About Kobrin

Proletarskaya Street

Proletarskaya Street is called in honor of working class (proletariat). One of the longest streets of Kobrin (according to Yandex Map about 5 km). A row located Privokzalnaya Street and Zheleznodorozhnaya Street. It is connected to Lenin Street. On the street are located: SITOMO plant (the former KIZ), a monument to Lenin (near plant).

The proletariat (working class) — one main classes of modern society, the main driving force of revolutionary process of transition from capitalism by socialism and communism. In the conditions of capitalism working class — a class of the hired workers deprived of the means of production selling the labor, creating the work (directly or as a part of "the collective worker") a surplus value and operated by the capital.

The concept "working class" for the first time received scientific definition in K. Marx and F. Engels's works though existence of a class of hired workers was proved by already English classical political economy (A. Smith, D. Ricardo). The concept "proletariat" which evolved from the Latin term which in antique Rome designated the poorest citizens gained distribution in communistic and socialist literature since the end 18 — the head of 19 centuries G. Babyof, for example, understood as "proletarians" a class of poor, poor people in general; A. C. Saint-Simone — not owners whom did not allocate, however, in a special class. Marx and Engels used expressions "working class" and "proletariat" as equivalent. Bourgeois historians and philosophers purposely break off and oppose these concepts; they carry to the proletariat or the deprived in general, irrespective of their concrete social status and out of a certain historical era (A. Toynbee), or only workers of physical work at plants (R. Aron).

Those hired workers whose additional work "… serves self-increase of the capital", i.e. creates a surplus value in production of goods belong to working class or provides an opportunity to catch and appropriate part of the surplus value created by other workers. According to it K. Marx, characterizing a social status of workers of the sphere of the address — office employees, sellers, etc., called them "trade workers". Distribution of the production sphere out of limits of material and real production, its growing interlacing with the sphere of the address and a services sector, and also almost full submission to their capital mean expansion of borders of working class as productive class; as that it includes, along with industrial and agricultural workers, and bulk of hired workers of the sphere of the address and a services sector.

The development of working class happening under the influence of technical progress is followed by complication of structure of "the cumulative worker" as combinations of partial workers, is closer or farther remote from direct influence regarding work. The high-mechanized production demands a combination of work of the workers-operators occupied directly cars, hardly auxiliary workers, on the one hand, and work of highly skilled workers-servicemen or technicians — with another. At higher step of technical progress (automation) process engineers, operators of computers, mathematicians-programmers etc. become necessary components of the cumulative worker. Technical progress and the growing application of science to production alter a role of the person as agent of process of production: from the manual skills which are directly influencing regarding work (craft, a manufactory) transition to manual skills, mediate by car (factory), and then — to performance of functions on supervision over production and its regulation (the automated enterprise) is made. The share of the workers occupied with supervision over operation of machines, including semi-automatic and automatic units, and among technical experts — a share of that their part which is occupied with service of cars, especially computing and information raises. But in both cases it is about productive workers, and — and in that specific sense which follows from definition of a public form of work. At the same time as under capitalism production management is specific function of the capital and per se includes operation function so far as the administrative personnel (managing directors, managers) cannot be considered as part of working class (see Serving, the Centre).

The Marxism opened in working class that main material force which in the historical movement is capable to lead to destruction of operation of the person by the person and creation of new society without classes and operation.
The world-wide and historical role of working class follows from the following. 1) Capitalist operation, i.e. assignment of a surplus value by owners of means of production, gives to antagonism between work and the capital constant and ineradicable character. Denial of capitalist operation, at the same time any operation is put in living conditions of the proletariat. Its anti-capitalist aspirations coincide with the main direction of development of the modern productive forces outgrowing a framework of a private property. 2) Development of large-scale industry leads to decline and extermination of other workers of classes (small peasants, handicraftsmen etc.) whereas the working class is its direct product. Recruited from various segments of the population, it constantly grows, becomes more and more numerous. 3) The proletariat — a class, the most capable to the organization and discipline, to development of class consciousness. It is defined by nature of large production which demands concentration of labor, high organization and discipline of work, the known minimum of literacy, level of culture. Working conditions and lives cultivate spirit of a collectivism, mutual revenue, solidarity at workers. 4) The working class is connected by thousands of threads with not proletarian layers of workers, and its interests objectively coincide with their interests. Therefore force and a role of working class in historical fight of classes are immeasurably higher, than its share in the lump of the population. 5) The provision of working class, a condition of its fight and release are international; proletarian internationalism opens a way to rapprochement and association of workers of all countries, overcoming of national and racial barriers.

Formation of working class includes process of its transformation of the class "in" into the class "for", i.e. development of his class consciousness, organization growth, formation of a layer of working heads, assimilation of proletarian socialist ideology. Analyzing structure of working class, V. I. Lenin allocated a layer of the advanced educated workers, calling it "the working intellectuals"; this layer leaves, as a rule, working leaders. Further it allocated "a wide layer of average workers" and mass of "the lowest layers of the proletariat". Material prerequisites for formation of proletarian class consciousness are created first of all by the large machine industry therefore the layer of the advanced workers consists mainly of workers of large-scale industry who form a kernel of working class and play a key role in merging of all its divisions in one class.

