My memoirs. Volume first. Chapter 9-12.

 Chapter 9
"Hapera". – Aron-Leybel, Hatskel and Midge. – Yosele. – Service in old time.
Just to my eighth anniversary there was the well-known decree on taking in soldiers of Jews since eight years that they could be christened [1]. Such chickens were taken only one year. Understood later that it was a big mistake. Perhaps one percent of all children was christened, and even it occurred under big pressure. They were very much tormented while tried to obtain that, maybe, one of one hundred was christened.
And before mothers in every possible way convinced the children that those were not christened, and gave with themselves to each kantonistik couple of tfillinchik. In heart they had maternal ban together with her tears, and they did not want to change the Jewish belief at all.
In Kamenetsa that time was to three "Khopyor", and one them them, Aron-Leybel, was the real villain, had no in heart sparks of pity. Except it, was two more – Hatskel and the Midge; and these haper had to be enough little eight-year-old boys and hand over in soldiers.
In our heder, at Motya-melameda, studied among master's children is more senior, the orphan Yosele, the son of the rich carrier. As he was very good, capable boy, and mother widow was rich, she paid for the son big money that he only studied at a good melamed, with children from notable families.
Somehow in the afternoon in a heder two Khopyor came. Opened a door, became on a threshold and inspected children. We with my uncle Isroel understood at once that they came to take Yosele in soldiers, grabbed ravvinsha candles, being going to throw them in the head. Then we on them cried that if they go to us in a heder, we to them will hurt the head. They scared children, but escaped.
Another time Aron Label used that we, children, went from a heder to a lunch to try to seize Yosele. That noticed it and seized me. Aron Label receded. I, however, managed to throw in it a stone, got into a shoulder, and he long suffered from it.
I took Yosele by hand, took away to myself home and asked mother that so far there will pass the set, she at us took it, would feed him, and he would sleep with me. All of us, boys, very much loved Yosele for his mind and softness. There was it, by the way, very beautiful - directly the very picture of health.
But city elders firmly ordered to haper to seize Yosele. Nobody else haper had no right to take and all the time trapped it. One stayed at home in a stable against ours and day and night watched whether there will be no Yosele the house Aron-Leyzera that to seize him.
Three weeks of veins of Yosele at us. But unfortunately, he missed mother and ran out from the house. Not noticed by anybody, he quickly came running to mother. But here seized him the Midge. And nothing helped. Mother, of course, bitterly cried. It is possible to imagine: the child leaves with soldiers, adults of a goyama, till twenty years will graze somewhere pigs, and then twenty five years to serve! [2]
Several weeks Yosele sat in a log hut with a barred window and with an iron door, near a big synagogue. There every year recruits before sending to Brisk to the district police officer sat.
Yosele in a log hut bitterly cried, and nearby at mother from crying heart nearly became torn.
Then the asessor took three desyatsky with the cart and put the boy there. That did not want to leave a log hut, escaped, it was connected, without feeling sorry at the same time for blows. Mother right there fainted consciousness. She mourned the son and begged him that it, My God keep, was not christened even if it will be burned down, roasted, flogged and to tear a body to pieces pincers: it has to sustain everything, but his sacred soul will rise on the sky.
Crying of mother with the son was heard on all city, and the mourning reigned there. All women and men joined crying more weakly. Boys unanimously came from our heder (melameda did not allow to come from others) when he was taken away from a chamber in the big cart harnessed by couple of horses to take away.
Mother went to Brisk on other cart and all way was in a faint. Goyam was necessary to bring it into consciousness, and at the child it was not necessary to cry forces and he lay half-dead in the cart. That he did not see several days any food, needless to say.
After arrival to Brisk the volost foreman told the district police officer what they with the assistant sustained from mother with her sobbings and faints. Therefore the district police officer ordered desyatsky to return it right there to Kamenets. Having come back home, she lay two days and died.
It was ordered to district police officer to tell nobody where he sends kantonist. They were sent far deep into to Russia.
I was told by a baptized kantonist as in Saratov converted to Christianity for once six kantonist from thirty. It happened so: after no flogging helped, the new idea came to the colonel to mind how to force to be christened: put thirty kantonist in a bath and struck more and more than couple, it did not become absolutely intolerable yet. Six did not sustain and were christened. The others fainted. After attempts to bring them round, three were the dead.
My kantonist very much became angry about God. In his opinion, there can be no God if he is capable to see such sufferings and pain. And if it after all is, then this is God of the evil …
As it is told, eight-year-old boys were taken only in 1855. Soon saw that it is impractical on the one hand, and with another – it is difficult to christen the Jewish boys, even eight-year-old. And it was cancelled.
Yosele was gone, disappeared into thin air, but approximately in a year, on the Hanukkah, there arrived to Kamenets the company of soldiers which had to stay there as it usually happened, several months. Each two-three months the new company was, stopped for several months and left. On its place another was.
And as we were struck, having learned that together with a company also the orphan Yosele was. To Arya-Labe [3] right there asked the officer that that allowed Yosele to arrive to us. Several soldiers came from Yosele to the house of the grandfather. Yosele was barefoot, in a big, rough, goysky shirt, long, to ankles, without trousers, in a casing. The person which swelled up pale, as death. Having seen it, we began to cry, and most I as I loved it, he was my friend.
I approached it and told:
"Yosele, Yosel."
It is useless. He did not answer, he turned into the idiot and that I said to it how he neither asked and nor cried: "Yosele! Yosele! Yosele!" - the answer was not. It was given tea with a roll, he did not want is, to drink. To speak there was nobody.
It is possible to present what crying stood in all the city. The few could see it as the officer ordered that in large quantities did not come. And I was absolutely broken and cried on it weeks and months.
Asked the officer from where the kantonist was here, and that told that when all kantonist were sent deep into to Russia, Yosele got sick: wanted to eat nothing and only cried, lying in infirmary in fortress. It lay long and from malnutrition and crying fell into idiocy.
But it is possible to consider that most of all he was influenced by fear of haper. Whether a joke – that the eight-year-old child felt that has to disappear that he was not seized as there is enough cat a mouse. It is more, than terribly. What he is wanted to be seized by, he did not understand. He only felt that he will be seized just about, will grab, will grab.
Having fallen into weak-mindedness, he began to eat and got on feet. It was discharged from infirmary and given to soldiers. It was dragged for themselves, but the captain sent it back to fortress. Why to it to potter with the idiot? Soldiers still will ruin to it "zhidochka".
The next (5616) year the decree was already repealed, but other trouble to Jews came: it was ordered that the city instead of the can hand over in soldiers of Jews of other city.
Here the real hvataniye went at Jews. Game in a hvataniye. Grandiose bloody game. To seize the soldier, haper came from the distant cities. Came at night and took away the richest and beautiful young people at whom already was on several children.
Scenes were – from the most awful what were in the Jewish environment. Hapera came to the city in silence - nobody had to know about their arrival, were in police, with paper from the local collector and an asessor. In paper it was said that they are haper. The police gave in their order desyatsky and the soldier how many it was required to them, and in the middle of night they knocked at the doors. And if doors opened not at once, they on this case had tools for breaking of doors together with the lock. Broke into the house, simply were enough with big cruelty of the young man and cleaned up away.
It was worth hearing in the house as the police knocks at the door, all family was attacked by deadly fear. Sometimes to haper and police showed resistance. Took the axe, knives, iron rods, hammers or prepared in advance. And when those were, house attacked them and beat vusmert.
But haper, in return, too were not lost. They took with themselves loma and iron sticks, and in the house real war began. Blood flowed like water, fought with the last bit of strength and on whose party there was more than force, that also won. It is natural that haper won more often.
If there were enough young man, nothing could help any more. It could cost much. Hapera staked the life – or they took, or crippled cleaned up.
Mothers of recruits in the majority died of a grief, fathers and wives remained cripples after house fight. Shouts and cries of a family reached the sky. And the main thing, you had criminal case for resistance of police, for murder, for a fight by iron rods, etc.
