To "dawn" - 70! History which we write

"We sought to write so that each word called in fight for Fatherland native"

In days of military hard times "Dawn" temporarily suspended the exit, but in the 1943rd the newspaper at the top of the voice reminded of itself, having become the powerful tool in fight against Hitlerites in the occupied territory.

Guerrilla "Dawn" was published in the natural boundary Hovanshchina of Ivatsevichsky district. Newsdealers first of all were at war the word, at most which that how wide and powerful scope will be accepted by national fight against Hitlerites on our earth in many respects depended. Above the name of the newspaper there were words: "Death to fascist invaders!", and in the right top corner: "Read - tell another".

"The point of honor of each patriot neither in the afternoon nor to haunt invaders at night, to smash them in garrisons, on roads, not to give to fascists bread gram, to rescue youth from stealing in slavery. Fascists came to our earth as enslavers. Let it will become a grave for damned Hitlerites".

"Dawn", on May 5, 1943

It is a fragment from the first number of underground "Dawn". The great interest in it caused material about fight for Kosovo in readers. Here groups of Shchors, of Dimitrov, of Voroshilov crushed large enemy garrison, destroyed military strengthenings, warehouses with ammunition, the weapon. Several days the city was in hands of guerrillas. They distributed to the population many food products, the construction materials taken at fascists. Residents of Kosovo joyfully met the liberators, gave them necessary help. Tens of young men and girls took the guerrilla oath to battle against invaders to a clear victory. In other correspondence, notes, information it was reported about actions of guerrillas of group of Chapayev near Kobrin, destruction by them on a highway of three German cars. In them 20 soldiers died.

And here a fragment from the book "From Heart to Heart" written by the editor of underground "Dawn" Vasily Kaliberov about those terrible days:

"Soon after a release of the first number responses of readers began to come to edition. The opinion was expressed not only by guerrillas, underground workers, but also the population of the cities and villages. Patriots who though were not in groups always supported guerrillas, lived their thoughts and feelings, hotly responded on a newspaper appeal. Such case is in this regard rather interesting. Once I together with guerrillas propagandists arrived to the village of Zditovo Berezovsky of the area. We told about the latest events, situation on fronts and transferred to peasants the Zarya newspaper. One old man touched it, looked at date and, having joyfully smiled, told: "Yes, it is our native newspaper. We hear the native word of the truth". When people read the newspaper and a leaflet, at many radoskta tears in the eyes began to shine.

The message about a release of the regional newspaper quickly flew about all areas, villages and the cities of the Brest region. Emergence it was the joyful, encouraging event: hour of release approaches. At the same time in a camp of the enemy this event caused an alarm. Invaders let out a leaflet in which wrote that "Dawn" is published not in the territory of the Brest region, and in Moscow that the newspaper is thrown by planes here that regional committees of KP(b)B and Komsomol also do not exist.

- There are brekhuna, - guerrillas and residents of the cities and villages laughed. - Nothing, soon fascists even more will feel national anger, will be forced to recognize not only existence of "Dawn" and underground regional committee of party, but also own death.

According to the established schedule there were second, third, fourth numbers. They were not similar one to another. In everyone it was talked about something new, characteristic, topical, urgent. We sought to write so that each word called in fight for Fatherland native".


"We will never forget a feat of guerrillas of group of Chapayev. Germans by big force moved on our village to destroy the harvest which ripened on fields, to take away cattle, to burn the village, to steal youth to Germany. It seemed, nobody will escape, all will die. There was a miracle. Guerrillas unexpectedly appeared in time, stood up for us, did not let fascists in the village. We know that many guerrillas were killed in battle for the village. Eternal to them glory. We look forward to release".

From the letter in edition of "Dawn" of inhabitants of. Borsches of Kobrin district.


"At last long-awaited events were developed. The joyful concerning meeting of the Brest guerrillas with soldiers of Red Army marks not only release of area, but also an exit to boundaries with which powerful approach of heroic Red Army to the West will begin".

"Dawn", July, 1944.


"What we dreamed of for what we battled came true. Brest is free! The feat which was made by our liberators, guerrillas will never grow dim. Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in fights for the Homeland!"
From the leaflet printed in July, 1944 in edition of "Dawn".

To "dawn" - 70! History which we write//the Dawn. – 2009. - May 26. – Page 4. From the letter in edition of "Dawn" of inhabitants of. Borsches of Kobrin district in 1943. 

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