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Krylov Street

Krylov Street is called in honor of the Russian writer Krylov Ivan Andreevich. It is interesting that nearby there are streets called in honor of Turgenev, Dostoyevsky and Zhukovsky.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is the Russian writer, the famous fabulist, the journalist, the translator, the councilor of state, the founder of the realistic fable whose creativity together with A.S. Pushkin and A.S. Griboyedov's activity stood at the origins of the Russian literary realism. On February 13 (on February 2 according to the Art. of the Art.) 1769 it was born in a family of the army officer living in Moscow. The main source of data on Krylov's biography are memoirs of contemporaries, documents almost did not remain therefore in the biography there are a lot of gaps.

When Ivan was small, their family was in continuous traveling. Krylov lived in Tver, in the Urals, were well familiar with need, especially after in 1778 the head of the family died. Krylov could not receive systematic education, to the diploma he was taught by the father, the boy received lessons at house teachers of a neighbour's provided family. In a track record of Krylov there were positions of the subbureaucrat in Kalyazinsky lower territorial court, and then the Tver magistrate. Since the end of 1782 Krylov live in St. Petersburg where mother successfully tries to obtain the best fate for Ivan: since 1783 it is taken in the St. Petersburg State chamber the petty official. It is known that during this period Krylov devotes much time to self-education.

In literature Krylov debuted during the period from 1786 to 1788 as the author of drama works - the comic opera "Kofeynitsa" (1782), the comedies "Prankishes", "Mad Family", "Author in a Hall", etc. which do not bring to the author of popularity.

In 1788 I.A. Krylov leaves from civil service not to come back to it for many years, and devotes himself to journalism. In 1789 he begins to issue the satirical magazine "Mail of Spirits". Having involved methods of use as characters of magic beings, he draws a picture modern to it societies, criticizes officials owing to what the magazine is forbidden. In 1791 I. A. Krylov with companions creates the publishing company in which he issues new magazines - "Viewer" (1792), "the St. Petersburg Mercury" (1793). Despite softer form of accusation, the edition drew to themselves attention of the mighty of this world again and were closed, and data remained that about it at Krylov conversation with Catherine II took place.

At the end of 1793 the journalist-satirist moves from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Is the data that since fall of 1795 to it did not allow to live in these cities; the name of Krylov does not meet in the press any more. Since 1797 he serves as the personal secretary at the prince S.F. Golitsyn, follows his family in the reference. After appointment of the prince the governor general Liflyandii Krylov for two years (1801-1803) works as the manager of affairs of office. In the same time Ivan Andreevich reconsiders the creative platform, having been disappointed in idea to re-educate people by means of literature, refuses book ideals in favor of practical experience.

Its return to literature took place in 1800 from writing of the comic tragedy of antigovernmental contents "Podshchipa, or Trumf" which was forbidden by censorship, but, extending in lists, was among the most popular plays. In 1806 Krylov moves to St. Petersburg.

The comedies "Fashionable Bench" and "Lesson to Daughters" written for 1806-1807 and put on the Moscow and St. Petersburg stage had considerable success. But I.A. Krylov got the biggest glory as the author of fables. He for the first time addressed this genre in 1805, having made the translation of two fables of La Fontaine. In 1809 the first book of fables which marked the new period of the creative biography devoted to intensive writing of fables was issued. Then Krylov learns what is true glory. In 1824 its fables in translation publish the two-volume book in Paris.

For 1808-1810 Krylov serves in Monetary department, since 1812 becomes the assistant to the librarian of imperial Public library, and in 1816 he is appointed the librarian. Krylov was the gentleman of an award of St. Vladimir IV of degree (1820), Stanislav II of degree (1838). In 1830 he received a rank of the councilor of state though lack of education did not grant such right. Its 70-year anniversary and 50-year-old – the beginnings of literary activity was celebrated in 1838 as an official solemn event.

Being a personality very original, in the 20th Ivan Andreevich turned into the hero of jokes, baizes which, at the same time, were permanently mild. On memoirs of contemporaries, Krylov not only did not hide the defects, for example, of gluttony, addictions to gamblings, slovenliness, etc., but also deliberately exposed them on a public inspection. At the same time Krylov to the most old age did not stop self-education, in particular, learned the English and Ancient Greek languages. Considered as the authority and even those writers whose views of creativity considerably differed from krylovsky appreciated the writer.

In 1841 the writer left public service. In 1844, on November 21 (on November 9 according to the Art. of the Art.), I.A. Krylov died; buried him in the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.  

Houses on Krylov St.

Arrangement on the card


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