the Turkish guns into silence; the pedestrian and horse Turkish army struck and thrown into confusion began to recede in the wood; I ordered to stop them; our line, at continuous firing from wings and kareev God shots, priblizhivshis, was started up quickly in attack, the cavalry, a pereskocha not sublime a retranshement, got the idea of the enemy; seized four tools, istrebya great number of Turks which here desperately battled; at last, these populous crowds are expelled from the wood; the broken Turkish crowds ran to the main camp, at Rymnike's river, in six versts from this place of battle to remote; our Koreas reaching them, squadrons and lungs army turned their management on the South; carets, the major general Karachayem of a predvodima, were with our Koreas ahead, struck the Janissar and other enemy army where Cossacks and arnauta exterminated the enemy. At a sun zakhozhdeniye winners perervat a pursuit on rymniksky line; this river was dammed by thousands of vehicles ammunichny and other and great number of the sunk dead bodies enemy and cattle. During fight the Supreme vizier was the person under the wood Kryngu-meylor, to most it exile to rymniksky camp from there where it not vozmog neither an admonition, nor coercion to stop running the army, and itself hasty left on the brailovsky road. In this battle the enemy lost on the spot killed more than five thousand; in production it is received by us banners hundred, mortars — six, guns obsidional — seven, field — 67 and with their boxes and ammunichny trucks, several thousands of vehicles with [Page 52] supplies and veshchm, a great number of horses, buffalo s, camels, mules, and, moreover, it lost three camps with tents and all crew; after commission of a victory army had a rest on the place of fight quietly.
The next day our easy troops his camp consisting for Rymnik versts in four the Supreme vizier special is open and taken by parties with different production, and not the small number of Turks is beaten; prince Saksen-Koburgskoy sent bataliony to the wood Kryngu-meylor of the taken cover Turks exterminated. In these prosecutions after fight of Turks not less two-thousands are beaten. The army Turkish [ran] to Buzeo's river. Having reached it, the Supreme vizier with front lines managed to move the bridge and immediately it lifted; the cavalry Turkish was started up by swimming where from it sank much, and the cavalry, ostavshy on the left coast, and infantry dissipated without the rest everywhere. The wagon trains which left the place of fight are plundered by voloshsky poselyana. On the local coast lay fatally the wounded who are dying and died a set; the vizier evaded in Brailov, having lost more than ten thousand people from the army; from our party it is killed all ranks 46, 133 are wounded; Roman and imperial troops the loss is a little more than ours.
In my sensitive gratitude I cannot hold back about izliyanny on me blagosoizvoleniyev its imperial majesty of the most gracious monarkhina of our, great monarchess, miloserdy mother of the fatherland, pronitsayushchy service and our diligence. I am most gracious granted to 1770 of September 31 (?) day, on a pleasure of Her Majesty, from its imperial highness of the sovereign Tsesarevich the gentleman of a golshtinsky award of St. Anna, 1771 of August of the 19th day for the won victories in the 1770th and 1771 over the Polish disturbers — an award of the St. great martyr and pobedonosets Georgy 3 classes, that year of December of the 20th day for perfect breaking troops of the Lithuanian hetman, count Oginsky — St. Alexander Nevsky's award, 1772 of May of the 12th day for release of the Krakow lock from hands myatezhnichesky — with the image in the highest reskript of monarchical goodwill are granted to me one thousand red, 1773 of July of the 30th day, for the won victory at attack to Turtukaye — an award of the St. great martyr and pobedonosets Georgy 2 class, 1774 of September 3 days, for skorospeshny my arrival to local edge with light baggage on defeat of enemies of the empire — with explanation in the merciest reskript of monarchical goodwill are most gracious granted to me two thousand chervonets; 1775 of July of the 10th day, at a celebration of the world Portoyu approved with Ottoman — a sword gold, decorated with diamonds, in 1778 for replacement of the Turkish fleet from akhtiarsky harbor and from the Crimean coast, a prohibition of fresh water and firewood — the gold snuffbox with the highest of its imperial majesty a portrait decorated with diamonds; 1780 of December 24 days with own its imperial majesty clothes diamond awards [Page 53] of St. Alexander Nevsky a star, 1783 of July of the 28th day for accession of the different Kuban people to the All-Russian empire — an award of the St. prince Vladimir equal to the apostles of a big cross of the I degree. 