In structure of consciousness of working class Lenin allocated three elements, or the forms forming three consistently rising levels including understanding workers of the fact that: 1) the only means to improve the situation consists in fight against owners; 2) interests of all workers of this country are identical, solidary that workers make a special class; 3) for achievement of the purposes they need to try to obtain influence on public affairs, participations in the political power. Primary, more elementary form of class consciousness is also the most widespread (trade-union consciousness). Most of hired workers and considerable part of employees as show sociological polls, understand also the belonging to one, certain class different from other classes of society, i.e. identify itself with working class. At the same time degree of a maturity of political consciousness of working class (reformist, revolutionary) in the different countries is very various.

Class fight of workers against the bourgeoisie takes place various stages of development — from the passive resistance which has rather individual character, to the spontaneous forms of collective repulse representing a rudiment of open class fight, and to the organized, politically issued actions. Formation of the organizations of working class is closely connected with economic and political struggle of hired workers; it also passes through a number of steps: from the separate shop and local unions before creation of the national trade-union centers, political parties and their international associations. In turn, the working organizations play important, though unequal — depending on their ideological and political orientation — a role in formation of working class as socio-political force. "Labor unions arose from the capital as a development tool of a new class. The class is concept which develops in fight and development". The crucial role in organizational, political and ideological development of the proletariat belongs to revolutionary party. In political activity of revolutionary party "… always is and there will be the known element of pedagogics: it is necessary to bring up all class of hired workers to a role of fighters for release of all mankind from any oppression, it is necessary to train constantly new and new layers of this class, it is necessary to be able to approach the most gray, the undeveloped, the least mentioned and our science and science of life to representatives of this class …".

Labor movement becomes one of the essential factors influencing operation of economic laws of capitalism; it acts as that and as the economic force which is cumulative result of all main forms of class fight of the proletariat: economic, political and theoretical (ideological). Gains of working class in the field of material living conditions, and also the democratic rights and freedoms directly or indirectly influence development of public productive forces and relations of production of capitalism. These gains define first of all possibilities of development of the most working class as productive force. Reduction of the working day and increase in free time create prerequisites for distribution of literacy and education, for acquisition of knowledge — necessary and more and more important element of professional skill. With increase of educational level the circle of requirements and interests of workers, their outlook extends, class activity of their most conscious part grows. The advance in price of labor (salary) creates the known minimum of material prerequisites for this purpose.

Resistance of hired workers of capitalist operation "pushes" improvement of equipment and expansion of scales of production. The less it leaves opportunities for extensive, rough operation, the more capital should look for other opportunities of receiving the maximum rate of return, i.e. to address the operation forms connected with increase of productivity of social activities. Historically resistance of working class forced businessmen to place the increasing emphasis on intensive factors of production and accumulation of the capital (science, equipment), promoted concentration of production, replacement of its most archaic forms, indirectly accelerated process of monopolization, formation of enterprise associations.

Contrary to concepts of bourgeois ideologists, supporters of reformism and a revisionism in which it is claimed that the proletariat disappears, being absorbed by "uniform middle class", or it is integrated into capitalist system and loses the revolutionary role, actually there is a growth of ranks of working class, increase of its force and the authority as vanguard in fight for interests of workers, for original interests of the nation. Requirements of the developing production, especially in the conditions of scientific and technical revolution, and also lead social gains of the proletariat to growth of his requirements and interests, cultures and activities, it makes the increasing impact on development of society. Under the influence of technical and scientific progress the structure of working class becomes complicated, it expands the ranks, including along with industrial and agricultural workers and bulk of hired workers of the sphere of the address and a services sector, workers of brainwork. The working class of the capitalist countries seeks to achieve deep democratic transformations to the field of economy and policy. At the same time there is more and more insistent a need of unity of actions of various groups of working class, association of efforts of all workers for anti-monopoly fight, strengthenings of the international proletarian solidarity. In more detail about development of working class see History of development of the proletariat.

In the conditions of transition to socialism the provision of working class which liquidates proletarian conditions of the existence radically changes, turns into the main force of construction of socialism and communism. The working class carries out the creative activity under the direction of Marxist-Leninist party — the vanguard, in the close union with all workers. Gradually the professional, cultural and educational level of working class, his political consciousness grows that finds expression in strengthening of its role in all spheres of public life. In the course of creation of socialist society the union of working class, peasantry and intellectuals which cornerstone their uniform socialist nature, a community of outlook and the purpose is more and more becomes stronger. In socialist society there is a classless structure of society, all classes including the proletariat disappear.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses on Proletarskaya St.  

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Monument to Lenin

SITOMO plant

SSh No. 3 of Mr. Kobrin

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Houses on Proletarskaya St.

Arrangement on the card


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