Kobrin district


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Number and tendency of its change:
In Belarus in most cases on nesting it is noted by single couples, occasionally on a reservoir 2-4 couples settle and only once the settlement in 10 couples is registered. Number in Belarus fluctuates and makes 50-100 couples. In general number in Europe is estimated at 31 000-140 000 couples.

Protection measures:
The look is included in the Red List of Republic of Belarus since 1981. Identification of places of regular nesting of birds and the organization of their protection and steady use is necessary first of all when maintaining fishery, and also decrease in a factor of concern during the nested period and regulation of number of vranovy birds.

- pond of fish farms
- evtrofny lakes
- natural pond
- winter: moderate and subtropical belts

Major factors of threat:
- the reconstruction of old fish-breeding ponds which is followed by their cleaning of surface vegetation
- predatoriness of a gray crow at the increased density of its number in inundated zones of reservoirs
- competition to a big toadstool

Description of a look:
The bird of the average sizes, length of a body is 40-50 cm, weight is 0,7-0,9 kg. Sexual dimorphism is absent. On a nape a small cop, the most noticeable at excitement of a bird. In marriage plumage head top to level an evil eye. Cheeks and throat light gray, neck rubiginous. Body top dark-brownish-gray, bottom white. Young birds have necks and the heads the dark and light extended strips on each side. The beak is sharp, thick, with the yellow basis. Toes with lopastevidny membranes.

The territory of Belarus entirely is a part of an extensive area of a look which occupies part of North America, considerable part of Europe, Central Asia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The nominative subspecies live in the Baltic region, the central and east parts of Europe, Turkey, Kazakhstan and in Western Siberia. In Belarus it is widespread sporadic. In different years it was noted on nesting in Pinsk, Myadelsky, Braslavsky, Brest, Berezovsky, Shumilinsky, Verkhnedvinsky, Postavsky, Chervensky, Zhitkovichsky, Grodno, Kobrin districts and in Bialowieza Forest. Stable settlements of a look were created only on fish farms. The main places of winterings are on the British islands, Mediterranean, Black and Kaspiysk the seas, in Kazakhstan, east part of Asia, the coast of North America.

The nesting flying look. Typical waterfowl. Very well floats and dives, flies reluctantly. Arrives in March - the second half of April. Start reproduction for the second year of life. Monodin. The nest is floating, represents a damp heap from the decaying water plants and is placed among surface vegetation or on the edge of thickets. The laying from 3-5, is more rare 6, at first white, then yellow-brown eggs of 50,0 in size - 34,0 mm appear in the second - the third decades of May. Nasizhivaniye 22-23 days. In a year one brood. Baby birds at monthly age begin to be fed independently, and in half-month - to fly. It is fed with different water invertebrates and small fish. Flies away in August-November.

Article from the Red List of RB
