Ab ours muze_ 

Mnogiya navedvaln_k_ a vayenna-g_starychnaga of the museum _mya A. V. Suvorava, at ty to a l_k і nekatoryya to the kabrynchena, a nyaredka zadayuts to the pytayena nakont stvarennya Iago, ts_kavyatsets, ts_ zhy ў at gety the house vyal_k_ palkavodzets, ts_ yon uzvedzena pazny. Incorporated bank dats adkaz, treba of zvyarnutsets yes g_story_.

At zhn і ў n_ 1775 of _mperatryets of Katsyaryn II of an uznagarodz_l of the field marshal A. V. Suvorava vyal_k_m і to rich mayontka "Key Kobrynsk і". The central syadz_ba of "Key", mayontak Gubern_ya, was a zakladzena on Kobryn's ¸skrayena ў shasts_dzesyaty reptiles of HU ІІІ stagoddzya.

Mayontak Gubern_ya, yak_ znakhodz і ў sya ў tsentra of a tsyaperashnyag of park, spachatka of a loan ў 3 — 4 dzesyats_na zyaml_. At Iago's tsentra heating piece sadzhalk_ pack ў dra¸lyana pansk_ the house z syam_ rest ў. At 1894 to a godza yon ў are sorted. Shto of datychytsets of a garadskog of the house of palkavodets, at yak_m a tsyaper of a razmeshchana the museum, yon peraysho ў va ¸lasnasts Suvorava to a krykh pazny, an adnachasova sa starazhytny kobrynsk_m to locks, scenes of a yakog ¸zvyshal_sya to Zamkavay gara of la of a mast tseraz to cancer Mukhavets. Astatk_ pas lock rasparadzhennyu Suvorava byl_ znesena ў residents of Kan of XVIII stagoddzya. The house Suvorava ў pabudavan pazny і against dra¸lyany a dom_ka ў a selskaga to a typ could l_chytsets amal to palayets. ў are applied on Kobryn yon's plan ў 1798 to a godza.

Yak of a vyadom, Suvor ў a pabyva ў at Kobryne ў 1771 і 1794 reptiles. At suvyaz_ z vayennym_ aperatsyyam_ a nado¸ga here of zatryml_vatsets yon could not. Da¸zhey pages ў yon at a mayontka ў 1797 і 1800 reptiles. At 1797 to a godza to times z Suvoravy at Kobryne zhyl_ 18 "atsta¸ny an af_tsera ў, yak_ya trap_l_ ў nyam_lasts a tsara. Chastka _kh znakhodz_lasya ў a mayontka, another — at garadsk_m the house. Kal_ ў to an ear of a lyutag of 1800, paslya zakanchennya a shveytsarskaga to a campaign, a tsyazhka are sick general_s_mus spyn і ў sya ў Kobryne, a nevyal_ky sv_ta on the chal z to generals Bagratyyonam razmyasts_lasya z gaspadary at garadsk_m the house.

Paslya smerts_ Suvorava ў ma_ 1800 of Iago nasledn_k_ raspradal_ to a ¸sa vyosk і, at ty to a l_k і Gubern_yu. Z tago to hour garadsk_ house of palkavodets more than once Mian ў gaspadaro ў. At aposhn_ya months fashystskay akupatsy_ g_tlera¸sk_ya soldiers peratvaryl_ g_starychna the house at a stable. Zakhava¸sya fotazdymak 1945, it is possible for a dza bachyts and a yakoga I will become davyal_ geta darag_ to skin RusCom a chalaveka the house g_tlera¸ets. Pas ¸spam_na partyzan, an adraza paslya to an exit z to the wood of Yana stal_ achyshchats the house Suvorava hell to a brud, I suppurate.

The pas rashennyu bedding set Central Committee bureau hell 18 chervenya 1946 vosennyu tago years was is started to the adna¸leena of the house, at yak_m a tsyaper razmyasts і ў sya the museum _mya A. V. Suvorava. Tak_m to chyna, at gety to a godza our museum to a budza adznachats svayo to a tryzzats_goddza. Hour to a nakladvaa a trace on the house Suvorava. Us nepako_ts-place draft of vonkavy scenes, yaky ў some mesets to a dasyagaa 15 — 20 santymetr ў. Pra pershapachatkovy ramonets ў 1946 — 1947 reptiles byl_ sproba zroblena vypram_ts shmatl_k_ya perakosa of old scenes of a pra to a dapamoza two-tank clip ў. Tsyaper navukovyya vytvorcha-resta¸ratsyynyya maystern_ M_n_sterstva of culture of BSSR zakanchvayuts to the skladayena prayektnay dakumentatsy_ on resta¸ratsyyu houses, paslya chago pachnutsets skladanyya ¸zna¸lenchyya works.

Mnog_ya navedvaln_k_ zadayuts to us pytann_ ab ty, a yak, nyagledzyacha on razburalnyya wars, magl_ zakhavatsets shmatl_k_ya exhibits of the museum. A yak was it is told embroider, the museum uzn_k paslya Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna. Usyo ty that syonnya yosts at Iago funds, a pastup_la yes us at a paslyavayenna of hour Akty¸nuyu to a dapamog to a stvoranam on zakhodn_kh rubyazha nashay kra_na to Kobrynskam to the museum ruskay vo_nskay glories akazal_ tsentralnyya muze_. Syarod _kh stareysha the museum nashay an automated workplace іі — Artyleryysk_ of a g_starychna, yak_ ¸zn_k yashche Pyatra I's pra. Yong Pastupowa of a perad ў to us such vyal_ky kolkasts exhibit ў that nekatorym_ z _kh we magl_ padzyal_tsda z _nshym_ muzeyam_ Belarus_.

Kashto¸nyya rel_kv іі m_nulaga pastup_l_ yes us z Erm_tazha, G_starychnaga museum, Ruskaga of the museum, museum _mya Suvorava to a ¸len_ngradza, Belaruskaga of a dzyarzha¸nag of the museum і _nshy. Dzyakuyucha getay to a dapamoza we syonnya May stolk_ an exhibit ў that _kh kolkasts za¸syoda zdz і ў to a lyaa of ours of a navedvaln_k ў, yak_kh at us z to skin years happening ¸syo bolsh. Tolk_ ў m_nuly to a godza z ekspaz_tsyyam_ museum paznayom_l_sya bolsh yak of 130 thousand chalavek. Kozhna z _kh serets pachuzzyo gordasts_ for our rusk_ the people, for Iago Vyal_kuyu incurred at sva_m wine glory.

A. Martynov


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