Beef in Russian

Way of preparation

Beef — 650 g, carrots — 50 g, onion — 50 g, a celery or parsley — 60 g, vegetable oil — 40 g, crackers ground from black bread — 40 g, potatoes — 600 g, sour cream — 200 g. To cut beef (it is desirable thin or a rib-steak) across fibers on 2 pieces for the portion and to beat off slightly.

To fry meat on strong fire and to lay in a portion pot, previously having laid out a bottom salted pork fat slices. From above to lay korenye and onions, to add crackers of the Borodino bread and spice, to fill in with brown broth and to extinguish. Then to add medium-sized potatoes the whole tubers, and for half an hour until the end of suppression — sour cream. To sustain onboard a plate under a cover. To give in a pot, having strewed with greens of parsley and fennel.


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