My memoirs. Volume first. Chapter 6-8.

Chapter 6
Our family. – Grandmother. – Her love to the husband. – Its quiet and devout attitude towards people. – Reb Yudl. – City affairs. – To Reb Lipa. – Contract.
The grandfather loved a saying: "The earth has to cast out bones of the one who will push away from himself the child". He remarkably lived with the brother, and the brother with the only son and children of the only son – unanimously lived together with children and the grandfather's grandsons and if someone from a family got sick, all gathered near the patient. Just did not depart from it. The surprising unity which with big sensitivity was carried out by the beloved and unforgettable grandmother Bale Russia reigned in our family. For all sick family members she looked, without departing. Whether the daughter-in-law was going to give rise - right there was a mother-in-law; if the daughter – it was a mother; for sick sons and grandsons – it was the grandmother. With the doctor or the paramedic it one had to speak and if it was necessary to do something with the patient – it had to be near.
In the house at it the food for all children and grandsons and when someone came was always ready, she right there to it allowed to eat. One it did not eat and waited for everything whether someone from children will come or grandsons or the daughter-in-law – all should give. And one what was eaten by others it was already full. Seldom saw that she ate. Preparing something tasty, she from it only tried, and divided the rest and though had two servants, but usually itself baked and fried and was an exclusive cook.
Still she was accustomed to send daily to almshouse a pan with food, without forgetting also just poor people who could not earn to themselves a living. It sent them slowly and was it support.
She was a thin, little Jew – in what only the soul keeps – but energy in it was, maybe, as at other man.
It distinguished the Aron-Leyzera's husband as women speak, "as Saturday is distinguished from weekday". The grandfather was the big spoiled child and liked to eat well. She for it prepared every day special dishes, and the biggest chagrin for her was if it, God forbid, found a fly in a plate. Then he ate nothing any more, and it flew to the mother-in-law: whether there will be no good food for it there. If there nothing was, she insisted that he only waited minute, she already to him will make a strange dish. But he, as ill luck would have it, did not want to wait what very much afflicted her.
He loved good tea, and she already watched that its glass of tea was strong and good. And when he went to the landowner, had to it tell when he, approximately, returns. And if it is possible, even hour, and she prepared a samovar by then. And when it had to come, for example, on Monday evening, at twelve o'clock, it took away a samovar to itself upward where there was their bedroom. The servants already slept, and the grandmother sat at a samovar above, throwing coal that the samovar did not cool down that when Aron-Leyzer comes, it had hot tea. So at Jews the wife behaved once.
And so she watched all night long a samovar that it was such as it is necessary, we heat that when Aron-Leyzer comes, it already had tea. And if it happened that he was late at landowners several nights in a row, she dozed all the time, without undressing and sometimes grabbed, enclosed coals in a samovar that it was hot, and again dozed. In the afternoon already the servants watched a samovar.
Aron-Leyzer was a big pighead and when spoke "yes", it was "yes" and when "no" - no arguments existed. And when he sat among people and was just necessary to it, she approached him very politely and first of all apologized that approaches while he speaks with people. In such cases it usually did by a hand impatient gesture. It meant that it has to leave. She, clear, left and never took offense.
Also often it happened that people came to ask council at Aron-Leyzera and expressed desire that also it at the same time was present. It was known in the city for the councils, and he called up her:
"Jews want your council", - he said to it. Explained in what business, and she gave advice. But before it did the small introduction:
"I only the silly Jew, but seem to me that should be made and so".
And according to her advice usually arrived.
It never sat down with it nearby: faced it respectfully though very much and very much helped it with his economic career and in its relations with landowners. She always tried that he did not lose in the affairs, and deliberately handicapped herself before him. As it was told, he in many respects obeyed her. But she did not show that she knows that he obeys her …
Her father reb Yudl on an old age of years became a widow/widower and near him there is no child left. Three of his sons were scientific people, but not rich men, and lived in the different cities. The grandmother Bale Russia was the only daughter and invited him to herself on a visit. He was very clever Jew, in the city all respected him, and Aron-Leyzer suggested it to remain with it for ever and did not release it in any way. The old man sold in Semyatichakh the house with all house utensils and arrived to the son-in-law to Kamenets, and the grandfather Aron-Leyzer protected the father-in-law as an apple of the eye.
The great-grandfather reb Yudl looked narrowly at affairs of the son-in-law and found out - that it was absolutely easy - that city affairs twirled to him the head. For days on end and nights his house is filled by people, and all because of city affairs. To it, the old man, Aron-Leyzera which were spent for insignificant affairs of the small city was a pity for abilities - what zamorochenye of the head it is necessary to have from them – more, than from affairs of the big city.
