On June 22 Day of memory of the victims of the Second World War

... Sixty six years ago - on June 22, 1941 - the most bloody and cruel war in world history began. Over time less and less witnesses of the beginning of this terrible tragedy. We found for eyewitnesses of the first day of war and asked to share reminiscence.

Elena Stepanovna Gilevich:

- Went in the morning to work in shop on Sovetskaya St. Videla, as the car with refugees turned over, there were also children there. Then saw (somewhere around a present bath) and the first car with Germans. Cheerful, shaved, garrison caps are thrust for shoulder straps. In the 44th the look them already was another... Came to shop. Nothing in it was. Everything is sorted, taken away.

Pavel Dmitriyevich Gilevich:

- The war presentiment at me, a 18-year kobrinchanin, appeared a month before its beginning when in a clear sunny day saw over the Soviet military airfield under construction about Kobrin the German plane - the intelligence agent. And the beginning - the rumble of planes, explosions woke: bombed the Brest fortress strongly, and many cars on streets were unusual.

Gennady Vladimirovich Romanyuk:

- The beginning of war found me the six-year-old boy in Polichno Belostokska of area (nowadays Poland). Woke up from explosions of bombs. Nearby there was a junction station Bird cherry.
Her Germans also bombed. From gaps the windowpane in the house burst. Then the father from Brest returned, worked there in financial bodies. Germans appeared somewhere on June 25.

Fyodor Ivanovich Zhuk:

- There was to me the sixth year. Lived in of Gutski with parents.
They also woke, told that they bomb Brest. On the street from glow was so light-though collect needles. In couple of days the first Germans appeared.

On June 22 Day of memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2007. – 20 chervenya. Memories of eyewitnesses of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. 

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