My memoirs. Volume second. Head 1-2.

If in the first part of my memories I was a free little bird, the carefree child and turned in little, beloved Kamentsa among cheerful Hasidim and thoughtful misnagid, around eternally busy grandfather and the warm-hearted grandmother, among different rabbis, preachers, kind Jews, exorcists and hermits, and considered that Kamenets is a whole world, and God sits from above, in heaven, and looks only at us, on the town – if so was in the first part, then here, in the second, I – the real galutny Jew – the wandering, vagrant Jew with big freight who is looking for how to earn, melamed, the tenant, the owner, the seller, the wine maker, Menakhem-Mendl1 rushing to and fro and incapable of anything practical.
But, rushing here and there, like a duck to water, I at the same time held eyes open. Perhaps because of open eyes I also did not come to anything practical … But thanks to it I saw something. Saw something and heard something. And I transfer it in my second volume.
Perhaps, I am too busy by myself. It is possible that in all that I describe, I am too involved, I take too much place. But how can be differently? It is my memoirs, my life, my memory …
And in general – as the event, the fact, the episode costing to me a piece of soul is possible to separate from itself?

Chapter 1
After death of the grandmother. – The grandfather asks in marriage. – Sudden arrival with the wife. – Impression which it makes on a family. - "Grandmother". – Pleasure of the grandfather. – His new daughters. – Are scattered and scattered. – Estates. – Our hospitality. – Yokheved. – Lea. – Move away from the grandfather. – Not those Terrible days that were before.
After death of the grandmother the grandfather gradually recovered. He remained the only deliverer and the savior, the adviser and the driver of the landowners shaken by the revolt, troubles and prosecutions which were falling down on their heads a wide, iron hand of Muravyyov also further. Other of them trusted old clever Aron-Leyzera now, and he in many respects helped them. According to his advice they leased to Jews the manors, having received enough money further to continue the landowner life. They then needed money especially.
But the grandfather began to gain a lot of money too and to live even more widely than former. Its britska with couple of horses which before had the Jewish appearance began to look on at once - landowner. Horses with a harness the landowner presented to it, and in a britska he sat razvalyas in all breadth.
The grandfather who always hurried naturally needed pouring out all tears concerning grandmother's death, but hardly the source of these tears ran low a little, he already began to think of the second wife … Matchmakers right there got wind of it and began to fill up daily the grandfather with different offers – offered young women, rich women, even beautiful, from good families, etc. But it did not suit the family. Matchmakers pretended that Aron-Leyzera Isroelya who was with me one age is about party for the son. Did not come to none of children to mind – so badly it was known! - that he will want to marry after such hotly beloved wife, in such old age, having at himself all children and seventy grandsons and great-grandsons.
The grandfather so lit up thought of the second wife that absolutely forgot about searches of party for the son what he was very interested before in, and both it became clear later, and agreed with matchmakers - that to him found some beautiful woman of middle age and from a good family – by all means all these qualities.
And month through three the grandfather suddenly from where comes back home cheerful and quickly brings order to the house. The important guest is expected. And, a little later, tells children as if by the way:
"I married … on very well-born … the daughter reb Itsele, the rabbi from Carlin, the pious Jew …"
And right there quietly told about it. She got divorced as it became apikoyresy in spite of the fact that was very worthy, educated Jew and had with her adult children. But the pious woman did not want to live for anything with apikoyresy.
In the house the mourning set in. At all darkened in eyes; ran up on different rooms to have a good cry. But there's nothing to be done - it's done. The grandfather, "swallowed" a grief of children and right there went for the new wife …
After its departure big noise was made. Groans and shouts were almost such, as in day of death of the grandmother. Looked with tears at each other without words as if experiencing inevitable danger. Of course it was believed nobody that the grandfather who loved the grandmother and so worried after her death, at once will forget about everything also on an old age of years, about sixty, at the full house of children and grandsons, will bring the stepmother. But tears are only tears. Nothing could be helped. And in several days the magnificent, beautiful dressed up Jew of years of forty five was, and the grandfather ordered to put to servants a samovar.
Children behaved frostily, without showing to the magnificent, beautiful Jew of the grief and disappointment and accepted her neither hot, nor is cold. It very much was not pleasant to the grandfather: he strongly wanted that his second wife was accepted warmly. But he could not complain as well the house, usually such boiling and noisy from children and grandsons where play pranks and laugh, sing and dance, - this house suddenly became silent, gloomy as if died out.
Neither the loud speech, nor laughter, nor shout, nor noise - everything stopped, is beaten, quietly. From the city ceased to come too – neither to children and even nor to Aron-Leyzera. Knew that he is busy by the new wife, and has to sit, of course, at himself in the room with it and derive pleasure.
"Grandmother" Noemi as grandsons she was called at people, behaved with children and grandsons correctly so far, understanding, apparently, that inhabitants of a house world are people mostly brought up and it is necessary to try whenever possible not to cause in relation to itself displeasure. Kept with all family members very politely as "mother" and "grandmother".