People were put in prisons, judged, they grew poor. Before rich families were completely ruined. But surprised nobody that the family is ready to sacrifice life and property to rescue the son from a soldatchina. All then well knew what cruel tests the soldier had to take out in twenty five years of service.
I remember how we had half-companies of soldiers, and I could see how there is the Nikolaev service.
Soldiers were drilled on a market square and if the soldier not so well treated the gun or not so kindly stood, then the corporal twisted to it an ear or a nose, thrashed without pity, and it seemed to me that the ear and a nose remained with the corporal in a hand. Or it so cruelly beat the soldier with an iron butt that that was bent four times and even became blue.
Flogged cruelly, at all in the eyes, for the slightest fault. Birches were every day fresh, just cut in the wood and brought to the city. And each blow of such birch pulled out a strip from a body.
At the Midge in tavern, I remember, the officer, the real murderer stopped. It was the beautiful house with a big drying house where several carts could drive
At the Midge everything was handed over to officers. In a drying house flogged soldiers. Well I remember birches, their blows were heard every day. Sometimes flogged one soldier, sometimes – three for time. And after flogging when we, children, made the way in a drying house, the earth was impregnated with blood.
Time the officer bungled three soldiers to death. He ordered to give five hundred blows, and on the eightieth or ninetieth blow they died. The officer stood and shouted: "More strong, more strong!" And if the officer told "five hundred", then there have to be five hundred. Two sekla, and one considered blows.
Soldier's bread was rough, black, without salt, without taste, it was impossible to take it in a mouth. Officers well lived, with might and main stole from soldiers to whom they did not give some meat and if already gave, then it was the bony drop. Officers sold everything: gave out to contractors of the receipt that so much flour and so much meat is received from them, but actually did not receive also a third of products. Soldiers were regularly fatally hungry and therefore the majority was stolen, and no birches helped as they were hungry, exhausted with insufficient and bad food, a beating and birches. Seeing this heavy, bitter life of the Nikolaev soldiers, with long, difficult years of service, it is no wonder that family members were ready to offer life if only not to give the child nearly forever in such cruel charge.
The hvataniye system by means of foreign haper held on no more than two years too, did not see yet that it is useless and did not cancel it. Each city began to give soldiers only from the inhabitants, but not from outside. But as many inhabitants lived not in the city, and in the stranger, from each city haper were sent to be enough the inhabitants. At the same time in practice there was a fraud. The cities named those who at them were not written down who was not written down anywhere, and them were enough as written down and handed over in soldiers. The cities also entered many excess names in registers. Here too there was a fraud, and very simple. At each Jew happened then, mostly, on two-three a name. For example, someone was called Yakov-Yosl-Labe. And one received the passport as Yakov Mintz, the second – as Yosl Mintz, the third – as Labe Mintz, and to the fourth just invented a name. So there lived the Jewish world in Russia till 1874.
If in soldiers handed over those who did not leave, such still it was necessary to catch. The person was not obliged to be. But if already grabbed, then everything was gone. It is possible to understand reaching cruelty fights, occurring between a family of the recruit and haper. And it is difficult to present what iron hearts haper should have had. They were more disgusting than current executioners. Constantly it was necessary to beat, hammer – and crying of fathers with mothers, sisters and brothers and all family, all those heart-breaking scenes – them on a hair did not touch.
Khopyor Aron Label in the opinion of people was something like an animal. On a face it was written: murderer. It was terribly hated. Frightened by it children, it was for all an example of all the ugliest. Wishing someone stronger to curse, spoke:
"The poured-out Aron-Leybel".
Such insult it was difficult to forgive.
I already told how I childly was at war with "haper" – on the initiative - from disgust, that I could not look at it. There is one more case:
I remember that once I and some more boys stood at the house of a magid. Suddenly we see – by with strange haste the joiner Dovid runs. I right there understood that Aron-Leybel hunts for it to grab and send in soldiers. So it also was: right there behind it Aron-Leybel afterwards rushed. Absolutely instinctively, only on internal motivation, I rushed forward and tripped it up. It fell and raskrovyanit to itself(himself) as a pig, a nose. Boys ran up, and I stood and shouted:
"Aron-Leybel, that you died violent death!" …
He got up and wiped the blood flowing from a nose the big, dirty scarf. He did not dare to tell me words, but reported on everything on the father. The father to me released slap in the face, keeping saying:
"He is Aron-Leybel, but you should not trip it".
The grandfather gradually absolutely departed from city affairs, only if intervention of the district police officer was required, then someone from city elders came and asked it to write to that. And the district police officer did everything about what the grandfather asked.
And during a set of a family of the got recruits always came to the grandmother Bale Russia and were cried before it, asking it to influence the husband to release the recruit. They did not go to the collector and to anybody of elders and were not cried before them - only before the grandmother. Because knew that though Aron-Leyzer did not interpose in the matter of a set and did not even know who was appointed to take in recruits, but if he tells that that recruit who was already taken should be released, right there will release it without any arguments; and instead of it another will go. It already happened therefore to it and went to be cried, and she just had not the power to live.

Chapter 10
Zastavye. – Big disputes. – Oath. – Cheating. – Fight of the grandfather. – World. – Landowners and peasants. – Flogging of peasants.
The younger generation of inhabitants of Zastavya was allocated as big intriguers. Well was to them, there were they rich, rough and did not know in anything need. Began to get in the city of an intrigue for them something like sport.
They could not but envy what Aron-Leyzer with all children lives from rent so in grand style, could not assume that Aron-Leyzera it was so good, and he almost does not pay for rent; and shortly before arrival of the landowner Oserevsky conceived the real company - to be to Oserevsky and to promise it three thousand rubles a year instead of one thousand two hundred which are paid by Aron-Leyzer. For a reinforcement - knew with whom it is necessary to struggle – the company was adjoined by all impudent fellows, all violent, having concluded among themselves the alliance, and so amplified that were going to select rent violently: to risk all the state and even to shed blood if only to select rent at Aron-Leyzera.
Having learned about it, the grandfather went to the district police officer and told that he wants to be a collector. The district police officer right there went to Kamenets, took away the press and books from the collector B. and reported to the grandfather. And the grandfather was accepted for good reason. First, it sent desyatsky to take away from "opposition" from Zastavya pans, candlesticks and hours – everything that at them will only be, and even beds – what to select there was no right. But to whom the grandfather listened? The district police officer was on his party. Then he found old debts which remained in the country and demanded to pay all sum of infections. He also imposed everyone with such big payments that many could not cope. In the city big noise was made and people were convinced that to struggle with Aron-Leyzer very difficult. By the way, and they with it behaved not absolutely honestly: wanted to select rent for no reason at all.
Sent the rabbi to Aron-Leyzera – to ask for the sake of the world in the city to refuse a position of the collector, and they, in return, swore not to buy up all possible oaths rent. The grandfather at all did not even wish the world, but my father and the uncle Mordkhe-Labe, as well as the grandfather Yudl with the grandmother Bale Russia – everything insisted that it is necessary to go on world.
It was decided that all that public that considered that it is necessary to buy up rent - everything as the grandfather on a note counted, the person seventy, have to swear a big bet-midrash, at talliets and kitlyakh1, everyone with the book of the Torah in a hand, at sounds of a shofar and by the burning candlelight - that they will not cause to the grandfather of trouble any more. It was one of the most solemn oaths.
I remember how all city came to an old bet-midrash. People on the street was around – as by a hail it is filled. The grandfather was when "opposition" already was assembled. Swore as the grandfather decided. In the same oath it was told that not only they, but nobody has to address Oserevsky at all to buy up rent. Next morning the grandfather sent the letter to the district police officer that refuses a position of the collector. The district police officer who perfectly knew about everything, agreed.
But the grandfather was deceived after all. When time came and there arrived Oserevsky, inhabitants of Zastavya brought two Jews from Bialystok who to it came and gave exactly one thousand eight hundred rubles for rent.
Asked the grandfather Oserevsky who was to it:
"You will give one thousand eight hundred?"
"I will give", - the grandfather told.
Jews right there raised the price:
"Two thousand four hundred rubles!"