1787 of June of the 11th day, at return of its imperial majesty from midday to edge — the most gracious goodwill a snuffbox gold with a monogram of its imperial majesty, decorated with diamonds, 1787 of November of the 9th day — for the won victory of October of 1 number of that year at a zashchishcheniye of Kinburn attacked by perfect Turkish troops with the help of their fleet and their perfect breaking and defeat on the kinburnsky spit — an award of the St. apostle Andrey pervozvanny, with the saying, most gracious in the highest reskript: "You it deserved belief and fidelity"; 1789 of November 3 days for breaking and a victory of the gathered numerous Turkish troops under Fokshanami — to an award St. the apostle Andrey, the cross and a star diamond, the same 1789 for breaking and the well-known victory of September of the 11th day of this year of the numerous Turkish army lead by the Supreme vizier, on Rymnike's river — a sword gold, ornated by diamonds, with a business inscription, and on October 3 the same year for this victory of the Supreme vizier on the river Rymnike — is most gracious ennobled I with the children born from me in count the Russian Empire advantage, having specified to be called: count Suvorov-Rymniksky; that October of the 18th day for this perfect victory of the Supreme vizier, with explanation in the highest reskript of my long-term service — accompanied with osoblivy diligence and exact offered by execution — tireless works, enterprise, excellent art, excellent courage in any case — it is most gracious granted by the gentleman of an award of the St. great martyr and pobedonosets Georgy of a big cross of the I class. Its majesty the emperor Roman, late Iosif, had most gracious a kind feeling the royal letter on August 13, 1789 for me to comply the victory won by me with prince Saksen-Koburgsky under Fokshanami — having nominated it "a nice victory", deigned to grant me a gold snuffbox with venzelevy his majesties a name, ornated by diamonds, and for the victory gained at Rymnike's river over the Supreme vizier most gracious welcomed me a reykhsgraf of the sacred Roman Empire and, by the royal letter on October 9, 1789 to me, granted me on that reykhsgrafsky advantage the diploma, October of the 6th of the German notation of that 1789, behind the highest signing, with a priveshenna the imperial press, and thus the coat of arms with a count crown from which at this copies follow; I accepted it on the highest of its imperial majesty to the permission of September 26 of that 1789.
Used by me to this the coat of arms I accepted from the late my father what he used, i.e.: the board is divided in length [C. 54] in two; in the white field — chest armor, and in the red field — the sword and an arrow crosswise put with a noble crown, and over it — the hand turned to the right with a shoulder in armor holding a saber. Original it is signed with taka:
General count Alexander Suvorov-Rymniksky
[1] Suvorov's autobiographies two. The first treats 1786 and is the application submitted Suvorov to the Moscow nobility deputy assemly about its entering into the genealogical book of noblemen of the Moscow province. (The place of storage of the original is not established.) It is published for the first time in "Readings in imperial society of history and antiquities Russian" for 1848, No. 9, p. 534 — 552 and the separate book under the title "A. V. Suvorov's Biography written by him in 1786".
The second, of October 28, 1790, was presented by Suvorov to Military board together with data on service and ranks, at his construction in count advantage, for transfer to Geroldmeystersky office. The original is stored in the Central state historical archive in Leningrad, and the copy in hand-written department of the State public library of Saltykov-Shchedrin in Leningrad. It is for the first time published by V. Alekseev in the book "Letters and Suvorov's Papers", SPb., 1901.
[2] A surname Suvorov is much more ancient, than A. V. Suvorov specifies. In the Novgorod Pistsovy books of the Shelonsky pyatina under 1498 the landowner Suvorov is written down. This surname and in other places of Russia, for example, occurs among the Tver landowners under 1570. V. Alekseev allows a possibility of resettlement of far ancestors of A. V. Suvorov from Sweden, but carries it to the first quarter of the 14th century. Really, after the Oreshkovsky contract (1323) from the part of Karelia which departed to Sweden there was a mass resettlement from the Novgorod possession, but it were not Swedes, but the Novgorodians who appeared on the earth occupied by Swedes.