Weeks through two the guest – the younger daughter of his wife, the girl of fourteen years was to the grandfather. In two weeks - again the guest: the girl is already seventeen-year-old. Daughters remained with mother. In two months the son of the wife married the daughter of the kamenetsky owner … And so in a short space of time, it is less than for half a year, the new family grew at the grandfather … Both daughters were already brought up by the grandfather, showing him a lot of fatherly love. The son-in-law with the daughter-in-law, the matchmaker and svatya with all Semey steel in the antiquated house the people, won first place so there is no place left for the children and grandsons Bale Russia filling earlier the house with fun and laughter at all. The general discontent from children promoted some of their solidarity with each other. There was still some proximity, some love, but love not ardent, and than further, more and more cold … The grandfather who liked to repeat a saying: "The earth will not accept a bone of the one who sends from himself the child", - began suddenly to try to arrange everyone. Perhaps, he wanted to get rid of their sidelong glances which spoiled to it pleasure with the new wife quicker. For each of children he leased the certain estate, and for himself rented at the landowner Vilevinsky Prusku, located in four versts from Kaments, with distillery.
For half a year he managed suit each of children to the certain estate. All parted, and he could enjoy society of the wife and her daughters. A circle was peace and harmony. Having got rid of children, he at first still lived in Kamentsa as the estate was close. For an hour it was possible to go to Prusku and back. But soon this noisy person began to aspire to absolute rest that nothing stirred it pleasure more and more. So he was fascinated by the new wife.
Each of children of veins in svoyoy to the certain estate. Family relations gradually absolutely weakened. And if not Yokheved, the uncle Yosl's wife taking very much to heart wellbeing of a family and trying to connect the broken-off, weakened, last threads, then from family solidarity would remain one ruins. This Yokheved was known for the hospitality and generosity. She lived in the estate Babich, in eight versts from Kaments, and the family often came to it by trucks. It regularly had about ten, fifteen people, they are left, others came, ate pancakes and lived in clover. Noise of the antiquated house though already weakened and reduced, gradually moved to it. People at it had fun, danced, laughed and spoke about magnificent "grandmother" and her daughters.
The father's sister Lea, too very clever and good woman was the second hospitable hostess. Said about it in a family and in the city that it "the poured-out mother Bale Russia". It is clear, that it was exaggeration. The husband her Eliezer Goldberg was a young, scientific Jew, as well as European educated person and the poet. When he wanted, he could compose the song in Hebrew on the Hanukkah, on Purim, and very much then quickened. He was very wide person, in a family said that it has "hands full of holes" - money at it was not late … He lived in Staryshevo's estate, near Zastavya – in that estate which the grandfather felt ashamed to accept from the landowner as a gift.
In Staryshev the hostess too hospitably accepted a family, but it is already worse, than Yokheved. Very much it had no cattle. And when the family gathered, it did not expose either milk, or oil. Meat is then, except as on Saturday, it was not accepted yet; and even on Saturday it difficult was given. By the way, society very much appreciated pancakes Yokheved. She learned to train them at the mother-in-law Bale Russia who was famous for them. Pancakes were wonderful what now you will not see any more.
My dear father, being a senior in a family, used this hospitality very little. It had the views. It also was for young people too devout, too reserved though they very much loved it and when it appeared occasionally at Yokheved in the house, for all it was the holiday as if the Rebbe came on a visit to the Hasidim. At its presence all pretended to be quiet, reserved – neither shouts, nor laughter, nor pranks. All surrounded it, and he told something to them or intelligently joked, as usual, and all eyes shone.
Yokheved also fattened up to thirty geese of infections and heated shmalts with cracklings; a series of yokhevedsky cracklings began. It salted geese in kegs, and the whole month ate goose meat and cracklings. To it it still gave everyone a portion home. Cracklings of Yokhi were widely known. It also grew up turkey-cocks and each of a family allocated on Pesakh with turkey.
The hostess it was remarkable, both in the house, and in the yard. She knew everything, everywhere kept up, cared for cows, a calf, a horse, etc. The whole day was taken. Rose at six in the morning and all day was in affairs. Both in the summer, and was in a working flat out in the winter, but did everything it is dexterous, it is easy as the real hostess. Interfered with everything, cared for everything, and often stood in a barn the whole day at wheat threshing in the winter … But for convenience of guests felt sorry for nothing. Since early morning guests had hot tea from a samovar with heavy cream and cookies.
But it had a weakness – after all the woman! – what sometimes made a painful impression on guests: she liked to brag to all what she is a remarkable hostess … and to brag not shortly, and long and in detail. Told about the work, that cooks, bakes, how understands affairs as is able to receive the guest, to soften scandal, etc., and often took all for a ride this female bragging. In all this chatter, however, sliped one point aimed at her husband who looked as the real barin, and all because that it for it made. He is a barin, and it works all the time. It is on all ready, and it has to take itself for a ride. The hostess it after all was remarkable, and her weakness forgave it.
During Terrible days when all countrymen came to the city for New Year and Yom Kippur, our family gathered in Kamenets again. However, did not come to the grandfather though in Kamentsa he had empty a big house. Everyone removed the apartment for New Year and Yom Kippur. The grandfather also was, with the wife and two "daughters".
