Kaz_m_r Lyshchynsk_: "Lzhemudratsa padmanvayuts are simple the people..."

Kaz_m_r Lyshchynsk_ naradz і ў sya ў 1634 to a godza ў Lyshchytsa's mayontka that nepadalyok hell of Brest. Iago Batskam ў Geran_m Lyshchynsk_. Yong of a loan ў to the posad of a meln_tskag padstol_ya, zaty suddz_ brestskaga. Radavym_ mayontkam_ syam’ і byl_ Lyshchytsa, Dabranet, Horn ў, Matykala.

Paslya of a damashnyag navuchannya Iago adprav_l_ ў Brestsk_ ezu_tsk_ kaleg_um (on syonnya budynak not zakhava¸sya). The vuchoba ў Vysheyshay to school ў Kal_shakh was Zaty. Paslya of a vuchoba of a malada of Lyshchynsk_ to a traplyaa ў troops. To Spachatk on "the Cossack vayna", nabeg_ the Cossack ў Bagdana Hmyaln_tskaga, zaty zmaga¸sya suprats the Swede ў і rusk_kh.

Ts_kavy davedka. Sluzha ў ours zyamlyak at a stick winged the hussar — a geta an el_tny konn_tsa Vyal_kaga Knyastva L_to¸skaga. Aproch metal_chny armor ў hussars mel_ yashche і kryla that matsaval_sya yes sp_na. Kal_ a lav_na winged the hussar of a _mchal ў fight — magutnyya a game і, bl_skuchyya an armor і, belyya kryla over Galawa — the v_dov_shcha ¸razhvat!

І yashche. Us_kh zab_ty, a yak of a vyadom, havayuts on mesets of a b_tva, at bratsk_kh mag_la. And vos winged the hussar (myortvyya are whole) pryvoz_l_ yes bl_zheyshy a kastsyola ў, a pas dza starazhytny zvycha_ ours a prodka ў _kh klal_ on forgery sa svechkam_ ў hands і adsluzhval_ to a _msh. І tolk_ Tats addaval_ zyaml_.

V_dats, smerts not adnoycha of a glyadzel ў vocha to a nasham to the fellow countryman. At 26-gadovy K. Lyshchynsk_'s uzrosets to a pak_daa military service і vyartayetsets ў rodna kaleg_um an ezu_ta ў to pamochn_ka of a rektar. Perad _m adkryvayetsets bl_skuchy rel_g_yny buduchynya. Chatyra reptiles yon vyvucha ў to a rytoryk, log_k, f_z_k і to a metaf_z_k. Mary ў ab daleyshay to a vuchoba ў to E¸ropa. І a shchyra of belief ў at God.

Praz eight reptile ў prayets ў award of an ezu_t ў yon vyartayetsets ў Lyshchytsa. Zhen_zza. Stanov_zza to deputies of Brestskaga of a vayavodskag of diet (Tats deputies of diet vyb_ral_ on a throne karalyo ў). І to a pratsua meln_tsk_m padstol_y (on that hour high the posad). (Darecha, K. Lyshchynsk_ of a vyb_r ў on M_khal's throne V_shnyavetskaga і Yana Sabeskaga, z yak_m yon і ў the Turk ў z konn_tsay winged the hussar.)

Coat of arms of a family of Lyshchinsky

At Lyshchytsakh K. Lyshchynsk_ of an adkra ў school, dza of a navuch ў shlyakhetsk_kh і syalyansk_kh dzyatsy chytannyu, aryfmetyets, to a p_sm і to _nshy navuka. And ў Brestsk_m to a sudza of a vykonv ў abavyazk_ lawyer ў asabl_va zablytany sprava. And the are free hour of an addav ў f_lasofsk_m to zanyatka. Shmatgadova rozdum і vyn_k_ adkryzzya ў yon a zap_sva ў at the treatise "Ab Ne_snavann_ God". P_sa ў on latyn_. Vydavats not spyasha¸sya. Bo to a dza znaysts_ such advazhnag of a drukar?

Hour not a zakhava ў ate_stychna geta treatise. To Alya yosts sudovyya tez_sa z getaga to a zap_s: "Chalavek — stvaraln_k God, and God — the stvareena of a chalavek. Lzhemudratsa padmanvayuts are simple the people..."

At sva_m traktayets yon the p_sa ў і ab sva_m pasmyarotny zhadann_ — spal_ts to a yagonaa is whole, and on vogn_shcha pastav_ts a stone z ep_taf_yay: "Oh, padarozhn_k! Not m_n_ geta stone. You on _m not spatykneshsya, kal_ not spatykneshsya on the _stsena..." І yashche yon it is reaped ў "Metz light without ulada, garada without nachaln_k ў, the people without valadaro ў". V_dats, on that hour yon already a chyta ў "Gorad of the sun" — utop_yu Kampanela.

