
Way of preparation

I. 1 glass of small polished carrots, 1 carrots, 1 sour apple, 3 — 4 small zubk of garlic, 2 tablespoons of sour cream or sour milk, 1 boiled egg, is a little fennel.

To mix, fill in carrots, largely polished apple and small cut garlic with sour cream or sour milk, to strew with the crushed fennel. To decorate a grated carrots dish with asterisks from carrots and figurno the cut-out or chopped egg.

Grated carrots salad is well combined with bird, beef, fish dishes. It can be given for dinner with black bread. Carrots can and be grated largely, then the dish will have other appearance.

II. 0,5 — 1 l of small polished carrots, 2 tablespoons of small polished garlic, 3 — 4 tablespoons of sour cream, salt pinch, 3 — 4 leaves of mint.

To mix the crushed carrots and garlic in a bowl and to lay out in a salad bowl, to water with sour cream or sour milk, to salt, the crushed mint.

It is especially recommended to fish and mincemeat dishes.  

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