Business, however, did not reach alienation, full from the grandfather. And when came back from a prayer, the senior children went it to congratulate on a holiday, but right there left home. All day did not look on the grandfather more, and in the first New year after death of the grandmother the apartment looked as the city devoted to a sword. And if in the apartment of the grandfather to Rosh - ha - Shana some noise was also distributed – that it was the guest who came to visit his stepdaughters.
My father carried out Rosh - ha - Shana at the Rebbe in Slonim.
The brother's marriage very much afflicted the uncle Mordkhe-Labe. It moved away from it too. He told nothing to it, but about himself considered it as a great sin and ugly impropriety and gradually was discharged of the brother. The grandfather already visited Mordkhe-Labe not with that width and freedom as before. The clear head grandfather perfectly understood silent indignation of the brother and tried to behave it is precautionary: began to visit more often the brother instead of as before, that came to him.
Evening on an outcome of Yom Kippur - time full of a special charm in the house of the grandfather, passed now very quietly and sadly. Reznik though was to Aron-Leyzera in advance, but owners did not send to him the kapoyres any more. As well all children twisted kapoyres at themselves, and sent them to the grandfather already ready, "twisted", but not as in former years.
The senior children spent only an eve of Yom Kippur at the grandfather. It was the same big, rich table with different cookings and cakes, pies and cookies, with nuts, with sweet vodka – but where fun disappeared? Where friendship, brotherhood, big love? Everything routinely, cold, sadly, drowsily – without noise which happens from a great number of kids and from grandsons is more senior, without the shining eyes. All gradually moved away, started back, hid. And blessing on the eve of Yom Kippur was already too not that before when waited for each other, nobody left one. All together cried, and crying with groans – from big and small – reached the seventh sky.
The uncle Burl-Bendet who earlier was regularly coming with all the children and grandsons to the grandfather to Rosh - ha - Shana and Yom Kippur, went to the father Selig Andarkes now … And if what there was, maybe, more, than before, so it the silent, suppressed tears …
After Yom Kippur parted on estates, and everything became silent. It was clear that the big ship crashed, and everyone floats on the bryovnyshk and a plate which remained from the big ship.

Chapter 2
Grief of my father. – Its regrets. – Need to pray from misnagida. – His melancholy for the Rebbe. – Damage. – Former Hasidic holidays. – Reb Avreymele. – Its arrival in Kamenets. – Hasidim cook and bake on American manners. – Bath. – The Rebbe told: "Let's sing" 1. – Meals. – Rebbe's sighs. – Remains. – Reb Isroel does not want to sing. – Power of the Rebbe. – Ekhezkel gets divorced from wife. – Hasidic games. – The father were going to flog. – I pay. – Pleasure.
Living in the village without Hasidim and without reb Isroel, the father lost peculiar to him quietly - a joyful look. All heart attached to the Hasidim, here it "was lonely as a stone".
Especially he was depressed by Saturdays. It was a pity to look at it. On Friday evening he still rejoiced with the younger children – lit, maybe, thirty candles in the apartment, he quickened and encouraged others, but unless it was fun! I even sang along with it – Hasidic tunes I remembered much (for it I was especially loved by the wife's parents in my stay by the groom. Among other advantages called as well that I know about two hundred tunes). But I could be not always near it, and after a wedding when I stopped being the Hasid, to me already all these Hasidic tunes ceased to please, except as all strings of my heart composed by Isroel, always mentioning.
I sang along with the father Hasidic tunes without desire and that I sang in good style, he specially sang melodies reb Isroel. But its fun as I already told, was forced as the honest Jew eats a bitter grass on an easter seder. So he "had fun" till twelve in the night.
The father on Saturday too at home prayed though all villagers gathered on distance of twenty versts this day on minyan by tradition at one of them. On these minyana read also the Torah as it is accepted everywhere: two eshuvnik, in a role gabayev, invited to the Torah. Here too there was hatred and envy to invited to reading the Torah, everyone wanted to receive "piece" more fatly, and gabayam it did not manage to all to please in any way. Therefore big disputes sometimes ran high up to denunciations; happened that ottorgovyval of shanks or the rival's site.
The father never wanted to pray together with eshuvnikami-misnagida. Only, if was not enough for a minyan, it was forced to come. But for himself with them together could not pray. At an eshuvnik he then prepared Midrash or Zoar and during a prayer looked in books. And for himself prayed at home. Always prayed quietly, both its frowned and the grown dim eyes expressed concentration.
After a prayer, having entered the apartment, loudly wished "kind Saturday", went to the room to mother, to sit there a little over the prayer book or over the book "The Price at a Rayen" and to wish specially to it "kind Saturday". Then – kidush, then – cookies and flat cake with herring, brisket and yesterday's tsimmes. Everything as has to be. Then go to eat. There has to be fish, onions with egg and shmalts.