Tsyazhka ¸yav_ts, a yak skla¸sya the wood of Lyshchynskaga, kal_ sused і bl_zk_ syabar dzyats_nstvo sir Jan Bzhosk_ not of a pazycha ў at Iago hundred thousand of a thaler ў. Grosha on that hour velm_ vyal_k_ya. Z Brosk_m yon to times vuchy¸sya, and ў stalyya reptiles, v_dats, to times of Yana vyp_l_ not adz_n shtof garelk_. To times sustrakal_sya on seym_ta, ezdz_l_ adz_n yes another ў gosts_. Bzhosk_ tydnyam_ a gastsyava ў at Lyshchynskaga. V_dats, Tats і chyta ў sir Kaz_m_r to a svaym to a syabr treatise. І, v_dats, that not hrysts і ў sya, slukhayucha chytanka.

To Alya ў 1686 to a godza of Lyshchynsk_ z neykay syameynay nakedness papras і ў syabra vyarnuts to a pazyk. Toi Abo groshay not me ў, and mo і not hayets ў vyarnuts do¸g... І Tats ў sir Bzhoskaga naradz і ў sya plan of punishment z to lepshy syabra. Yong Vykradaye 15 sshytka ў treatise і to a dasta¸lyaa _kh to a v_lenskam to a b_skup to Bzhasto¸skam. B_skup, a pe¸na, even I will gasp ў, geta ubachy¸sha "падарунак". Perad the vachyma floated kardynalsky mantyya. І yon to a peradaa rukap_s on "ekspertyza" va ¸n_vers_tet і a p_sha to Caral a request on a transit license to an arysht of a byazbozhn_k. Karol not a nadta thought ў. Zagad ў vykanana. To Ne¸zabava adby¸sya і court. Prysud — smerts praz to the spaleena.

To Alya Bog of an uratav ў K. Lyshchynskaga! Bog, yak yon ў perakanana, yakoga of a nyam! And zdarylasya vos that. Brestsk_ the deputy P_sarzhe¸sk_ hell _mya shlyakhta svaygo a paveta (Brestskaga) abskardz і ў a prygavor of court on that setup that aposhn_ parusha ў the Statute of VKL, yak_ to a zabaranyaa razglyadats to a sprav of shlyakhts_ets ў dukho¸ny to a sudza. L_to¸sk_ trybunat prysud admyan і ў. The Lyshchynskaga vypusts_l_ on will.

Adnak freedom of Lyshchynskaga was sapra¸dnay byady for sir Bzhoskaga. І yon advoz_ts the denunciation on grodzensk_ diet, a dza me ў byts Karol Jan Sabesk_. Adnak diet not adby¸sya. І the geta padaravat Lyshchynskama even year zhyzzya. Lyshchynsk_ a thought ў that on the right decayed. Skhadz і ў on spovedz and ў shmat groshay to a kastsyol, a narykhtava ў the wood on kapl_ets...

Adnak on Iago not zabyl_sya pakry¸dzhanyya b_skupa. For a year of Yana of good padrykhtaval_sya. Seymava court tsyagnu¸sya two months. To Alya of a n_chog not a dakaza ў. Dal_ words to Lyshchynskam, yak_ amal the dakaza ў a pile nev_navatasts, bo was і other chastka of the treatise, a yaky abvyargala pershy.

To Alya was a prynyata to the rasheena spal_ts an ate_sta on agn_. Iago k_nul_ ў to a turm і prapanaval_ prylyudna of raskayatsets. Yong Admov і ў sya.
Kanechne, yon hayets ў zhyts: was syam'ya, dzets_. To Alya Iago ¸syo zhyzzyo faded high _deya "not byts the slave".

30 sakav_k of 1689 prysud ў vykanana. At Warsaw on ploshcha sabra¸sya nato¸p. Spachuvannya, yaky vucha ў Hrystos, n_khto not a vykaza ў. Vos yak of a zap_s ў b_skup Zalusk_: "To Spachatk a hole abtsugam_ vyrval_ language, zaty spal_l_ hands і, zaty spal_l_ yagonyya paper, p_sanyya on latyn і, yaky it is small hto a zna ў. Sang zasypal_ ў a gun і vystral_l і".

Ts_kavy davedka. Praz of the 80th reptile ў diet took out Varsha¸sk_ to the rasheena: ezu_tsk_ an award at Rechy Paspal_tay zabaran_ts, mayomasts і zyamlyu — kanf_skavats. And pakul mayomasts Lyshchynskaga kanf_skaval_ ў income of an award. Hut spal_l і, to a syadz_b peraaral_... To Zyaml ¸nasledaval_ dzets_ і zhonka of Yadv_ga.