Therefore it was clear for it that that has to reject absolutely city affairs more to be engaged in landowners what it is possible to earn something from, or he has to move absolutely to Brisk where at his dexterity and mind he to himself will make a name at once, and it is better to direct there, than here, in Kamentsa. There he will deal, at least, with such city, with such rich men, wise men, scientists formed by people.
The old man, reb Yudl, taught the daughter Bale Russia that she explained it to the husband. But the grandfather, Aron-Leyzer, answered it that he will not throw for anything Kamenets where his parents and grandfathers where also he grew old where it enclosed both energy the and youth and if it even is given millions are based, he will not leave Kments. But as for city affairs, he agrees that these should not be engaged. Too it is difficult, it spends too many forces, and I pound a little.
Then again it was decided that he has to refuse all city affairs - only to choose a right moment. But having heard that Aron-Leyzer is going to refuse city affairs, city elders and all important owners began to come to him and to ask that it remained further. Moreover, if it is too difficult for it, let will share with them work and they will help it.
Owners long asked and convinced, and he agreed to remain on test, to look whether now it will be easier. There passed some time, and he began to behave in a different way: to collect meetings, to invite city elders and to distribute between them work, and they did what it charged to them.
Aron-Leyzer was also exempted from many difficult affairs which his father-in-law reb Yudl who had no, than to be engaged, undertook to do together with other people, of those that usually crowded in the apartment of the grandfather. Rab Yudl gave already him advice, listened to their complaints, etc.
The grandmother Bale Russia who out of politeness in relation to the husband never put earlier in his ward if he did not ask it, now, when her father was engaged in Jews, also helped council more, than earlier so the grandfather was absolutely exempted from these affairs.
He began to be engaged more in landowners, and the grandmother did not undress at night at all, sitting half-asleep, she had to get up and throw more often fresh coals in a samovar that when Aron-Leyzer comes, it right there had hot tea.
The grandfather had a son-in-law, the scientific person, reb to the Linden. This reb to the Linden was the big poor and once he sent to the grandfather, the brother-in-law, the letter, asking that that helped it with earnings. His grandfather called and suggested to make together matter from which that will have earnings and in anything there will be no shortcoming. As well to it, the grandfather, from it something will fall intermittently. Rab Lipe looked at the grandfather with surprise: what does it mean – as Aron-Leyzera will fall intermittently something, and he will lose nothing?
The grandfather told it:
"Let's make such business: I will give you for your wife and children the decent sum, and you will sit and be engaged. But you will give me the reference that you bequeath a half of a share in future life which is due to you for your learning to me. All life I, with the God's help, live simple from the world-segoynikom and even in this world I cannot achieve everything that I want. So let at least future world will be provided! I am afraid that on arrival to future world to me it will be bitter and dark - there is neither district police officer, nor an asessor …"
Reb could tell nothing to the Linden in reply. Probably, it seemed to it wrong that Aron-Leyzer who had in this world very much would have and in the future. He told that he has to consult to Puriya, the wife, the sister Aron-Leyzera.
There passed several months, and reb to the Linden, his wife, did not agree to give Aron-Leyzera a half of future world which is due for learning. Having small children who should do dresses, boots, to pay for the doctrine and so forth that is necessary for life, they strongly suffered from need. On food Aron-Leyzer more or less gave them - but only on food. Suffered but on any transactions with future life did not go. Aron-Leyzer already lowered requirements. Now he wanted a half only for learning reb to the Linden, and for all its pious acts – nothing.
It is clear, that Aron-Leyzera was annoyingly. First, he very much wanted a share in future world, and secondly, he did not get used at all that refused to it. And it only stopped sending them to life.
Reb to the Linden with the wife and children remained, poor creatures, absolutely without bread. In the house was not no piece of bread, was even potatoes, just though lay down yes die with hunger.
Suffered, suffered, to and fro rushed, but when could not sustain any more, the wife reb to the Linden Puriya agreed:
"Go already, give to this villain a half of your share in future world. Not to starve with children to death".
He came, suppressed, to Aron-Leyzera and reported that well - he agrees to his offer.
But here already Aron-Leyzer turned obstinate and told:
"You did not want to give me a half of the share in future life? And now was gone. Now go also itself provide the wife".
Aron-Leyzer, of course, very much wanted a share in future life. But he understood that all intrigues against the transaction are spun by his sister, and he wanted that the sister came to it and asked that undersigned itself that it agrees to the transaction.