In youth he somehow told me that the Rebbe from Lyakhovichey told that at the Jew only one body has pleasure from onions on Saturday … 2
After everything served cholnt, potatoes, porridge, two look kugely, meat, etc. The food proceeded two-three hours, sang Saturday anthems and fir-trees, sang and ate, but on a face at the father - reserved grief that he is separated from the city, from Hasidic shtiblya where it was really cheerful and warm, is separated from the meals and the reb Isroel and from all Hasidic society. It also really was similar to the bird expelled from her nest …
After food he usually went to sleep. Having had a sleep, read the Torah, Midrash, Zoar also in every way tried to suppress the melancholy.
But I already well knew it and read melancholy in each its movement. If I at least could be a Hasid, he would derive pleasure - would have with whom to spend time in Hasidic doctrines and chants. But it was not fated, and his son was far from him as the East from the West. Besides, drilled to it with the head that I still can become, God forbid, and apikoyresy, everything can be … I already and so had glory of the expert – and who knows that he can leave if too to try to find out, and to him it was terrible.
I very much felt sorry for him. It directly costed me health, and I considered as to calm it. Let I will be misnagidy, but at the same time – the hot Jew. I will be a hot Jew! But as I tried, nothing helped. At it it turned out that the same as I could descend through disputes from the real Hasidic way who knows what I can reach with these disputes and examinations. Can – and to a complete negation of the Creator, he is blessed. Of course, he exaggerated my polemic abilities.
Living in Sand, the father somehow before New year very much started missing the Rebbe. It was almost impossible to leave the house for the tenant at this time: all work was in the field concentrated around New year: to dig out potato and to pour on storage in holes; to thresh corn, to plow and harrow the field, to prepare grain for crops next year, to again mow hay, etc., etc.
But the father God forbid as missed the Rebbe. The whole year worked, tried to obtain something, dealt with men from what to it was directly precisely – whether a joke: to deal all the year round with peasants, with men. Not to see all the year round Hasidic society! – from it it just the soul hurt, as the child when mother left. And in spite of the fact that work is humming, follows one by one in spite of the fact that time draws in that one hundred – such big money, he after all went to Slonim, having left all work on the peasant. It stayed in Slonim the whole eight days. Came back home to Yom Kippur and that still found at itself(himself) in the estate an order. Oats (the summer was late) did not mow in time, and it vanished in the field; potatoes were not poured in holes, and more than a half decayed, the thresher considered the ground rye not on number of days, and on number of bags, treated work halturno, losing on each ear not less than four grains, etc. The father thus lost because of the slonimsky Rebbe 5-6 hundred rubles, apart from expenses on a trip.
Knowing about its difficult situation, I could not present that it was solved on such losses for the sake of the Slonim.
"It is true, the father, - asked I to him somehow a question, - what you sustained a loss in five hundred rubles?".
"A loss at me was rubles seven hundred", - the father quietly answered.
Seven hundred rubles!
"Father! – I rose from the place, - Why to you it was necessary? For a trip choose more suitable time".
The father with strange, gloomy grief looked at me:
"You were never a Hasid and do not know what means to go to the Rebbe. There is no bigger pleasure. The Rebbe gives force for life …"
The father became silent, and on his face there was an expression as though someone pricked it in heart. I was silent too.
As it happened that the father appeared in the village, among goyev – the Jew who was so strongly loving the Jewish religious turmoil, the Jewish fun, the Jewish hullabaloo, even the Jewish smell! …
The father sometimes plunged into the memoirs – the only pleasure lonely. As well was what to remember. It among Hasidim played a considerable role and could take to itself(himself) for several days of the Rebbe with all his suite that cost decent money. I still remember how now, the parade arranged with kamenetsky Hasidim to their big guest – to the slonimsky Rebbe.
The Slonimsky Rebbe reb Avram arrived to Kamenets on Thursday morning in the van harnessed by three horses. Near it three attendants – one for the senior and two assistants sat. The van was followed by three izvozchichya of the truck with twenty with something brissky Hasidim. As well kamenetsky Hasidim, about three minyan of Jews, came to Brisskaya Street to meet the Rebbe. And here the driver of a van where the Rebbe sat, having seen published the going Hasidim, went more slowly. Kamenetsky Hasidim, in return, having seen from far away the Rebbe's van, started singing the Hasidic anthems which were especially loved by the slonimsky Rebbe. I then too went with Hasidim. The father wanted to give me pleasure. And here, as now, I hear this delightful napevchik and as now, I see the mass of the Hasidim who are meeting requirements from the city of the Rebbe. Ah, as it was cheerful!
Having approached the Rebbe's van, they surrounded it and started singing cheerful "crazy-aleykhem" which our expensive reb Isroel made at a fatherly request.
The first reached the Rebbe "crazy-aleykhem" my father and reb Arele whom the Rebbe took to himself in a van.
Upon termination of a welcome ceremony – and it continued much, the driver stegnut a horse. Hasidim began to be enough the place by trucks. Took how many could. Seats under the driver of the rabbinic truck were considered as the best places. And in general the Hasid sat on the Hasid, precisely, as in the cart with geese, and then the team was distributed:
"Вьё", - carriers clicked whips. The father took me in the Rebbe's van.
"It is my son! …" – the father presented me modestly.
