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Turgenev Street

Turgenev Street is called in honor of the Russian writer Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich. It is interesting that nearby there are streets called in honor of Krylov, Dostoyevsky and Zhukovsky.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich (1818 - 1883), Russian writer, corresponding member St. Petersburg AN (1860). In a cycle of stories "Hunter's Notes" (1847-52) showed high spiritual qualities and endowments of the Russian peasant, poetry of the nature. In social and psychological novels "Rudin" (1856), "A noble nest" (1859), "The day before" (1860), "Fathers and children" (1862), stories "Asya" (1858), "Spring tides" (1872) are created images of the leaving noble culture and new heroes of an era of commoners and democrats, images of self-sacrificing Russian women. In novels "Smoke" (1867) and "Nov" (1877) represented life of Russians abroad, the narodnichesky movement in Russia. In the evening of life created liriko-philosophical "Poems in prose" (1882). The master of language and the psychological analysis, Turgenev had significant effect on development of the Russian and world literature. On the father Turgenev belonged to an old noble family, mother, nee Lutovinova, the rich landowner; in her manor of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo (The Mtsensk County of the Oryol province) there passed a childhood of future writer who early learned to feel thinly the nature and to hate a serfdom. In 1827 the family moves to Moscow; in the beginning Turgenev is trained in private boards and at good house teachers, then, in 1833, arrives on verbal office of the Moscow university, in 1834 passes to historical and philological faculty of the St. Petersburg university. One of the strongest impressions of early youth (1833) love for the princess E. L. Shakhovskaya enduring the affair with Turgenev's father during this time was reflected in the story "First Love" (1860).

In 1836 Turgenev shows the poetic experiences in romantic spirit to the writer of a Pushkin circle, university professor P. A. Pletnev; that invites the student to a literary soiree (in the doorway Turgenev faced A.S. Pushkin), and in 1838 prints in "Contemporary" Turgenev poems "Evening" and "To Venus Meditsiyskaya" (by this moment Turgenev wrote about one hundred poems which generally did not remain and the drama poem "Steno").

In May, 1838 Turgenev goes to Germany (the desire to fill up education connected to rejection of the Russian way based on a serfdom). Accident of the steamship "Nicholas I" by which Turgenev floated will be described by it in a sketch "The fire by the sea" (1883; in French). Till August, 1839 Turgenev lives in Berlin, listens to lectures at university, studies classic languages, writes verses, communicates with T. N. Granovsky, N. V. Stankievich. After short stay in Russia in January, 1840 it goes to Italy, but from May, 1840 to May, 1841 again in Berlin where meets M. A. Bakunin. Having arrived to Russia, he visits a manor Bakuninykh Premukhino, meets with this family: soon the affair with T. A. Bakunina begins that does not stir communication with the seamstress A. E. Ivanova (in 1842 she will give birth to Turgeneva the daughter Pelageya). In January, 1843 Turgenev comes on service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1843 there is a poem on the modern material "Parasha" which was highly appreciated by V. G. Belinsky. The acquaintance to the critic which passed into friendship (in 1846 Turgenev became the Godfather of his son), rapprochement with its environment (in particular, with N. A. Nekrasov) change his literary orientation: from romanticism he addresses the ironiko-nravoopisatelny poem ("Landowner", "Andrey", both 1845) and the prose close to the principles of "natural school" and not alien to M. Yu. Lermontov's influence ("Andrey Kolosov", 1844; "Three portraits", 1846; "Scrapper", 1847).

On November 1, 1843 Turgenev meets the singer Polina Viardo (Viardo-Garcia), the love to whom in many respects will define an external current of his life. In May, 1845 Turgenev retires. Since the beginning of 1847 on June, 1850 he lives abroad (in Germany, France; Turgenev witness of the French revolution of 1848): sponsors sick Belinsky during his travel; closely communicates with P. V. Annenkov, A. I. Herzen, gets acquainted with Zh. Sand, P. Merimee, A. de Musset, F. Chopin, Che. Gounod; writes stories "Petushkov" (1848), "The diary of the excess person" (1850), the comedies "Bachelor" (1849), "Where something is thin, that's where it tear", "Provincial" (both 1851), the psychological drama "Month in the Village" (1855).

The main business of this period of "The hunter's note", the cycle of lyrical sketches and stories which began with the story "Polecat and Kalinych" (1847; the subtitle "From the hunter's notes" was thought up by I. I. Panayev for the publication in the section "Mix" of the Sovremennik magazine); the separate two-volume edition of a cycle appeared in 1852, stories "Chertopkhanov's End" (1872), "Live relics" are added later, "Knocks" (1874). The basic variety of the human types for the first time allocated from before of not noticed or idealized national weight, testified to the infinite value of any unique and free human person; the serf order appeared as the ominous and dead force alien to the natural harmony (the detailed reality of diverse landscapes) hostile to the person but incapable to destroy soul, love, creative gift. Having discovered Russia and the Russian person, having laid the foundation to "a country subject" in domestic literature, "The hunter's notes" became the semantic base of all further creativity of Turgenev: from here threads also reach for research of a phenomenon of "the excess person" (the problem planned in "Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky County"), and for judgment mysterious ("Bezhin a meadow"), and for a problem of the conflict of the artist with the ordinary smothering him ("Singers").

In April, 1852 for the response on the death of N. V. Gogol forbidden in St. Petersburg and published in Moscow, Turgenev on the highest command is put on I move down (the story "Mumu" was written there). In May it is sent in Spasskoye where lives till December, 1853 (work on the unfinished novel, the story "Two Friends", acquaintance to A. A. Fet, active correspondence to S. T. Aksakov and writers from a circle of "Contemporary"); in efforts about Turgenev's release the important role was played by A. K. Tolstoy.