But Oserevsky answered it:
"For me several honeycombs of rubles do not play any role. Let rent will remain at the former tenant. It holds it already so long ago, and let hold while I am living" …
So rent remained with the grandfather further, but any more not for three years, and forever, that is while Oserevsky is living, is only six hundred rubles more because of those Jews that caused big irritation and disappointment in the grandfather - they broke an oath! The grandfather boiled again and began to try to discover all those payments which the city has to it in the contract with the landowner. Also found duty on skin which was not received that gave it a free hand. He called butchers and declared that before pinning up cattle, they should come to it for the reference and to pay ninety kopeks for an adult animal and thirty for a calf. Butchers already knew that if Aron-Leyzer something orders, then in a different way will not be. They raised meat price that caused such nervousness what was not since there is Kamenets in the city.
"Opposition" in Zastavye vzbuntovat all city. Not so much concerned that meat as it was important to make noise and shouts rose in price. Is not able to win a question of rent in what they behaved unfairly, here they could do that wanted. Here they as though opposed to the falsehood made against all city. Fight became such sharp that looked as real war. Ceased to buy vodka from us. The gang in fifty people left the city, brought a vodka barrel, put on a market, selling freely to everyone.
Around a barrel with vodka several hundreds of people gathered. Were going to fight to the death with police Aron-Leyzera, Ded took from the managing director of a manor thirty goyev, from an asessor ten desyatsky and two people – Hatskelya and to the Nod, and with their help selected a barrel with vodka. It is clear, that there was a fight looking incredible ugly on both sides.
The grandfather brought one clerk, certain Tver that the whole day wrote protocols and sent to the district police officer. The barrel was broken many times and poured out vodka, but in two hours there was already a new barrel of vodka under protection hundreds of people, and the whole day there was a fight.
At the request of the district police officer the grandfather sent him all protocols. And they sent denunciations to the governor that Aron-Leyzer plunders many years the city, taking money for such things which the landowner did not write down in the contract, etc. the Governor requested the district police officer, and that, of course, answered that the tenant is right, and it are rebels. Began to write denunciations of both – on Aron-Leyzera and on the district police officer as if they share the stolen money.
War something like that lasted half a year; for days on end there was a fight. All our family walked down the street and in bet-midrash and nobody dared to us to tell the bad word – the fear of Aron-Leyzer was so big.
From the governor there arrived the commission of six people led by the district police officer to investigate who is right and who is guilty. It is natural that several weeks prior to the commission the district police officer let know to the grandfather that that was well prepared and made at itself room for accommodation of two members of the commission - for it and for someone. Four will live at an asessor.
In fight the grandfather used all means. First of all addressed the wide weight which always took his side and was ready for it in fire and in water. They were given in a large number vodka. On snack there was a lot of goose "pool". Agreed who that will tell, and gave with themselves on a bottle.
"the only son" them processed the whole day ours, training that to tell them, and those who did not know Russian at all were trained in several necessary words – for this purpose it had special assistants, and he became a chief.
The grandfather made the list of all witnesses in return and sent to the district police officer. Opponents it also made the list of the witnesses, holding it before arrival of the commission to which they will show this list.
The commission arrived to Brisk and was presented to the district police officer. The district police officer took respectable guests several days at himself. As usual, ate and saw. In the end, he is with them as it is necessary agreed.
And here the commission arrived. The district police officer and one more member of the commission stopped at the uncle Mordkhe-Labe, and other four – at an asessor. In the first day the asessor suited a solemn lunch for the commission, and for tomorrow the same repeated at the district police officer, in Mordkhe-Labe's house. The district police officer, clear, had money for a lunch dedova, and it cost him enough as he did not stint the most expensive dishes, wines and cognacs.
For the third day the commission began an investigation to which all inhabitants came. The volost foreman called all witnesses according to the list given by the grandfather. These witnesses filled all rooms and a corridor at an asessor – everything was hammered by the grandfather's witnesses. They on one were caused to the room where the commission sat and where treated them politely and delicately: it grandfather's witnesses!.
Witnesses from the city stood on the street, near the house of an asessor. Three days they stood on the feet in the rain and on wind – time was autumn.
At an asessor in the yard for the needing witnesses vodka with kind snack already prepared. City, of course, had no it and were hungry and exhausted with expectation. It badly influenced witnesses, but also, with city witnesses, after long expectation, addressed during interrogation roughly and badly – swore and shouted so it was clear that at those who on side of the city, situation bad.
The city captured a gloom, and as the guilty person counted the district police officer. The certificate from the city was not listened at all.
Hatred to the district police officer amplified. And once, when it went from an asessor to itself(himself) to office, at the terrace threw at it stones and dirt. The district police officer together with other official quickly got through a terrace into the room, and all walls remained are smeared with dirt.
It is natural that the asessor with desyatsky and soldiers right there came. The district police officer came to a terrace and ordered all who stood on the market at the house, to connect and send to Brisk. Seized with the first Shlomo's melamed, a poor shlimazl. When its began to knit, he pretended that to it it is bad. Shout rose that Shlomo melamed dies that desyatsky he was killed; the district police officer right there ordered to take away a melamed in the neighbourhood to doctor Hatskel. But as at the doctor he could not be brought round, the district police officer ordered to return it on the market where Hatskel to it will make klistir … Melamed right there regained consciousness …
The district police officer was going to leave. He is busy was any more not a consequence but only "rebels", and it quite another matter.
House owners everything rushed to the grandfather, begging to help to hush up business, apologizing and promising that the money spent by it for all this history, as well as other expenditure will be returned to it.
The grandfather did not want to enter with them in any peace talks. Then addressed my father, the uncle, the grandfather reb Yudlu and especially the grandmother Bale Russia. So long tried and asked a family, did not achieve peace yet. Also strangers were involved in this world. And dear warm-hearted grandmother Bale Russia stood up the first for the world.
After conclusion of peace brought to the grandfather all money on the account which it submitted, and signed paper that forgive each other. Sixty people under paper where it was told that they never will contradict in anything to it subscribed and always to help when he asks. On it the quarrel ended, and after conclusion of peace the tax on skin was cancelled too.
The grandfather had to try very much at the district police officer that that considered all business finished. All papers still were in Brisk, the commission for studying of evidences was not accepted therefore it was necessary to strive at the district police officer long.
The peace was not committed breach of since then any more. The grandfather ran the business and in case the city had to suit something for itself, through it tried to obtain everything. He absolutely refused to interpose in the city matter.
We held rent before the most Polish revolt of 1863 when rent at landowners was absolutely cancelled. As I already spoke, the grandfather loved me for the fact that I was a boy who was accustomed to listen to what adults told about what the grandfather with people speaks about, and to remember everything. It was pleasant to all that I stand and I listen spellbound to the person - that he speaks, and I know all details of disputes.
The grandfather liked to take me with himself to the landowner living nearby, also liked to speak and tell with me about what the boy can understand. I remember how once we arrived to Rimenich in the estate of one landowner (forgot his name). We arrived to one o'clock in the afternoon, and the grandfather asked the commissioner standing near a terrace:
"Where landowner?"
That speaks with a sneer:
"Sechyot of Goya before a lunch".
Happened that was not hungry the landowner, but having flogged the peasant, he ate with big appetite.
We were asked to the room; where we waited for the whole hour. The landowner came, excited and red, with the burning eyes, but having seen the grandfather, was delighted and gave him a hand:
"Jak sie ma, pan Kotik, moj kochany 2, who this boy?
"It is my grandson", - the grandfather answered.
The landowner stroked me on a cheek and told:
"Still young, and already you have such pretty grandson".
They right there went to other room to discuss the affairs. Then we went back.
I did not understand that the commissioner told the grandfather about flogging and on the road asked the grandfather:
"Why it left such red and excited? What with it was?"
The grandfather told me a long story about landowners and peasants, I learned about serfs, about all misfortunes and that peasants are senut without any pity and about other similar things. I asked the grandfather:
"Just like that sech people – as it it has no fear of God and how it at it such heart of stone? I with such landowner would not have any affairs".
The grandfather answered:
"If so, then with anybody of landowners it is impossible to deal. But to live, my child, is necessary, there's nothing to be done?"
