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The guelder-rose is ordinary

Bush or tree (to 4 m) families Zhimolostny (Caprifoliaceae). Has the grayish-brown bark covered with longitudinal cracks. Leaves are opposite, petiolar, three-five-bladed 5 - 10 cm long with an uneven krupnozubchatym edge, dark green, naked from above, glaucous-green, a little wrinkled, slaboopushenny from below.

Flowers white or rose-white pyatilepestny, with a double okolotsvetnik, are collected in shchitkovidny inflorescences. Regional flowers - fruitless, are 4 - 5 times larger than internal. Median - plodushchy, small, oboyepoly, on short pedicels. Inflorescences settle down on tops of young branches.

Fruit - a stone fruit of a spherical or oval shape, with a large flattened stone, brilliant, bright red, juicy, bitterish and tart on taste. Blossoms in May — July. Maturing of fruits in August - September. On one brush there are 80 - 100 fruits. After the first frosts the bitterness becomes less or completely disappears.

The plant begins to fructify since 3 - 4 lives. Breeds layers, seeds, young growth. Grows about coast of the rivers, in the dampish deciduous woods, on cuttings down, on glades and meadows which grew with bushes. The guelder-rose red is widespread in the European part of the CIS, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia and in the Caucasus.

Collecting and preparation of raw materials. For the medicinal purposes use fruits, flowers and bark. Fruits collect when they completely reached a maturity. They are cut off together with fruit stems. It is necessary to avoid damages of fruits, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate.

It is the best of all to dry fruits in furnaces or dryers at a temperature up to 60 °C. It is also possible to dry on attics, suspending in bunches. Flowers dry in dryers at a temperature of 40 - 50 °C or having spread out a thin layer on paper, in well aired rooms. Raw materials expiration date 2 years.

Bark is prepared before blooming of kidneys, during a sokodvizheniye. Bring together her from young lateral branches. These branches cut off, by a knife do ring cuts on distance of 20 - 30 cm, connect them longitudinal sections then bark can be removed easily. Dry under a canopy in a shadow, or it is possible indoors with good ventilation, having spread out bark a thin layer on paper or fabric. If bark becomes fragile and breaks, such raw materials are considered rather dried up. Expiration date 4 years.

Structure of a plant. Fruits contain flavonoids, sugar, tannic and pectinaceous substances, organic acids, ascorbic acid, carotene, minerals. Bark contains mix of flavonoids, tannins, essential oil, phytosterols, pitches. In flowers - flavonoids, vitamin C, essential oil, organic acids.

Useful properties of a guelder-rose, application, treatment. The guelder-rose is ordinary, and on the medicinal properties it does not concede this ancient remedy in anything to a guelder-rose slivolistny. With the medical purpose use flowers, leaves, fruits, bark, roots. The raw materials are dried under a canopy, spreading a thin layer. Berries of a guelder-rose are picked after the first frosts, dried suspended in bunches or in dryers. Store the prepared raw materials in paper packages, cardboard boxes, etc. Bark can be stored till 4 years, and flowers, fruits and a semyan - 1 year. The guelder-rose possesses calming, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, knitting, styptic actions. Thanks to the high content of biologically active agents guelder-rose fruits positively influence cardiovascular system, regulate arterial pressure.

Juice and broth of berries are drunk as a diuretic at hypostases of a warm origin, at a sclerosis of vessels. At the raised blood pressure it is good to take the berries with stones which are filled up with sugar or filled in with honey on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before food, but provided that there are no contraindications. Bark of a guelder-rose has the main, strong, medicinal effect. Broth it is applied as styptic cure for uterine bleedings during the postnatal period, at plentiful and painful periods, at a climax, diseases of genitals. At nasal bleedings insert the tampons moistened in bark broth at hemorrhoids do trays.

Spirit tincture of bark of a guelder-rose. Also do liquid extract on alcohol of bark (extract). Extract is prepared from guelder-rose bark powder for 70% alcohol in the ratio 1:1. Accept till 30-40 drops to food 2-3 times a day. Broth of a guelder-rose is applied as the calming, anticonvulsive cure for nervous diseases, sleeplessness, hysteria, neurosises, at attacks of asthma, perspiration.

At a scrofula at children apply juice from guelder-rose flowers: juice is dissolved with water and allow to drink (how many years to the child - so much and a thaw). Fresh berries and infusion from them, it is better with honey, broth of flowers and berries apply as sudorific and expectorant cure for cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, cold with severe headaches, quinsy, a voice osiplost, a hoarseness.

Oil of fruits of a guelder-rose - biologically active food and cosmetic additive. In house conditions to prepare it it is difficult, but it is on sale. Its value consists in the high content of vitamins A, E, C, K, P, and also contains carotinoids, flavonoids, free amino acids, including irreplaceable, the beta sitosterol possessing lipotropny action, mineral substances: potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chrome, selenium, nickel, strontium, aluminum and others. A guelder-rose with honey: 100 g of berries are cooked in water of 5 minutes, then to grind through it is full also a seine from 200 g of honey. To accept 1-2 tablespoons of 4-5 times a day. Guelder-rose infusion with honey: to pound 40 g of fruits, to fill in them 200 ml of honey, to accept 1 tablespoon 4 times a day after food. Well helps at cough and bronchial asthma.

Fresh juice of berries, broth, infusion of flowers accept at a headache as the appetizing cure improving digestion for gastritis with the lowered acidity, stomach ulcer and a duodenum, for prevention of cancer diseases of a stomach, at ponosa as astringent, liver diseases, jaundice and also as vitamin means. Guelder-rose juice (from fruits) is mixed with sugar (1:1 or 1:2), accept 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times per day with water.

It is possible to use still broth of berries of a guelder-rose on 1 tablespoon, 3-4 times a day to food. Berries after frosts are very valuable, they lose bitter taste and are a high-vitamin product, especially with sugar. At skin diseases broth of a guelder-rose has good medical effect (diathesis, an allergy, a scrofula, eczema, skin tuberculosis, herpeses). It is applied in the form of lotions, trays, bathtubs with the simultaneous use inside.

Guelder-rose bark broth: 1 tablespoon of the crushed bark on 1 glass of water to boil 5 min., to insist 1 hour, to filter before the use, to accept 1 — 2 tablespoon cool 3 once a day after food. Broth of berries of a guelder-rose: 2 tablespoons of berries on 1 glass of water to boil 1 min., to insist 1 hour, to accept 0,5 glasses in the morning and in the evening.

The guelder-rose is also good cosmetic: juice from fresh berries promotes removal of freckles, treatment of eels, bleaches skin. Contraindication guelder-rose. The guelder-rose at gout is contraindicated, to an illness of kidneys, the increased coagulability of blood, tendency to a tromboobrazovaniye. Hypertensive persons should treat carefully reception of a guelder-rose, especially if there are above listed contraindications, and control of pressure is obligatory.