"Let there will be your son, - looked on me askance at the Rebbe, - the hot Hasid". The father was very glad.
Drove a horse, and Hasidim started singing high pitched voices. And the stranger, for example the Christian, could think, probably, that it the happiest people in the world go. Though were dressed not too richly …
Having arrived to the city, it is already proud sang to themselves under a nose, and the delight was big as if were going to take fortress.
And so came to us home. The father prepared the big room for the Rebbe and sent to David-Itskhoka behind a big chair for the Rebbe. Hasidim took the Rebbe from a van, took away to the room intended for it where provided the old servant in its order. Two more were put as strict soldiers on guards, at doors. Hasidim dissipated on other rooms. Right there the old servant left the room of the Rebbe and declared that that he was healthy, lay down on a sofa, and let will be silent. All Hasidim, as one, so became silent that it was heard a fly on a wall. Were afraid to tell the word.
Then kamenetsky Hasidim started working. Prepared the Sabbath on two hundred people. All worked, and then visitors Hasidic guests sprawled on benches. Our big mow by every holiday was cleaned, sanded, and along walls laid hay for a spanye to Hasidim. Trucks with horses and with a van of the Rebbe sent to a mow to Selig Andarkes.
In a week before the father with Hasidim counted that should be prepared on the Sabbath for such mass of guests. Calculation continued long. Fish and meat, wine and vodka, oil, eggs, shmalts, cinnamon, a fig, almonds, challahs, rolls, bread, etc., etc. were required. There was many work.
As well reb Isroel stood and in a row learned the anthems prepared by him with the singers pupils. Between singers there were also I. Rab Isroel sweated, waved a hand, pritopyvat legs, ordered, twisted fingers and tormented our memory, demanding performance of new anthems. We are it, the poor creature, went hot from cold. Society did not differ in too good hearing, and reb Isroel literally was dripping with sweat.
Reb Isroel had one task here: to teach us to sing. He did not want to sing to one or together with us before the Rebbe – it was the foreign Rebbe … As the kind Hasid it only agreed to compose anthems for foreign Rebbe! … But to sing to one – it already was above its forces, and during all fun he felt as the poor and proud Jew who wants to leave, but is forced to remain …
The father ordered cooking food, having distributed work on American manners: one group prepared fish, another was engaged in frying, someone prepared alcohol, and others just turned as at a rich wedding – and there was a fun!
For a meal pinned up a cow, calfs, a goose and hens.
On Friday Hasidim asked to exempt melamed for the sake of the Rebbe Hasidic youth from a heder. I, however, as "the colonel's son", was released on Thursday. And when boys came from heder, they managed to work too: was what to do.
Hasidim in everything liked to introduce fun and when fish prepared, the Hasid, for example, took a hand a pike and whipped it other Hasid directly on the person. The laughter rose. In fact plaid pranks more, than worked. To that poured out a ladle of cold water for a collar, to another allowed to hold a big dish of fish. It held a dish with two hands, and everyone pulled it a beard, for peys, an ear, a nose … and it at this time, the poor creature, held a dish and could do nothing. And together with all laughed. What else was to do?
The father used me too and is silent, on an ear, told:
"The Rebbe should be esteemed precisely as king" …
On Thursday the father sent for the bathhouse attendant and ordered to prepare a bath at two o'clock earlier next morning; and when she will be ready, right there to report that the Rebbe came to a bath. Mikva should be prepared too. The bathhouse attendant let keeps in readiness a copper of hot water, and Hasidim will come early in the morning to pour hot water in a mikva for the Rebbe. The bathhouse attendant will receive good money for all this.
Next morning four Hasidim came to a bath and poured hot water in a mikva. Around eleven the bath was already ready. Brought a van and took seat: the Rebbe with the servant, my father with reb Arele and some more dear Hasidim – had to be minyan – and went to a bath. The father took also me: he considered that I should have been as it is possible closer to Hasidim, especially – to the Rebbe.
In a bath was available together with the Rebbe minyan Hasidim. The audience with big shyness undressed and sat down in a pair bath around the Rebbe with gangs of water. As to me it is remembered, nobody washed. Only looked at the Rebbe, at his naked body, watched with the fear mixed with curiosity, precisely, as children look at a big, wonderful toy.
The Rebbe slowly washed, at the same time pokryakhtyvy and shining eyes. In dim light of a bath the Rebbe's body strange grew white. And me, the little boy, appear, that his naked body every minute increases up and down
Meanwhile about ten more impudent Hasidim wishing by all means though through iron to get to the Rebbe broke. Mudflows at a door with gangs and too looked at the Rebbe. The main thing for them was – to see though at distance a particle of a nude body of the Rebbe …
Having washed up, the Rebbe went together with my father and reb Arele to a mikva. I too behind them was dragged. The Rebbe became up to a throat in water, and his beard was full of the sparkling drops. It was strange: the Rebbe, the Jew with a big beard, costs in a mikva.