Once I was with the grandfather in Prusk, at Vilevinsky. When we were going to leave, the landowner with the grandfather went to distillery where did wine, and I went afterwards. At distillery at that moment of gy cut a tree. But having seen the landowner, right there flung away the axe and stood, pale as death, trembling all over as if saw a wolf. It was such terrible scene which I will never forget. I clearly saw that time what is the landowner and what is the peasant, the serf.
And still I remember a terrible case which made on me a bigger impression so still the frost rubs on skin at the thought of it.
The same year Pochyosha, the landowner commissioner, high and thick gy (in him there were probably twelve poods), repaired between Kaments and Zastavy a dam with three bridges. He ordered to take out five hundred carts with the earth and rods to fill on the dam damaged on Pesakh during a flood. I remember that on Saturday, at ten o'clock, I went to look how repair a dam and as deliver the necessary materials on carts. Pochyosha stood and observed. One peasant was late for an hour. Right there Pochyosha ordered it to lay down and, having taken from it a whip for a horse, a good, strong whip, flogged it. On the fiftieth blow the peasant remained to lie the dead. But I Will scratch it did not touch at all, he coolly ordered to take away to the son of this peasant with the wife on the same cart of the dead … Nobody dared neither to cry, nor to groan …
Once I was with the grandfather in the estate, in several versts from Kaments. The estate was small. Small fields with meadows, but the earth was "pot of gold" - hundred tithes of big gardens, a small pure pond with fish and a country-house – small, but beautiful.
Leaving the yard, I told what very much is pleasant to me - and so near the city. The grandfather told that nine years ago there lived other landowner who had no children. Before death he asked to call the priest and the grandfather to write the will at their presence. This landowner had, besides, and other manors. Starshev he wanted to present the estate to the grandfather. But the grandfather refused. Then the landowner to it otpisat three thousand rubles.
"Now I want to lease the estate – it near the city and will bring one thousand rubles a year …"
The grandfather answered my question why it did not want to have such beautiful estate free of charge, that to live in the village, but not in the city, was considered then as something indecent. Years through twenty, after release of peasants and after the Polish revolt, the grandfather leased the estate and paid one thousand five hundred rubles a year.

Chapter 11
My mother. – Rabbi Leyzer. – Sufferings of my mother. – Kamenetsky rabbi. – Grandmother's advice.
My mother in the house of the grandfather was as if God's punishment. It did not approach the house. It was brought up by such father as the rabbi Leyzer from Grodno who since eight years did not look at women and when after the father-in-law, the ruble of Hilel Fried, the son-in-law of river Haim Volozhinsky, was in Grodno a teacher of melamed, before it down the street went shames and drove all women from the sidewalk.
Coming on Fridays to a bath, river Leyzer undressed together with poor people. And having seen fragmentary boots at the poor, with him changed, the same and with a fragmentary shirt and trousers: he gave to the poor own and put on poor man's. And when came home – in fragmentary, nasty clothes under a cowl with shtreymly, the grandmother did not learn it. It, he said about the shtreyml and a cowl, it is already impossible to change. The grandmother, of course, from such actions raised shout: for it it was such expense with what there were no forces to cope, the city paid the rabbi in those days a little so hardly was enough for them for life, and to prepare for the husband every Friday new clothes – on it the heads will not become. But it consoled her in the fact that it is more important to poor to have good boots as it, unfortunate, has to go to earn money; and in fragmentary clothes and fragmentary trousers he still can catch a cold, first, and secondly, long in such clothes in job searches do not resemble.
The grandmother did not want to afflict him, went to herself to the room and cried. But this business became known in the city. There was a rich man who behaved for the relative, and began to send to the grandmother on Friday evening clothes that the rabbi could distribute the.
It had many books which cost thousands of rubles. He inherited these books from the father, river of Ekhezkel, and from the father-in-law, river of Hilel, and them all house was full.
He usually sat in the room with the door closed on a chain and was engaged. In the room there was a small door which it opened when his wife of a ravvinsh was knocked. When women with questions came, the ravvinsha listened to a question and transferred to the husband through a door, and he solved. When there was a question about trefny or apropos kur3, the ravvinsha stretched it through a door object of a question, and he examined and solved. Ravvinsha therefore became the big expert in these questions and in most cases solved. The husband listened to her opinion and checked, and authorized her to pass decisions on the easiest questions later. She was also quite capable to learn Gemara's leaf and was even considered for the scientist.
R. Leyzer read together with all only "kriyat-shm" 4 and "Shmona-esre" 5 I even it for people was difficult. It was necessary to wait long, it is not less than an hour. He always said other prayers "for himself", and it proceeded for two hours. Blessings continued at it on an hour. At each word it jealously rose a look to God, penetrating into sense of a prayer. He became the big expert in Questions and otvetakh6 - and rabbis from all Vilensky district addressed it. It also had books with questions and answers which you will not buy anywhere.
His house was always full rabbis and scientists. The Grodno scientists liked even to talk about the Torah to ravvinshy - to him it was difficult to be risen. It approached scientific questions with common sense peculiar to it and if in something was at a loss, then asked it when was nobody.
My mother began to be married off with twelve-year age; but only the grandfather who understood in people could not make a choice. He, probably, looked for such groom that he differed both in the doctrine, and in related communications. And when such was, it was not pleasant to the grandmother. She did not want that her daughter had a husband shlimazl, saying that the shlimazlnik-rabbi – it is bad for the wife and children too.
At it it had big authority: came of good kin, very clever, and just thanks to it he could become such honest Jew as he wanted. She suffered from his devotion and kindness much and if during food poor people came to the house, he invited all to a table and offered the best pieces. He said that the poor is so hungry, the piece eats bread with such greed that it is difficult to watch … And thus he could call ten-twelve poor people to a table. All house left hungry because of a table, but if for several poor people was not enough, it sent to buy bread and rolls, and nobody left them hungry.
Ravvinsha often cried and complained that she cannot sustain expenses, though got big support from the rabbinic family where knew about their situation. As well rich men were which well helped. But all this was few river to Leyzer for his poor people whom he wanted to support. It with children almost suffered hunger.
By the time of when my father wooed, the daughter already was as then was considered, "old maid": eighteen years, or perhaps and nineteen... Mother cried as then it was accepted that the daughter – such adult, and it – in a family of such scientists. Courtship was accepted with pleasure as the groom was pleasant to both parties – both the rabbi, and a ravvinsha. With only one shortcoming: the matchmaker was a simple person – the strong owner, the monthly head. For them it was the big blow, an awful spot on family reputation.
But thanks to two circumstances – the daughter already "old maid", and the brother loses the place ravvina7-it was necessary to agree to take the groom on test. R. Leyzer saw that the groom has a good head, and he can become the big scientist still. My father was a clever boy, and his father, Aron-Leyzer, taught him how to it to stick, having arrived to Grodno to the matchmaker, and the father behaved as the naive Saint who is not able to count up to two, all interest of which is the Torah and prayers.
Before a trip to Brisk for discussion of conditions by then the twelve-year-old boy checked all book "Basis and Root of Service" and was to the God-fearing matchmaker with a tired, frown face though was a fresh, healthy boy.
Well, it was pleasant – to both the matchmaker of river Leyzer, and a svatya. She saw that he both is clever, and is beautiful, and was sure that from it of course the good rabbi will turn out.
Mother who is brought up in such pious house, in a family of such righteous persons and wise men came, the poor thing, to the house in which it was not heard words of the Torah. Between the people coming to her father-in-law any rabbi, any scientist, any righteous person, one ordinary Jews was not visible. And the Jew if he is not a rabbi, had for it no price. Moreover, she just for people did not consider them. Only Jews turn nearby, and nobody studies, nobody prays – neither decencies, nor piety – three times a day just sit down at a meal, and at the same time swear, gossip, and so forth.
To add besides that mother, is blessed her memory, she was not too clever, it is possible to imagine how it did not approach our house.
