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Marshall Zhukov Street

Marshall Zhukov Street is called in honor of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974), the marshal and four times the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Zhukov Georgi Konstantinowitsch
Was born on November 19 (on December 1), 1896 in the village of Strelkovka of the Ugodsko-Zavodsky volost of the Maloyaroslavetsky county of the Kaluga region (nowadays – the Zhukovsky district of the Kaluga region), in a family of peasants Konstantin Artemyevich and Ustinya Artemyevna Zhukovykh. G. K. Zhukov's daughters: daughters Hera Gueorgievna, Ella Georgiyevna and Maria Georgiyevna. All have the higher education, live in Moscow.

On August 7, 1915 in the city of Maloyaroslavets Georgy Zhukov was called up for military service and enlisted in the 5th spare cavalry regiment which was settling down in the city of Balakley of the Kharkiv province. Since then G. K. Zhukov was a military until the end of the life.
In the spring of 1916 it was enlisted in team for study for the junior corporal. After short occupations the junior corporal Zhukov was sent to the 10th dragoon regiment. In its structure he participated in fights at the front. It was strongly contused at explosion of a mine in the fall and it is sent to the Kharkiv military hospital. For differences in military operations and capture of the German officer Georgy Zhukov was twice awarded by the St George's Cross.

The volunteer entered Red Army. Soon became the commander of a platoon, then – the commander of a squadron. Participated in battles on East, Turkistan and Southeast fronts. In hand-to-hand fight it was wounded by splinters of the manual grenade in the left leg and a side.

It is directed to courses of red commanders. After the end of Civil war G. K. Zhukov ordered a squadron, since 1923 – a cavalry regiment, since May, 1930 – cavalry crew. Then was the assistant to the inspector of a cavalry of Red Army, ordered the 4th cavalry division, the 3rd and 6th cavalry cases.

In July, 1938 G. K. Zhukov becomes deputy commander troops of the Belarusian Special military district on a cavalry. And summer of the next year he enters command of the 57th special case, and then the 1st army group of the Soviet troops in Mongolia. Under its command this army group together with parts of the Mongolian National and revolutionary army performed operation on an environment and defeat in a short space of time of large group of the Japanese troops near the river Halkhin-Gol. Combat experience on Halkhin-Gola was studied in troops and in no small measure promoted development of the Soviet military science.

At the beginning of May, 1940 G. K. Zhukov was accepted by I. V. Stalin. It was followed by appointment as his commander of the Kiev Special military district. The decision on assignment to the highest command structure of Red Army of general ranks is the same year made. To G. K. Zhukov the rank of the general is given.

In the Kiev Special military district the new commander at once put forward the requirement to train troops in the conditions which are brought closer to fighting addressed as the initiator of carrying out in the district of command-staff exercise and reviews of combat readiness of troops commanders of connections and parts.

In December, 1940 in the General Staff meeting with participation of top military commanders of districts and armies, members of Councils of War and chiefs of staffs took place. On it made the report also the general G. K. Zhukov. He emphasized that attack on the USSR of fascist Germany is inevitable. The red Army will deal with the strongest army of the West. Proceeding from it Georgy Konstantinovich as the major put forward a problem of acceleration of terms of formation of the tank and mechanized connections, strengthenings of Military and Air Forces and antiaircraft defense.

At the end of January, 1941 G. K. Zhukov is appointed the chief of the General Staff – the deputy of the people's commissar of defense of the USSR. Relying on the closest assistants, he quickly accustomed with this many-sided and very responsible position. The General Staff carried out big operational, organizational and mobilization work. But G. K. Zhukov caught essential shortcomings of his activity, and also of work of the people's commissar of defense and commanders of types of military forces at once. In particular, measures for preparation of command posts from where it would be possible to exercise control of all Armed Forces were not taken on a war case, to transfer quickly to troops of the directive of the Rate, to accept and process reports from troops.

Activity of the General Staff under the leadership of G. K. Zhukov considerably became more active. First of all, it went for successful preparation in a short space of time of our army to war. But time was already missed. On June 22, 1941 troops of fascist Germany attacked the USSR. The Great Patriotic War began.

The General Staff passed to round-the-clock work. G. K. Zhukov almost constantly was in a difficult situation when there were fierce border battles, at the front and took measures for reflection of blows of the opponent.