With the usual grunting left the Rebbe's mikva and began to put on. Hasidim – behind it. All this occurred very slowly. It is clear, that from the bath Hasidim did not derive any pleasure. Usually always washed and took a steam bath. But this time all were full of sacred awe before the Rebbe. His face expressed pleasure that he consecrates himself and clears before service to the Creator, and Hasidim were inspired by each his movement.
People around quickly pulled on themselves shirts with trousers and did not take eyes from the Rebbe. Its clothing lasted long. Without hurrying, he quietly put on. At one o'clock in the afternoon, thank God, left a bath, and houses right there gave it a little sweet vodka and egg flat cake with a piece of fish …
On Friday all community of brissky Hasidim was, and the house was full of Jews – the head to the head.
At a meeting of Saturday of the Rebbe prayed at a lectern. Before to suit it, there came the complete silence - Hasidim reverentially waited. Once the Rebbe said "We will rejoice" the high pitched voice as all Hasidim were attacked by great fear. But right there from all corners praying as one person Rebbes answered drawlingly, and it seemed that walls pray too. Though I was only ten years old and I understood little, despite it the sacred fear of Hasidim was transferred to me too. Having reached the place in "Zoar": "Just as … 3", he let out such cry as if the group of soldiers rushed into the town, and all began to tremble - the voice still costs it at me in ears. And everything as one, extorted from a throat by awful voices:
"Just as …"
"Kind Saturday, kind Saturday!" – rushed from all corners upon termination of a prayer.
Right after it passed into the big dining room. The Rebbe was said by "Sholem Aleichem" 4 Hasidim rustled, and all house which is strongly lit today poured out a delightful tune – delightful, without shout, and warm - and was felt that Saturday rest captured all and that the soul from itself shakes week burden.
After this Rebbe made consecration. Eyes and ears are strained. Each Hasid tries to drink from the Rebbe's glass. However, not everyone manages it, and those who were not lucky feel from it a great grief.
He calls the father already "owner", but not Moyshe, as always, and fatherly eyes laugh.
Attendees stand on benches more, than sit. In total more than three hundred Hasidim gathered. So many places were not. Also Hasidim also preferred not to sit, and to stand on a bench: it is visible to the Rebbe better.
The order during food was such: the sitting Hasidim were given one plate for two, and standing – for three. It is clear, that the Rebbe received awfully big portions of each food to leave to Hasidim scraps. I noticed that the Rebbe loves at each opportunity to groan and sparkle eyes. Ate fish – and groaned, ate meat – again groaned with shining eyes as though found it difficult to swallow a piece. And once so moaned: "oh, My God, My God!" – that it seemed to me that the ceiling burst. But also I noticed that all these okh and sighs only improve appetite of Hasidim.
Having eaten, it removed from itself(himself) a plate – and already knew that it is scraps. The awful hapanye began. Standing far away asked from lucky persons that those allowed them to try though a crumb. But society was awfully excited, anxious and is selfish. Asking got a little. Between dishes sang, actually competing with each other. Everyone sang some melody and if this melody was pleasant, then any time, will not bother yet, listened to it. The food of hours five proceeded.
After food went to sleep on a mow. Rebbes with a big pomp carried out to his room.
For the next day began to pray at ten o'clock in the morning and to twelve already terminated. Went is, and the Rebbe groaned again and shone big eyes. Repeated yesterday's, but with a new force. There were five grades kugely: with noodles, dry kugel, with jam, with rice, and still some.
Then the Rebbe was given a big piece of a turkey from what he groaned with a big force. Wine and vodka there is a lot of.
At four o'clock after food danced that proceeded before after-dinner church service, and at once again sang, but the best singer, reb Isroel, did not sing. He was a kotsky Hasid, and the Rebbe sent the Hasid to call it to a table. He came, but all Saturday sat silently. It was not its holiday, not his Rebbe – and it was a pity to look at it. On the third meal of the Rebbe addressed him:
"Isroel, sing something".
Reb Isroel decided - got up and began … Never before he so sang … Apparently, in it the melancholy for the Rebbe sounded … Hasidim with amazement listened.
Upon termination of Saturday it became not so close. Many parted, and on Monday the Rebbe the last time had dinner in Kamentsa. At a table any more not - there is a lot of to people, and kamenetsky Hasidim very much rejoiced that now they have an empty seat near the Rebbe. Now they can behold the grace which is based upon a beautiful face of the Rebbe and to hear his lectures forcing to tremble angels and seraphs. And sitting together with Hasidim, the Rebbe somehow cheered up and got to talking.
After departure of foreign Hasidim kamenetsky stayed in the seventh heaven. It was as it is told, the last lunch in Kamentsa. After a lunch of the Rebbe went to one eshuvnik, and at us in the house and in the town it became silent as if the noisy sea receded, and waves ran up. There, in the village, with the Rebbe, the poor creature, occurred unpleasant sluchay5. As there is already a speech about the slonimsky Rebbe, reb Avram, the fact which excited all our family and perfectly characterizing influence of the Rebbe on the Hasidim comes me back to memory. Society behind it was ready in fire and in water.
There was it to my brother-in-law Ekhezkel, the son of the kamenetsky rabbi. This Ekhezkel did not have children at all, and his daughter Dvora, the young woman whose svyokr died in night of its wedding, lived not for long too. And reb Ekhezkel with the wife Hadas were left on an old age of years without children.
