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Nikolaev Street

Nikolaev Street is called in honor of the participant of revolutions of 1905 and 1917 Mikhail Stepanovich Nikolaev.

Nikolaev M. S. (1878 — 1956), participant of revolutionary movement. The member of CPSU since 1903. Worker-mechanic. Worked at Dynamo plant (since 1903) where created Bolshevist group. During December armed revolt of 1905 — the chief of a fighting team of factory of Schmitt on Presnya. In October days 1917 performed the MVRK tasks. Then — in VChK, at economic work. In 1934 to M. S. Nikolaev the rank of the Hero Trud is given.


... We will combat to the last breath [2].

... Mikhail Stepanovich spent nearly nine years in exile. And what years! What works! Where only he had not to hunch a back for these years to support the family which followed it to Siberia. Prepared firewood in Tutura's loaches, grubbed out the earth under an arable land in Makarov, worked at construction of the railroad, kaylit on the mines of Bodaibo, kochegarit by the steamships floating across Lena. It was succeeded to locate in Irkutsk only much later and to settle the mechanic at the handicraftsman. Where could — with the truthful Bolshevist word addressed companions on work. But whether it is possible to make a lot of things if you are a person under surveillance the exiled if you constantly have to wander in search of earnings?.

But here March, 1917 approached. There came the rough Siberian spring. Prompt streamlets began to drill the frozen together snowdrifts, to undermine Angarsk ice. Not today tomorrow Angara will be opened. In human hearts too spring — the country started, moved the new course, new coast. Revolution! Release katorzhan from Irkutsk prison, from the Aleksandrovsky tsentral. On the biggest square of the city — grandiose demonstration. And on the platform of the Irkutsk station the train to Moscow prepares for departure. Unusual train, freedom train. It was provided by the All-Russian territorial union for yesterday's political katorzhan and the exiled who are coming back to the Central Russia. Among passengers of the train there is Mikhail Nikolaev with the wife and two children — Alexander to whom 17 years passed, and absolutely still a devchushechka — Klanya who was born in exile. Silver threads appeared in a curly head of hear of Mikhail Stepanovich, but energy, cheerfulness did not lower these difficult years. And now, when over distressful Russia freedom dawn was engaged, he felt unusual inflow of forces and unrestrained desire to get into the real lot of work — so many Bolsheviks should make, so much is waited from them by labor Russia. And near it the son, not only the son is the faithful companion of Mikhail Nikolaev in all his works, cares, hopes. It was up to the end confident in the Alexander. And this confidence was justified by all the next decades. In 1918 Alexander will become the member of Bolshevik Party. Party youth will throw it on the Kronstadt ice; will send to elimination of an antonovshchina, it will pass civil war in parts of special function. And then there will be a party work, KGB days and nights, Patriotic war.

And now — freedom train.

Did not meet such train yet and the Siberian earth did not see off.

At all considerable stations it was expected by representatives of the revolutionary organizations with banners, music, speeches. Was heard in the speeches: "A sacrifice is not without reason made: sparks of fight inflamed in a mighty flame. Your forces, companions, are necessary to the country. She waits for you!"

Passengers of the train of freedom delivered response speeches. More than once Mikhail Stepanovich from a footboard of the car threw meeting: "Not to rest on laurels, not to have a rest we come back to the native land, and for revolutionary fight. And we will conduct this fight to the last breath".

The train arrived to Moscow in the first of April.

Having hastily attached a family on Presnya, Nikolaev went to MK.

— Give to Butyrsky district — recommended to it.

There he got a job on Dux plant.

From the first days after return Mikhail Stepanovich all was given to active party work. Performances on the infinite meetings everywhere bubbling in Moscow were the main form of such work at that moment. Nikolaeva not to occupy ability to speak at such meetings. And therefore he had to speak very often — and at himself at plant, and in the Brest workshops, both on "Prokhorovka", and at other enterprises, and at street mass meetings. There were enough sensitive issues — about war and peace, about the relation to Provisional government, about control over production. It was not simple to act at all. Intoxicated those spring days with a victory over hated tsarism, masses in the majority followed Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries. And as M. S. Nikolaev remembered, on meetings "abandoned sometimes us rotten fruit, rotten eggs, tried to pull down from stands, passed decisions to demand dismissal from the enterprises of Bolsheviks".