On June 23, 1941 the Rate of the Main Command is created. G. K. Zhukov also was its part. Further for improvement of the management of fronts it was transformed to the General headquarters Rate. As the representative Stavki, G. K. Zhukov together with command of the Southwest front organized counterstroke by forces of the mechanized cases near the city Fords. Its purpose was one – to break attempts of Hitlerite command to break straight off to Kiev the mobile connections.

In August-September, 1941 G. K. Zhukov, ordering troops of the Reserve front, successfully carried out offensive operation, the first in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Then near Yelnya there was extremely dangerous situation. There the ledge from which the German tank and motorized divisions of group of Centre armies headed by the field marshal a background Sideways were going to fall upon our troops was formed, to crumple them, to strike them a mortal blow. But Georgy Konstantinovich solved this plan in time. He threw the main forces of artillery of the Reserve front against the tank and motorized divisions. Having seen as tens of tanks and cars flared, the field marshal ordered to take away armored forces, to replace them with infantry. But also it did not help. Under powerful fire influence fascists were forced to recede. The dangerous ledge was liquidated. In fights near Yelnya the Soviet guard was born.

When there was extremely critical situation near Leningrad and there was a question of that, to be or not to be to this nice city on Neva, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov is appointed on September 11, 1941 the top military commander of the Leningrad front. At the price of improbable efforts he manages to mobilize all reserves, to stir to action of all who were capable to bring the contribution in protection of the city. Troops of the front together with forces of the Baltic Fleet and with active support of workers of Leningrad stopped the enemy, broke his attempts to occupy the city. It had huge world value and was reflected in the further course of war. Meanwhile the situation on the Western front sharply worsened. Now Moscow appeared under the threat of capture by the opponent. It was necessary to organize business so that the troops blocking a way to Hitlerites fought to the bitter end. It was on forces only to the commander with huge will, with ability to support spirit of the troops, to get into intentions of the opponent, to inventively counteract it. The choice fell on G. K. Zhukov. On October 20, 1941 the Resolution state credit obligations said: "Sim appears that defense of the capital at the boundaries remote on 100–120 kilometers to the west of Moscow, is charged to the commander of the Western front G. K. Zhukov...". G. K. Zhukov justified the trust put in him. Under its management our troops exsanguinated perfect divisions of Hitlerites, and then, having turned into counterattack, rejected the enemy on hundreds of kilometers. "When I am asked that was most of all remembered from the past war, – Georgy Konstantinovich in the memoirs wrote later, – I always answer: fight for Moscow". Since August, 1942 G. K. Zhukov is the first deputy of the people's commissar of defense of the USSR and the Deputy Supreme Commander. It carried out coordination of actions of fronts near Stalingrad, in days of break of the Siege of Leningrad, in fight near Kursk, in battles for Dnieper.

In the final period of Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation it was wounded by bandits and the glorified general N. F. Vatutin died in hospital. The rate of VGK came to a conclusion that it is expedient to head the 1st Ukrainian front to G. K. Zhukov. Troops under its command in April, 1944 freed many cities and railway junctions, left to the foothills of the Carpathians. For especially outstanding merits before the Homeland Marshall of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov was awarded the highest military award - an award "Victory" No. 1. In the summer of 1944 G. K. Zhukov coordinated actions of the 1st and 2nd Belarusian fronts in the Belarusian strategic operation. This operation which is accurately planned and well provided with material means came to the end successfully. The destroyed Minsk, many cities and the villages of Belarus was freed from the enemy. In July G. K. Zhukov coordinated also actions of the 1st Ukrainian front which struck blows on Lviv, Rava-Russkom and part of forces on Stanislavsky the directions.

As a result of two-month approach two large strategic groups of the German troops were crushed, Belarus is freed, liberation of Ukraine is complete, the considerable part of Lithuania and east part of Poland are cleared of invaders. Defeat of groups of Centre and Severnaya Ukraina armies, occupation of three large bases on the Vistula River and an exit to Warsaw brought closer the Soviet troops to Berlin. On August 22, 1944 G. K. Zhukov was called to Moscow and received a special task of the State Committee of Defense: to prepare troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front for war with Bulgaria which government continued to cooperate with fascist Germany. On September 5, 1944 the Soviet government declared war of Bulgaria. However in the territory of Bulgaria the Soviet troops were met by the Bulgarian military units with red banners and without weapon. And crowds of people met the Russian soldiers with flowers. G. K. Zhukov reported on this I. V. To Stalin also received the instruction not to disarm the Bulgarian garrisons. Soon they opposed fascist troops.