Reb to the Linden Aron-Leyzera did not understand intentions. It is possible to imagine with what heart it returned. In the house crying rose. Children want to eat, and there is nothing to give them. They came both to Aron-Leyzera with such pleasure with what go to death, cried and asked that agreed to partnership.
"All right, - Aron-Leyzer told quietly, - we go to the rabbi and we will subscribe for the rest of life. I have to provide you, precisely, as children, and the Linden will give me the share in future world which is due to it for learning".
Reb to the Linden, however, wanted to subscribe for three years, but not for the rest of life. Met on five years.
Went to the rabbi and wrote down what agreed about, reb to the Linden with Puriya subscribed, the rabbi with the judge testified, the parties shook hands and under the oath undertook: Aron-Leyzer has to reb to the Linden with all family completely contain, and will receive the half of a share in future world which is due to it for learning for it. Rab Lipe at the same time has to study for days on end, without doing anything else, and everything is lawful also in force.
Aron-Leyzer returned from the rabbi with pleasure what it is difficult to present. Serious luck for Aron-Leyzera! Offer it for a half of a share in future world any treasures, it probably would not take.
Reb to the Linden with Puriya came back home not such cheerful, but – with sparkling at reb to the Linden in a hand quarter.
Since then Aron-Leyzer began to send them any good, milk and honey. And when reb to the Linden for the first time in life together with the house had a decent lunch – here all transaction received in his eyes absolutely other look.

Chapter 7
Excise. – Baron Gintsburg. – Only son. – Scandal with an asessor. – The district police officer takes the side of the grandfather. – Reb to the Linden breaks off the contract.
In those days the excise passed from the government to the baron Ezhe Gintsburgu [1]. He received an excise for the known sum of the money which is annually paid to them to the government. Serving in excise offices he appointed only Jews: from the highest positions to an insignificant position in the village.
The grandfather then already ceased to deliver smuggling alcohol from Poland. He was scary glad that the government transferred to the Jew such in a row and as did not seek to increase the income, did not want to import smuggling alcohol that, God forbid, did not follow from it for the baron of bankruptcy! … Why can angrily occur for all Jews as haters of Israel will tell that all Jews are thieves.
Besides, the baron behaved beautifully: appointed to all positions of Jews, than gave to thousands of Jews earnings. And in general – it is very good that Jews serve in treasury. The grandfather began to buy usually alcohol at plants why the income became weak. He earned thousands of rubles a year from the Polish vodka!
And as all children of the grandfather and his brothers lived only with rent, and now with the income became more hardly, the grandfather began to reduce expenses.
Reducing expenses, the grandfather found that five rubles which he pays every month an asessor are too. Because, first, the managing director of the landowner gives the peasants in his order, and it is necessary to address an asessor very seldom. Secondly, he was not afraid of an asessor at all - the district police officer against whom the asessor will not go was at one with it.
Asessor, of course, was dissatisfied, and I remember how I still was a little boy and there arrived the volost foreman with three desyatsky and asked a vodka bottle. There was an end of Saturday. As usual at the grandfather, in the house it was full of the people and the grandmother gave all tea. It was its duty, despite presence of servants who could give instead of it. But it was not difficult for it to give both the second glass of tea, and the third …
The grandfather's nephew, the only son, very much respected the uncle, that is my grandfather, and was ready for the sake of him in fire and in water. His grandfather loved, and he had big authority on a family. When someone from a family had to ask about something the grandfather, addressed the only son, to Arya-Labe and Arya-Labe was an intermediary.
He was the tall, healthy youth, was even capable to study, only not really wanted – but generally, the good guy. If said to Arya-Labe that will achieve something from the uncle, it was clear that so it also will be. And when the grandfather needed something at an asessor, it sent to Arya-Labe, as well as to the district police officer; it had language sharp what especially all appreciated it.
The volost foreman demanded a vodka bottle, and to Arya-Labe asked the uncle whether it is necessary to give. The grandfather resolved. Having received a bottle, the foreman quickly put a bottle in a pocket and left together with the peasants. It was the hard case, and to Arya-Labe asked the grandfather:
"To run and select?"
"Catch up and select a bottle by force", - the grandfather ordered.
Couple of healthy "people" served at us then: Hatskel and Nod. The last was known as the big hero. Took Arya-Labe both and ran to catch the foreman with desyatsky. Approximately through a quarter of hour to Arya-Labe returned with big pleasure, with a vodka bottle in hands and with a proof – the foreman's peak-cap. He told that friends were covered even on a terrace at an asessor. A minute more – and they would be in the house. To them properly broke bones and took the foreman's peak-cap as a proof.
"Whether correctly I arrived, the uncle?" – Asked to Arya-Labe.
