Mizh dvoma svitami

Vibrani statti about ukra§nsky pismennikiv


N_ one chastina of ukra§nsky lands not є taka of a zanedban science, a publ_tsistika, golovno I l_teraturoit, a yak of Pol_ssya. About nyy zagalno nayut, shcho there bogs y lakes, shcho pol_shchuk go on tryasovin_ in postola, shcho darkness і zlidn_ there. Nav_t ethnologists dos_ zamat prid_lyuvala uvag t_y tak_y char_vn_y, hoch і vbog_y, nash_y zeml_. To that at Fedor Odracha, about yaky I want a pisata, a vistup є a deyaka og_rchennya і that perv_sna y a kazkova of a kra§n of a prizabut in us feels sorry to an ukra§nsky gromadyanstvo z for that for the drive, shcho. Qie Tim is more of us a vrazh є, shcho Ukra§nsky Pol_ssyam ts_kavilisya nav_t pismennik sus_dn_kh narod_v. pismennitsya Wanda Vas_levska an opubl_kuval chimat Polsk reportazh_v about Pol_ssya. Mar_ya Rodz¾v_ch wrote ts_l_ create about Pol_ssya, and ros_yskiya Korotishevsky tvoriv l_richn_ v_rsh_ z zhittya P_nshchini y sings, having fitted in to a p_zn_sha to komun_stichno ї school desks і ї, drukuvavsya in bolshevitsky chasopis_ "the Pol¾sky Truth". B_lorus mayut tv_r "In glush_ with Pal¾ssya" Yaqub Kolos, yakiya not buv autochthonic Pol_ssya і having arisen on b_lorusk_y etnograf_chn_y a teritor і ї. Hoch a b_lorusina mayut pretens і ї to Pol_ssya, to the tsentralena Pol_ssya did not see n_ one viznachny b_lorusky pismennik an_ vcheny.

Nayviznachn_shy poet Pol_ssya buv Dmitro Falk_vsky, znishcheny Moscow Bolsheviks, author chudovy to a tvor of "Pol_ssya", shcho zachina¾tsya words:

Ocheret buv men_ for a koliska,
In bogs I having been born і zr_s.
I love the hatka to a pol_sk,
I love sv_y zamr_yaniye l_s.

Pol_shchuk Olkh_vsky, the ethnographer і the archeologist, chimat having cringed for r_dny Pol_ssya. The Urozheneets of central Pol_ssya, the doctor _van S_doruk, viznachny f_lolog, pratsyu є on em_grats і ї in NTSh ryamka. For Polsh_ pisav garn_ pobutov_ і zlobodenn_ v_rsh_-satir that poyez і ї Stepan Stepanyuk, pom_shuyuch §kh at r_zny chasopisa і Galichini's magazines, bo to Pol_ss_ ukra§nsky vidavnitstv not bulo. Chudov_ v_rsh_ pisav і drukuvav §kh at gazet_ "Ours zhittya" to P_dlyashsh_ p_d redakts і є yu doctor Vavrisevich O.Kolosong z-p_d Divina. Yy the father buv the teacher for imperial a chas_v. Sinov_ 1919 r_k pereshkodiv zak_nchit school; v_n having returned on the village y os_v on vbog_y gospodarts_. Tsey of talanovitiya sings-samouk buv the commandant pol_ts і ї for n_mts_v і in 1943 rots_ a ts_la stanitsyu zav_v to UPA.

To parostk_v Pol_sko ї to a muse an occasional office tezh zarakhuvat v_rsh_ V. Kata¾vsky, shcho §kh v_n drukuvav at lv_vsky sov¾tof_lsky "V_knakh", hoch not buv sov¾tof_ly. Died v_d a consumption. Poles all hour of a peresl_duvala of K_ndrat Bl_daya, yakiya having given itself zlovit on a vudka brekhlivo ї bolshevitsko ї promotion. To Alya prick Sov¾ti of a zaynyala of Pol_ssya, Bl_day rozcharuvavsya y having written v_rsh, virazno bachimo to a protisov¾tska nastavlennya:

Cease, dokuchliviya to a v_tra, be appeased, -
Not much my sertsya to edge!
Bo z grief heavy, not ox і, zhurb
I і so already Sealy not to May!...
Yak now in kaydana spinilisya mi, -
That y nayblizhch_ vs_ us pozabul...

Look younger, a talanovity pismennik z Kobrinya Oleksander Gav not mav zak_ncheno ї vishcho ї osv_t. Pisav garn_ opov_dannya і guided і, yak_ tezh drukuvav at "V_knakh", bo buv radyanof_l. Zaginuv on an ear of a v_yna of 1939 to fate at Lvov_ v_d bomb.

Z Kobrin to a pov_t pokhodiv tezh M. Stotsky, obdarovany l_teraturny hist. Buv yakiys hour at ZSA, and in 20-their fates having returned to the r_dny village. Prick Bolsheviks of a zaymala of Pol_ssya, vi§khav to ZSA back, yuv_leyniya "Rodn_k" kom_tt at New York of types of the yogi a zb_rka v_rsh_v, on it is a pity, I do not ukra§nskoit mova of napisany. _van Hm_l (Vasyl Lagodyuk-Boyt_k) pereklav on an ukra§nska mova of the yogi v_rsh "Hto I?" y pom_stiv at svo§y zb_rts_ "Gom_n Pol_ssya". Hm_l, ostann_y Pol_sko's predstavnik ї Muzi, died at 1974 rots і, yakiya, kr_m dvokh a sb_rok poyez_y, "Gom_n Pol_ssya" (1960) that "a _da behind a kobza" (1962), having given us a ts_nna the book of "Ukra§nske Pol_ssya", shcho on kanv_ svy zhittya sweat є ts_kaviya ponut, traditsa і ї і to Pol_ssya's borotb for r_dn_ is right. Pratsyuvav over it to a ts_la zhittya, zbirayuch etnograf_chn_ mater_yal about p_vn_chno — to a zakh_dn Pol_ssya's chastina, golovno Kobrin district. Perebuvayuch on em_grats і ї in Avstr і ї, English і ї і ZSA, dopovnyuvav dal_ t_ mater_at notes, shcho §kh d_stavav v_d zemlyak_v. Obidv_ yoga of a zb_rka prisvyachen_ to r_dny Pol_ssyu і p_dkreslyuyut ukra§nsky character of t і є ї kra§n. It is gallant a fate at fights of UPA y died on the 78th rots_ zhittya, 27 s_chnya 1974 to fate. On the yogi mogil_ in Bavnd Brook zdvigneno a pam'yatnik, on yaky vibito yoga of the word:

Beauty of a nezbagnut, Pol_ssya,
It is sacred in uyav і, a yak і in sn і!...