[2a] the Striker at that time carried out duties of aide-de-camps.
[2b] Here inaccuracy. According to these data, it turns out that Suvorov was born in 1727. In the autobiographical short note written in Italian (it is stored in the State public library of Saltykov-Shchedrin in Leningrad), Suvorov writes: "I was born 1730 on November 13". Besides, in the book "From the Past" (Historical materials of l. - gv. Semenovsky regiment, SPb., 1911, p. 154 — 155) two lithographed autographs — one from the obligation of the father Suvorov, Vasily Ivanovich given them in 1742 in the Semenovsky regiment which it assumes to the kept woman and training of the twelve-year-old son for the period of his holiday, and the second — from record, "fairy tale" according to Suvorov of October 25, 1742 in the same regiment where its age is written down ("from a sort to it 12 years"), sciences in which it was trained, and a property status of the father are. Both documents confirm 1730 year of birth of A. V. Suvorov.
[2v] 7-month business trip to Dresden; and to Vienna.
[2 g] In Kunersdorfsky battle on August 1, 1759.
[2d] Borrowed.
[3] In prod. Alekseeva 1916 (Alekseev V. Letters and Suvorov's papers. — SPb., 1916).
[4] Main apartment.
[5] Apparently, Moshchinsky.
[6] A. V. Suvorov meant the French general Dyumurye. France, being guided by interests of the foreign policy, gave broad help to the Polish insurgents not only means, arms, but also officer shots.
[7] Tynetskiye.
[8] Dyumurye means.
[9] In prod. Alekseeva 1916 — it is private.
[10] In prod. Alekseeva 1916 — except the killed a staff - and subaltern officers.
[11] Opened themselves.
[12] This search to Turtukay (10.5), as well as the subsequent (17.6), was made on an order of the commander-in-chief and was important.
[13] Ali-beat was the Turkish deputy in Egypt. During war of Turkey with Russia he opposed Turks, having entered the intercourses with the count Alexey Orlov. In 1772 Magomet (beat Mecca, called Suvorov Feyzulla) bribed by Turks moved with troops to Egypt, and Ali-beat supported by Russia entered war with Magomet. Having conquered Tripoli, to Antiokhy, Jerusalem and Jaffa, Ali-beat moved to Cairo, but here his soldiers traitorously came over to the side of the opponent, and he, all covered with wounds, was taken prisoner by Magomet and in three days died.
[14] The group occupying Girsovo; the only then point occupied by Russians on the right coast of Danube. The general field marshal attached to his deduction extremely great value.
[15] Boruy.
[16] The tools cast for the Turkish army by the baron Tott.
[17] Cross.
[18] The word of a yalyn-kylydzha means: sabers bare. So the troops armed only with daggers and yataghans were called in Turkey. In prod. Alekseeva 1916 — yalyk-kylydzh.
[19] Gen. Kamensk, being near the place of battle, did not support Suvorov, than put him in extremely difficult situation. The victory at Kozludzhi was won with great difficulty and only thanks to Suvorov's persistence, his influence on troops. It served as the reason of a sharp aggravation of aversions between Suvorov and Kamensk and caused Suvorov's departure from field army.
[20] Hand-to-hand.
[21] P. I. Panin directed suppression of revolt of the peasants who rose led by Pugachev against feudal oppression at this time.
[22] Small.
[23] In prod. Alekseeva 1916 — days.
[24] Pugacheva.
[25] The former participants of revolt led by the traitor Tvorogov.
[26] Personally Suvorov, most likely, treated humanely the former participants of revolt, however the noble government cruelly dealt shortly not only with active participants, but also with the population which adjoined revolt. P. I. Panin and P. S. Potemkin were direct heads of punishment.
[27] Sevastopol in the 18th century was called Akhtiar.
[28] In prod. Alekseeva 1916 — pridvignuvsya.
[29] As it should be.
[30] Its unfair expel from Potemkin's army after unsuccessful storm of Ochakovo was on July 27 the valid cause of visit by Suvorov of St. Petersburg. The fault for failure completely laid down on Potemkin who did not support successfully begun storm, but accused Suvorov. To dismiss slanderous charges from itself, Suvorov arrived to St. Petersburg.
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