"Correctly", - the grandfather answered.
On Sunday morning the grandfather left to landowners, and the asessor with eighteen desyatsky came to the house to the uncle in the afternoon – to make the protocol that he trades in shank without patent. To Arya-Labe began to swear at an asessor and directly told that if that makes the protocol, then will grab slap in the face, and already raised a hand …
What usually does an asessor when at it eighteen desyatsky in such cases? Take such guy, connect, arrest and send to Brisk But the asessor of it did not make. Obviously he remembered the district police officer with Aron-Leyzer. They are stronger. He left and wrote to the district police officer the letter on all history.
Instead of the answer the district police officer wrote to an asessor the moralizing letter: it is necessary not to have any reason to be at war with such clever Jew. Therefore he advises it to apologize to the grandfather and to make with it the peace. And if does not obey, then let knows that from now on it, the district police officer, will stop in Kamentsa only at the grandfather, but not at it, as usual it is accepted at all district police officers that it will be very unpleasant to an asessor.
The district police officer wrote to the grandfather that that prepared the apartment on the occasion of his arrival to Kamenets. The grandfather right there prepared the apartment with a separate entrance at the brother Mordkhe-Labe. And when the grandfather reported that everything is already ready, the district police officer arrived in the carriage harnessed by the four of horses with a hand bell and went directly to the uncle. There stopped later – for one day, on two as it turned out.
The humiliated asessor had to be to it, and the district police officer purposely called to himself the grandfather – let the asessor will see how the grandfather to it is close. So there passed one and a half years until the asessor reconciled and apologized to the grandfather in the presence of the district police officer. And the district police officer became how before to stop at an asessor.
At that time the grandfather established that not he one, as well as city elders, have to run city business. He asked the district police officer that that gave the press and all books to other collector, and it will help when it is required. Of course, he will try that everything was conducted as it is necessary. The grandfather was not a collector any more, he remained only the adviser of the collector and city elders. And when the hard case met, to it elders came to consult, and the world and rest in every respect set in.
When there came the district police officer, the collector before to him to go, went to consult to the grandfather or if there was something serious, the grandfather together with the collector went to the district police officer and settled everything.
The grandfather ran the business with landowners, and a half of a share reb to the Linden in future world all increased. It gave to the grandfather even more energy to work, he became quieter, maintained future peace it in life. But his pleasure proceeded not for long: at the end of the fourth year his son-in-law reb sent to the Linden the letter with refusal of partnership. It breaks off the contract signed for five years as became in the city the judge instead of the died judge meanwhile and will have the income and without their partnership now, and should not give a half of the share in future world any more.
The letter made on the grandfather very painful impression, nearly half a year, to Yom Kippur, this clever Jew was in a heavy depression. To Yom Kippur well cried and again calmed down. But with the sister he quarreled for the rest of life, Considering that she is guilty of everything.

Chapter 8
My the first melamed. – Questions which I asked. – The second melamed. – My uncle Isroel. – Child prodigy Isroel. – As the child prodigy Isroel us flogged in the field. – At a melamed of Mote. – Hell. – Winter evening. – Stories about miracles. – My devotion. – Dibeech. – Reb to the Linden Zuckerman.
In two and a half years mother gave me to Yakov-Bør, a children's melamed. It had no time to wait till summer when I am three years old, and the ambassador Sukkot it gave me in a heder. I since the childhood had desire to study and did not move a step from Yakov-Bør, did not want even to leave home. I sat near it on an oven, it was warm, pleasant. At it about one hundred boys studied, and rich children when they did not want to study any more, sat on a big oven and played.
To me it was so good on an oven that I did not want to get down from there, only when removed all children and one could not remain, I went with the assistant to a melamed home.
But melamed Yakov-Bør was not happy with me. I since the childhood had a shortcoming – was a debater and liked to ask difficult questions. And Yakov-Bør, the poor creature, did not know what to answer. For example, having begun to learn with me the alphabet, he taught me: a komets-aleph – about; komets-bt (with a point in a letter) – bo, and komets-bt (without point in a letter) – in. 1 Ya I ask it: "But if komets-bt (without point in a letter) – in why then it is necessary that was also komets-vav-vav – too in?) [2]. "You will become more senior, - the Rebbe discontentedly answers, - then you learn".
There are children who only and know all the time to ask questions: "Mother father, why that why it is necessary syo is necessary?" And I asked Rabi all the time:
"Who made a table?"
"And who made the joiner?"
"And who made God?"
"God! – he shouted angrily. – God is eternal, nobody did him".
"God made himself?" – I asked, looking Rabi directly in eyes.