In May in Moscow broad campaign for elections to the Moscow City Council — the first elections after February revolution was launched. Bolsheviks, as we know, made on them the list of candidates, the list No. 5, having rejected any compromises with Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries. On May 4, 1917 MK of Bolsheviks accepted the municipal platform. It contained not only municipal requirements. She gave answers to radical questions which were raised by revolution. In a platform three main points: any support to imperialistic war, any support of capitalists to the government, replacement of police with national militia.

The group of workers of Dux plant the candidate for City Council called Mikhail Nikolaev.

As Bolsheviks had to act in a thought, Nikolaev's story gives us an idea:

"At such ratio of forces — 23 almost on 200 — it is clear what chances of acceptance a thought of offers of Bolshevist fraction was slightly, sooner was not, and the fraction led the line on statement to discussion a thought of such questions which would show the real face of the esero-Menshevist majority of a thought as deceivers of the people which sent to a thought them the representatives more brightly. In particular, offers of the account and confiscation of all profitable possession of churches, monasteries and use of their property for schools, hospitals, about the thought relation to introduction of the death penalty by Provisional government for soldiers were made... about taking measures to permission of a housing crisis etc.

Well it is clear, coming back from the Duma meetings to the enterprises and where will send you... tried to bring home of principals a treacherous role of their elects".

The Bolshevist fraction of a thought was headed by I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, among her members there were I. F. Armande, P. G. Smidovich. Bolsheviks public (deputies of a thought so were called) arranged the meetings not only in a thought. And the fraction gathered in other places to consider the most important questions of life of the country and city. All this was absolutely quite good school both for M. S. Nikolaev, and for other Bolsheviks who soon should take in own hand the power and consequently, management of economy, the management of life of such big city as Moscow.

In August, 1917 Mikhail Stepanovich moves to Podlipki's station, near Mytishchi. Resettlement was not casual. Here — unfinished plant of military self-feeds of the English joint-stock company "Bekos". He is engaged in car repair works. Preparing for armed revolt, the Moscow Bolsheviks placed the reliable shots on such points which should play an essential role in race for power. To consider as the support staff of Bekos plant the Moscow Bolsheviks had bases. It showed the political consciousness and organization more than once. In response to an appeal of the Central Committee of RSDRP(b) workers of plant declared a protest movement in the opening day of so-called State meeting. On September 11 general meeting of collective adopted the resolution with requirements of establishment of the democratic republic, cancellation of a private property of the earth, introductions of working control over production, arms of workers and the organization of Red guard, the termination of the repressions directed against working class, implementation of the right of the nations for self-determination.

At plant M. S. Nikolaev became one of heads of commission, controlling production, the vice-chairman of the union of metalworkers of the area, carried out both other party and public duties.

Hot days came for Mikhail Stepanovich during preparation of armed revolt. As experience of 1905 was useful to it here! In anticipation of the forthcoming decisive fights at plant 30 cargo cars were repaired. They belonged to military department, and they needed to be sent to the front immediately. Department sent one instruction behind another, sent inspectors for inspectors. But Nikolaev and his companions at plant had other instruction — the order of the member of VRK of Mytishchi Bolshevik Fedor Sergeyevich Shalin.

Yes, it was that Fedor Shalin with car-building that in 1905 spoke at mass meetings, created a team, battled in December on barricades of Presnya, was wounded. After defeat of December armed revolt Shalin became the professional revolutionary. At the request of "okruzhka" he was engaged in propaganda activity. Worked under an assumed name in Sokolnichesky car-repair workshops, conducted work in a local party Bolshevist cell. As well as Nikolaev, Fedor Sergeyevich learned the conclusion in Butyrsky prison, visited exile on Vologodchin. Upon termination of the reference it was called up for military service where was under public supervision. In 1917, after February revolution, Fedor Sergeyevich returned to Mytishchi, was elected the deputy of the Moscow Council. As the instructor of the Mytishchi Council, he carried on propaganda among soldiers of the Moscow garrison, organized groups of Red guard.