12 rok_v to that in Toront_ zak_nchiv impudently zhittya the talanovity pismennik is z ukra§nsky Pol_ssya, Fed_r Odrach. Z the yoga death incurred our l_teratura a velika to a vtrat, bo buv v_n one _z nayviznachn_shy predstavnik_v pol_sky to a reg_onal_zm in a _stor і ї ukra§nsko ї l_teratur. Zalishiv to us to dosit a bagata to a l_teraturn a spadshchina. V_n peredus_m novel_st і pov_styar, having written to Alya tezh chimat naris_v, reportazh_v і having given to an okry rozv_dk about Pol_ssya. If in ostann_y sv_tov_y v_yn_ a blue y daughters Pol_ssya of a zapovnila Pol_sko's number ї S_ch_ і in lavas of UPA fought for vizvolennya svo є ї a little ї batk_vshchin y r_dno ї Ukra§ni, a fate at borotb_ having taken an aktivn tezh Odrach, pratsyuyuch the editor of "_nformator". P_slya of a v_yna the pismennik em_gruvav і is live to a spersh in N_mechchin і, pot_m at Manchester_ in English і ї, and vk_nts_ having lodged in Kanad і, y zak_nchiv on the 52nd rots_ svo є to the buyena zhittya. Kineny a vazhka doleyu at krut_zh vo¾nny pod_y і nezvichny obstavin, Odrach on chuzhin_ not m_g r_dny Pol_ssya's zabut, to that prisvyativ to a yy velik to a chastin svo є ї tvorchost, m_zh _nshy naykrashchiya sv_y tv_r, pov_st "Shchebetun".

Priyshov Fed_r Odrach (spravzhn є pr_zvishche Sholom_tsky) on sv_t 13 zhovtnya 1912 to fate in M_syatichakh to Pol_ss_. Zak_nchivsha un_versitt at V_ln і, redaguvav "Kovelsk_ V_st і". Pisati having started shche to R_dnoma Kra§1, Alya those all not zbereglosya through a vo¾nna a zav_ryukha. Drukuvatisya having started at 1942 rots і, and we tickle the yogi a drukovany tvor on em_grats і ї the bull of a pobutov pov_st "In doroz і", shcho її saw vidavnitstvo "Peremoga" in Argentin_ of 1954 to fate. Pomerly on em_grats і ї pol_sk_y sings-vo§n recently _van Hm_l poproshchav Odracha on the road of a v_chnost otsy v_rshy:

V_dlet_v eagle zarano
At strange lands, -
"Shchebetun" tse ours of pol_skiya,
On chuzhin_ s_r_y.

Yoga a twitter, v_ra-p_snya, -
Mov of a nezlamn kritsya! -
Shcho Pol_ssya — an ukra§nska,
R_dna to us zemlitsya!...

Shcho Falk_vsky, Storozhenko,
Sidoruk, Olkh_vsky -
Blue v_ln_ to a step y to pine forest,
V_rli ukra§nsk_.

Hai Tuob_ earth of a kanadsk
Easy awaking with down!
So, the yak is live, nasnazhuy,
Brother, Us nezlamny spirit!...

At a svo¾ma nayb_lshy tvor_ about Pol_ssya of "Shchebetun" zmalyuvav the author beauty y a t not share і є ї vby ї, to Alya Char_vno ї ours ї zeml_ that її a falsehood p_d the Polish zaymanshchina p_slya I-au ї sv_tovo ї v_yn. For її will v_n borovsya in the ranks of UPA and if a chervony na§znik, on a zm_na Polish y n_metsky, loans of the yogi to the r_ena Pol_ssya, Odrach of p_sh on a chuzhina y having lodged in 1953 rots_ in Toront_. Sered bayduzhy y cold dovk_llya not zradzhuvavsya і p_d vplivy are hard for Pol_ssyam having started on chuzh_y zeml_ pisat about a r_dna the earth, about її b_dniya, Alya Chesny the people, about її to a davnin. Pisav, shchob the that at behind a r_dna I kra§noit zaspoko§t, not mayuch it is big ї over і ї, shcho are deaf y to the holoyena to an ukra§nska dovk_llya a podba є about vidannya yoga tvor_v. To Qie it is visible z to a naris of "Botokudi", a zobrazhena a share of an ukra§nsky pismennik sered bayduzhy zemlyak_v on em_grats і ї. Pismennik Kopilyuk — tse that botokud. Jac W_domo — show the author — botokud vir_znyalisya v_d normal people Tim, shcho Mali m'yaky ridge і to soul gnuchk_ shi ї; m'yaky ridge spriyav botokudov_ elyastichno vklonyatisya to zeml і, and a gnuchka the shiya zruchno povertat the tuda head, booze vkazav a finger strongly ї lyudin. Botokudi of Mali a dom_shka to iodine in a shelter і, shcho nasichuvav yazik, through those botokud ganiv a mustache svo є to the r_ena, and zakhoplyuvavsya the stranger. To Alya hoch Kopilyuk nalezhav to a sort botokud_v, the nature did not obdaruvat the yogi ty rice. To that fellow countrymen started yoga nav_t uvazhat for a virodka. Chuyuch tse, Kopilyuk not gn_vavsya, shche і z gord_styu zarakhovuvav to the tribe botokud_v. Znayuch to dobra svo§kh zemlyak_v, v_n nav_t not zvertavsya to them, shchob dopomogt yy vidat of the yogi the novel. Uves f_nansoviya tyagar poklav v_n on svo ї vbog_ pismennitsk_ shoulders і, pozichiv at bank grosh_ y types for them the book. Roz_slav її to botokuda, Alya Mayzhe vs_ prim_rnik returned, and on a pakunka buv a rozrakhunok honor for povernen_ settlements.

Buv Odrach aktivny member bagatyokh ukra§nsky tovaristvo і organ_zats_y. A yak kolishn_y the member of UPA to food about UPA in deyaky tvor, napriklad, in pov_st_ "In doroz і" і in naris_ "Nevdala of a viprav" (in zb_rts_ "P_vstanov behind the village"). In ostannyy tvor_ the insurgent Dubovy to an order є to n_metsky grab_zhnik, shcho §kh UPA zlovit, rozdyagnutisya, and pot_m Dod є: "And now march to Lutsk! And vi, a grupenfyurer, musit v_dpov_st before court for hammered povstantsya і for grab_zh peasants!". Zdivovany such blagorodny vchinok, having told Gayge's n_meets: "Divny here edge і predivn_ here people. Chi von_ spravd_ bandit? A yak of a dumata, chi it is possible §kh nazvat bandits!".