"You are still small and silly!" – he shouted in rage.
Rabi told the father that I ask questions all the time. The father to it advised to abuse me when I ask something.
"Tell it, - the father advised, - that the boy should not ask anything, he has to study and be silent only".
However questions which the boy asked strongly disturbed his father. And he began to reflect – whether will grow up from such child, God forbid, apikoyres? Perhaps will learn to give the child less and in time better to Hasidic melameda which him will teach to be the Hasid and the honest Jew only?
At Yakov-Bør I studied three terms. I could already pray quickly enough as big. And then the father really gave me to a Hasidic melamed, Shai-Biecaliel at whom learned the Torah and Gemara's beginning.
I began to learn the Torah at a melamed, and the father suited a feast for all Hasidim. Sang and drank a lot of vodka and ate the whole day, but without grandfather who never celebrated with Hasidim. I studied well, and Rabi of the beginnings of Russia with me. I all quickly grabbed and by six years already wanted to teach Gemara. But Rabi considered that else too early:
"It is enough if you begin Gemara by seven years".
I, happened, stood at a table at which children teach Gemara, listened and it did not want to be pushed with the children learning the Torah. So I well caught everything that when there came Thursday, I said Rabi that I can retell to it all lesson of Gemara in a week by heart. I spoke, and words flew a stream, a piece from "Leks of t": "If Reuven stole money from Shimon …". Rabi was surprised and came to the father in the evening and told it what remarkable son at it – without learning, only from hearing, recites a lesson.
But it pleased the father a little. He became such fanatical Hasid that for it the doctrine had no value. He wanted that I knew only the Torah and a few Midrash. bigger it is not necessary, I have to be only the honest Jew, that is the Hasid.
Shai-Biecaliel already began to teach with me Gemara, and I well was in time. I all quickly grabbed and every Thursday quickly answered from "Leks of t", and words flew a stream.
Over time Shai-Biecaliel from it "Leks of t" there was for me insufficiently. To me it was necessary melamed larger which already learns the page or the whole sheet of Gemara with boys.
But the father did not hurry. It held me at Shai-Biecaliel nine terms, and I learned same, together with small children. The father saw that I am capable to study, but it is not necessary to the person of much, the main thing that I became a Hasid.
I was cried to the father that already I want to teach Gemara, but not some "Leks of t" that I want to study together with big children, but he for the known reason did not agree.
The father had a brother Isroel, one with me age. The grandfather gave little Isroel for supervision to the father and that sent both of us in one heder, equally dressed and put to bed together.
At Izroel the head, than at me was even better. But he did not want to study, and did not concern him at all that our Rabi was Shai-Biecaliel. To it was all the same: he did not want to trouble himself. At the good head he even "Leks of t" by Thursday did not know a fragment, preferring to spend time in pranks.
In our family there was one more boy by the name of Isroel, is two years more senior than me, with the ingenious head. His father was Yozl Vishnyak, the big scientist, perfection, and the brother Yudl's dedova the son is simple. He held a position in Lublin, and his wife Bachet-Feillgue lived with children at the father, reb Selig.
Their boy Isroel by eight years exhausted the best melamed. On each fragment from Gemara it set a heap of questions, and scientists could not answer it. Therefore it is clear that all our family very much loved it and that he often at us was, ate, drank and played with us, and because of it we with Isroel were not noticed. All tsatskatsya only with it one.
But we with my friend Isroel who at the same time was also my uncle with all the heart hated him - when not he, we would be considered as quite capable boys: I, perhaps, would be the best boy in the city, and in a family I would be appreciated even more.
But despite our hatred, we to it felt as well respect and were flattered when he talked to us. It had a bad character, and all boys in the city terribly before it trembled. When it beat us, we it allowed it as pupils allow to beat themselves to the teacher.
I remember, once on Friday when we were free from a heder, he wanted to choose the best boys in the city and to listen as they read a fragment from Gemara. It took, is remembered, "Bava Metion" [3] and with twelve boys went through a meadow to reb to Simkhe-Leyzer [4]).
There was a fine sunny day. Isroel cut off a penknife good, soft rods on a meadow and held Gemara in hand. He gave to each of boys a separate fragment from Gemara and if that did not know, then had to lay down, and Isroel of sec. his soft rods is so much times how many considered it necessary. To cry nobody cried – restrained: accepted all this with love and really considered that deserved flogging – we are uniform go that we do not know Gemara, and he, Isroel, such scientist. But someone any more not in forces was to sustain more floggings and began to cry, and Isroel did not listen and continued sech, keeping saying:
"On you, such gy, on you! …" - and leaving on a body blue strips with a clotted blood.