She loved the husband as she loved parents as in addition, he was very kind, honest and quiet person. Ded Aron-Leyzer not too loved the daughter-in-law, avoided her. The grandmother Bale Russia was also not happy with her. Mother was not good in housekeeping, is not skillful to cook and the furnace as in those days women were able, is not skillful to sew – that even little girls were able then.
But there was she very pious and though did not know Gemara, but "Duties of hearts" 8 and "Lamp" 9 were known well, nearly by heart. She learned "A duty of hearts" all the time and so was absorbed by it that almost did not touch it at all that her husband became a Hasid, and the father who became a Hasid right after a wedding, having seen that the wife does not disturb it, especially appreciated it it.
Through some time mother got used to the house with all his guests and to keep them from malignant gossip, gossips and abuse, kept around the small book of "A duty of hearts" and when someone began to talk scandal, right there taught him, reading fragments in which it was told about what great sin is malignant gossip. She just did not allow them to live. First with it it was difficult for them: potter with the prayerful aunt here! But then got used, and some even abstained at its presence from any bad speech at all.
She was often visited by the kamenetsky rabbi, her uncle. Just came to it to the house that was an unusual thing. It to anybody did not go. By the way, his brother asked it to bring closer to himself his daughter, to visit her. Her father understood that it got to the house which has to it be alien on her education, and to it it was important that his brother paid it attention and frequentations, perhaps, softened heart of the father-in-law treating it not absolutely kindly.
Through three grandfathers the idea to become related with big rabbis already ceased to attract years. He saw that he obviously miscalculated with the daughter-in-law, the daughter of the rabbi, and began to consider that it at all not such happiness – for the sake of relationship to do the harm to the sons, having given them such shlimazlnitsa in wives.
He arranged to the Yosele aristocratic shidukh the highest rank. Here he already looked for purely wordly advantages: beauty, situation, abilities – and it it found.
It was the daughter of the famous merchant, not from city dwellers, and very beautiful.
Celebrated a wedding, the beautiful daughter-in-law arrived to Kamenets in the carriage harnessed by the four as if the landowner. Ran together to watch all city at beauty of the bride, admired her charm, elegance, expensive jewelry. There are no words to describe pleasure Aron-Leyzera. It, besides was clever, well well-mannered, tactful, delicately treated people and was a beautiful hostess.
The grandfather fed for it strange love, all the time held near himself, she was dearer him than all children.
With arrival Yokheved position of my mother very much worsened. If before it did not love, but at least appreciated its origin, then now, with the advent of the new, beautiful daughter-in-law, the rabbi ceased to visit the niece, and the grandfather just began to hate it. The difference between the rabbinic daughter and the daughter reb Shimon Daycha was too noticeable, and the last directly fascinated him.
Position of mother became intolerable also because of jealousy - all love the young daughter-in-law, all do it compliments the father-in-law tsatskatsya with Yokheved, and does not even look at it. She often sat and cried, ceased to come into the room where there was a father-in-law to all the guests from Kaments. And kamenetsky people were simply glad that got rid of that which regularly made the life of them miserable, without letting speak that they want.
The young daughter-in-law brought new orders to the house and in economy – all of an aristocratic family. Prepared new dishes, any new cookies - she was simply not able to do nothing. There something will update, here will remake, will repair linen, will sew to women of a dress, and men trousers. The house took a new form, in it it became lighter and is purer, and all family became more purely, more elegantly.
Mother many times ran to the rabbi to sob out the soul. And the rabbi consoled her and calmed the fact that the husband is higher than it the husband Yokheved.
Really – though Yosele was quite decent young man, honest and decent too, and too was capable to study, but Moyshe, my father, was cleverer, odaryonny and it is more noble than him.
When mother cried at herself in the room, the father consoled her in the same words, as her uncle, the rabbi. But nothing helped. Then he decided to move for ever from the parental house to the certain apartment, having done away thus with hatred and jealousy. She will learn herself the "Duties of hearts", "Lamp" and "The book pious" 10 Simple performance of religious practice – are senseless if does not proceed from pious mood and has the consequence no moral improvement. The book ran into several editions in translation into Yiddish) – and in the house will become quiet.
But he was afraid to offer the father such thing and followed to the mother council. He knew that mother has a great influence on the father who obeys her also in more important things.
Mother to it gave advice - to write to the father the good letter, having told as his Sara day and night cries and to report that he wants to move to other apartment. He very much is afraid of tears it, the poor orphan – her father already died by then - and other way to calm her as soon as to lodge separately, he does not see.
"Write such letter to the father, - she advised it, - it will reach his heart. He is a decent Jew, and such words as "tears", "the late parents", "righteous persons" will influence him. He of course will tell me about the letter, probably will ask for suggestions, and I already know what to tell it".
So he also made. The grandfather received the letter and at first became angry about the son who wanted to change the rule which he did not wish to change not for the world – to live to all children together. But tears of the adult woman sank down to it in heart. He felt fear – God forbid, her righteous persons parents will send on it a damnation. It could not be solved on anything and went to consult on the wife Bale Russia.
Wise Bale Russia on it told him, as it is very restless because that Sara constantly cries: with such big righteous persons as her parents, it is necessary to be considered very much – God forbid, they will be reached by her tears.
"I very much before them shiver, - the grandmother told, - and it is a pity for our Moyshele: what to it to spoil life because of her tears?"
Still the grandmother noticed that with the daughter-in-law they fine miscalculated. She is the shlimazlnitsa incapable to tie to a cat a tail. But there's nothing to be done, let though live, without knowing a grief.
The grandmother was able to speak and when it is necessary, to influence the grandfather.
The father of the achieved: removed at Shlomo Yores for twenty rubles a year the three-room apartment with kitchen, and before mother the new world opened. She began to live to the taste and desire - pored over the books all the time and in eyes did not see Yokheved with the mother-in-law and with all kamenetsky people. Sometimes went to the uncle and for hours sat from ravvinshy. About earnings as other wives, mother did not care, all this did not concern her, did not know what means to make a lunch and when it has to be ready – it there was not her business. Sewing or repairing a shirt, there was no speech. Even the Sabbath and holidays took place without its participation as if she was not a hostess.
And so she lived with the father thirty years – quietly and measuredly. For nine months was a pregnant woman, for two years fed, each three years – the new child. Paid attention only to the child whom fed, and to "Duties of hearts".
The father never talked with it business and did not ask that he will be for lunch today. He knew that she does not know it and when came home, she told him stories from "Lamp", and about how the person has to serve the Lord, according to "Duties of hearts" and other sacred books. The father listened to these stories and was silent.

Chapter 12
Landowners. - Burl-Bendet. - Chekhchov. – Sikhovsky. – Burl Bendet's devotion. – Slander. – War of the landowner with the landowner. – Boguslavsky. – End of slander.
The grandfather wanted to bring up the son among landowners. But it did not manage it. My father did not want to know landowners; he hated them as charlatans and did not wish from them earnings. He was engaged in rent. The brother Yosl also did not suit for their society. To pay compliments, to flatter as a dog – was not for it. He did not know landowners and lived also with rent.
But the grandfather very much wanted to submit someone from children the cases with landowners and he chose the senior, Burl-Bendeta marrying during "panic" at the age of eleven years from two sons-in-law. It was the dexterous small, big dandy able to talk. His grandfather began to take with himself to landowners, and Burl-Bendet was pleasant to them.
Somehow with him the landowner Sikhovsky had a grandfather in the estate Chekhchov. To it Burl-Bendeta very much was pleasant to the landowner - to such an extent that he offered him the commissioner's position in the estate. Until then this position was held by the Christian, the drunkard who just gathered the landowner. But the landowner was clever and decided to take better on his place the Jew who will be always sober, and Burl-Bendet for this purpose just approaches.
The grandfather of course praised Burl-Bendeta, but also noticed to the landowner that his son-in-law is too young for such position. Sikhovsky objected, considering that that though is young, but quite it is good.
"Besides, - the landowner offered, - you can together with him for a while remain with me. You will show it everything though it and is excessive. Let at once will also remain. And I will send the carriage for the wife, children and behind things. I want to give it the house where there lived the former commissioner, with three cows, three servants and the footman. As well with the four of horses it will get the carriage from the former commissioner".