Zmalyovuyuch of the svy head hero of Vasyl Grudk in "Shchebetun і", Odrach v_dstupiv v_d svy poperednyy kind to a method in zobrazhuvann_ postaty. Qie is great Skoda. Vasyl's prototype buv to manut, the author. Vasyl Ma є t_lk sam_ pozitivn_ rice, and tse to a podtverdzh є to us to star the truth, shcho about pisat vazhko. Z avtob_ograf_chny podrobits tvor_v Odracha navedemo shche one: Odrach at "Shchebetun і" to a zgad є an old d_d of Ulyanich, yakiya a half svo є ї youth pratsyuvav v_ddano on "berl_na". Jac W_n buv look younger, odn і є yu a hand klav on shovels vs_kh hlopts_v at sel_.

Odrachev_ statt і, novel_ y pov_st_ drukuvalisya in chasopisa і magazines on vs_kh lands poselennya on em_grats і ї. At V_nn_pez_ 1955 to fate viyshlo yoga "our Pol_ssya", a book, a yak є to a mayzha dov_dniky about one z of naygarn_shy areas ukra§nsko ї zeml_.

In pov_st_ "In doroz і" golovny gero¾m є Petro Bez_menny, yaky at 1944 rots_ to a _da on em_grats_yu, perezhivayuch in doroz_ r_zn_ nebezpek y pereshkod. Poruch nyy bachimo group ukra§nsky povstants_v that people _z zap_llya n_metsky na§znik. Here vistupayut pob_ch to 2 r_zny sv_ta; z to one side people, yak_ gotov_ be devoted for a batk_vshchina, z another — dorobkevich і, shkurnik і zvichayn_ spozhivach_ a hl_ba. To pershy, kr_m Bez_menny to nalezhit the insurgent Vesela that _nsh_ the member of UPA. Vukhnal і Rozal_ya say goodbye in over і ї, shcho for the spring to z_ynutsya to a znov y to pobenutsya. 2 f_r pulled down; one on skh_d, the friend on zakh_d і was carried z themselves by 2 vognik nevgasno ї love, molodech_ mr і ї і velik_ spod_vannya. To Alya the share priznachit §m a _nsha to a rozv'yazk: des behind the front Rozal_ya fell into hands of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, a yak її zganbit, skatuvat y postr_ly in potilitsyu pozbavit zhittya, and Vukhnal zaginuv at zustr_ch_ z bolshevitsky guerrillas. Vostann є divlyachis on r_dn_ burn і slyoza vtirayuch z eyes, dumav Bez_menny: "Ways, ways without k_ntsya, without m_ra, і on them the chorny rukhomy traveler — a bezpritulny osam_tneny mandr_vnik". V_r's Povstaneets vislovlyu є sv_y poglyad on maybutn є, prick N_mechchin skap_tulyu є. On її a thought, a zm_n pol_tichny dumannya a neminucha to Zakhod_ y syogodn_shnya vorozh_st to a mozha to perem_nitsya in simpat_yu. So thought tod_ the chastina ukra§nts_v is big, to Alya, on it is a pity, g_rko rozcharuvalasya. And vt_m, the insurgent V_ra of a zd є sob_ to a sprav, shcho UPA to musit prodovzhuvat to a borotb, bo _nshy to a vikhod it is mute є. There to porridge: "Dobrov_lny slaves not budemo, bo tse to a vzha proydeny camp. Povstants_ to zalishatsya in the Region y dal_ to voyuvatinut, and mi, em_grant, ma¾mo _nformats_yam і promotion of a populyarizuvata in sv_t_ to a borotb of UPA".

Protilezhny tab_r reprezintuyut at pov_st_ the director Purkhavk's cooperative z a zh_nka to Murtsey і sluzhnitseyu Pr_skoyu. A stench t_kayut before Bolsheviks, shchob ryatuvat not of a t_lka svo є zhittya, Alya y... mebl_. Qie tipov_ dorobkevich і, for yaky a batk_vshchina є t_lk the empty phrase. Vganyayuchis behind mater_yalny dobras, a stench nav_t not znayshl to hour on vivchennya l_teraturno ї to mova y posl_dovno rozmovlyayut a galitsky d_yalekt.

Zb_rka opov_dan "P_vstanok behind the village" ma є nev_dpov_dalny heading, bo here akts_ya v_dbuva¾tsya not t_lk on villages і, to Alya і in m_st і, and kr_m that a subject having taken the author _z zhittya not t_lk ukra§nts_v, Alya y _nshy narod_v: n_mts_v, angl_yts_v, horvat_v, chekh_v it is lean. So naziva¾tsya tickle opov_dannya zb_rka і to a nazv of the yogi peren_s the author chomus on a ts_la the book. I want a zvernuta to a uvag on opov_dannya "Blood call" here, yaky d_ya v_dbuva¾tsya at Praz_ y to v_dnositsya to vza¾min ukra§nsko — chesky. At zdenats_onal_zovany to Pep_k's vzha v_d_zvalasya an ukra§nska a shelter if v_n p_sh on a concert ukra§nsky bandurist_v. V_n to the 2nd time sid_v on kontsert_ і plakav, pot_m, m of p'yaniye, blukav vulitsyam, and having returned to a hut, having declared, shcho v_n not Pep_k і not the Czech any more.
Curt Klyayst і Gaynts Ts_ge live in ukra§nsky sel_ і miss ("P_vstanok behind the village"). Chast_ bo ї, yak_ spalakhuyut m_zh n_mtsyam y ukra§nsky povstantsyam, roblyat §khn є zhittya dedal_ tyazhchy. A stench vtrachuyut to a v_r to N_mechchina і dbayut t_lk about svo ї svrav.