To me it allowed to retell the fragment "Checking" [5]. But I then did not teach yet Gemara but only I "Leks of t", and did not know a fragment "Checking" at all. It gave me eighteen rozog, and such strong that I remember them until now.
Then all of us flogged went at the same time who flogged us, home, with tear-stained eyes, dishonored, suppressed, but without claims: we it deserved! Boys already began to be afraid more rozog of Isroel, than teacher's rooms because Rabi beats after all mercifully and not such soft, fresh and long rods what Isroel cut on a meadow.
God helped, and soon reb Evzel Vishnyak took away the son to himself to Lublin as in Kamentsa for it there was no melamed.
We were glad: got rid of Isroel!
When I was eight years old, the father me gave at last a melameda to Motya at whom I had to study two years ago. It was good melamed. Besides it not so beat boys, and they at it studied well. He taught Gemara with children and achieved remarkable results. Hour a day it also told children of story about wise men and about everything that is created in other world, namely: as sinners after death suffer hundred years in a row. Still he told in detail a route of the dead, for example, as the sinner meets angels torturers on the way to hell, about properties of hell as a plait of sinners, etc.
According to his stories, each righteous person has to suffer after death from a beating of an angel torturer (and what I already wrote about) [6]. Having received the portion of a beating, it has to go to hell, and each righteous person, even the greatest, has to be twelve months in hell. On the way to hell he is met by angels torturers who quilt it iron rods and throw on fire heap. From a heap of fire it is thrown on an ice heap. So he is transferred from fire heap on a heap of ice and back. Then, if he is a big villain, angels torturers throw it from one to another all twelve hundred years of expectation, that is twelve hundred years pass until it falls to that heap of fire. And as if it is not enough, on the way he meets sixty times on ten thousand angels torturers, and everyone beats him with the iron and heated rods. Then to it order to go to hell. And there it has to be cleared twelve months. More time nobody in hell was. To end up in hell – it is already good. But before it the person hundreds of years on fire and in water, in ice and in fear suffers …
For greater realism our Rabi even designated paint and a feather on paper hell sizes. He considered that hell sizes – twelve hundred years in length and four hundred in width.
With hell still trouble that the person does not know where there is his door. If the nobility if at once to enter a door, it would be possible to get rid of blows from angels torturers. He turns there and here, looks for doors and at the same time grabs blows.
And Rabi to us points a finger as the person costs, apparently, at the door and goes just back. It already went four hundred years in width to one party and twelve hundred years in length; and four hundred years in width, and farther twelve hundred ninety nine years and one thousand months are farther. A door – narrow and hided, and here it goes and goes, the poor creature, on hell among angels torturers three thousand hundred ninety nine years.
But the righteous person usually finds at once a door to hell and should not beat around the bush so many years.
Still Rabi liked to tell wonderful stories about Vilensky to the gayena as it comprehended all seven branches of knowledge as considered stars and when wanted to learn how the star is big and that on it occurs, invited all stars to the table and them properly considered and studied.
Once, told the Rebbe, Vilensky gaon was at a wedding of the big rich man, and the matchmaker asked it to amuse the groom and the bride.
"I will sit down near musicians", - Vilensky gaon told, sat down near musicians and listened as they play. Then told that if to make in a clarinet on which the musician, plays holes there and there it will well sound and guests will derive pleasure. Made holes where he specified. And the clarinet so began to sound that from delightful music all fainted. It was necessary to stop up these holes. Such stories were told to us every day by Motke-melamed, and we sat as captivated …
To winter evenings we came from a heder at eight-nine o'clock. Having had supper, I went to the room to the grandmother Bale Russia where it and all family mostly sat. There usually were women to Leybke-shames living at the grandmother in kitchen with the cook wife. And this Leybke told many stories about devils and devils, about sorcerers and about water, etc. too.
He told how the carrier with group of Jews went once. See – there is on the road a big good goose; the carrier, of course, took a goose and brought home. And at night when all fell asleep, the goose began to rush and rush; the carrier lit a candle and saw that the goose who was half similar to the person and half – to a goose around scattered everything. The carrier, is not living, is not dead, rushed off to the rabbi. That sent ten people, and those began to read by a loud voice psalms. And when read all psalms, the goose waved wings and flew away.