On May a thought, Kaz_m_r Lyshchynskaga asudz_l_ for smelasts a svabodnaga myslennya. _ndyv_dualny thought abvyasts_l_ pagrozay _snavannya dzyarzhava. To Realny padmurka of a getag of a sudzeystvo was boyaz strats_ts to an ulad, and z yoyu і pryv_le_. (On it is a pity, so і ў tsyaperashn_ hour)

And tsyaper ab syonnyashn_m dn_ Lyshchyts. To P_sh, bo, I think, nyashmat lyudzy syonnya vedayuts ab our znakam_ty to the fellow countryman. I lived nekator of hour of Myastsovyya of a zhykhara yashche pomnyats pansk_ the house of 1841 of a pabudova there. Pra¸da, a geta of a zanav of an adbudavana palats on ty zha mesets, Alya Zbudavany yagonym_ nashchadkam_. The house zgare ў at a vayna ў to 1941 godza. And padmurak zakhava¸sya, praglyadvayutsets і two vadayoma, zaroslyya hmyznyaky. Ts_kavaye to the padayena of a pr of a drev. On a pagorka ў to park ¸syo yashche sta_ts vel_chna konsk_ a chestnut at the 15th meter ў vyshynyoy. Pagorak geta ў are poured out dzests_ heating 1841 of a pas zhadann_ the descendant ў Kaz_m_ra Lyshchynskaga. Kazhuts that myastsovyya zhykhara nasypal_ geta a barrow z zyaml і, on yaky pack ў mayontak K. Lyshchynskaga, kal_ kapal_ vadayom. At an adna z yub_leyny dates here pasadz_l_ a chestnut.

Not mensh ts_kavy і g_storyya temple. Kal_s pennies on a pabudova of Tro_tskaga of a kastsyol ў Ciarna¸cyzach da ¸ of a batsk Kaz_m_ra Geran_m (1583). Kal_ K. Lyshchynskaga paslya a pershaga to an arysht adpusts_l_ the lady ў, yon an akhvyarava ў pennies on a pabudova of a kastsyol ¸zho ў Lyshchytsakh...

To Alya Kastsyol pabudaval_ tolk_ praz pa¸stagoddzya ў 1742 to a godza, nearby hell mayontka, already nashchadk_ "ate_sta" of Lyshchynskaga. Geta ў nevyal_k_ prysyadz_bna kastsyol Sertsa of a _sus. Pabudaval_ z tsegla. To Alya Paslya pa¸stannya suprats tsara ў 1864 to a ¸lada godza kastsyol zabral_ stalemate Svyata-Pakro¸sky pravasla¸ny tsarkva.

At 1918 to a godza to the paraf_ena vyarnul_ byla kastsyol Sertsa of a _sus ў katal_tsk_ prykhod. At 1962 to a godza kastsyol zachyn_l_. Ubranne vyvezl_ ў nevyadomy to a napramk. At the 1960th reptiles there tserl_ lyon. Zaty was meln_ets. Zaty the pabudova was empty. І tolk_ ў 1990 to a godza yae peradal_ ў pravasla¸na prykhod.

And ў 1988 to a godza yes 300-godzya z day pakarannya smertsyu K. Lyshchynskaga myastsovyya ¸lada ¸stanav_l_ vyal_zna a stone at pamyats the fellow countryman's znakam_taga (a yak yon nekal_ і hayets ў), nearby hell Svyata-Pakro¸skay of a tsarkva (nekal_ Serts's kastsyola of a _sus).
Pra¸da, mesets here deaf.

Paradox: pomn_k to an ate_st sta_ts pobach z hrysts_yansk_m to temples. To Alya g_storyyu not perap_shash.

N_na Marchuk, Narodnaya Volya newspaper, 29 krasavika 2013.

P.S. On April 20, 1989, in a year of the 300 anniversary of execution, in the Brest district in the village Small Shchitniki near the former uniatsky church was established a memorial stone in memory about Lyshchinsky, with its epitaph which during lifetime of the philosopher sent on it anger of Catholic clergymen. Kazimir Lyshchinsky's figure is one of key in some works of the Belarusian historian and writer Vladimir Orlov. On March 4, 2009, to the 375 anniversary since the birth of the philosopher, the Ministry of Communications and informatizations of Republic of Belarus introduced into post circulation an art envelope with the original brand "375 years since the birth of Kazimir Lyshchinsky".

Memorial stone in honor of Kazimir Lyshchinsky

On March 4, 2009 the Ministry of Communications and informatizations of Republic of Belarus introduces the art envelope with the original brand "375 years since the birth of Kazimir Lyshchinsky" prepared by ITs "Brand" of RUP "Belpochta" into post circulation.

The face value of brand "A" corresponds to a tariff of transfer of a non-registered letter within Republic of Belarus.

Brand. Kaz_m_r Lyshchynsk_. 1634-1689. (Kazimir Lyshchinsky. 1634-1689 — on it is white. language, portrait).

Illustration. 375th reptile ў z day naradzhennya Kaz_m_ra Lyshchynskaga. Mysl_tsel, gramadska-pal_tychna dzeyach, teacher. (375 years since the birth of Kazimir Lyshchinsky. The thinker, the social and political figure, the teacher — on is white. language, scene of execution of K. Lyshchinsky).

Color of mastic — black.
Artist of an envelope and special stamp
H. Red. Order of an envelope No. 8512-09.
Circulation of an envelope is 31,0 thousand.
The place of clearing — Minsk post office.


In 1993 on "Belarusfilm" the art picture about Kazimir Lyshchinskom "is shot by Az I will render".


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