Pov_st "Shchebetun" having called Boris Oleksandr_v the poem about the char_ena Pol_ssya, on yaky the author zr_s і a yak v_n znav z I viynyatkovoit dokladn_styu. Hoch here, in ukra§nsky sat down і, panuyut kraynya bezprosv_tn_st і need, Odrach not pesim_st. In ostann_kh t rozd_la і є ї pov_st_ є nad_ya і a v_r in nov_ v_tr, shcho to shum_tinut over Pol_ssyam, in Nova Zm_na, shcho having come on m_sets dark, hoch і buvaly at sv_t_ Yukhimts_v і Garapnik_v. І a zruynovana peasants Vasyl Grudk's hut, to a yak vk_nts_ peasants undertake v_dbuduvat — tse a symbol krashcho ї buduchin of the yogi of a batk_vshchina. Golovna a problem of "Shchebetun" — tse a problem prikry pochuttya menshevartost y slavery sered zemlyak_v Vasyl, and sv_ds to the zloyena nedov_r'ya і hatred to odinits, shcho by force svy to character of Abo dog_dn_shy obstavin vibilisya z §kh hardened y a dark seredovishch.

Vasyl Grudok 14-l_tn_m the boy of p_sh z to the house in sv_t for och_: at likovy postola, at samorobny shtanyakh і b_dn_y svitin_. P_shov z the pol_sky village on p_vden (to Lviv), nazustr_ch krashch_y dol_. And MATI zalishilasya a vdoma in b_d_. "Huy-but I pennies zaroblyu, mother, tod_ budemo life, yak sir Orda, that kupimo flour sack pitlyovano§2, that budemo §sta pies". MATI on 3 m_syatsyakh died. After 9 fates having returned Vasyl osv_cheny і bagaty. Posumn_v, without having found mater_. "So an axis an essence on the right — two meter zeml і!" — sheptav over a grave to mother. V_n of a bluk є village y pike є stitch of a svy ditinstvo. To Alya of a stench now yak_s not so і, yak_ Boulia to a davn_sha: stench of steel of nem shirsh і, b_lsha vtoptan_. Z r_dny village v_yalo now cold! Dumav pobut in sel_ 3 m_syats_ y life in hat_ Gnat's uncle. To Alya Ledva 2 tizhn_ m_g at t_y hat_ vitrimat, hoch for the yogi grosh_ having bought sob_ the uncle a field, and to a ts_l the homeland Vasyl zodyagnuv і it is generous obdaruvav. Buv prinevoleniye to be transferred to a hut of the lake Evt_kh_ya. Prick rozkazav the lake Evt_kh і є v_ about svo ї prikr_ perezhivannya, having told that: "Vee regenerated on p_vdn_ і nav_t you cannot bachit to yourself at truthful sv_tl_. Starsh і, zrozum_lo, zazdryat і hate you, and molodsh_ melodically to zakhonut p_t your sl_da. Z gift new _z we age, beforehand to a bach tse. Chu є mo є heart, shcho in sel_ awaking for olot". And prick Vasyl spitav, shcho ma є robit, chi t_kat tod_ z sat down, the priest v_dpov_v:" Nav_shcho to you ut_kat z sat down? Shcho ma є statis, Tod і prick y you will be become nav_t without awaking. In usyy zakonom_rn_st, and over zakonom_rn_styu God".

Gero ї opov_dan і pov_sty Odracha v_dr_znyayutsya zdeb_lshy pozitivny rice. In opov_dann_ "Lyudina without dale і" show sir F. to the Musty smell: "Vee є z it is silent, v_d yaky v_dvernulasya a share. And without dol_ I shanovat people, bo y for exchange won of a n_ba I machukhoit". Stary Tursky in opov_dann_ "Mum_k" (the zb_rka "Is left oselya"), yakiya live on kvartir_ at the widow pan_ Patrits і ї і a m_syatsyama not to pay kom_rny, bo pro-beer є a penny і, is glad having married _z by it. To Alya won of the yogi not to a hocha, bo live spominam about a neb_zhchik of a cholov_k. Not zvazhayuch on tse, Patr_ts_ya, vmirayuch, a bazha є in zapov_t і, shchob Tursky of a zalishila in її hat_ without plachennya to a chinsh, Alya V_n to musit perestat Piety Gor_lka. In t_y zb_rts_ in opov_dann_ "M_zh fellow countrymen" a vism_yuva є Odrach a plazunstvo і the hrun_vstvo, rice, yak_ so often was led up yy sposter_gat in our em_grant_v. Nash_ rob_tnik in kanadsk_y fabrishch_ p_dleshchuyutsya to formana і to bosses, zm_nyuyut svo ї a _mena і a pr_zvishcha. Ostaff_ (tse our Ostap!) show to Pavel:" Kolya Ti to a vzha here, musish quarrystone tuteshn_m; t_lk kreyz_4 awaking vpiratisya і trimatisya starokrayovy duroshch_v. Axis _m'ya Ostap zanadto to a muzhitska, and Ostaff і, that shche y 2 "f", tse to a vzha tob_ not zhart". Taky samy є Dzh_m, ours lemko v_d Krinits_. Not zvazhayuch on those everything, vs_ d_stat on a yalinka leyd of3, and on §kh m_sets of a priynyala novopribuly gollyandts_v. At pov_st_ having told "Shchebetun" Gnat to Vasyl if tsy yy having given rise not ponizhuvatisya before sirs:" Ponizhennyam to monut giduvat of the lady, and muzhikov_ ab grosh_ to kishen_. The Otvestvennost is big, before d_tm responsibility. The head Garapnik і sekretar Yukhimets r_shit Vasyl's prognat z villages, bo v_n "pribuvsh to our village, people on vs_m to rules having started not reshpektuvati5, n_s, to pod_la, having started derta waste. At impudent sostoyan і ї rozkol having made m_zh people, rage y hatred pos_yav m_zh stary і maly, kaposnik_v p_dkupiv, on civilians having filled. Namoviv bad Pilip, shchob people that cudgel per_shchiv. Ukra§nsky bogoprotivny newspapers to a hut zasipav to grind natskuvav prot of the government, to Ukra§n yakus having proclaimed that mind we thresh to not uniforms it zasm_tiv".

At "P_vstank behind the village" of n_metskiya of fighters of Ts_ge to soromitsya that, shcho to a n_metska v_ysko perem_nilosya in bandit_v і to krivdit ukra§nsky peasants. V_n of d_ysh to correct a visnovka, shcho "Russia" n_metsky hands to grow poor svo§kh protivnik_v, ukra§nts_v. V_n of rel_g_yniya і to pray, chy to zazdrit yy the friend Curt, yaky to pray not to a mozha, bo, movlyav, a prayer tse a pokor, and "mi on those, shchob quarrystone sirs that _nshy upokoryuvat". Ts_ge show: "N_mechchina be gone, bo the bandit of steel її prov_dnik." Opov_dannya of "Ank_ts" — tse satire on an angl_yska to a tup dr_bnichkov_st. Ank_tsa, the Croatian-em_grantka, not a mozha dovgo pobut at vinaymlen_y huts і, bo angl_ytsyam a mustache shchos not podoba¾tsya. The zalyubka won to a rozkaz є about Zagreb, її the father buv a posadnik, і m_stechko Gl_na, won is small the v_llyu. Qie Naipri¾mn_sh a subject zhdlya a skin em_grant, bo tod_ v_n butt on a hvilina of a perest є quarrystone a s_ra, n_ky I do not potr_bnoit a lyudina, peretvoryuyuchis just in the prince, chi generous dobrod_ya.

