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Dostoyevsky Street

Dostoyevsky Street is called in honor of the Russian writer Dostoyevsky Fyodor Mikhaylovich. It is interesting that nearby there are streets called in honor of Turgenev, Krylov and Zhukovsky.

Dostoyevsky Fedor Mikhaylovich, 1821 - 1881, outstanding Russian writer. Was born in a family of the doctor of Mariinsky hospital for the poor. Having graduated from the St. Petersburg military and engineering school in 1843, it was enlisted on service in drawing engineering department, but in a year retired.

First novel of. "Poor people" (1846) put forward it in a row recognized writers of the Gogol direction — natural school. Dostoyevsky's outlook was formed under the influence of democratic and socialist ideas of Belinsky, theories of the French utopian socialists, especially by Che. Fourier. Since 1848 Dostoyevsky is the active participant of society of petrashevets, N. A. Speshnev and S.F. Durov's revolutionary circles.

At meetings of petrashevets Dostoyevsky read the forbidden letter of Belinsky to Gogol twice. Attracted in the matter of petrashevets, in 1849 it was sentenced to death which before the execution was replaced with 4 years' penal servitude with the subsequent definition in ordinary. On penal servitude at Dostoyevsky epileptic seizures to which he was predisposed amplified.

In 1859 he got permission to moving to St. Petersburg. The largest work written soon after penal servitude and about penal servitude were "Notes from the Dead house" (1861 — 62). The image of sufferings of people from the people was heard strong charge to a serf system.

In 60 — the 70th D. created the most outstanding novels: A "Crime and punishment " (1866), "Idiot" (1868), "Demons" (1871 — 72), "Teenager" (1875) and "Brothers Karamazov" (1879 — 80) in which his major philosophical, social, moral searches are reflected. In Dostoyevsky's creativity contradictions of reality and social thought during an era of sharp withdrawal pains of the social relations were brightly reflected in Russia and in Western Europe.

Fedor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky created special forms of realistic creativity which he characterized as follows: "I have the special view of reality in art and the fact that the majority calls almost fantastic and exclusive, for... me sometimes makes the essence of valid. The ordinary of the phenomena and a state view of them in my opinion is not still realism, and even opposite". Humanistic character of realism of Dostoyevsky, highly art of creation of the intellectual novel peculiar to it exerted huge impact on the Russian and world literature.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.  

Houses on Dostoyevsky St.

Arrangement on the card


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