Articles about Kobrin: Great Patriotic War

Vul_tsa _mya Makaruka    

Kozhna, hto to a pas prayazdzhaa pershay vul_ets vyosk_ Gayko¸ka, an abavyazkova to the zveena to a ¸vag on a shylda, yaky svedchyts that Yana nos_ts _mya V. Makaruka. Hto tak_ Vas_l Makaruk?

Yong Naradz і ў sya ў nashay vyosets ў syam’ і Fyodara Makaruka. Grew ts_kh_m, paslukhmyany to hlopchyka, lyub і ў slukhats raskza batsk_ – a former kavaleryst of Chyrvonay of the Automated workplace іі – ab gramadzyanskay to the vayena, ab to a baratsba syalyan і rabochy for Savet's ¸lada ў. Yak і to a ¸sa adnavyasko¸ets, yon z radastsyu sustre ў vosennyu 1939 of Chyrvonuyu Arm_yu-vyzval_tseln_tsu.

To Alya vos 22 chervenya 1941 on our kra_na of a veradomn napal_ fascists. 23 chervenya zakhopn_k_ payav_l_sya і ў Gayko¸tsa. Vasya, nyagledzyacha on malada ¸zrost, a goracha to a znenav_dza ў are new paradak і zagareusya zhadanny pomsts_ts to fascists … Uzho ў 1942 to a godza yon zvyaza¸sya z to partyzana і, vykonva ў roznyya _kh daruchetsn_. And ў verasn_ 1943 of Iago prynyal_ ў partyzansk_ atrad _mya Frunze Brestskaga zluchannya.

Pershaye bayavy to the hryshcheena Vas_l Makaruk prynya ў at a l_stapadza of a getag of year, kal_ the wood, a dza razmyashchal_sya narodnyya msts і ў tsy, ў blak_ravana fashystam_. At tak_ vostra a momant yon to times z _nshym_ maladym_ rabyatam_ vyrasha ў stats to kamsamolets. Galo¸nay rekamendatsyyay to a malady partyzan of a btl of Iago Muzhnastsyu Bai.

At an ear of a sakav_k of 1944 to Vas_l Makaruk ¸ruchyl_ to a v_nto¸k z to aptychny prytsela. And to ty hours usyo bl_zhey і bl_zhey a padykhodz_la our Arm_ya, yaky drove a vorag on calling. To the resident of Kan of a sakav_k ў Dz_v_nsk_ of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences to vo_na і, yak_ya prarval_sya naperad are got out. Fashysta, karystayuch_sya ty that z-for a bezdarozhzh backs adstat і, k_nul_ suprats ours nevyal_k_kh s_l a pile adbornyya chasts_. Pryyshlosya chasova adstupats da Prypjaz_.

Nashay partyzanskay royets, yaky ў that hour znakhodz_lasya ў vyosets Pa¸lopal of the past Dz_v_nskaga of a rayon, was is thought zanyatszhorstk_ of fight of an adk_nuta. Ours to the addzyaleena znakhodz_lasya ў reserve. 26 sakav_k ў fight payshl_ і we. At adny z an akrpa ў I ¸bacha ў Vas_l Makaruk's nerukhomaga. Zhyzzyo yashche tsepl_lasya ў _m. Z dapamogay partyzan we paklal_ Vasya on a cart і pavezl_ ў sanchasts at Dz_v_n. And company of a payshl ў fight of Prypyats_.

Praz dn_ heating two ¸kra_nskay vyosk_ Suppressing hell to personnel sanchasts_ I daveda¸sya that Vas_lya Makaruka to times z _nshym_ paranenym_ adprav_l_ on samalyoets ў the back …

43 reptiles prayshlo z tago to hour. І ¸ves geta hour chakayuts Iago rodnyya: brother Pyotr і Nadzey's sisters і Vera. ІІ amyatayuts і dumayuts Iago Syabry-partyzana's pra, adnavyasko¸ets. And I, kal_ ¸spam_nat a pile an aposhny sustrecha z Vas_lyom Makarukom, za¸syoda I prygadvat Iago "snayperka", on boxes at that dzen was yaky pyats nasechak. And a geta znachyts that pyats a zakhopn_ka ў zastal_sya lyazhats at baloyets la L_pava.

S. Batul_n, byla partyzan joy _mya Frunze Brestskaga zluchennya,
zhykhar vyosk_ Gayko¸ka.

Batul_n S. Vul_tsa _mya Makaruka / S. Batul_n//Kamun_stychnaya of prayets. – 1987. – 28 krasav_k. 


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