In those days for decent people was considered humiliating to live in the village, to be that is called an eshuvnik. But such fine offer moreover from outside all dear landowner Sikhovsky famous as the friend of Jews, was pleasant to the grandfather. He, however, told Sikhovsky that he has to consult to the matchmaker Selig Andarkes both to the wife at home, and next week will send the answer with the courier.
Having arrived home, the grandfather right there consulted to the wife, Bale Russia. The position was pleasant to it, besides she was sure that Burl-Bent will be a good owner and of course it will be pleasant to Sikhovsky. And it means that the income as to the landowner will be provided to her daughter. In living in the village, there is no shame – and is ashamed there is nothing. More decently and better, than to hold rent and to be at war constantly with the city, to deal from a shinkaryama, drunkards and any geeks. So the grandmother considered, and was decided to take a position.
The grandfather wrote to Sikhovsky that his son-in-law takes a position. The landowner asked the young man to prepare together with the wife and children for a trip, and day through three it will send behind them the carriage. Among a week from Sikhovsky there arrived the carriage harnessed by four horses and three carts with two horses for things. The grandfather went too.
After arrival the landowner sent the house-keeper that that to them helped to settle on the new place. Besides, Sikhovsky invited the grandfather to himself to the room and gave him all works in which his son-in-law will have to be engaged.
"First of all, - he told the grandfather, - it is necessary to behave firmly with the house-keeper and with peasants as though he also is the landowner. To forget that he is Jew and to safely process case".
The grandfather, feeling responsibility for a family, asked the landowner to give to his son-in-law week for which he will teach him how to behave on such place.
Sikhovsky was by nature quiet person, he was very rich and liked to live quietly very much - to do nothing and anything not to care for. Hunting for which it had any weapon, the tall hunting dogs well-known all around was his only passion. For them it had a special big house where on walls expensive hunting weapon hung on expensive carpets with the image of hunting scenes, two stables with a harness and the horses for hunting costing tens of thousands.
The landowner was very foolish, behaved as the big mistress also hated Jews. But the husband did not reckon with it at all.
The house was absolutely princely. In a big hall several hundreds of people could dance. Walls sparkled gold. They constantly had guests from neighboring manors, spending nights in food and drink, but vodka drank a little. The landowner hated drunk, as well as cards. And when played, he tried that did not lose much. And perfectly played together with the wife grand piano. Often happened that others danced, and they played.
As it was already told, they lived quietly, moderately and reasonably, because had both iron health. They had the unique son. Every day after a lunch two of them with the wife rode two beautiful horses - just like that rode, for health, and enjoyed life.
Except a manor in which he lived he owned two more manors with many fields, the woods, stables, sheds, barns and a great number of serfs.
The grandfather spent week with Burl-Bendet and more or less got acquainted with a manor and peasants how many it was required from the commissioner. They at once gave to the house-keeper new instructions and arranged everything in a new way. As well from two other manors came for orders, and the grandfather with the son-in-law had no time to sleep.
The sharp-sighted eye the grandfather considered at once that Burl-Bendet is the capable and vigorous person, and will well get along with case. He wished it courage in what it, apparently, and so had no shortcoming.
The landowner, in return, visited them every day and was, seemingly, happy. He saw that the person tries that it is possible to hope that everything, started by the former commissioner, it will put in order.
Under a weekend at the grandfather the plan was born: that Sikhovsky at himself in the yard suited plant on production of beer and vodka as there were many structures which are not used in any way so it is not necessary to build anything but only slightly to remake. The landowner on it will make good money. It has potatoes and when it is required more, it has enough earth, and good, and it is possible to put how many it is necessary. Too it is enough workers – serfs, is more than enough - more, than it is necessary for work in the field – by the way, here and Burl-Bendeta can fall intermittently something: the landowner to it defined five hundred rubles a year, except all products, but now, of course, will give one thousand or percent from each bucket of vodka; it is possible to begin right there big business what Burl-Bendet quite suits for. By the way, several thousands of rubles a year will not prevent the landowner too.
The grandfather it offered Sikhovskoma, and that agreed. At once got to work, and in several months the plant was completely ready. First of all seventeen bulls who will eat swill from bran were necessary to buy, and Burl-Bendet went on Sunday to a fair to Kamenets as the count – in the carriage harnessed by the four of horses also bought bulls.
The landowner was glad to purchase. Burl-Bendet bought cheap and well and absolutely correctly: they will be fed by ten weeks and will sell, having gained for each ninety rubles, and he bought them on forty.
Before winter bought twice and sold bulls and both times on it made good money. Wine business moved, and by winter the landowner earned more than twenty thousand by pure money. Even for the rich landowner it was the decent sum!
It is clear, that as Burl-Bendetom it was very happy, charged to it to sell all harvest, sending the dealers coming to buy to it a harvest to the young Jewish commissioner. So Burl-Bendet in the estate became both the buyer, and the seller. Sikhovsky walked about on the yard with a long tube in a mouth, quiet and carefree, and its only business began to hunt and receive guests.
Only, who was not happy with all this prosperity, there was a landowner. In general it was painful to her that with everything is filled by the Jew, having become something like the landowner and the full owner of a manor. Berko, besides, was very handsome guy, high and harmonous, and put on better than the landowner who did not pay attention to himself at all, went raskhlystanny and indifferent to the look and was even lazy to allow the tailor to take measurements of itself. It to it pricked eyes too.
But Burl-Bendet seldom faced it. It ran business only with the landowner – no more.
She, however, was not silent. Looked for what to carp at, asked on it the house-keeper - as the young commissioner whether he steals, etc. behaves.
The house-keeper heard that the landowner looks for what to accuse Burl-Bendeta of, understood that she wants from him to get rid, and opened a mouth and what only about it did not tell – that he puts on airs, keeps the barin, imagines himself the big landowner, than the landowner, and even peasants do not know any more who here the real landowner and who false.
"So be a clever man and catch him on theft, - the landowner offered. - Berko then will flog".
The house-keeper understood that she needs just slander. He chose three clever peasants carrying in Kamenets alcohol for the grandfather and learned them to tell that in each cart in which Aron-Leyzera bring large numbers the bought alcohol put couple of kegs for own father Burl-Bendeta, Selig Andarkes who had the of shanks. The house-keeper knew that if they tell that stolen kegs with alcohol are carried by Aron-Leyzera, the landowner to them he will not believe as Aron-Leyzer was already known among landowners as the honest person who would not afford such nonsense. And about Selig the landowner will believe, and it will be absolutely dirtied by Burl-Bendeta. The house-keeper gave to each peasant three rubles that that testified that he regularly carries to Selig kegs with alcohol.
Having prepared all this, the house-keeper came to the landowner and told a story that go carry to own father Burl-Bendeta stolen vodka.
The landowner was delighted and ordered to bring goyev which too most confirmed to her – what they regularly carry in the carts intended for Aron-Leyzera, kegs with alcohol for Selig.
"You can swear?" - the landowner Asked.
"We swear", - there was their answer.
The landowner was at that moment on hunting and when came, the landowner joyfully told him that the commissioner – the thief. The landowner sent for peasants, and they confirmed that they carried stolen alcohol. But to the landowner it was not trusted and, having hesitated for a time, he told everything Burl-Bendeta, having added:
"To trust – to me about you to it is it is not trusted, but prove that peasants lie".
Burl-Bendet very much was frightened and for the first time, apparently, lost self-confidence. All history was some wild, silly and opposite and how to prove that go lie? And when he told about it to the wife, she burst into tears, and in the house the mourning set in.
Then she went and brought the father that he in this case helped them. The grandfather arrived and first of all began to reproach the landowner that that believed such lie and slander. Then proved to it with the facts in hands that if Burl-Bendet wanted to steal, then would find something more seriously than a vodka keg. But he such honest and noble that constantly refuses to accept gifts from dealers, sometimes sends expensive gifts to them back, refuses even to trade with those who send them to it.
"You know, - the grandfather assured, - that you are dearer him than the father with mother, the wife and children. So it is obvious slander and it proceeds from someone in the estate. It is just wanted to be ruined".