Reb Ekhezkel spent eight-nine months in a year on trips from slonimsky society behind money for Erets-Isroel and all the time sat at the Rebbe, having become his right hand.
Somehow in Purim it sits so near the Rebbe at table. The Rebbe pours two glasses of wine: for and for reb Ekhezkelya. Both drink "lekhay". The present Hasidim watch with envy as they drink. And, having taken a sip, the Rebbe speaks:
"Lekhaim, lekhay, Ekhezkel, with the God's help – in a year will be a boy …"
Hasidim opened mouths, without understanding the Rebbe's hint - Ekhezkel with the wife could not have children any more.
Ekhezkel, however, was a clever Hasid and right there understood blessing of the Rebbe. Very simply: to get divorced from wife and to take another, more young … With Hadas Ekhezkel lived forty with something years as two pigeons. It a cheerful person was and very decent. His wife was same. Both were surprisingly good people. Besides she was a big neatnik and the beautiful hostess, and in the house at them everything breathed a lovely cosiness. And these sixty-year-old people looked always as young people, just fallen in love children.
But the Rebbe hinted …
To realize a hint of the Rebbe was very difficult business. But the Hasid – all the same that the good soldier. The Rebbe ordered, it is necessary to carry out. And after long reflection Ekhezkel wrote Hadas the letter. In the letter he wrote that they have to … divorce that so considers the Rebbe. And if so considers the Rebbe then it is God's command and it should be accepted with love. And she should not consider, God forbid, that she can change it. And as the sky can meet the earth, it so can, since today, to be his wife! It gives it one thousand rubles as it is written in a ktuba – that is, the Rebbe as it has no money gives money. And it still can, God will give, it is better to find the Jew, than he, still can marry, etc., etc.
The wife read the letter and … fainted. All family ran together, shout rose:
"That he wants, this bandit! A knife it wants to kill her! The Jew already lived with the wife fifty years, had with her six children, and now wants to divorce her! What he to himself thinks that?"
And it was sent to Slonim, to the Rebbe and to the husband. Let they will turn black there as the earth.
But reb Ekhezkel went already behind money for Erets-Isroel, having charged to the Rebbe to issue divorce.
She began to cry and complain strongly - at least before the Rebbe - but that interrupted her: "The woman, you cannot have any more children why you in it to disturb the husband? You what – you want that your husband had no hope for revival in future world? It still can take capable to give birth … Remember - if you obey me, you will long live, and years through hundred twenty you will get to light Heaven" …
Having heard such speech, Hadas fainted again. But could not interfere divorce with faints. The Rebbe firmly held the ground. And it against desire took the prepared divorce … After that reb Ekhezkel gave it money, and she killed returned to Kiev.
Later each of this couple which loved so each other separately celebrated a wedding …
In Kiev where it arrived, offered it very successful party with the good Jew with money, with situation, etc. Celebrated a wedding, and in the attitude towards the new husband it also was soft, true and devoted. And looking from outside, said about them that they live as pigeons. And of course, it was not exaggeration.
Reb Ekhezkel took the twenty-two-year-old girl … And, thus, was more senior than the bride for forty years …
With the new wife it had two girls … The Rebbe missed. With earnings there were problems. The Slonimsky Rebbe ordered to send it enough on life, and reb Ekhezkel went to Jerusalem. And strange occurence: Hadas with the husband went to Jerusalem too, and there she had to live on one street with the ex-husband. And very much afflicted her that it has a young wife and two children. And she even somehow got sick from a grief.
Reb Ekhezkel behaved, as well as at home, very much in a Hasidic way and got a reputation. Others came to it for blessing, but it left the house with such "damnation":
"God will bless you".
The end reb Ekhezkelya was bad. Once on Friday evening, when he stood at a table and said kidush, the piece of a ceiling fell off and knocked him on the head. He was killed on the spot.
Having learned what happened to her ex-husband, Hadas reacted in own way: all the time fainted.
So the Rebbe separated two people who lived together nearly fifty years. It had the power, this Rebbe!
To the same Ekhezkel there were strange things. As it was already told, it had six children, and all very young died. There was with it only one daughter of the Yard. Trembling for her life, it was married in fifteen years. The wedding was in Kamentsa. I remember that very full and representative Jew – that "person", the person is called - the very picture of health was a father-in-law, and there were to it only thirty with something years. After a hupa he told that he badly feels that will go home to lie down to itself.
"I got tired from the trip and from all wedding ceremony", - he declared.
The wedding was mostly in the apartment. Played, danced and boozed like a sailor. All city came to have fun together with the groom and the bride. We had a fashion to put a hupa in the evening, and then – to have supper. After a dinner danced hours till seven-eight in the morning. Guests strongly were fond of dances also forgot what svyokr is absent. In two hours after a hupa remembered it and to it went. But as all were shocked and frightened, having found dead him. It lifeless lay on a bed. Hubbub rose, ran together from all town and from a wedding.
