_kh vadz_la maladosts

Bolsh yak pa¸stagoddzya to an addzyalyaa us hell of that zhudasnay vayna. To Alya human pamyats naza¸syoda of a zakhaval padze_ vognennaga l_khalezzya, dy і wounds of the veteran ў that prayshl_ praz to a scorching heat getaa, not dayuts zabytsets, vyk_nuts z pamyats_ padze_ tago groznaga to hour.

Without forgetting ab roads of a vayna і a byla frantav_k Dzm_try Dzm_tryev_ch of Ratn_k ў. Adnak raskazvats ab to the vayena not lyub_ts. Magchyma, getyya ¸spam_na prymushayuts a balyucha of sts_skatsets of serets, yashche time at thoughts of razv_tvatsets z to tavarysha і, mag_la yak_kh zastal_sya on different uzgorka Masqua da Berl_n's hell.

Dzm_try Dzm_tryev_ch yes mab_l_zatsy_ on the front two reptiles to a paspa ў papratsavats to traktarysta at MTS. Uzho ў m_namyotny vuchyl_shcha hole spo¸n_lasya tolk_ 17th reptile ў. Letam 1944 of a maladog of a kamandz_r of a m_namyotnag to a razl_k nak_raval_ on the front Chavusa's stalemate that ў Mag_lyo¸skay voblasts_. Here yon prynya ў і tickle fight. At a geta hour to the kamandavayena of our troops of a pravodz_l aperatsyyu "Bagrats_yon". Germans of a ¸part suprats і ў lyal_sya і on a ¸chastka m_namyotnay batare_ navat patsnsn_l_ savetsk_ya voysk_ to a krykh back. At that letn_ dzen D. D. Ratn_ka ў to times z a dvuma kamandz_ram_ vyrashyl_ padabrats new paz_tsyyu for batare_. Not paspel_ a yak a trace adysts_ hell raspalazhennya chasts і, a yak natyknul_sya on group horse the German ў, yak_kh was heating tryzzats_. Davyalosya prynyats fight. Pershykh of the German ў zn_shchyl_ trapny a¸tamatny fire, and the 21st, at asno¸ny an af_tsera ў, zakhap_l_ ў is stout. For geta fight Dzm_try Dzm_tryev_ch of an atrym ў a pile a pershy ¸znagaroda - the Glory award ІІІ-y stupen_. Poty of Iago M_namyotna razl_k a trapna of a zn_shch ў a voraga a stalemate M_nskam, on terytory_ Polshchy. Tsyazhkaye to the raneena of a nado¸g of a prykaval yes of a shp_talnag spoon of a maladog of an af_tser. At san_tarny to a poyezdza davyalosya prayekhats amal usyu Ras_yu and most k_tayskay myazha. Padlyachy¸sya і zno ў at a system. Do¸gachakana Dzen Peramog_ sustre ў to a napadalyok Berl_n's hell, dza savetsk_ya voysk_ sustrel_sya z amerykansk_m_.

Vayna skonchylasya, to Alya Dzm_try Dzm_tryev_ch not znya ў af_tsersk_ya shoulder straps. At 1946 to a godza yon to a _dza pratsavats at Kobrynsk_ GRAUS. To Spachatk ў to the senior _nspektara of service of a pas of a bayavy padrykhto¸tsa, poty peravyal_ ў krym_nalna vyshuk. Tsyaper already on _nshy fronets davodz_lasya more than once ryzykavats zhyzzyom, abaranyayucha of a m_rna of spaky lyudzy. Dzevyats a reptile ў a pratsav ў to namesn_ka of a nachaln_k of GRAUS, and ў 1974 to Iago's godza pravodz_l_ on are deserved adpachynak at zvann_ a padpalko¸n_k m_l_tsy_.

To Alya і paslya a getaga of an energ_chna chalavek D. D. Ratn_ka ў not to a syadza ў without sprava. Yong dzesyats ў an uznachalv ў argan_zatsyyu the veteran ў addzet a reptile m_l_ets і, ў, a yak kazhuts, on bystryn_ zhyzzya.

Tsyaper of a byla m_namyotchyk not tolk_ gentleman of an award of Glory ІІІ-y stupen_. On Iago Grudzyakh zzyayuts an award of Aychynnay of a vayna І - y stupen_ і 16 medalyo ў, syarod yak_kh an asabl_va of vydzyalyaetsets the medal "For Bayavyya Merits _". At muze_ _mya A. V. Suvorava of Padzyachnaye's zakho¸vayetsets p_smo to the veteran hell _mya the marshal Rakaso¸skaga.

Byla frantav_k - the hero of a vayna D. D. Ratn_ka ў at zhyzz_ are simple і sts_pla. Iago pavazhayuts і susedz і, і bylyya sasluzhy¸ets, yon zhadana za¸syoda ў veteranskay argan_zatsy_. 3 _m a pryemna pagavaryts on roznyya tema. Pra¸da, kal_ a patter zakhodz_ts ab to the vayena, ab Iago Asab_sty to an ukladza ў Peramogu, Dzm_try Dzm_tryev_ch amal za¸syoda of a zbyantezhan to a zma¸kaa, and poty at zadumenn_ gavoryts: "Navoshta kago-nebudz vyluchats, not I adz_n kava ў Peramogu. Prost ў tak_ hour, kal_ us, malady, vyprabo¸val_ on stoykasts, addanasts to Radz_ma. Lepsh davayets ¸spomn_m ty, hto Adda ў svayo zhyzzyo, incorporated bank vystayats і peramagcha. Huy _m to a budza eternal glory!".

Satsuk, And. _kh vadz_la maladosts … / A. Satsuk//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 1998. – May 8. – C.2. Pra of a kabrynchan_n of Dzm_tryya Dzm_tryev_cha Ratn_kava, the veteran Vyal_kay Aychynnay, the hero – ardenanosets.

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