Praz of a Torah tydn_ akupatsy_

Kazhuts, hour lechyts usyo. Yak і m_lyyona lyudzy, yak_ya ў reptiles of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna strats_l_ sva_kh family, not a mozh z gety pagadz_tsets і zhykharka of century Te¸l і, former medsyastra, and tsyaper N_n Prakopa¸n Kalyad's pens_yanerka. Padze_ 14 l_penya 1941 yes a getaga to hour motsny Bol of adgukayutsets at yae serets і pamyats_...

There was a ts_khy sonechny ran_tsa. Novyya "gaspadara" dal_ team ¸s_m to vyaskovy muzhchyna vyysts_ for work on a chygunka. Apo¸dn_ adpusts_l_ for lunch. Prakop Ef_muk tolk_ zb_ra¸sya prylegcha adpachyts nekalk_ hv_l_n, a yak at the house zaysho ў Syamyon Bytsko z susednyay vyosk_ Zalesse і to paveda і ў that pryekhat shmat the German ў. Geta could not but ustryvozhyts. At Te¸lyakh was shmat an aktyv_sta ў, former the member ў KPZB, a kamsamolets ў...

Yak svedchats arkh і ў nyya documents that a berazhna to N_n Prakopa¸n's zakho¸vaa, yae a batska ў not tolk_ to members of KPZB, Alya і Kobrynskaga of a rayonnag of a kam_tet of a school desk і, for an underground dzeynasts P_nsk_m district court panskay Polshchy prygavorva¸sya yes two a reptile ў znyavolennya, yaky an adbyva ў at P_nskay і Sedl_tskay a tourist's move. To members of KPZB ў і Syamyon Bytsko. Not an utoyva ў sva_kh poglyada ў Yulyan Martys, yakoga paslya ¸stana¸lennya savetskay ulada abral_ starshynyoy Village Council. І mnog_ya _nshyya lyudz_ ў 1939 to a godza sustrakal_ Chyrvonuyu Arm_yu z kvetkam_ і abdymkam_. And syam'ya Ef_muko ў was a vyadoma yashche і ty that malodsha the brother Prakopa, M_kha_l, z'ya¸lya¸sya sakratary kamsamolskay argan_zatsy_.

Paslya pavedamlennya ab M_sh's Germans k_nu¸sya ў to a hla ў, incorporated bank skhavats kamsamolsk_ya documents. Kal_ a vyysha ў adtul, g_tlera¸ets byl_ ¸zho heating dzvyarey houses. Two the brother ў і Syamyona pavyal_ on a lugav_na for chygunkay, a dza znakhodz_l_sya _nshyya vyasko¸ets - muzhchyna і zhanchyna.

N_na Prakopa¸na to a pamyataa, a yak praz neyk_ hour z to a lugav_na side razdal_sya strela, brekh dogs, and poty pakazal_sya vyasko¸ets, at asno¸ny zhanchyna, for yak_m_ gnal_ya Germans z a¸charkam_. Tada і prynesl_ it is whole M_shy...

G_tlera¸tsa pryekhal_ ў to a vyosk of a nevypadkov. Htosts_ to paveda і ў _m ab aktyv_sta і kamsamolets і navat zap_sa ў prozv_shcha. Sabranykh on a billiard pocket muzhchyn stal_ vykl_kats a pas prozvshcha. M_kha_l Ef_muk on svayo not adazva¸sya. Adz_n z vyasko¸ets ў to a pramov_:

- Chago ma¸chysh? Geta to a tsyaba vykl_kayuts.

M_kha_l of a pach ў padn_matsets, і here zha razda¸sya strel... V_davochna, incorporated bank not zatsyagvats to hour, Germans zagadal_ to an adnam z prysutny: pakazvay, hto kamun_st. That a pacha ў tykats to fingers on us_kh padrad. Hutchey for ¸syo, at ty to a sp_sa z to ul_ka of a zab_tag of M_kha_l was 16 chalavek, bo ў the car of Yana zagnal_ 15. Syarod _kh was і Agryp_na Boyka z to sons-kamsamoltsam.

And poty the charga ya¸reya ў came. On a meadow prygnal_ 12 muzhchyn і a taksama pagruzt_l_ ў the car. _kh the wood of hundred ў vyadoma on a nastupny ran_tsa: zhykhara z the farm of la vesk_ Lyagata pavedam_l і that tevelsk_kh rasstralyal_ in airfield. The I mesets pakazal_ - svezhavykapana ro ў, at yak_m a stalemate tonk_m a layer zyaml_ lyazhal_ zab_tyya. Zhanchyna, yak_ya ў adno to the _mgneena zastal_sya to ¸dova і, pabegl_ yes getaga of mesets. Mats_ N_na Prakopa¸na of a prynesl lady ў kavalachak adzennya husband...

Troubles zhanchyn syam' і Ef_muko ў pratsyagval_sya. The granny Maryya of a _os_fa¸n, yaky at adz_n dzen a strats_la abodvukh the son ў, hell the mountain went blind. Praz of a pa¸god paslya tragedy_ German's "syabro¸ets" ў spadabalasya _kh hut. Dobra that sused zl_tava¸sya, pusts і ў at a pile.
Hutchey for ¸syo, at ty to a sp_sa znachy¸sya і Jac ў Masur, yak_ not a skryva ў sva_kh a poglyada ў, a pas to a haraktar ў chalavek prama. A yak l_chyts Iago the son Yarasla ў that to a zhyva ў Kobryne, _m pashantsavat. Ran_tsay tago day of Yana ¸dvukh adprav_l_sya kas_ts Sena. Uzho zb_ral_sya _sts_ ў to a vyosk for lunch, a yak za¸vazhyl_ the German ў і pachul_ strela. Vyrashyl_ pachakats, not spyashatsets...

Level of the family of lyudzy - a vyal_kaa the mountain for a kozhnag of a chalavek. And kal_ you do not know, a dza _kh aposhn_ prytulak, kuda it is possible pryysts_ paplakats, zapal_ts a candle, paklasts_ kvetk_ - the mountain of stanov_tsets yashche big.

N_na Prakopa¸na Kalyada, yak і rodnyya _nshy rasstralyany 14 l_penya 1941, a dakladn without knowing, a pakhavana dza _kh astank_. Was _nfarmatsyya, to bytsets paslya vayna peranesl_ ў the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of a lock ў Kobryne. Hutchey for ¸syo, on a ¸vaza of mayetsets a bratsky mag_la of la of P_nscaga Bridge, a dza znayshl_ aposhn_ prytulak lyudz_ different natsyyanalnastsy, veravyznannya ў, muzhchyna і zhanchyna, dzets_ і daroslyya, ab'yadnanyya to the adny woods - akhvyara g_tlera¸sk_kh a kata ў.

Maryya H_lchuk

H_lchuk, M. Praz of a Torah tydn_ akupatsy_ / Марыя H_lchuk//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2005. – May 7. Ab atrocities of the fascist ў at pershyya dn_ vayna on terytory_ century Te¸l_. 

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