Description of the coat of arms

The description of an official heraldic symbol - a municipal coat of arms of Kobrin and Kobrin district. Based on the historical coat of arms which was given to the city of Kobrin by the king Sigismund III Vazoy together with the right for self-government on a sample Magdebourg on December 10, 1589 a municipal coat of arms of Kobrin and Kobrin district represents the French board in which blue field the image of the baby Jesus Christ in gold clothes, Prechistoy Virgin Mary in clothes of red color, over a green tunic, in gold free part of a board just Anna in red clothes over a blue tunic. Persons and hands of figures – corporal color, over their heads gold nimbuses. Authors of reconstruction of the coat of arms P.A.Zharov, A.P.Makovtsov, S.E.Rassadin, V. A. Lyakhor.


The description of an official heraldic symbol - a flag of the city of Kobrin and Kobrin of the area
The flag of the city of Kobrin and Kobrin of the area represents veksillologichesky (flag) interpretation of the coat of arms in it primary colors and a figure of the stamp image are used. The flag of the city of Kobrin and Kobrin of the area represents a panel of blue color of 1х2 in size from the face of which the municipal coat of arms of Kobrin and Kobrin district which represents the French board where in the blue field the image of the baby Jesus Christ in gold clothes, Prechistoy Virgin Mary in clothes of red color, over a green tunic, in gold free part of a board just Anna in red clothes over a blue tunic is placed. Persons and hands of figures – corporal color, over their heads gold nimbuses.


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