In Warsaw residents lifted revolt against fascist aggressors. But not coordinated with command of the 1st Belarusian front, it ended with brutal punishment of Hitlerites over risen. It was difficult to conduct offensive actions by the troops which weakened in continuous fights. G. K. Zhukov suggested to pass to temporary defense, to fill up divisions with people and appliances, and then to prepare the next approach. During this period the extent of a front line was considerably reduced. Command of fronts had enough experience of conducting offensive operations. The rate could operate all fronts without the assistance of coordinators. In these conditions G. K. Zhukov was appointed the commander of the 1st Belarusian front operating on the Berlin direction.

In April-May, 1945 troops of the front under Marshall's command of the Soviet Union of G. K. Zhukov in interaction with troops of the 1st Ukrainian and the 2nd Belarusian fronts successfully performed the Berlin offensive operation. Having crushed the largest group of Hitlerite troops, they seized Berlin. On May 8, 1945 G. K. Zhukov at the request of the Soviet General headquarters accepted capitulation of fascist Germany in Karlshorst. It is the brightest and brilliant page in the biography of the outstanding commander Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. The second outstanding event in his life – Victory Day parade at Red Square. It, to the commander who made a huge contribution to defeat of fascism had honor to review these historical troops. After war G. K. Zhukov is the commander-in-chief of Group of the Soviet troops in Germany and glavnonachalstvuyushchiya of the Soviet military authorities. In March-July, 1946 he is the commander-in-chief of Land forces and the deputy minister of Armed Forces. In 1946-1948 ordered troops Odessa, and then, till March, 1953, – Ural military districts. Further two years was the First Deputy Minister of Defence. From February, 1955 to October, 1957 G. K. Zhukov is the Minister of Defence of the USSR. Heading Armed Forces, he persistently introduced fighting experience in training of staff, steadily carried out modernization of troops on the basis of modern military equipment, spread strong discipline in Armed Forces, showed care of improvement of material security of soldiers.

G. K. Zhukov in different years was a candidate and the member of the Central Committee of CPSU, the candidate and the member of Presidium of the Central Committee, the deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The authority of the marshal Zhukov both on army, and on the people is unprecedented. He four times is awarded ranks of the Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded by two highest awards "Victory", six Orders of Lenin, an award of October Revolution, three awards of the Red Banner, two Orders of Suvorov 1 class, many medals and awards of the foreign states, the honourable weapon. He is Hera Mongolskaya of the National Republic. During war the Supreme Commander in the orders of 41 times thanked it officially. However huge merits of the outstanding commander who made a big contribution to a victory and strengthening of the Soviet Armed Forces were not always considered. Not without participation of bosses of the country of Georgy Konstantinovich removed from high posts and brought out of structure of the Central Committee of CPSU. This arbitrariness did not break the commander.

Being in resignation, Georgy Konstantinovich made the last feat. Despite of a weak state of health (a heart attack, a stroke, an inflammation of a trigeminal nerve), it did really huge work, having personally written the truthful book about the Great Patriotic War – "Memoirs and reflections". The book began words: "I devote to the Soviet Soldier. G. Zhukov". In the Soviet Union it sustained 12 editions with a general circulation about 8 million copies. It is published more than in 30 countries of the world in 19 languages, and the first foreign edition appeared in 1969 in Germany. On a cover of the German edition it was specified: "One of outstanding documents of our era". Georgy Konstantinovich immensely loved the daughters Hera, Ella and Masha. He read much, was fond of hunting and fishing, played a bayan. But the most essential to it was in another. In the memoirs he highlighted: "For me service to the Homeland, the people was the main thing. And with a clear conscience I can tell: I made everything to fulfill this duty". On June 18, 1974 at 14:30 Georgy Konstantinovich died. According to the decision of the country leaders he was buried at Red Square at the Kremlin wall with all put honors as the outstanding military and the statesman.

The name of the marshal G. K. Zhukov is appropriated to Military command academy of antiaircraft defense. Memory of the commander G. K. Zhukov is immortalized in names of the planet, streets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, other cities. In Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Tver, Irbit, Kharkiv, Kursk, some other the cities monuments to G. K. Zhukov are built, in the city Zhukov his bronze bust, and in the village of Strelkovka – a granite monument is established to the Kaluga region.

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1. 3D Round down the street

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Houses on Marshal Zhukov St.

Houses on Marshal Zhukov St.

Houses on Marshal Zhukov St.

Houses on Marshal Zhukov St.

Houses on Marshal Zhukov St.

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Kobrin regional library

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