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Shchors Street

Shchors Street is called in honor of Shchors Nikolay Aleksandrovich

Shchors Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1895 - 1919) is politician, the member of Communist party, the red commander.

Nikolay on the farm of Korzhovka of the Chernihiv province was born on June 6, 1895. The first education in Nikolay Shchors's biography was got in 1914. Then he graduated from the Kiev military and medical assistant's school. Two years later completed a course of the Vilensky infantry military college.

In the biography Shchors took part in World War I (the paramedic, after the junior officer, the second lieutenant). In 1918 Nikolay organized guerrilla group, and in a month he became the commander of the joint group. It is possible to refer creation of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet regiment to Shchors's merits. Ordering this regiment, was at war against getmanets, Germans. The same year exempted the Ukrainian cities from the Ukrainian directory, was a part of Communist party.

When the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' government came to the power, Shchors became the commandant of Kiev. In 1919 in the biography Nikolay Shchors fought against petlyurovets, freed a set of the cities. In August, 1919 began to order the 44th shooting division. Thanks to desperate fight, Shchors at the head of a division helped evacuation of Kiev.

On August 30, 1919 Nikolay Shchors was killed. Did not remember its glory and heroism up to 1935 when Stalin ordered to shoot the movie about Nikolay Shchors, having called him "the Ukrainian Chapayev".

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Houses down the street are Shchors

Arrangement on the card


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