"But three peasants nevertheless swore", - the landowner told and added:
"Yes I can hardly believe. There is an offer – to flog peasants. Then everything will become clear. And to flog them until they do not start talking.
"The offer is too severe, - the grandfather told, - I offer something easier. Give to these three work somewhere in a shed that they worked absolutely alone. Put behind a shed someone clever and honest that he overheard what they tell. Peasants, when they together something did, like to talk about it slowly. And of course, they will say among themselves in a shed that they swore a perjury.
It was pleasant to the landowner.
"I will become behind a shed, - it was caused, - by the way, it is about my honor. Landowners over me laugh for what I appointed the commissioner of the Jew, foretell that I for it will well pay".
Right there he ordered to give to peasants work in a shed near a country-house and itself began – to listen behind a wall that they tell.
There was it long, maybe, several hours. At first peasants among themselves spoke about what got. But then one of them began to regret that it followed the tastes of the house-keeper and swore a perjury. The commissioner, by the way, the person quite decent - for what to it it? And so speaking, discussed among themselves a question – whether not to admit perjury?
At these words the landowner entered a shed. Fatally frightened go, clear, remained to stand, agape.
"Well, and now tell who instigated you! – he addressed them. – I heard everything that you told".
They to it fell in legs, began to cry and told all story from the beginning to the end.
The landowner sent for the house-keeper and when that came, asked him:
"Tell, you are itself thought up or someone learned you? Tell only the truth, otherwise I will flog you until you have no whole stone".
Terribly frightened house-keeper right there admitted and told that he is not guilty of anything - the landowner on it pushed him.
The landowner without thinking twice, suited to the wife a confrontation with the house-keeper, and she admitted too that she pushed on it the house-keeper as wanted to get rid of Burke to whom took a dislike.
The end of history was such: peasants received sixty lashes, the house-keeper as much the fact that it was deprived by positions and turned plus into the simple serf what it was exempted before from.
For all sufferings the landowner awarded Burl-Bendeta we will kiss on a forehead and told:
"From now on I will not accept any denunciations of you".
As it was already told, Sikhovsky was very decent person, and it is clear that the behavior of the wife shook him, he did not talk to her any more and did not want to live together. Burl-Bendeta he ordered to repair and arrange for it the house for now he moved to other estate.
Burl-Bendet decorated the house and went to Brisk to order from dealers the most expensive furniture from Warsaw. The house was arranged with such taste that surrounding landowners admired and surprised that the Jew can have such taste in such affairs.
The landowner came every day to Burl-Bendeta in the carriage, and the aunt made for him good lunches. Since then the aunt became dear to it too. There was it small – such as was at itself at a wedding in eleven years, thin, but very clever and dexterous – contrary to the husband who was high, full and beautiful, and it near it seemed the child.
Sikhovsky visited landowners – but to himself did not invite: all landowners already knew about this history.
The landowner's father Boguslavsky lived richly, in the estate near Kaments and was a person quite solid, but not such good and honest as his son-in-law, but very clever, and for all surrounding landowners acted as the adviser. His son was a big charlatan, one of the most famous profligates among surrounding landowners, and wasted once a lot of fatherly money. But then the clever father took away from him all power over the estate and asked all – both the son's house-keepers, and all Jews who with it ran business, not to lend to it not a stiver because he not a stiver will not pay for it.
And this son, the landowner's brother, having learned about all history, was in Chekhchov to the sister to discuss what to do to them. She before it has well a good cry, and he offered her that he will kill the commissioner.
"No problem will exist – it is not dangerous to kill the kike", - he told.
It, however, held it, being afraid that it is necessary to pay for such good work badly. By the way and it will definitely not attract the husband with such means.
The charlatan agreed with it, and both went to the father.
The father loved them Sikhovsky, knew that his son-in-law is very happy with the Jewish commissioner, and having heard about all scandal with slander, that the daughter to the faithful commissioner did it, was very dissatisfied with the daughter and considered that she arrived in this case unfair. Therefore he pretended that he knows nothing, and to the daughter did not go. He knew that eventually it will arrive to it and will ask that it settled everything.
When they arrived to the father, he was frightened, having seen as she looks bad, but pretended that he knows nothing, and asked:
"You why arrived one, without Sikhovsky?"
She hung the head and was silent. Here already her brother began to tell the father all story, but, of course so that the sister at the same time looked good, but the old man stopped him:
"Let she is better for me itself will tell, and you leave the room!" - he ordered.
Having remained with it together in the room, the old man to it read morals and reminded that it has a gold husband whom he very much loves that he is dearer it than own child that he is very afflicted with all history in which she behaved ignobly. What it is necessary for it from the Jewish commissioner? Why she to it wanted to do much harm? Than it is worse than the drunk Pole, etc.
The speech upset him the daughter, and he said long, asking whether she understood that she did what drew upon itself trouble the fact that spoiled the life with the husband, such decent person?
She, at last, burst into tears. The father advised it:
"It is possible to correct everything still. But you know with whose help? By means of the commissioner... Ask it, and everything will be as it should be".
But it already was too. To ask an evreychik which she could not suffer – was over its forces. But the old man calmed her:
"It is not necessary to go to the commissioner at all, it is enough to address his father-in-law. That is very clever, really clever Jew, he will settle everything.
To speak with the father-in-law, but not with the son-in-law – quite another matter. It was already pleasant to it. Only she could not understand one – as old Aron-Leyzer will want to reconcile with her if she wanted to make a lot of evil to his son-in-law.
"Anything! – The father told it. – You will see that the old man will want. I told you that it is clever, very clever Jew - he will agree. By the way, also because to the commissioner such situation is inconvenient too: it that the husband because of him was at war with the wife cannot long proceed. And here still that, remember: nevermore behave so with the commissioner, let it will be the first and last time! And in general – the best commissioner does not need to wish. The person conducts all economy, and such devoted! In the end he ordered to go it for the next day home, having promised that it will send for Aron-Leyzer.
Boguslavsky sent to the grandfather the letter, asking it to arrive – not on trade, and on private business.
The grandfather answered that this week there will be no time in any way, but that after Saturday he will arrive. The grandfather understood that Boguslavsky wants to ask him about the world, and from the daughter learned that the landowner dies because that Sikhovsky becomes angry about her and spends time with Burl-Bendet. He well saw that here want peace, and purposely postponed the arrival for a week that the landowner was ill a week more from a grief.
When the grandfather, at last, arrived, Boguslavsky gave him a very cordial welcome, exposed for it tea and expensive cigars, precisely as if expected the landowner. Then conversation came about his daughter, and Boguslavsky told the grandfather that he much with it said, strongly lectured it, explained a lot of things to her and that she very much regrets that cried much, but now it is necessary to reconcile, and for this purpose nobody so approaches as the grandfather on whom it is possible to rely completely. You should not postpone, it is necessary to get down to business at once.
Here to it the grandfather read the long speech, regretting for all history and explaining to the landowner that if it even makes the peace now, then in the future he all the same not cannot be confident in anything.
"Why? - We will not deceive ourselves, - the grandfather told. – If the Jew became a commissioner at the landowner, received the big power, then it all young landowners, all charlatans, cannot worry. Another time it will be – you forgive me, - the landowner's wife; all of them cannot comprehend that there are worthy Jews, such as, for example, my son-in-law. As for your daughter, I feel that at heart she does not love all Jews and of course will look for further something against the commissioner.
"And nevertheless, - the grandfather continued further, - it is necessary to reconcile. I don't mind. The Jew has to appreciate especially the world".
"And still, - the grandfather added, - I, of course, will try to make that I will be able, but all of you teach the daughter to treat better the commissioner, to appreciate him on advantage. You look, the sir as now the manor looks and remember what it was before. Now it as it should be to watch pleasure at it. And how many the commissioner brought the income what the landowner also did not count on".
"I already told all this to it itself, - the old landowner told. And moralized to it enough: now it will keep differently".
The grandfather returned in Chekhchov and came to the son-in-law. The footman entered this moment, asking sir Aron-Leyzera to the landowner. The grandfather was.
