Memorial service about the martyr for belief

Memorial service about the martyr for belief archpriest Nikolay Piskanovskom was made in Arkhangelsk. The prior of the Antoniyevo-Siysky monastery abbot Varlaam (Dulsky) carried out church service on the Vologda cemetery where the priest is buried, the press service of the Arkhangelsk metropolitanate reports.

On memorial service representatives of religious public organization "Arkhangelsk Orthodox Brotherhood", parishioners of the Antoniyevo-Siysky monastery, Church of All Saints of Arkhangelsk and participants of initiative group on glorification of the archpriest Nikolay Piskanovsky in a face of New martyrs and confessors Russian prayed.

The archpriest Nikolay Piskanovsky was born on May 14, 1887 in the Western Belarus in a family of the hereditary priest. Served as the priest in Alexandria (The Kirovohrad region). In 1922 it was arrested on a high-profile case of the abbot Varsonofy (Yurchenko), prior of the Pokrovsk temple in Alexandria. The father Varsonofy in the Alexandria district fought with obnovlenchestvy, and its the associate the island Nikolay became closest.

In 1923, after nine-months stay in prison, the father Nikolay together with other arrested brought to Ekaterinoslav (nowadays Dnipropetrovsk) on trial over "churchmen". Sentenced to a year of prison, but in three months let out, having sent to the reference in Ekaterinograd (nowadays Kirovohrad). Since then and until the end of life the priest had only two social statuses – either the prisoner, or the exiled.

After three months of the reference in Ekaterinograda of OGPU sends the father Nikolay to exile to Poltava. There it served in the only remained open Trinity Church. OGPU of Poltava suspected the father Nikolay of the unlawful church activity, kept upon it continuous shadowing, caused it for interrogations. One of them ended with arrest, the priest was taken away escorted by in the Kharkiv prison. Soon it was released, but left in Kharkiv under recognizance not to leave. In the fall of 1927 the father Nikolay Piskanovsky is sent into exile to Voronezh.

In May, 1928 the priest was arrested again and sent to the Solovki Camp of Special Function (SCSF) where he was several years the general confessor for all episcopate and secular clergy. In 1931 the priest was sent to a tree felling to of Kekht near Arkhangelsk. O. Nikolay on health could not work at a hard work, it was established by the medical commission on the Solovki, but in the wood for the lagernik who is not carrying out norm did not give a roof and a ration. According to the petition of the daughter Ksenia to the father Nikolay allowed to move to Arkhangelsk where he settled to work as the watchman for brick-works.

The priest died on April 10, 1935 from pneumonia and was buried on a city cemetery. On November 14, 1981 the lake Nikolay Piskanovsky was glorified by the Russian Foreign Orthodox Church on a cathedral in a face of hieromartyrs.


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