Not zabuv Odrach і about a grief zhid_v, a yak was led up §m perezhit in an hour ostannyo ї v_yn. Qia a subject of a vistup є in "Not self-twisted raid і" (a zb_rka "P_vstanok behind the village"). Here rozkazav the author to dosit a nepravdopod_bna pod_yu. P_slya of a v_yna rush po§zd z Avsburgu to Nuremberg. Naproti of the author kunya є the kike, and over yoga the head is great a val_za. The author of a p_dozr_v є, shcho tse paskar і to a nav'yazata hocha z to them to a rozmov, Alya of a znayucha an ukra§nofobstvo zhid_v, sweat є to for the Czech. The kike rozkazav yy pod_yu, a yak n_bito sko§lasya in Bogum_n_ in 1944 rots_. To Group of 13 zhid_v, at a yak ї buv і our kike, Mali n_mts_ rozstr_lyal. That rapty it was become shchos to a nesamovita. V_lde's fighters vkhopiv to a zzad for a throat the fighter Tsoyge, zvaliv tsy z n_g, and to kikes kazav pereodyagnutisya on vermakht_vts_v. Vdayuch of the kike z to Polshch і, having taken on itself rolyu the commander y pov_v zhid_v on skh_d. Bolsheviks included §kh to Red ї the Automated workplace і ї і d_yat in the Sudetes on backs n_mts_v, a yak chervon_ the guerrilla showed. In berezn_ 1945 to fate the group d_stalasya to Bavar і ї, її zakhopit kap_tulyats_ya n_mts_v. alyanti6 areshtuval y Mali you judge "commander" V_lde in Nyurnberz_. І the axis the kike was carried for a nyy harch_ that by r_shil harrow before court.

In pov_st_ "In doroz і" dotorknuvsya a pismennik ganebno ї rol_ polyak_v і folksdoytsh_v7 for n_metsko ї okupats і ї. A stench vislugovuyutsya n_mtsyam, shchob on skin krots_ nishchit ukra§nts_v. Especially Poles in rol_ "banpol_tsa§v" are given in signs to our people, v_dbirayuch harch і, pobivayuch ukra§nts_v, znevazhayuch §kh.

"Shchebetun" ma є chimat l_teratura rice, to a yak naziva¾mo I pobutovoit. Prick in t_y pov_st_ rozmovlyayut pol_sk_ peasants, mi having screwed up och_ y not bachich §kh, on mov_ і to style p_zna¾mo okrem_ postat і, napriklad, kind і a fair d_d of K_ndrat, shcho v_dtsuravsya people і a prozhiva є at glush_ over Steere, kazhuch: "People — a pl_snyava of a zemn, common people of a gr_khovn!", pridurkuvaty, Alya V_rnogo y bezmezhno v_ddany servant Pilip. Prick people of a t_kala v_d Vasyl, a yak v_d chuzho ї lyudin, Pilip show to nyy: "Here leanness is mute people, to a panichik, here. Gr_shniki is nasty і, the father tse kazav. Hectare, a mozha, you will tell, I tell lies?". To V_rn the characteristic it is silent dark peasants z §kh slavish vdacheyu having given to Misyun if Vasyl of the athlete Ostrokol's requisitions. V_n having told to Vasyl:" Mi Bachimo, shcho ti is stronger і than v_dvazhniya. People to you will, zvichayno, be boyatisya. To Alya chi budemo mi to you you love? N і, mi to you not budemo love! For those, shcho ti to a vzha not of takiya, a yak mi. Before silny sir mi hilimo to the head, bo mi prizvicha¾n_ hilitis; such, a yak Tsimbalsky (the commandant polsko ї pol_ts і ї) mi it is hated, to Alya Mi bo§mos §kh і tezh hilimo to the head. Budemo to you boyatis, bo ti is stronger і than v_dvazhniya, Alya to the head before you not budemo a hilita, bo ti be pricked buv takiya, a yak і mi. І to a b_lsha ti you will be chy rozkidat a penny і, Tim B_lshe budemo to you nenavid_t. Onde of that, shcho buv shepherd і rozbagat_v! — people will tell". Chi the dodata occasional office, shcho Otu to rice ma є is big a chastina of our susp_lstvo?!

To torment Yusta it is imparted by "Pan¾nki" y there to a hocha vispov_datis. To Alya prick the lake Evstakh_y kazav §y nasampered Vasyl's repro-city for vs_ zapod_yan_ to a falsehood, there n_ for shcho in sv_t_ not to a hocha of that of a zrobita, bo "v_n prantsyuky nemity b_gav be pricked on vigon і". D_ysno, nagadu¾tsya to us motor-pov_st: n_khto not to a mozha quarrystone the prophet at svo§y batk_vshchin_. To Prignobl є us p_dlot of an old age of Garapnik that bagat_ya clerk Yukhimtsya. Pershy to porridge about Vasyl: "So, a lyudkova, on d_la of nechestiviya pribuv at the village! I, a lyudkova, p_dkopavsya to a nyy z _nshy to a side. Gazeti zaboronen_ ukra§nsk і! Vee Zna¾te, shcho yoga of the check є for those! On the right there is a prostenka: to the commandant Tsimbalsky. So і so, sir commandant. Bunt_vnik at villages і, to revolt є prot to the power, the newspaper zaboronen_ Chita є to people!" And drugiya axis to a yak "ots_nka" yes є Vasilev_: "Muzhitsky Xing, that shchob so zbagat_v, tse p_dozr_t¾lno, lyudkova!"

