About Kobrin

Lenin Street

The street is called in honor of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Was born in Simbirsk 22 on April (10), 1870. His father came from petty bourgeoises of Astrakhan. Graduated from a gymnasium and the university, worked as the inspector of national schools of the Simbirsk province. Mother was a daughter of the doctor, advanced on the time of the person, the big idealist who did not promote to himself. Received Spartan education in the village and house education. Except the father and mother, the elder brother Alexander whose execution as participant of attempt at the tsar, became the strongest push for young Ulyanov's introduction on the revolutionary way had a great influence on Vladimir. Ended the Simbirsk gymnasium with a gold medal in 1887, it was admitted to the Kazan university, but in three months after receipt it was excluded for participation in student's "disorders". Only in three years after an exception of university, in 1890 it was succeeded to achieve permission to pass examinations without attending lectures. In two time (in the spring and fall of 1891) passed examination at the St. Petersburg university.

In 1895 gets acquainted abroad with Work Release group that exerted huge impact on it and accelerated its introduction in fight for creation the same year of the St. Petersburg "Union of fight for release of working class". For the organization and activity of this Union it was arrested, spent one year and two months in prison, it is exiled for three years to the village of Shushenskoye of the Minusinsk County of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Having returned from exile in February, 1900, Lenin will organize the edition of the Iskra newspaper which played a huge role in creation in 1903 of RSDRP. At its second congress most of delegates led by Lenin stood up for more revolutionary and accurate definition of the one who has to be party member, for more business organization of governing bodies of party. From here division into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks went. In the beginning Lenin was supported by Plekhanov, but under the influence of Mensheviks departed from Bolsheviks. Lenin took active part in the first Russian revolution. Acting under others surnames (conspiracy), it broke revolutionary and reformist illusions of cadets, Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, their hopes for a peaceful solution of revolutionary movement. Subjected to sharp criticism a so-called Bulyginsky (consultative) thought, gave the slogan of its boycott. Indicated the need of preparation of armed revolt, actively supported representatives of social democracy from the State Duma. Indicated the need to use all legal opportunities when it was impossible to hope for directly revolutionary fight.

World War I spoiled all game. At the beginning of war V. I. Lenin was arrested by the Austrian authorities, but thanks to efforts of the Austrian social democrats was released and went to Switzerland. Among the patriotism explosion which captured all political parties practically only he called for transformation of imperialistic war into civil — in each country against the government. In this debate he felt full misunderstanding.

After February, 1917, revolutions Lenin came back to Russia. In the evening on April 2, 1917 at the Finnish station in Petrograd to it grand welcome was arranged by working masses. Vladimir Ilyich acted before meeting from an armored car with the short speech in which called for a socialist revolution.

The period from February to October, 1917 was one of the most saturated periods of political struggle of Lenin with cadets, Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks in the conditions of a transitional stage from bourgeois-democratic revolution to a socialist revolution. It were legal and illegal ways, forms and methods of political struggle. After three political crises of bourgeois Provisional government of Russia (April, June, July, 1917), suppression of counter-revolutionary rebellion of the general Kornilov (August, 1917), a wide strip of "bolshevization" of Councils (September, 1917) Lenin comes to a conclusion: growth of influence of Bolsheviks and falling of the authority of Provisional government among broad masses of workers does possible revolt for the purpose of transfer of the political power to hands of the people.

Revolt took place on October 25, 1917 on old style. This day in the evening Lenin made a speech at the first meeting of the II congress of Councils with declaration of the Soviet power and its first two decrees: about the termination of war and transfer of all landowner territory and privately owned earth to free use of workers. To the place of dictatorship of the bourgeoisie dictatorship of the proletariat came.

At the initiative of Lenin and at strong counteraction of considerable part of the Bolshevist Central Committee in 1918 the Brest peace with Germany, on justice called "shameful" was made. Lenin saw that the Russian peasantry will not go for war; he considered except that revolution in Germany approaches fast speed and that the most shameful conditions of the world will remain on paper. So it also left: the bourgeois revolution which broke out in Germany cancelled burdensome conditions of the Brest world.

Lenin stood at the origins of creation of the Red Army which won the integrated forces of internal and external counterrevolution civil war. According to its recommendations the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created. With the end of civil war and the termination of military intervention the national economy of the country began to be adjusted. Lenin understood iron need of change of the political line of Bolsheviks. For this purpose at its insistance "military communism" was cancelled, the food allotment is replaced with a food tax. It entered the so-called new economic policy (New Economic Policy) which allowed the private free trade which gave the chance to a general population independently to look for that subsistence which the state could not give them still. At the same time he insisted on development of the enterprises of the state type, on electrification, on cooperation development. Lenin specified that waiting for world proletarian revolution, holding all large-scale industry in hands of the state, it is necessary to carry out gradually construction of socialism in one country. All this can promote to put the backward Soviet country on one level with the most developed European countries.

But enormous congestion of Lenin work began to affect on his health. Strongly affected the health and attempt of an eserka Kaplan on it.

On January 21, 1924 V. I. Lenin died. The body is based in the Mausoleum upon Red Square in Moscow.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

The city stand about the city and its citizens

Monument to Lenin

Lenin Square

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Restaurant Kobrin

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses 15, 16, 17 on Lenin St.

Morozov's square

Houses on Lenin St.

Monument to the Russian soldiers

Houses on Lenin St.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Monument to the Russian soldiers

School No. 6. Mr. Kobrin

Houses on Lenin St.


Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Houses on Lenin St.

Arrangement on the card


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