Kobrin district



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Category of protection: 3

International importance:
It is included in the 2nd edition of the Red List of Belarus (1993). It is protected in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Russian Federation.

Sloyevishche 1-4 wide, 10-30 cm, bladed with the vyemchato-chopped-off edges of blades are more rare. The top surface of a sloyevishch brown, it is frequent with a greenish or olive shade, mesh and ridge. Sorediya roundish, tuberous, develop on edges of the top party of blades or on their edges, sometimes sprout in rhabdoid izidiya. The lower surface brownish, with various shades; convex parts usually naked, and fillets between swellings are covered with a down and rhizoids. Apotetion with a diameter of 2-5 mm, develop infrequently, settling down on edges or at the edges of blades.

The main part of an area covers mountain and flat territories of Eurasia, North America, the South of Africa, the western Pacific islands and Australia. In Belarus it is revealed in territories Brest (Gantsevichsky, Ivatsevichsky, Kamenetsky, Luninetsky, Lyakhovichsky, Pruzhansky and Stolinsky districts), Vitebsk (Braslavsky, Gorodoksky, Lepelsky, Lioznensky, Orshansky, Postavsky, Sennensky, Tolochinsky and Shumilinsky districts), Gomel (Buda-Koshelyovsky and Zhitkovichsky districts), Grodno (Novogrudsky, Svislochsky, Smorgonsky and Shchuchinsky districts), Minsk (Berezinsky, Minsk, Myadelsky and Nesvizhsky districts) and Mogilev (The Mogilev and Osipovichsky districts) by the Region.

Meets in broad-leaved (yasennik and oak groves), small-leaved (chernoolshanik), is more rare the coniferous (fir-tree) and mixed old-age forests, and also it is very rare in parks. Grows on trunks of an oak, an ash-tree, a hornbeam and other broad-leaved breeds of trees.

Within the last 50 years in a condition of normally developed individuals this look remained only in places, remote for the person, and in reserves, in other cases meets poorly developed sloyevishcha usually without bodies of reproduction. Breeds vegetativno sorediya or izidiya, is more rare disputes.

Number and tendency of its change:
Meets sporadic separate individuals, more rare small groups on limited squares. Earlier specified places of growth of this look in vicinities of Minsk are not confirmed by modern researches and, apparently, disappeared. The greatest number of locations is known in the territory of National park "Bialowieza Forest".

Major factors of threat:
Anthropogenous: cabin of the old-age woods, excessive recreational loads of forest ecosystems, wildfires, economic land development, drying melioration, pollution of the air environment, and also collecting. Natural: reduction of humidity of air of the woods in places of growth of a look, the fires, windfalls, etc.

Protection measures:
"Bialowieza Forest", "Narochansky" (in the reserved territory of Blue lakes) and "Pripyat", the Berezinsky biospheric reserve, and also in the wildlife area "Svityazyansky" grows in national parks. The ban of all types of timber works and other anthropogenous influences in places of growth of a look, and also a ban of drying and meliorative actions near its localities is necessary. Periodic control of a condition of the known populations, implementation of purposeful search of new places of growth in similar conditions and, if necessary, the organization of their protection are necessary.

Originators: V. V pigeons.