In pov_st_ with "Shchebetun" ma¾mo z to one side to a rozk_shn to a pol_sk the nature, yak_y the author to a prisvyach є it is rich m_stsya y uvag, z another — darkness, bezprosv_tn_st, zabobonn_st і zlidn_ pol_shchuk_v. Us_ odrachev_ postat_ it is live і, z pozitivny y negativny rice in odn_y і t_y osob_. Ostrokol, yaky nenavid_v Vasyl, v_dkol tsy yoga of requisitions, having started to a nyy p_dlabuznyuvatisya prick pobachiv, shcho Vasyl a vplivov of a lyudin, bo zavdyak yy a himerny American divak-m_lyoner P_ktus obdarovuvav people. And Vasyl an axis a yak to marvel on svo§kh fellows villager і §khn є slavery:" Sv_y, movlyav to musit t_lka quarrystone the man — not cm і є skinut z n_g postol і cherevika vzut. Namul of slavery shch_lno prikriv us_ chesnot at your sertsyakh. Skoda men_ it is silent pisan for your good. To Creech on all sv_t — pomozh_t, a ryatuyta beztalanny zemlyak_v, and t_ fellow countrymen posp_shayut on Steere, shchob to exchange of a vbita. You hocht Mozhe, shchob I to a znov uzuv postol, shchob skaliv tooth to am silent, shcho gnoblyat us_kh us? Not to a docheka¾ta! Hour, shcho skigl_nnya yours y z_gnut_ to a back vipravlyat beeches will be Priyde. I to a vzha to a bach am silent novy people; a stench will come to you to a zm_na. Deyak_ z them already vityagayut svo§kh batk_v z-p_d pech_ for a vukh".

More ingenuously d_d K_ndrat not to a mozha of a zrozum_ta mr_y і zmagan shlyakhetny Vasyl; v_n a thought є, shcho tse "Pan¾nka" of Vasilev_ ob'yavitsya. On tse Vasyl: "Qie not Pan¾nka, tse tezh not taka sob_ d_vchina, tse htos... Zda¾tsya, tse — mr_ya, tse the sun, tse bezmezhzhya shchastya y pleasures. Qie Kv_tka, a naychar_vn_sha of a rukhom a kv_tka of c і є ї zeml і, a yak of a vtekl in a l_sova to a gushchavin, shchob not stat the victim commanding tiran_v". Here prigadu¾tsya to us M_tsk¾vich of an apoteoz narodnyo ї p_sn_ y traditsa і ї z "Conrad Valenrod". Not to the viklyuchena, shcho the won vplinut to Odracha, bo zdobuvayuch I hang to an osv_t at V_ln і, mus_v our pismennik of the nobility create M_tsk¾vich.

Shchob more beautiful zrozum_t a golovna a prov_dna a thought of "Shchebetun", I prigadat, shcho if Vasyl already having left the village y nevdyachny zemlyak_v, peasants want yy a podyakuvata for all good. Tod_ having told to them the lake Evtikh_y: "I bezmezhno shchasliviya, shcho vi vp_znat that, hto priysh to you _z shchiry heart. However, a little zap_zno, Alya more beautiful p_zno, yak of a n_kola".

Odrachev_ a pol_shchuka tse a d_ta to the nature, yak_ mayut svo ї pov_r'ya і zabobon, sv_y okremiya sv_t, yaky not to monut a zrozum_ta people z an osv_ta. To Tom D_d K_ndrat to porridge to Vasyl: "With Mi hoch і not vchen і, but zna¾mo it is rich! In polyov_y kv_tts_ zmozhemo pobachit usm_kh Yangol Gospodnyy, at b_l_y shovkovitsa і, shcho growth after bogs, it is given us uglyad_t Mat_nki Prechisto's slyoza ї. In the Teply evenings, p_d the golem the sky, chu¾mo v_ddy zeml_ it is sacred ї. And an onda, a bachita, a yak pov_lno fade away voshchad? Qie і a sign, shcho awaking tomorrow weather is kind, and chervoniya m_syats a v_shcha є I will bake zavzhd. T_lki aspen hour to a zradzh є. Qia Liepetukh not povinu¾tsya to a voice to Gospodnyy, that rustle to flatteries if an occasional office y not an occasional office. Toma y s_k ma є g_rkiya, is more foul".

Beauty y poyez_ya Pol_ssya — tse yakas force of Bozha, is given to pol_shchuka for vazhk_ dn_ prats_ after bogs і moklyaka. There sp_vayut us_ — star_ y it is small і, b_r і l_s, birds y y water, kv_t y poison komakh, the sun, ochert і to a l_la ї z latattyam after zatoka of lakes, і pov_trya to the nasichena a smell §kh. Having told D. Falk_vsky:

І not the miracle, shcho is loved a zmalka
To Buyn water і buyn_ p_sn_:
Our heart — tse ribalka heart,
And zhittya ours — the book born_...

Jac Xing Pol_ssya Odrach є pristrasny ribalka і mislivets. Ribalstvo y a mislivstvo — tse yoga ulyublen_ that, Yakim V_n richly prid_lyu є m_stsya y to hour. V_n of a zn є vs_ pol_sk_ y kanadsk_ rib, zalyubk ma є to a picture mislivsky y ribalsky zhittya. Vochman John to love often rozkazuvat svo ї ribalsk_ prigod. y having devoted Ribalstva to a mislivstvo a pismennik richly m_stsya especially in "Shchebetun і" і in zb_rts_ "Is abandoned oselya" ("Dozv_llya over the lake", "K_nets s_ry", "Z vudka in a m_syachna n_ch" that _n.).

Create F.Odracha pronizan_ hristiyansky spirit і a gliboka rel_g_yn_styu. T_ motive it is especially strong p_dkreslen_ in opov_dannyakh "Dvo є vibrants_v", "Prigoda on birches і", "Prigoda in l_s і", and z b_lshy tvor_v at pov_st_ "Shchebetun". In ostannyy tvor_ d_d K_ndrat of a povch є Vasyl, an occasional office of a shukata of Christ: "Shukay Yogo skr_z, bo V_n of an usyuda real. Pray і shukay Yy m_zh fallow deer, on onions, in human poglyada, at imperious serts_. T_lki V_n tob_ to a pomozha. N_khto not to a zmozha to date tob_ sincere I spokoit, vnutr_shnyo ї pleasures, kr_m Nyy".

