Road yes of a pomn_k ў і abel_ska ў    

... Do¸g_ kartezh a¸tamab_lya ў Kobrynska-Malarytskay of MRAS DTSAAF і a matatsykl_sta ў sa stsyagam_ Respubl_k_ Belarus і an abaronnaga of a tavarystvo ran_tsay at a m_nula panyadzelak a vystra і ў sya ¸zdo¸zh Len_n's ploshcha. Veterana Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna, pradsta¸n_k_ vykana¸chay ulada і moladz prynyal_ Vyal_kay Aychynnay to the vayena ¸dzet at chargovy rayonny an a¸taprabega, prysvechany to the 67th gadavena Peramog_ ў.

Yak of an adznacha ў namesn_k starshyn_ rayvykankama Valyants_n Trubchyk, shtogod route of a getag of a merapryemstvo of a rozna. Terytoryyu a kozhnaga of the Village Council of Kobrynshchyna so ts_ _naksh the most kryvavy vayna ў g_story_ zakranut a chalavetstv. Akupatsyyna peryyad a zabra ў zhyzz_ bolsh for 13 thousand chalavek.

Tickle the prypynak udzeln_k_ to an a¸taprabeg zrab_l_ ў century of Korchytsa. Here, heating a pomn_k to fellow countrymen, zag_nu¸shy at reptiles of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna, adby¸sya m_tyng. Starshynya H_drynskaga a selvykankama M_kha_l Maks_mov_ch of a shchyr, hell usyago serets of a padzyakav ў to veterans for _kh ratna podzv_g, for a sky m_rnaa. Dyrektar Korchytskay bazavay schools Vas_l Petrasyuk of the story ў prysutny to an adn z mnog_kh g_story ty terrible padzy. 15 lyutag of 1943 zhykharo ў century of Korchytsa sabral_ ў tsentra of a naselenag of point Germans. Yana Ab'yav_l і that for suvyaz z partyzanam_ to a budza of a rasstralyan syam'ya Zagreb - a zhonka, the husband, Iago mats_ і a chatsvyora malenk_kh dzyatsy... At live zastal_sya tolk_ two brata. Adnago z _kh the German to a vypkhn ў at nato¸p lyudzy, and drug_ znakhodz і ў sya ў geta hour at gastsyakh at babul_. Yunak_ і dzya¸chata ¸sklal_ kvetk_ і vyank_ yes pomn_ka, udzeln_k_ to a m_tyng ¸shanaval_ pamyats zag_nu¸shy hv_l_nay ma¸channya...

Nastupna point to a v_z_t - abel_sk at century Habov_chy, yak_ ў adkryta ў 2000 to a godza. Vyal_k_ the chorna a ring on _m to a zhalobna s_mval_zua an alarm of a pas ty, Kama was not a nakanavana of dachakatsets peramog_... Dvanazzats myastsovy zhykharo ў byl_ zakatavana to fascists і, shasnazzats a vo_na ў zag_nul_ on fronets. Yes ours a dazha zen ў adz_n the veteran Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna - M_kalay Turubchuk. To Zvychayny soldiers praysho ў yon z vyzvalenchym_ bayam_ pas terytory_ Polshchy і Herman іі. Pryma ў udzet at aperatsyyakh a pas farm_ravann_ rak_ Oder, to a dza ў a tsyazhka are wounded. Vuchn_ myastsovay schools padzyakaval_ to veterans for _kh gera_zm і muzhnasts, uruchyl_ kvetk_.

On mog_lka at century of Balota of a pakhavana the lieutenant Chyrvonay of the Automated workplace іі M_kalay S_la ў. To childbirth yon z Myts_shchy Masko¸skay voblasts_. Vo_n is brave zmaga¸sya on dandies of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna, ў uznagarodzhana medalyom "For an advaga". At 1942 to godza M_kalay at yakasts_ a stralka-radysta ў nak_ravana ў Brestskaya voblasts. Adnoycha vayennasluzhachy were attacked by a gang "¸lasa¸ets ў". S_la ў ў a tsyazhka are wounded і praz nekalk_ a zen pamyor. On balotskay zyaml_ a hole pastav_l_ pomn_k. Navuchentsa myastsovay schools vyal_ to a perap_sk z Iago the brother і, yak_ya ў a pile to a charg padzyakavap_ for such ¸vaga yes to a podzv_g _kh a rodnaga of a chalavek. On the hero's mag_la lyagl_ tsyulpana.

... Zhyvyya kvetk_ і vyank_ byl_ ¸skladzena і va Palag_n la Memariyalnaga's ¸rochyshcha to a complex to partyzana a joy _mya Kato¸skaga, zag_nu¸shy at Bai at 1942-1944.

Zavyarshylasya an af_tsyyny chastka to an a¸taprabeg ў century of Rybn to ¸rachysty m_tynga heating a pomn_k to zag_nu¸shy fellow countrymen. Myastsovyya shkoln_k_ argan_zaval_ Warta pamyats_ heating a getag of mesets.

At adm_n_stratsyyny a budynka of AAT of "K_syalyo¸tsa" tvorchay grupay a stalemate to Alyona Bukach's k_ra¸n_tstva there was an argan_zavana a yaskravy kastsyum_ravany variety pragrama, a yaky _lyustravala padze_ Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna.

Meln_k, R. Daroga yes pomn_ka ў і abel_ska ў / Raman Meln_k//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2012. – May 12. – Page 3. Udzeln_k_ to an a¸taprabeg, Dnyu Peramog prysvechanaga і, rab_l_ prypynk_ at Corchitsaj la Pomn_ca to fellow countrymen, zag_nu¸shy at reptiles of a vayna; at Jabov_chaj la Abel_scu to zag_nu¸shy fellow countrymen, 12 z yak_kh byl_ zakatavana to fascists і, 16 vo_n ў zag_nul_ on fronets; on mog_lka of century of Balota, a pakhavana dza the lieutenant Chyrvonay of the Automated workplace іі M_kalay S_la ў z Myts_shch Masko¸skay voblasts і; va Palag_n la Memariyalnaga's ¸rochyshcha to a complex to partyzana a joy _mya Kato¸skaga, zag_nu¸shy at Bai at 1942-1944; at century of Rybn adby¸sya ¸rachysta m_tyng heating a pomn_k to zag_nu¸shy fellow countrymen.

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