When in Mytishchi it became known of the beginning of armed revolt, Shalin was elected the member of the Mytishchi VRK. Here then it and department the order on Bekos plant to Nikolaev: to prepare cars, to pick up drivers and to wait for the special order. All this is required to the Moscow Revolutionary-military committee. Absolutely near Podlipok, near station Losinoostrovskaya, there was a Myzorayevsky fire warehouse (nowadays it is the territory of Babushkinsky district of Moscow). Soldiers of Myzorayevsky 8-thousand garrison — on the party of Bolsheviks. The Bolshevist VRK directs them. They do not pass the military freights intended for counterrevolution to Moscow will confiscate them for revolutionary goals.

... On October 28 (on November 10), 1917 groups of Red guard in Moscow take the resolute offensive to counterrevolution.

Fedor Shalin calls from Mytishchi to Nikolaev:

— Time! You give cars in Council!

"Began" — Mikhail Stepanovich understands. On its team cars one by one went to Mytishchi. Also the mad roundabout was started turning. Cars — to Mytishchi, from there — in the Myzorayevsky fire warehouse. There fast load them, load to the full, artillery shells, grenades, cartridges. Still soldiers with the three-rulers manage to squeeze. And to Moscow. In VRK, the weapon is transferred in regional staffs to Red Guards. Cars come back to Rayevo's grange behind a new batch of the weapon. Cars need under repair all the time — often fire at them on streets of Moscow, then — in Podlipki, on plant, for urgent repair.

On "Bekosa" special teams of repairmen are organized for this purpose. They are on duty day and night. On the street snow, a rain. And directly under the open sky, by the light of dim lamps everything that trucks moved along the route again becomes.

Such whirl lasted nearly five days.

Gasoline came to an end. Nikolaev with the assistants searches vicinities. In the village of Bogorodskoye find a warehouse of fuel and will confiscate it.

So proceeded to 3 on November (16) when Red Guards took the Kremlin — the last stronghold of counterrevolution. On the same day the Moscow VRK addressed all citizens of Moscow with the manifesto announcing a victory of the Soviet power: "... the Russian working class had great honor to the first to overthrow domination of the bourgeoisie. For the first time in the history the working classes took the power in hand, the blood having won freedom. They will not let out this freedom from the hands. The armed people guard revolution".

It is possible to imagine that Mikhail Stepanovich tested, reading this manifesto. It came from December barricades of 1905, through prisons, through painful tests by the long-term reference by this day when Petrograd and Moscow, and behind them all Russia became rather free, and the power — originally public, Workers' and Peasants' authority.

But, as well as always at liberty, and now especially, time for reflections about the past was not. Everything absorbed the present. There were enough affairs in the area and at plant. Also did not work half a year here, and everything became relatives, native, necessary; cares of the present and the future of plant became his cares. But once (it was January, 1918) it was summoned by Inessa Fiodorovna of Armande, at that time the chairman of the Moscow gubsovnarkhoz.

Friendly former members of Bolshevist fraction of the Moscow City Council met. Last time they saw each other in August, 1917, at meeting of the fraction on the eve of a kornilovshchina. How many water flowed away for these four-five months!

— Here that, my smart guy, Mikhail light Stepanovich — Inessa Fiodorovna told. — In Moscow at us the city Soviet authorities are more or less adjusted, and the Moscow County in this case only just becomes independent. We form the office of district Council now, and you should work there.

— That you, companion Inessa — begged Nikolaev — why to me this device! I have at plant a live business, there are enough cares, cars are repaired. Yes what cars! Another live has neither wheels, nor the motor. And on legs it is necessary to put.

— I know what there at plant becomes. But also district Council is necessary to us sensible, hard-working; long ago it is time to bring order to the county. And as for you, this opinion of a gubkom of party. Got that?

Also Mikhail Stepanovich in the Moscow district Council became the commissioner of justice and the chairman of the extraordinary commission on fight against counterrevolution, sabotage and speculation.

Additional information:

1. 3D Round down the street
2. From the book: Vinogradov S. is a commander of a fighting team. M, 1986.

The following photos will help to make idea of the street:

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Houses down the street are Nikolaeva

Arrangement on the card


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