"Devils, - he told, - like to jump on a horse, and not on landowner, and just on the Jewish. Time Jewish carriers come to a stable in the morning and see that horses wet, in sweat, rattle – the word, such exhausted as if just returned after a long trip. And at times the carrier found in the morning in a stable a dead horse, wheels of the cart are broken, reins – are torn …
Stories about miracles it had the whole heap. Once, he told, there was in Kamentsa a Jew whose husband, the tailor, went to Odessa. At first it sent letters and money. But then ceased – neither letters, nor money. She went to Shereshevo, the town near Kaments, to the sorcerer, and that her ordered to give it ten rubles, and the husband will return to her astride a poker. And it happened. The next night the husband knocks on a window, cries and asks to let it somewhat quicker in the house – he was strongly tired of a trip, just about will faint. It right there opened for him, it flew to the house on a poker and fell unconscious. It made noise, people ran together and read psalms. He got on feet and told that at night to it to Odessa the big iron hand was, pulled down from a bed, put on a poker and told:
"Go home, in a night you will reach the wife and you will ask for it forgiveness".
He began to cry: how it will be able to pass such long distance for one night? Here driving for about six weeks!
But to it it was told:
"Go!" - And he went.
Yes did not go – flew, over mountains and valleys, over roofs and over the rivers, and here it here - in what sticks to a shower …
I remember one curious history. Time died one and after it was tormented hundreds of years for all the sins, brought it into the supreme court to find out whether there is any more no opportunity to allow it to paradise. The Supreme judge was already going to pass the decision that it can go to paradise as the Satan suddenly is and declares: there is on it one more great sin, namely – he ate two poods of animal fat [7]. The person began to cry:
: "That means: two poods of fat? When that – yes it is an empty slander!"
But the Satan proved that when that smoked a pipe, always he lit it by means of a candle, and from a candle at a zakurivaniye fat always dripped. And so for all life two poods of fat gathered. Right there he was given to an angel torturer and again began to be tormented – for two poods of fat absorbed by it when smoking.
I listened to such ominous stories at the clever grandmother from Leybke-shames. It is possible to imagine with what fear it filled my children's life. What fear was caused by devils, evil spirits and a next world where the most great righteous persons have to suffer from blows of angels torturers and twelve months of hell where they burn down, fry and suspend men for language, and women for a breast and for hair and where are fried on the biggest fire on the earth for four hundred years in a row.
I remember, once there was at me a defect in tsitses [8], and in the afternoon I played and forgot to attach another. And at night, before going to bed, I saw that at me still defective tsitses. It was shortly before "Terrible days" [9] and to Yom Kippur, being very pious boy, I bitterly cried because of the great sin – defective tsitses. And on an outcome of Yom Kippur, having returned from a Hasidic chapel and having had supper after a post though I was only 8 years old [10], I still was impressed by a sin defective tsitses. After a dinner I went to the grandfather. Houses stood closely to each other, filled in with light - there was a moonlight night - and having come to the house of the grandfather and being going to rise by a terrace, saw the neighbor Gershl Meerchev standing at a small terrace of the house. I was delighted, having seen Gershl's number, but only I wanted to step into a terrace as I saw that this Gershl suddenly rose, rose, higher, higher, it did not appear even over a roof yet and became white as snow. I was frightened and understood that it is the devil, but not Gershl Meerchev. With the last bit of strength I rushed on a terrace and without having reached a little, fell unconscious. In the house of the grandfather heard how I fell, ran out from the house and found me lying unconscious. Of course, noise was made – people ran together, brought me round, put in a bed, and I fell asleep. Called the famous doctor with Yosele-feldsherom who remained to spend the night with me together with the grandmother. For the morning it became better for me, and I told the grandmother all story with the devil who was before Gershl Meerchev. I also added that I know why to me the devil came: I went from a defective tsitses …
In those days there was the well-known Avarodsky [11] dibeech [12] which lodged in the girl. Went with it to all tsadika and big rabbis that they expelled a dibeech. All Lithuania the dibeech excited, and many stories turned around it: here he read psalms, there learned talmudical treatises, and there - to Gemar and interpretation, and such stories then the set went. Carried it from the city to the city and at last came to the rabbi to Kamenets. The rabbi sent to a cemetery, and all city gathered there: men, women and children. The rabbi sent a shames, reb Beynusha that he there, on a cemetery, read such and such fragments and ordered to a dibeech to leave on command of the rabbi and on behalf of all rabbis.
I wanted to go on a cemetery to look too how will expel a dibeech, but the father did not let me because around a dibeech there are many evil spirits.
Shames, reb Beynush, came to a cemetery and read fragments with all orders, and here the dibeech cried:
"I do not want to leave. To me and here it is good".
Went with the girl to Brisk, to the rabbi, reb to Yakov-Meira. He was the big wise man and the righteous person. Rab Yakov-Meir ordered to bring a dibeech to a cemetery too. And of course, as everywhere, all brisksky Jews, men, women and children, came to look on surprising a dibeech which keeps so long in the girl and does not want to go beyond anything.