Pavlo at shpital_ (opov_dannya "Dvo є vibrants_v") a death zhda, bo l_kar_ to a vzha not to monut yy a pomogta. Stary Elyot domaga¾tsya operats і ї, Alya l_kar_ yy v_dmovlyayut, bo the won to soul is risky. І an axis poyavlya¾tsya in k_mnat_ the priest. Slyoz y revn_st the priest tightened a molitovn by miracle zdorov'ya obidvy: on tret_y day p_slya operats і ї Pavlo chitav at a l_zhka the book, and is older than Elyot without v_dom to the sister vil_z _z a l_zhka і hot_v a _ta Dodoma. V_n having told to l_karya: "Vee Zdivovan і, it is gray? Hochete of the nobility reason my vizdorovlennya?" p_dn_s a finger to waste і having given the rest of V_ni: "Great God on neb_ і a m_zerna, a nem_chna of a lyudin on zeml_. Qie Yy will!"
Deyak_ postat_ Odracha skhiln_ to a m_stitsizm. Odrach mav us_ dan_ quarrystone psychologist. At tvor of the yogi povno national v_ruvan. Kolya Kuval zozulya, MATI showed Vasilev і, shcho tse dush_ mertvy l_tayut zozulyam і tell fortunes we live, sk_lk rok_v §m shche life. Vasyl znav, shcho tse t_lk pov_r'ya, pro-that t_ words to mother chomus yoga of a hvilyuvala. V_n having told to itself on mogil_ a mater і if having put §y a pam'yatnik:" Not p_d tsy expensive pam'yatnik your MATI. There zozuleyu a l_ta є after Guy, and ti, to Xing, shukatimesh її m_zh v_tvyam zeleny, m_zh kv_tam on l_sovy galyavina, in rods for Steere, at zhita kolosisty, і ti її, to Xing, n_kol y n_kol not znaydesh". Pol_shchuki go on, shcho to Velikden op_vnoch_ yakiys the boy on green pogorb_ p_d a willow of a sp_v є "Christ has risen", and in Strasna P'yatnitsyu tantsyuyut on bolot_ chorn_ panich_ z tails. In "Pol_sk_y kazts і" d_d Marko vm і є rozmovlyat z seagulls, bo n_kol not str_lyav to them і okhoronyav §khn_ a gn_zda before shul_ka. Z vdyachnost for tse showed to a stench m_sets, birds svyatkuyut Velikden. At dn_ Passions Hristovikh ribalka are felt on that b_k to Steere yakiys zhal_sniya sp_v, shcho ¾dna¾tsya z noise green listya. Qie B_ly leb_d Guo-go to an oplak є Christ's torments. Kolya to appear Pan¾nka, to come poshest to leanness. Vchen_ people in tse not v_ryat, bo — on a thought pol_shchuk_v — science, hoch і a prosv_shcha є reason, that vbiva є to a v_r y heart. D_d Dasyuk bachiv to Pan¾nk vlasny ochima. Pobachiv a string the young lady in black. The won pov_lno minat the yogi, and v_n shivered, a yak at propasnits_. Tremtyachy lips sheptav: "Yes God і will revive to roztochatsya Yy's vraz." Qia a prayer to a vryat є skin v_d it is dirty ї Sealy. Kolya V_n having already passed that young lady, ts_kav_st the yoga spokusit. Having looked back y ob_ml_v: in the young lady of Boulia tsibat_ legs z korov'yachy ratitsyam. Qie Pan¾nk's bull. A stream of a poklal in sel_ after hl_va і golos_nnya zalishit leanness, crying for itself.

And oyets perekaz about Gr_khovna bezodnyu: Cholov_k poganyav vol_v a dovga I frighten і mugikav sob_ p_d by a nose. Even rapty at neb_ 12-that time vibit. Tvarini z to the shah rushed z borozn, the plow viskochit z zeml_. On tserkv_ spalakhnut to the rad_ena sv_tlo, zadzvonit dzvon. The earth zdrignulasya, і cholov_k having started zapadatisya p_d the earth. On that m_sts і, v_n crowds, utvorilasya a gliboka of a pr_rv, shcho y zalishilasya y ponin_. Pot_m sus_dn_ villages called її Gr_khovnoyu bezodneyu. Those the village failed p_d the earth: earth z gurkoty rozstupilasya y poglinula vs_ to a hut y people.

Sv_y sv_toglyad to a vikaz є Odrach at svo§kh tvor bezposerednyo Abo poserednyo lips svo§kh gero§v. V_n it is frequent lyubu¾tsya the nature, її beauty і spoko¾m. І in tsyy tezh viyavlya¾tsya yoga rel_g_yn_st. V_n show: Rad_st to a mozha to date lyudin_ t_lk beauty to the nature, bo kr_z tsyu beauty promovlya є її Tvorets ("Oselya over a r_chka"). Bad d і є tsya z I lyudinoit prick there a b_da є in zlidnyakh, bo tod_ є і to skiglit a nar_k. To Alya Shche to a g_rsha of a buv є, prick a lyudin live in nadm_rny dobronut і, bo tod_ hundred є I samopevnoit і proud. In pov_st_ "In doroz і" Bez_menny's lips the author viskazav sv_y poglyad on nin_shnyu to a pol_tik y zanepad moral_ in pol_tichny zhitt_. V_n show: Vs_ dosv_d of _storichny shakhraystvo of a znayshla sv_y viyav at nash_y dob_. Hristiyansky zakh_d to a p_dtrim є morally y mater_yalno nayzapekl_shy muchitel_v rozp'yaty Christ. And mi, ukra§nts і, sto§mo ts_lok sam_tn і, not ma¾mo priyatel_v. Shchopravda, mi ma¾mo to a v_r in a peremoga y bazhannya bitisya, and before shche y to an okrilen I sweep, Alya the v_ra і shlyakhetny nam_ra shche n_khto n_kol not perem_g. Nav_t, shchob osyagnut to a peremog in _m'ya to the truth, freedom і justice, not mozhemo in nash_ hour ob_ytisya without p_dstupa, hitroshch_v, brekhn і, vzagal_ — without shakhraystvo.

Not zvazhayuch on everything, sv_toglyad the author of zhitt¾rad_sniya. Zg_dno z to them, zhittya without mr і ї, without over і ї that dukhovo ї pleasures, tse to a n_yaka zhittya. Shchopravda, the golovny hero of "Shchebetun", Vasyl Grudok, p_d vplivy udar_v, yak_ yoga of a str_nula, hundred є dekol pesim_sty і a thought є, shcho truthful shchastya is mute є m_zh people, a zata dashingly of a vistup є m_zh them a yak a nerozluchny sp_vmandr_vnik of a lyudina. V_n show: "About a yak of a m_zern of a shower of a lyudina! Hochesh і you cannot, pragnesh і n_kol not osyagnesh. Pryamu¾sh to sweep y potrapish on man_vts_. About lyudino, lyudino!..."

