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Short description. Males reach the sizes 10 — 12 mm, a female — to 20 mm. Adult individuals have golovogruda length more than its width. Golovogrud brown, with a wide yellow strip along side edges. Eyes are located in two ranks: forward — in the form of a straight line, and back — poorly curved line. Eyes of a back row are much larger than forward eyes. Helitsera strictly vertical with 4 teeth. A paunch oval with 2 yellowish longitudinal lines located from the belly party. Long and thick legs with large thorns on hips, knees, shins and prepads. Pads and tops of prepads are supplied skopuly (a dense brush of hairs).

Distribution. European look. Meets in the Berezinsky biospheric reserve [1, 2] and National park "Pripyat" [2].

Habitats. Inhabits inundated meadows and low-lying bogs, adult individuals live in a littoral zone more often. Usually they not movably sit waiting for production, at the same time hind legs are on coastal vegetation, and lobbies on a water surface.

Biology. The look is closely connected with water, leads an amfibiotichesky life. On a body it located the hydrophobic hairs providing not wettability of covers at immersion of spiders under water and allowing them to run quickly on a superficial film of a tension of water. Spiders become polovozrely at the age of 2 years. Pairing and reproduction happens in water. Females carry on themselves a yellowish-brown cocoon with eggs (1 cocoon contains 500 — 600 eggs). Before the removal of young individuals build the network on bunches of plants with a diameter up to 25 cm which is at the height from 10 to 100 cm over a water surface. Young individuals are removed in this network and are in it under protection of a female approximately within a week. 2 times a year breed.

Number and tendencies of its change. Single finds in the Berezinsky biospheric reserve and National park "Pripyat" are known. Reliable data about change of number are absent.
Major factors of threat. Violation of natural habitats.
Protection measures. More careful studying of distribution of a view of territories of the republic is necessary. Preservation of natural habitats.

Information sources:
1. Shlyakhtenok A.S. Fauna of spiders (Aranei) of meadow biogeocenoses of the Berezinsky biospheric reserve. Mn. Hands. Depp. In VINITI. 1986.
2. Frost MD. — personal message.

Originator Shavanova T.M.