He died just and was still warm. The audience stood confused, having mixed up, not knowing what to do: to cry about the dead or to rejoice to a wedding. But the rabbi declared that the groom and the bride should not cry in day of the wedding. Quickly seized the dead father-in-law and ran with him on a cemetery. Quickly prepared a grave and buried him. Ten Jews were engaged in this charitable business that the groom with the bride had not to cry. Did not pass also two hours as he was already buried … Just there lived a person – and already lies in the earth.
The groom with the bride were minute on a cemetery. At once they were brought back and began to be had supper. Nobody could cry. Then danced … The heads are hung, a look the killed, in eyes – nevyplakanny tears, only legs with noise raise: the groom cannot mourn the father... It was something awful.
Having seen that the horror and a grief because of just died win against artificial fun and legs stop in the middle of dance, the rabbi ordered to dance to small children. It is necessary to amuse the groom with the bride. Took shesti-vosmi-summer boys and girls and ordered to dance them.
Kleyzmera played. I then was six years old, and I was invited too to dance, but I did not go.
"Silly, go to dance", - elderly women finished me.
I did not obey …
… Hasidic binge did not know when to stop, borders. And when old jokes ran low, new were composed. Time came to us Yosele-hasid and called the father in shtibl. It was necessary there. If call – it is necessary to go. How the Hasid can refuse?
The father took me with himself.
In the shtibl all Hasidim gathered. When we entered, attendees with the excited persons laughed. I then was only three-four years old, and I did not understand why they laugh why they roll with laughter. But everything was very simple: Hasidic society decided to flog the most noble and well-born Hasidim that those always remembered that it is not necessary to be proud of itself, it is not necessary to be proud of itself. Honestly: now well-born Hasidim behave honestly, nobly, without being proud. But to become the noble Hasid – too leads to defect: therefore it is necessary to think in advance and to flog that never reached defect.
Flogging has to take place simply too: put on a table facedown, lifted up a caftan and – give!
At first cast lots, a coma to lay down the first. It became so: opened the prayer book and whose name began with the same letter, as the first letter on the page in the prayer book, that is there's nothing to be done - and laid down …
Having seen as the bearded Jew settled on a table, and Hasidim very much began to thrash in a certain place, I felt wild delight:
"Strange game!" - I Overstrained from laughter.
The bearded Jew laughed and squealed at the same time.
But when business reached my poor father and it was put on a table facedown, and a lot of Hasidim raised hands with the excited persons – here something pricked me in heart and I began to roar as cut.
I roared very much. Hasidim stiffened with the raised hands, then lowered hands, and thus I "rescued" my poor father. It turned out that it is difficult to flog in the face of the crying child.
"Ouch, Moyshe, - the head the Hasid grievously shook and applied a finger to a nose – whether you here deliberately brought the child? He will cry, and we will not be able to flog you …
But my father laughed. He could laugh – then still he had no beard, and years probably was seventeen-eighteen … And its age was flogged not so awfully, considering also what it could flog another. But it already had a child, and this child disturbed …
It was lucky only my father. Thrashed like a sailor further. When reached Labe Kroykheler, the big rascal and very healthy guy, he was not given. It is obvious that he was frightened not so much by flogging as there was a requirement to resist, not to give itself to take. It jumped on benches and tables, and it is enough here, and there – he escapes and costs, roaring with laughter on other bench, on a table. And it strongly tormented public. All were dripping with sweat. But society – is stronger, and it was caught. It is clear, that the one who was especially devout poured especially terrible blows now. On it Labe Kroykhelere game came to an end. It was the last.
Right there put several bottles of vodka on a table. There was a big challah with herring, and tired society cheerfully drank and shouted "le-haim". After drink – danced. Shoulder to shoulder, a hand in a hand, the sweated, red, inspired persons, and with loud footfall the live, fascinating Hasidic tune merged.
So Hasidim rejoiced.
The pleasure from flogging of others absolutely muffled in me a grief from what was wanted to be flogged my father, and from this Hasidic game I long time went in big enthusiasm. Boasted before companions on a heder later:
"Flogged adult fathers of family … I saw it … Itself saw how flogged …"
"Where?" – Asked me with envy.
"In the shtibl … - I waved it is proud of a hand. And my companions on a heder envied such good luck … Still – to see how flog adult fathers of family!

1 The character of stories of Sholem Aleichem - a symbol of the Jew living casual earnings.
Chapter 2
1 The first words of the prayer said at a meeting of Saturday.
2 The translator of the book in Hebrew David Asaph in this place does the amendment: "Not onions, but garlic as the product multiplying a seed are recommended by the Babylon Talmud (Bawa Kam's treatise) to sons of Israel on the eve of Saturday".
3 The fragment devoted to Saturday is read by Sephardic Jews and Hasidim at a meeting of Saturday before an evening prayer.

4 In this case - Saturday blessing of a talmudical origin.
to everyone, met on the road from a synagogue home.
5 See my first volume (a comment of the author). It is about arrest by the Russian authorities of the Rebbe occupied with fund raising for for Erets-Israel.

My memoirs. Volume I

My memoirs. Volume II

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