Sikhovsky gave it a very cordial welcome too. Told that it was very afflicted with behavior of the wife, what she delivered Burke and his family but not to return it, but more he will not believe about the commissioner to any nonsenses what people can tell.
As if Sikhovsky became angry about the wife, the grandfather however understood that he very much wants to reconcile with her. There is not enough only person who would be able to do it. The grandfather long and very frankly spoke with Sikhovsky, driving at the fact that it is necessary to reconcile. First, differently it does not befit the landowner, and secondly she will behave in a different way now.
"Perhaps however, to be, the grandfather noticed to it that there is no suitable person to be engaged. So I to you, the sir, can offer for this purpose of, and I will take care that your honor, God forbid, on a hair did not suffer".
The landowner agreed and to tear off unpleasant conversation, told:
"Let's talk about construction of brewery".
"I still am not ready to it, - the grandfather told, - there is still time".
The grandfather spoke with the landowner for a long time. Having agreed with it, it went to the son-in-law. To the son-in-law the grandfather ordered to talk to the landowner about reconciliation too. It is time to put it an end, let it work in return too, everything then will quicker be settled.
The grandfather left, and Burl-Bendet was to the landowner and too to him talked about the world: he, Burl-Bendet, will respect her in the same way as the landowner, and will absolutely forget how treated him.
The landowner was expressed approximately in the sense that to everything that will be undertaken by Burl-Bendet, he in advance agrees.
Berko went to the landowner. At it at that moment her brother charlatan who carried out at it almost all the time that to it it was not sad sat. The brother, having seen the Jewish commissioner, right there left to the neighboring room, and the landowner warmly accepted sir Berko and between them conversation was started. He well talked to it, and in the end noticed it that he is ready to understand it and to forget everything. Let there will be a world, their hostility even costs it health.
Here the landowner asked forgiveness for it:
"I know, you are a noble person, and give we will forget about everything".
After that Burl-Bendet sent the wife to her father, Aron-Leyzera to transfer him all talk which it had with the landowner and the landowner. Aron-Leyzer already made the mental plan how to arrange the world.
He went directly to the landowner Vilevinsky who was in very good relations with Sikhovsky and his wife. As well their wives well got on with each other. Sikhovsky since quarrel with the wife visited at him already several times. Vilevinsky was too from quiet landowners therefore especially was on friendly terms with Sikhovsky at whom it was possible to drink and play cards moderately.
Sikhovsky told nothing to Vilevinsky about the quarrel with the wife, and that, perhaps, heard something about it from others, but here the grandfather gave him in detail all history and noticed that both of them would like to reconcile, but there are no suitable conditions for this purpose.
"Therefore, here my council, - the grandfather told, - invite him to yourself for the evening, and your wife let will invite madam Sikhovskaya; but at first it will be necessary to send behind it and when it already arrives, to call him. Sikhovsky should not know that the wife is invited too. When it is, start with it conversation on the world, and here I will come to the rescue. About quarrel, tell, you learned from me".
Vilevinsky and made. At first Sikhovsky's wife, then he was. Vilevinsky took away it to the special room where carefully started conversation on reconciliation, the grandfather was then, but the room to them did not enter. Vilevinsky rose and told:
"My wife is a little not healthy, come to her".
Came into the special room where there had to be a hostess, and Sikhovsky was shocked: near Vilevinsky's wife Sikhovskaya sat.
It became a little unpleasant to it, and he wanted to leave the room, but it was not let out any more, and he had to sit down. To the room began to bring tea with snack. Over a cup of tea foreign talk began, and Vilevinsky told:
"I invited as well the Cat, let's it call. Always happens to it pleasantly".
Right there in the room there was a grandfather and sat down at a table. A little later Vilevinsky with the wife under some pretext left, and the grandfather right there started business.
It began, naturally, with the fact that began to protect it: not so it is guilty, etc. And after the long and diplomatic speech terminated the offer that Sikhovsky gave to the wife a hand, reconciled and it would terminate business.
He pretended that he has a fit of coughing, and right there Vilevinsky with the wife returned. Vilevinsky took Sikhovskaya by hand, and his wife - Sikhovsky, and they were brought by force to each other. The husband offered to the wife a hand and kissed her. Fun began. Harnessed a horse and all went directly to the lock to Sikhovskim. There in a big way celebrated and on it everything ended.
Here kind times in the relations Burl-Bendeta and landowners came. It began to come to it with reports on a condition of a manor and economy, and its attitude towards him was reversed. Now she even dared to ask it about news in the world what write in newspapers about and spent with it behind talk hours.
With all this he was even more given to work - very much was a hardworking person, rose in the winter every day at six o'clock, and in the summer – in four, and right there started working, avoiding to rely on the house-keeper.
In the summer he for days on end jumped on a horse and everywhere happened, examined everything, checked and arranged.
In the winter he was employed almost all the time at distillery where everything was so cleaned by it that excise, coming, could not nadivitsya. Purity was everywhere: both in work, and in all offices, in warehouses, in granaries and in shops.
Purity and order became already so well-known that all surrounding landowners who had distilleries came to look at and to something to learn, regularly complaining to Sikhovsky that at them it is impossible to observe to himself at plants such purity and such order in any way.
And the same purity was in all estate. All workers were on the places. All the time swept and sanded around. Sikhovsky was proud of purity of the estate, rather in the economy.
There was a wish to hold Jews as commissioners to many landowners. But it was not accepted what others sustained a considerable loss from. All work in estates was conducted in the old manner: without improvements and without innovations. Burl-Bendetet subscribed to the German economic and economic magazines and often took the advices which are contained there.

Chapter 9:
[1] The law on mobilization which is specially concerning Jews, published for the first time in 1827 remained in force till 1856. The cat was 8 years old in 1855, in the middle of the Crimean war, and the decree of 1853, about increase in number of the Jews who are called up for military service and permission to take away in army of everyone, not having passport means here … Under the law was forbidden to call more young, than since 12 years, but many teenagers, since 8 years which were given for 12-tiletny in practice were seized.
[2] Service life was counted from eighteen-year age to which the teenager was registered as a kantonist.
[3] About it "the only son", the nephew Aron-Leyzera, see in hl. 7.
Chapter 10 and 11:
1 Kitl – a white linen attire which is put on by Orthodox Jews in a synagogue to Yom Kippur and in some other solemn occasions.
2 "As you live, dear sir Kotik? (polsk.) - who this boy?"
3 Trefnoye – meat of the killed of an animal, in particular, hens, unusable in food owing to various defects found after slaughter. In doubtful cases for the decision address the rabbi.
4 Rub a fragment from the Torah, beginning words: "Shma, Israel" – "Listen to Israel" which read daily during an afternoon and evening prayer.
5 18 blessings which are read in a synagogue daily during a morning, afternoon and evening prayer.
6 Questions and answers – the primary branch of extensive ravvinistichesky literature devoted to the decisions which were accepted during different eras and in different places.
7 Aron-Leyzera Is about threat to deprive of the kamenetsky rabbi of his position, in case of refusal that to strive before the brother – see the beginning of hl. 4.
8 The first composition on the Jewish ethics written in Arab in 11 century in Spain by the religious figure and the philosopher Bahya bin-Yosefom ibn-Pakudoy. The book is translated into many languages, including into Yiddish, sustained a set of editions, enjoying wide popularity in wide circles thanks to significance which in it was attached to a role of feeling and reason in the religious sphere.
9 The popular religious and ethical book which author, Isaak Aboab (Sr.) living in Spain at a turn of 13 and 14 centuries rose against unilateral studying of talmudical jurisprudence to the detriment of moralizing agate, being of great importance for a people at large, including for women. As well as the previous book, sustained a set of editions, was translated into Yiddish.
10 The collection stating the ethical maintenance of Judaism is made in Germany during an era of the late Middle Ages, one of his chief authors – the famous mystic, the moralist and the liturgician Yehuda Blagochestivy (died in 1213). Teaches the kind attitude towards all people and even to animals.

My memoirs. Volume I

My memoirs. Volume II

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