Articles about Kobrin: Tragedy of the villages of Kobrin district

Here came from all Union    

During the Great Patriotic War the village of Borisovka, like many other settlements, was burned to ashes...

The survived residents of neighboring farms in the fifties did not want to move of last century to the new place in any way, there, where the village built up, but gradually this process went - began to build school. At this time to Borisovka there arrived the young teacher Anna Smorzhuk who began work on creation at school of the military and historical museum.

- It became clear that from Kobrin district only our village spoke as the witness at the Nuremberg process, - Anna Ivanovna tells. - In 1943 the German documents in which Borisovki's extermination and neighboring villages was in detail described were taken. We requested photocopies of these documents from Moscow, from archive - sent them to us. Then we began to collect memoirs of participants and witnesses of military operations.

Material collected enough. And then the being director of the Kobrin military and historical museum of name A.V. Suvorov Alexey Martynov suggested to create the museum in Borisovke.

Under it allocated the separate building in which four rooms were issued: pre-war history of the village, war and patriotic education, ethnographic room and room of history of collective farm. The staff of school was helped by the staff of the museum of the Brest fortress, other museums. Educational process of school was attached to expositions which served as the good visual aid at lessons. The military and ethnographic exhibits, photocopies of archival documents, reminiscence of participants and veterans of war issued in albums by school students - all this and many other things can be seen in the museum.

Work was adjusted in such a way that during the summer the museum was visited to two thousand tourists for whom the tourist route in memorable places from Brest was laid. Came as from the regional center, so
and from all USSR.

There is a strong wish that the museum remained in original state further and did not lose the popularity. Here is what to look at.

Lyudmila Pashkovich

Pashkovich, L. Syuda came from all Union / Lyudmila Pashkovich//Kobrynski vesnik. — 2014. — 2 lipenya. — Page 4.
Anna Smorzhuk, the former teacher, created the school military and historical museum devoted to the burned village in Borisovke.