Nats_onalna sv_dom_st a pol_shchuka of a zavdyaka to na§znik to soul is weak. Nav_t b_lorusin, hoch sam_ not mayut nats_onalno ї nezalezhnost, namagayutsya vinarodovit pol_shchuk_v. And axis of the word of Jur_ja Lippi z "Priznachennya Ukra§ni": "Sv_dom_st of a pol_shchuk on pershy poglyad a m_n_malna. That a yak priglyanutisya to a blizhcha to have vt_shno stverdit, shcho tsya sv_dom_st is firm, a yak skelya, Lish gliboko a zakhovana".

Golovna of a prikmet of a pol_shchuk tse love to r_dny Pol_ssya і r_dny to edge. About tse і to sv_dchit v_rsh Dm. Falk_vsky:

Shcho to us trop_k y pishn_ pampas!
Axis to a zaglyanta vi in a dense forest to us!...
I having given bi for not ї a v_draza -
І Tibet, і Urals, і Caucasus.

Truthfully, garno y shchiro osp_vav Pol_ssya pol_sky soloveyko Falk_vsky at a svo¾ma immortal tvor_ "Pol_ssya". And pot_m v_n pisav, already vikupivshis v_d oblud, hitan і gr_kha, spov_d-zapov_t:

I nizenko will bow to zhita -
Vee prost_t to exchange, lascivious Xing!
I Prigadat passed z Bol...
Rozkazhu, shcho in selyansk_y dush_
Will not die n_ voloshka, n_ the field!

Kolya Zmoskovshchen popadya dokorya є Dudikov і, shcho v_n rozmovlya є I muzhitskoit mova, v_n it is proud a v_dpov_da є: You live m_zh svo§m people, and v_dtsuralisya v_d svy r_dny!... ("It is bewitched krinitsya"). In "Dozv_ll_ over the lake" the author of a proshch є Gaydukov_ sv_ yoga of a pomilka y hib that uvazha є yoga veletny, bo that Gaydak 15 rok_v v_d podruzhzhya z Klyavd і є yu okhoronya є svo§kh d_ty v_d vinarodovlennya that v_d Moscow vpliv_v.

I think, shcho in Odracha a p_dkreslita occasional office a yak to a pozitivn to rice of that the fact, shcho it is not visible in nyy visokoparny to a patr_otizm y propagandivny to a sacrifice falsh, yak_ _nkol so prikro vrazhayut us at "documentary" tvor. In 1939 rots_ Sov¾ti priluchit a velika to a chastin of Pol_ssya, and in that y P_nshchina, to sov¾tsko ї B_lorusi. Qie to that, shcho Moscow vibrat sob_ Pol_ssya for rusif_kats_yny bast_on, z yaky to a hocha bezposerednyo vplivat z to one side on Wolin ukra§nska, and z another — on b_lorusk_ p_vn_chno-zakh_dn_ zeml_. To Alya Hto pobuvav to Pol_ss і to musit be waited a moment z by the fact, shcho pol_shchuk at glibin_ dush_ a pochuva є to yourself ukra§ntsy, and yoga the earth — tse Ukra§ni's chastina.

Ner_dko of a vistup є in Odracha _ron_ya, especially Tod і prick v_n a harakteriza є chuzhints_v, shcho z them stikayutsya ukra§nts_. At n_mts_v p_dkreslyu є v_n nabundyuchen_st, and in angl_yts_v zarozum_l_st і pedantry, ukra§nts_v to a proklyat to rice plazuvannya before chuzhinets, at chekh_v і horvat_v dobrodushn_st it is lean. In opov_dann_ "Botokudi" to a scourge є being a purgative in ukra§nts_v zats_kavlennya the book, і at a tsyy zmalyov є not share of our pismennik on skitalshchin_. In opov_dann_ "Matern_ti department" (the zb_rka "Is left oselya") v_n to porridge to a team z a posm_shka: "Cause to an optim_zma povazhn_. If our pol_tika is powerless, vareniki y golubtsyam melodically zavoyu¾mo Zakh_d!"
Not to marriage є in tvor of Odracha shibenichny to a gumor. From a hochba in tak_y stsen_: Pletnik to ask the lake Evtikh_ya, shchob having punished a svo¾ma sluz_ Pilipov_ to date yy (Pletnikov і) entangled v_dm, Yakim V_n to a "vrozumita" hocha the zh_nka. V_n show: "Great _nteres I to May to c і є ї v_dm. I will put attacks at v_dchineny doors, the woman to not ї і I will tell a popkhna: Onde your death!" To Alya Pilip not to a hocha to date entangled, kazhuch: "I now to May to not ї ¾nteres. Gorobts_v to an onda awaking men_ lyakat".

Kinder znaveets pol_sky to a folklyor, Odrach garno to a nasl_d є narodn_ golos_nnya. Kolya Vasyl pokidav the village that ysh at sv_t shukat krashcho ї a dale і, MATI zalishilasya, ridayuch: "men_ bulo to you give birth to Nav_shcho on sv_t God's, to Vasilechk of dorogenkiya? Nav_shcho men_ bulo davaat tob_ ts_ eyebrows sobolin і, ts_ och_ kar_ on torments і strazhdannya tob_ y exchanges і, on posm_khovishche people that we defile?"

Share of a priznachil of Pol_ssyu quarrystone an osam_tnena і I zabutoit Zhorstok the earth. Ukra§nska em_grats_ya is guilty to a b_lsha zats_kavitisya t і є yu our earth, about a yak _van Hm_l pisav on chuzhin_:

I will be forgotten hour, spata l_gsh,
І to vmit — the village y is more green Guy!
Ditinstvo, Druze і, father, MATI,
Pauline Latattya і rozmay...

Pol_ssya to the r_ena, r_dn_ Ghat і, -
Pakhuch_ Borya that hectare ї!
І t_ axis postat_ krilat і,
Shcho l_s §kh v_ttyam uma§v...
("Ukra§nske Pol_ssya")

Zeml і is glad і є mo, shcho to Cyn Pol_sko ї, Fed_r Odrach, having started talking to us on-ukra§nski y pisav about Pol_ssya, bo vs_ dotogochasn_ okrem_ publ_kats і ї about that char_vna our earth of Boulia pisan_ r_zny authors foreign mova that is frequent _z Skoda for us. Poles nav_t stvorit on Pol_ss_ Nova "nats_yu tuteyshy", _nsh_ t_lka dobachuvavl vbog_ sat down z §kh exotic.

Ivan Bodnaruk


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