Till July, 1856 Turgenev lives in Russia: in the winter mainly in St. Petersburg, in the summer in Spasskom. Its next Wednesday edition of "Contemporary"; acquaintances to I. A. Goncharov, L. N. Tolstoy and A. N. Ostrovsky took place; Turgenev takes part in the edition of "Poems" of F. I. Tyutchev (1854) and supplies it with the preface. Mutual cooling from far Viardo leads to the short, but nearly ended with a marriage affair with the distant relative O. A. Turgeneva. Stories "Calm" (1854), "Yakov Pasynkov" (1855), "Correspondence", "Faust" (both 1856) are published.

"Rudin" (1856) a series of Turgenev novels, compact on volume, developed around the hero ideologist, journalistic precisely fixing an actual socio-political perspective and, finally, putting "present" in the face of invariable and mysterious powers of love, arts, the nature opens. Igniting audience, but "the excess person" Rudin, incapable of an act; Lavretsky who is in vain dreaming of happiness and coming to humble self-rejection and hope for luck for people of modern times ("A noble nest", 1859; events take place in the conditions of the approaching "great reform"); the "iron" revolutionary Bulgarian Insarov becoming the elect of the heroine (that is Russia), but "others" and fateful death ("The day before", 1860); the "new person" of Markets hiding romantic revolt behind nihilism ("Fathers and children", 1862; post-reform Russia is not freed from eternal problems, and "new" people remain people: "dyuzhinny" will live, and taken by passion or idea will die); the characters of "Smoke" (1867) clamped between "reactionary" and "revolutionary" platitude; the revolutionary populist Nezhdanov, "newer" person but still incapable to answer a call of the changed Russia ("Nov", 1877); all of them, together with minor characters (at an individual dissimilarity, distinction of moral and political orientations and spiritual experience, different degree of proximity to the author), consist in close relationship, combining in different proportions of line of two eternal psychological types of the heroic enthusiast, Don Quixote, and the reflekter absorbed by themselves, Hamlet (cf. program article "Hamlet and Don Quixote", 1860).

Having left abroad in July, 1856, Turgenev gets to painful whirlpool of the ambiguous relations with Viardo and the daughter who was brought up in Paris. After difficult Parisian winter of 1856-57 (the gloomy "Trip to Polesia" is complete) it goes to England, then to Germany where writes "Asya", one of the most poetical stories which is giving in, however, to interpretation in a public key (N. G. Chernyshevsky's article "The Russian person on rendez-vous", 1858), and fall and winters in Italy. To summer of 1858 it in Spasskom; further quite often year of Turgenev will chlenitsya on "European, winter" and "Russian, summer" seasons.

Grave Turgeneva I.S. Telo Turgeneva was, according to his desire, it is brought to St. Petersburg and buried on the Volkovsky cemetery at big gathering of people. Later "The day before" and N. A. Dobrolyubov's article devoted to the novel "When the present day will come?" (1860) there is a gap Turgeneva with radicalized "Contemporary" (in particular, with N. A. Nekrasov; their mutual hostility remained up to the end). The conflict with "younger generation" was aggravated with the novel "Fathers and Children" (pamphlet article of M. A. Antonovich "Asmodey our time" in "Contemporary", 1862; so-called "split in nihilists" the positive assessment of the novel in D. I. Pisarev's article of "Markets", 1862 is in many respects motivated). In the summer of 1861 there was a quarrel with L. N. Tolstoy which nearly turned back duel (reconciliation in 1878). In the story "Ghosts" (1864) Turgenev condenses the mystical motives which were outlined in "The hunter's notes" and "Faust"; this line will gain development in "Dog" (1865), "History of the lieutenant Ergunov" (1868), "Dream", "The story of the father Alexey" (both 1877), "A song of the triumphing love" (1881), "After death (Klara Milich)" (1883). The subject of weakness of the person appearing a toy of unknown forces and doomed to a non-existence in a bigger or smaller measure paints all late prose Turgeneva; most directly it is expressed in the lyrical story "There Is Enough!" (1865) apprehended by contemporaries as the certificate (sincere or coquettish and hypocritical) situationally caused crisis Turgeneva (cf. F. M. Dostoyevsky's parody in the novel "Demons", 1871).

In 1863 there is a new rapprochement of Turgenev with Polina Viardo; till 1871 they live in Baden, then (upon termination of French-Prussian war) in Paris. Turgenev becomes with G. Flaubert and through him with E very intimate. and Zh. Gonkurami, A. Dod, E. Zola, G. de Maupassant; it assumes function of the intermediary between the Russian and the western literatures. Its all-European glory grows: in 1878 on the international literary congress in Paris the writer is elected the vice-president; in 1879 he is an honourable doctor of the Oxford university. Turgenev keeps in touch with the Russian revolutionaries (P. L. Lavrov, G. A. Lopatin) and gives material support to emigrants. In 1880 Turgenev participates in celebrations in honor of opening of a monument to Pushkin in Moscow. In 1879-81 the old writer endures the rough hobby for the actress M. G. Savinoy which painted his last arrivals home.

Along with stories about the past ("The steppe king Lear", 1870; "Punin and Baburin", 1874) and the "mysterious" stories mentioned above in the last years of life Turgenev addresses memoirs ("Literary and everyday memoirs", 1869-80) and to "Poems in prose" (1877-82) where nearly all main subjects of his creativity are presented, and summing up happens as if in the presence of the approaching death. The death was preceded more than by one and a half years of a painful illness (a cancer of a spinal cord). A funeral in St. Petersburg developed into mass demonstration.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.  

Houses on Turgenev St.

Arrangement on the card


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