Reb Yakov-Meir sent to a dibeech of a shames of rabbinic court, reb Labe that that a name of the city rabbi enjoined to leave to that now. The rabbi told reb to Labe that that ordered to a dibeech to leave through a hand little finger. It was so reported in Servitude that for a dibeech the easiest way – to leave through a little finger.
Reb Labe and enjoined to a dibeech. The dibeech began to cry that it does not want to leave. Rab Labe explained to him that if he does not obey, then the rabbi together with other rabbis will declare to it hery [13], and it will get forever there where the soul is thrown from the end in the end of a next world, and for ever will not have rescue.
The dibeech answered, bitterly sobbing:
"I will leave already, but let Rabi will tell where to me to disappear …"
Reb Labe did not know that to answer a dibeech and decided to go to the rabbi and to ask, where to that to disappear.
Zuckerman stood reb to the Linden nearby, the big rich man, the scientific Jew also is a little apikoyres who was very much appreciated then by the governor and especially famous for that he knew almost by heart several honeycombs of pages of Gemara. This Zuckerman, also big fan of a joke, purposely came to a cemetery to laugh. And having heard as the dibeech cries and asks where to it to disappear, and reb Labe was going to run and ask the rabbi, Zuckerman suddenly declared:
"Stand, stand, I will tell it where to disappear. I for it have a good place …"
He approached, widely opened a mouth and told:
"Go to me to a mouth".
It held a mouth directly in the face of the girl.
Reb Labe was frightened that the dibeech will want to enter an apikoyres, but the dibeech answered nothing. It was similar that he "does not want". But the people standing there were struck and frightened that the Jew could act and tell a dibeech that that entered it and to hold up it the open mouth!
And if it was not Zuckerman, he would be killed and dug on the place. But were afraid of Zuckerman in the city. And the rabbi regretted that the dibeech did not enter an apikoyres – would know how to mock at such things. It was also a little a shame to the rabbi. He ordered to go with a dibeech to the lyakhovitsky rabbi [14] and what business with a dibeech came to an end in, I do not remember any more.

Chapter 6
[1] The baron Josef (Evzel) of Ginntsburg, 1812-1878, from a family of bankers and intercessors on the Jewish affairs in Russia of the 2nd half of the 19th and the beginnings of the 20th century means.

Chapter 7
1 In language Yiddish, unlike Hebrew, there are vowels which can change the sounding depending on oglasovka – subscript signs, one of which is kamats (into Yiddish speak "komets").
[2] Similar, but not absolutely identical sounding of letters in these two cases that is difficult audible for children's hearing.
[3] "An average gate" - one of treatises of the Talmud undressed "Neziky" (Damages"), devoted to receivership proceeding.
[4] See about it "the big wise man" in gl.1.
[5] Part third of the treatise "Bava Metion" stated above.
[6] See the end of the 1st chapter. Ideas of Jews of a next world are reflected in the Jewish folklore, and also in cabalistic literature, in particular, in the book Zokhar (the most part is written in 13 century by the Castilian kabbalist Moshe de León).
[7] Beef, sheep and goat fat is forbidden to the use in food under the Jewish law.
[8] In a Sephardic pronunciation "tsitsit" - the brush prepared from woolen threads is sewn from each party of a talit, as well as "a small talit" (or "a bullock cart knafot") - a rectangular woolen piece of matter which is carried in the afternoon under outerwear
[9] Ten days of repentance - the first ten days of autumn month tishry, from the first day of Rosh-Ha-Shana to Yom Kippur, devoted to repentance in sins and to entreaties about forgiveness in the coming year. During these days special prayers repentances, i.e. slikhot are read before dawn.
[10] I.e., it was still not obliged to fast.
[11] Novogrudsky - according to David Asaph, the translator of the book into Hebrew, by the name of Novogrudka, one of the oldest cities of Lithuania (at the time of the Cat), nowadays – Belarus (The Grodno Region), with the Jewish community mentioned since 1529.
[12] In the Jewish national beliefs and in cabalistic literature - the evil ghost who is installed in the person seizes his soul, causes souls' ailment, speaks lips of the victim, but does not merge with it. The majority of stories about a dibeech is connected with the Hasidic environment. The case described by the Cat is mentioned also in other sources of his time.
[13] Religious excommunication.
[14] Lyakhovich – at the time of the Cat the Lithuanian, nowadays Belarusian city.

My memoirs. Volume I

My memoirs. Volume II

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