To SLAVA'S obelisks    

Each village has the history. From year to year become above a poplar, oaks grow old, veterans of the Great Patriotic War abandon us. War gradually consigns to the past, but our memory does not leave. She lives in obelisks, granite plates with surnames of the died soldiers, the tortured inhabitants and the shot guerrillas.

Annually across places of fighting glory of Kobrin district there pass motor rallies. On the eve of the 60 anniversary of the Great Victory veterans, heads of RIK, cadets of a military patriotic circle of Kobrin DOSAAF, representatives of RK BRSM took part in the fifteenth motor rally. The train as a part of 15 cars arrived to of Hidra where at a monument to the died fellows villager there took place solemn meeting. On a central square at a monument to the residents of villages Habovichi and Rukhovichi who died in the years of war, participants of motor rally were also waited by villagers. In Divin veterans laid flowers at a monument to the victims of fascism, at three mass graves. Motor rally in the village which during war was completely destroyed, - Borisovke came to the end. At a grave where more than 200 people are buried, meeting took place. Participants of motor rally became witnesses of opening of a memorial board in memory of the died residents of this village.

On meeting veterans of the Second World War were handed anniversary medals. In each village where there took place meeting, the first secretary of BRSM V. Verbitsky and veterans solemnly handed to young men and girls tickets and badges of members of the BRSM organization.

Photo: Anatoly Shugay

Savchuk, M. K to obelisks Slava / Margarita Savchuk//Kobrin-inform. – 2005. – May 12. – Page 2.

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